You've done outstanding work and advanced PFS far beyond what I imagined anyone could do. May your travels be safe, your health ever strong, and your life enjoyable. If you're ever in CA, I'll buy you a drink.
Gol Elsworth Sugarfoot wrote: Working on a reply to your RP on GW forum. fun stuff. taps foot impatiently
Congrats on defeating the Elemental Rift! That was a nasty escalation, and it seems like you handled it well!
I recognize those crazy people....
I blame Cheatle for my brain taking a vacation.
Sorry for the confusion, not sorry for all the free bumps!
Indeed. I thought KOTC was True Neutral, but I'm getting a feeling I'm mistaken and you're actually Neutral Good?
Any chance of a good bank Temple of Abadar?
What deities does KOTC plan on supporting once that feature goes live?

The Combat Upgrade hurt the game, rather significantly. If it was needed, the devs went about announcing it and implementing it in the entirely wrong way. The players felt ambushed by it, and that SOE didn't care about their paying customers. With better communication, things might have gone better. But post-CU, the game had a feel of "players vs devs", and that is hard to bring new people into. The other failure of the game was to not factor in top tier crafting and its effects, such as how good composite armor could be if a player was buffed. Had the devs realized that such armor and buffs made players gods among men, perhaps the solo-groups wouldn't have happened and the game would have kept its community spirit.
The takeaway from SWG?
1) Communicate with your players. Help them understand your decisions. Goblinworks does very well with this.
2) Test your code and designs before implementing! Goblinworks could use a little bit of a boost here. Perhaps there is a way to boost the population of the test server? Provide incentives to be there?
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Andius, you really hold no relevance here.
Thod says his settlement is growing, even counting in the players who have left.
Your response is effectively "nuh uh!"
Seeing as Thod actually runs a settlement, I'm inclined to believe him.
Didn't you have other games to go be in charge of? I'm sure they're missing you dearly...
I'd say join us. I would expect any company of good name to respect the PFU side of things and to not attack Golgotha. To do so would be highly dishonorable.
Pikes, you say?
FIERY! 200 pikes, stat! Don't know why, don't really care, but people wanna buy pikes!
Gol Tink wrote: And Friday... and Saturday. Sunday. Really, the only time he isn't 'naked' is when he is covered in the blood of our enemies. Or failed allies. Or kittens. know what? Maybe there's a market to be found here....shipments of fresh blood to bathe in....
Doc Foxglove, PFU wrote: I hope someone will record this - at least the highlights. Benevolent Dictator naked is always a highlight. In Golgotha, they call that "Thursdays".
It might seem strange to hear from an Empyrean, but I wish Aragon nothing but success in this rebranding. Best of luck to you, and may your numbers grow!
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How closely bound are the AGC and EOX? Should treaties signed regarding EOX be assumed to extend to AGC? Should agreements with AGC be understood to also apply to EOX? Are you a member company, a settlement company?
Any chance we could get this in a non-rp format to ensure there are no misunderstandings?
I meant what changed in 7.1 as relative to 7.0, such as what bugs got ironed out.
So wouldn't it make more sense for a link to go to talking about 7.1?
Link goes to the 7.0 release blog, chief
I sincerely hope the game grows to a point where you want to return and that you find the sense of belonging and fun in the meantime. Fair winds, lady bard, and may your travels bring you naught but more stories to tell!
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Nihimon wrote: Bluddwolf wrote: The loss of towers will eventually hinder even non combatant ability to train, and so it harms them as well. The Seventh Veil's is don't kill random players. If we don't know you're an enemy, we leave you alone. Everyone who is harmed by the loss of Towers in this war is a known enemy. I'll take "Missing The Point" for 500, Alex.
Taking towers affects non combatants in Golgotha.
All people affected by taking towers is a known enemy.
Thus, non combatants are considered known enemies by TSV.
It can therefore be inferred that TSV non combatants are acceptable targets per TSV's own doctrines.
