Goblinworks Blog: 48 Hours and Counting

Pathfinder Online

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CEO, Goblinworks

Early Enrollment starts in 2 days!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Arghh I'm on the road! I knew this would happen!
But still, this is great news :D

Goblin Squad Member

Hard to believe we are finally at this point!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

"Stand in the door!"

Goblin Squad Member

Here we go!

Goblin Squad Member

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"Kick the tires and light the fires, bid daddy!"

Scarab Sages


Goblin Squad Member


Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Wooooo! With a side of Hoooooo!

Edit: I hope someone will broadcast the Battle of the Superheroes on Twitch. That should be fun.

Goblin Squad Member

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Damn. i'm in barcelona right now,and without my laptop.

Goblin Squad Member

<Looks at sealed scroll case.>

"Break Only in the Event of Early Enrollment."

<Picks up The Tiny Golden Mallet....>

Goblin Squad Member

*Faints* :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Countdown timer to Early Enrollment

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Goblinworks Blog wrote:
We are going to be ending the Alpha Test on Tuesday with a bang! When the server comes back on line after normal downtime at 10:00am (Pacific), players with Alpha accounts (about 100 of you!) will discover that you can make characters with the same capabilities we use for internal testing!

Will EE account holders have access to the server (with our existing characters) during this event, or will we be offline from downtime tomorrow until EE begins?

CEO, Goblinworks

Early Enrollees will be able to log in to the Alpha as normal on Tuesday but you won't be able to make Tester accounts.

Goblin Squad Member


Please read final paragraph of the blog before using said mallet.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Early Enrollees will be able to log in to the Alpha as normal on Tuesday but you won't be able to make Tester accounts.

Good to know. Thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

<Tavernhold> Locke wrote:


Please read final paragraph of the blog before using said mallet.

<Looks around...>

"What? I'm just holding the Mallet!"


Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

My wife was about to invite some friends from about EE start onwards (we talk 18:00 UK time) for New Years Eve get together. Luckily the best of all wifes agrees that I will be allowed to game part of the time - so we need some different arrangement.
This means my earlier today started Dwarven Banded +1 will not finish in time - but who cares.

Goblin Squad Member

Time for a New Year's Eve Marathon

Grand Lodge PFO Community Manager

Yes there will be live streaming :p and lots of shenanigans I'm sure!

Goblin Squad Member

So on a day when most people are spending their time with family and friends... Afraid the servers will crash?

Goblin Squad Member

Good news!

That is 5.00 am new years day here in Eastern Australia.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:

Good news!

That is 5.00 am new years day here in Eastern Australia.

And half an hour earlier here - who needs sleep?? See in the New Year ... hover impatiently by the PC ... see in EE ... go to work 24 hours later ... crash on the weekend. Easy plan :)

Goblin Squad Member

F#@k yeah.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very exciting! Congrats GW (and the community at large) on getting to this milestone :)

Goblin Squad Member

Sorry, but only giving 48 hours notice is the first decision by goblinworks I don't endorse. Of course I am happy the game is coming into early enrollment, but such short notice and doing it around holiday times robs many of us of the opportunity to be there for the beginning.

All that aside, have fun everyone!

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

19h00 for me, so time to log on and start the count before going out :D

Goblin Squad Member

Kudos for the most creative way to keep everybody from logging in same time!

Goblin Squad Member

Franz Lunzer wrote:
Damn. i'm in barcelona right now,and without my laptop.

Barcelona's its own reward :-).

Congratulations, Goblinworks!

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Goblin Squad Member

What's this I hear? Persistence? Well, 'bout damn time. :D

Goblin Squad Member

sspitfire1 wrote:

Feels like thirty...

Goblin Works Blog wrote:
and a blog about key resources for people to access as they're learning how to play.

I do hope this includes the abundance of player-generated materials out there.

Goblin Squad Member

Arrugggh! That means I have to lug the laptop with meeeee .... And how the frakk are I getting that one into my allready overfull pack ....

Goblin Squad Member

Well, shall be an interesting New Year. I'll get my characters made that morning, go celebrate, and then start the day after the game goes live. Congratulations to Ryan and Lisa on getting the product to this point!

Goblin Squad Member

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~6pm tomorrow for me, and I have the next 4 days off work, and a full bottle of Jack...

I will probably be changing names in EE. My crafter will be Kradlum, but my rogue/scavenger will be Snotbad.

Goblin Squad Member

7 people marked this as a favorite.

If PFO fail's I will blame the grass

Goblin Squad Member

2 PM eastern but don't get off work until 5! So three hours after it starts, I can start downloading the new installer and hope it actually downloads and doesn't hang up halfway through. An hour or two after that, assuming it doesn't take more than 3 or 4 tries to download, I can start playing.

Since I have New Year's Day off, lots and lots of gaming to be done late at night!!!!

Now, which is more important for gathering? Knowledge skills or actual craft skills?

Goblin Squad Member

Knowledge skill is for PvE Loot drops. The gathering skills on taught by Crafters.

*Dowsing, Forestry, Mining, Scavenger

Goblin Squad Member

Hmmm I ditch the laptop and go for convincing gf that it will be fun testing on her mac.... Must check so I have enough bandwith left for downloading it ... About 1.5 Gig on Mac too?

Goblin Squad Member

Will we be able to pre install the EE client?

CEO, Goblinworks

No. The EE client will be available when the servers come back up tomorrow.

Schedim wrote:
Hmmm I ditch the laptop and go for convincing gf that it will be fun testing on her mac.... Must check so I have enough bandwith left for downloading it ... About 1.5 Gig on Mac too?

Closer to 2 in my experience, possible more if you have to download through the patcher (not sure if Patcher does file compression).

Goblin Squad Member

sspitfire1 wrote:
Schedim wrote:
Hmmm I ditch the laptop and go for convincing gf that it will be fun testing on her mac.... Must check so I have enough bandwith left for downloading it ... About 1.5 Gig on Mac too?
Closer to 2 in my experience, possible more if you have to download through the patcher (not sure if Patcher does file compression).

Oki, and thus takes about 2 Gig discspace also?

Edit: Found answer elsewhere .. 5 Gig. Hmmm that may prove a stumbling block ...

Mayby should lug the laptop anyway..

Goblin Squad Member

Question for when EE starts. Will the Settlement leaders need to Email Goblinworks to get settlements up and running? (like they did in Alpha?)

Edit: I know it doesn't matter much until War of the Towers, just wondering.

CEO, Goblinworks

Yes - all the companies and Settlements will need to be re-established.

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