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Bluddwolf wrote: DeciusBrutus wrote: Bluddwolf wrote: Remind me how taking a tower does not harm non-combatants?
That is being compared to placing a small holding, to harvest a Monster Hex, which is not only PVE but it is harvesting a completely renewable resource. Lol. Four GCEs in two sentences. GCEs? Generally Correct Explanations.
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Deianira wrote: Forencith of Phaeros, TSV wrote: While no one owns the nodes, you support stewardship of the land. Charging for licenses is your implementation of Kaitiakitanga, a way to create some limits, while providing a means to help support the stewards. <happy dance>
I've learned a new word! And it's a good word, for an important concept, too.
<squirrels it away for future use>
(Yes, I'm weird, I know.)
Not at all, I promptly did the same thing!
Savage Grace wrote:
tldr: if there were only 3 towers on the map, we'd all arrange to each have one day a month where we get to train to max rather than fight it out.
Oh, now I highly doubt that would be the case....
Al Smithy wrote: Killing people who are in your territory because you don't want them to be there, despite not having committed a moral crime, is definitely not Lawful Neutral.
That is straight up Lawful Evil, since you are attaching the legality of applying a death sentence or execution for violating a set of laws you have decreed rather than the distinction of being an aberrant of nature or having been known to have committed a heinous act.
We won't attack people just for being in our territory. They must either be a known enemy (rascally Golgothans), or people taking our resources without a previous agreement. We would try to work something out in the second case, but there is no gaurantee that we could come to a solution. And unfortunately, the game only allows one punishment, getting sent to the respawn shrine.
The difference between Lawful Good and Lawful Evil is how the laws are carried out.
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My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Those situations are hard on everyone, and I hope you all find peace and rest periodically.
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I have no doubt that if a truly Evil group who came to PFO to drive others out, you would see quite the community alliance forming together to stomp that behavior out.
EBA and Golgotha might fight, but we're like siblings. We do that. But someone outside the family starts something, well...
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Neadenil Edam wrote: Kryzbyn wrote: What exactly was the tragedy here?
From what I've been reading the game, as it's intended to be experienced, happened.
The game as some of the PvP fraternity intend it to be experienced happened.
In EVE the philosophy is learn to PvP or go play another game. People go out of their way to harass PvE people in EVE with the idea they need to either get into PvP or just quit.
Pathfinder is not actually meant to be that way longterm.
Actually, yes. A group that wanted to play alone and not deal with other settlements (trade, alliances, tribute, banditry, etc), found that the game didn't work for them. Ryan and the devs have made it clear time and time again that very small groups are not viable for PFO, and you need to work with others. If that doesn't work for you, then the core gameplay mechanic doesn't work.
If you are in a small settlement and you need Tier 2 gear, you can ask a larger group if you could buy gear with materials. If someone were to offer us a sizeable amount of coal or the like, I'm fairly sure we could come to some sort of arrangement. Same with recipes etc.
People think they are stuck. The answer is to change your perspective and realize that individuals can work together, groups can work together, and settlements can work together.
Summersnow wrote: FMS Quietus wrote: I really wish you would reconsider this course of action. No one wants to see you guys leave the game like this. Someone obviously wanted them gone or this wouldn't have happened.
People need to understand, this is a griefer game in that in order for one group or person to derive any actual entertainment value someone else has to suffer grief.
That flat out is not remotely true. I enjoy gathering. I enjoy playing with TEO. Doing so does not cause anyone grief (except Cheatle, I annoy him for fun some days).
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It's very simple, actually.
If you set up a trade agreement, they will honor it to the letter.
If you pay tribute, they will leave you alone.
They follow their own code and will not break it.
Those are the actions of a lawful state. If you don't have an agreement with them, then there is no law preventing them from doing what they want, hence lawful Evil. "What's yours is mine, unless we have an agreement that says otherwise."
(Golgothans are free to correct my statement)
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You can roleplay that. You just have to find an in character response to bandits plauging your land.
Will you fight, will you pay them off, or will you flee? The choice is yours. Consider it a plot hook, or the start of an adventure.
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote: TEO Cheatle wrote: and I hate you prices, lol But not enough to turn down your copper.... Hey, if Tink wants to pay 20 gold for hitpoints 9 here rather than Golgotha, we'll take the donation....
If there were no risk of PvP for months/years, the game wouldn't have even gotten off the ground.
I'm a gatherer. PvP is not what my character is skilled at, nor is it PvE. I still enjoy PvP, and I rarely die, despite gathering in locations that are said to be dangerous. It's not an endless trampling, for sure.
Sounds like Golgotha had a [s]good[/] evil and productive evening.
I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the PvP, and knowing Golgotha, they would happily take tribute so that you can avoid it.
Another option would be to reach out to another group and ask for aid or an alliance and see if they could help protect you.
Final option I see is to learn to either avoid PvP (agile feet buff and followthrough foresight gives you a sizeable speed advantage), or to fight the enemy off yourself.
Best of luck to you!
Gol Tink wrote: Hey Alexander, wanna go get ice cream? If I go, I'm emptying my pockets first.
And I'm getting sprinkles. No sprinkles, no deal.
They need to deploy 4.2 in order to be certain that it works properly on the live server. If they jumped to 5.0 and something went wrong, they wouldn't know what caused the problem. It could be changes from 4.2 acting up, it could be 5.0 code reacting badly to 4.2 code, it could be 5.0, they just wouldn't know.
Programming is a really complex thing, and as the old saying goes, "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."
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Regardless of if you think TEO would use information that we shouldn't have, you should also consider you are attacking the integrity of Goblinworks and Paizo when you make such statements. If you have a problem with TEO, so be it, but to attack the people who make the game repeatedly and without any semblance of proof is rather dissapointing.
Attack us if you wish, but leave the developers out of it.
Abadar will reign supreme!
Once we get our crossbows...
Will certainly be there for the interview!
Called it.
Glad you guys are able to do a rollback and fix the unexpected problems in the patch.
Lisa Stevens wrote: Mark Kalmes is in my home campaign.
So much envy.
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I believe outposts will be different than towers for a simple reason: you couldn't bank towers. If I needed 8 towers to maintain my training and I held 10, I couldn't bank the spare two towers time for a day when I held 6. With outposts, they actively produce resources, and resources can be banked for a rainy day. I can easily see people raiding outposts to build up a buffer for unexpected circumstances or to more rapidly grow their own settlement.
I think the answer was "no loot at all", actually...
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I would miss him, as well as most of Golgotha. They are good for the health of the game, they just need a few more mechanics to make the game function in a way that is more fun for them. I hope they can wait until those mechanics are in, it would be a shame to lose them.
I look forward to seeing how you navigate the murky waters of diplomacy, and wish you the best of luck!
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At 5:00 Pacific Standard Time, The Empyrean Order and The Seventh Veil successfully cleared a Tier Two Escalation for the first time in the history of the game! Many thanks to all of the people who turned out to take down the escalation in the last few days, it could not have been done without the effort of each of you. Special thanks to Fierywind who put in a lot of time coordinating the raids on the escalation, our crafters for supplying the many sets of gear, those who guarded the raid groups, and all the dedicated people who scouted the hex for events!
Here stands the valiant group that defeated the Ustalavian Champion!
We look forward to future events and clearing further hexes!
Rep is a resource meant to be spent, I recall a Great Zombie Benevolent Dictator once saying....
If you were so worried about the actions of another group, why not privately talk to them? If anyone has any concerns about TEO's actions, please feel free to contact me here, at our mumble, or on our message boards.
Consider how this thread went, take a look at the tone of the posts, and think of how other groups would interpret them. While you say that you weren't trying to attack other groups (and I believe you), the way you went about this felt like an attack on the integrity of TEO and it's members. Let's all consider this a teachable moment, move on, and be more willing to talk to groups about concerns, rather than broadcasting them to the public first.