
Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V's page

258 posts. Alias of Banesama.


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Goblin Squad Member

L20 Leatherworker (Conqueror's Hide) recipe from Ustilav.

This happened about 9 weeks ago, but I'm sure my Local was only at rank 7.

I've gotten some T3 spells and maneuvers too, as well as a few more T3 recipes. But can't remember all of them at the moment.

Goblin Squad Member

I believe the copy of the level 20 Conqueror's Hide stored in my vault was dropped by Mordant Spire if I remember correctly.

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
AvenaOats wrote:
I have to say PFO has SO MUCH GOING FOR IT; in particular the IP is literally and figuratively out of this world good quality.
Except there is absolutely nothing even remotely about PF, in PFO.

You must excuse Audoucet, he is some of the disillusioned that believe they must destroy PFO because it didn't suit their needs. You have to take whatever he says and a few others with several grains of salt.

Goblin Squad Member

Tharak Venethorn wrote:
While my satisfaction with the current situation is primarily because the EA which came out "ready to rumble" in terms of taking towers most people have agreed are meaningless at this point they have clearly been given a black eye and a bloody nose in a very meaningful way if Golgotha's raids have resulted in the loss of members for them.

I don't know about TEO or Keeper's Pass, but because of Golgotha we at Phaeros (T7V) have seen in an increase in new recruits.

Goblin Squad Member

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The reason why AGC wasn't given a non-hostile warning was because AGC was put on the Hostile List from previous actions they have taken in and around Keeper's Pass.

Edit: To change possible relationship between AGC and members of EBA, perhaps the leadership of AGC would open a diplomatic dialog with leadership of our three settlements.

Goblin Squad Member

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The entire game is based on territorial control. Resources, Escalations, and Land itself. Every nation that has ever existed has claimed land and secured it in someway. By your definition then, every nation is evil. So I guess every living sentient people is evil for wanting to protect what is theirs.

We do kill hostile players in our territory but that is mainly because at the moment that is the only mechanic the game gives us. We clearly stated what was our territory but that didn't stop some hostile groups to EBA to come and farm down there or even go around killing any player they come across, some EBA members some not.

You seem to be complaining about EBA claim to territory but that is part of the game. At the very beginning Goblinworks stated this would be a game about PvP territory control. So complaining about it now seems out of place, unless your complaint is strictly about EBA which leads me to believe you have an agenda.

Goblin Squad Member

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Tharak Venethorn wrote:

Don't be "toxic" Decius. The man is just expressing his opinion of your policies. ;)

@Drake. Those games were successful. I'm their time. There is a reason people gravitated from those titles to newer ones, and certain features not present in old MMOs are standard in modern ones. Even modern sandboxes that break the mold in most regards.

I have played older games where territorial control wasn't so cut and dry. And I responded by enforcing extremely simple rules in our territory there. Basically "Don't pick on Newbs." It cost us in tax revenue but was best for the community. Obviously you are so eager to get your hands on anything you feel you have the strength to hold you can't wait until there are actual mechanics for it.

Come now Tharak, the only true "toxic" poster on this thread has been you. Decius has every right to tell the likes of you to throw your propaganda elsewhere from an EBA thread.

Don't know where this idea that EBA was Lawful Good. EBA is if anything True Neutral aligned.

Goblin Squad Member

Diego Rossi wrote:
Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V wrote:
Sigh.. this is just going back and forth. As usually Golgotha is spinning stuff to make them look as the offended party. Oh well. Here is your cake.

LE standard. It is consistent with the alignment.

(And it is valid in both directions, as you too are LE, right?)

Actually, I'm NE.

Goblin Squad Member

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Sigh.. this is just going back and forth. As usually Golgotha is spinning stuff to make them look as the offended party. Oh well. Here is your cake.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Phyllain wrote:

The original agreement, which TSV alternates between changing the terms of and denying it applied to them, was that EoX would stop engaging in PvP in EBA land for a reciprocation of action from the EBA, or apparently just teo in nihimons mind. Base camps and escalations where never banned, in fact cheatle and I agreed that any of our members found in the others land was fair game. If TSV had killed the trespassers there would have been no issues. Durring the truce we continued to kill any EBA members we found up in our mountain. Of which there where quite a few.

TSV took a tower form AGC, we responded by taking towers from them and engaging characters around phaeros. TEO took all of our towers, we responded by removing the restriction on banditry in the area around teo. In fact I even sent PMs to teh leaders of keepers pass and Brigthhaven warning them that we would be killing people around phaeros and to warn their members.

This entire incident has proven that negotiation with the EBA is impossible. Any one city that is a member can just scrap any agreement the over all oganization makes. Unless we where expected to not take the fight TSV after they attacked us.

I don't remember TEO being there when we took all your Towers. It was primarily Phaeros and Keeper's Pass with a few others, but no TEO in sight.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tink wrote:

We took back the tower that T7V had taken in response to AGC plopping a base camp in a hex. We also took 2 Phaeros towers on Saturday.

We also went into Phaeros lands and killed everything we could. Because that is what T7V invited when they attacked us. Do you really expect us to let their industrial machine roll on as is? No. That would be stupid.

There are no civilians in this game. Like it or not, everyone is a target.

That was your response and that is fine. Doesn't bother me one bit. However as you just admitted it wasn't EBA that broke the agreement but your AGC.

Edit: I'll add this little bit. We have every right to protect our hard earned Escalations (resources) if others think us taking their Tower was a inappropriate response.

Goblin Squad Member

Tuffon wrote:
Gaskon wrote:


Would you be willing to make an agreement like "Golgotha doesn't kill gatherers in exchange for Brighthaven doesn't take all our towers"?

Is that what you tried before?

Because from my Northern perspective, it seems like the breakdown point for all these agreements is that Golgotha won't stop killing gatherers.

Would a functional war of towers be a fair exchange for a moratorium on killing outside of tower hex PVP windows?

Where did you get the idea that this is from killing gatherers? becuase we have not been able to go down there for pvp operations since the agreement like 3-4 weeks ago.

This started last week when Phaeros decided to take a tower from KB. as to their reasons for taking one of KB towers .. i have yet to hear one.

The reason was very simple. A Company from Golgotha (can't remember their name at the moment but they use to be part of Aragon) put a base camp in our territory and was attempting to farm our Spire Escalation. They were driven off a couple of days in a row. The leadership decided in response to take this said Company's Tower near Emerald Spire. We had no real intention to keep it, though we did put up a token defense. From there Golgotha members started to attack everyone they came across in the SE which led to the current state.

Goblin Squad Member

Do you want to be evil? But the fun type. Not the type that likes to follow rules or the type that can't control themselves, but the type that can adapt to different situations. Then The Veiled might be for you. We are an Assassin/Thieves Guild-like organization under the Phaeros banner that is part of the largest alliance in game, The Everbloom Alliance.

Assassinations, burglary, anti-banditry, banditry, and various miscellaneous jobs are waiting for you. We are PvP centric, but don't let that scare you away. PvE players are welcome too. We will have jobs dealing with escalations and eventually dungeons as well waiting for PvE activities.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Phyllain wrote:
Does this mean I can't come stand on peoples heads anymore?

Standing on heads is perfectly fine. However, if you attempt to stand on Nihimon's head, we will have to consider that an act of war. Nihimon's head is only for citizens of Phaeros.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

The only people that followed him were two members of TEO and one from TSV. I can see Andius still gets under your skin, which is kind of funny. Last I heard he was playing on one of his alt accounts, and had infiltrated another company.

I suspected this was the case even though Andius was trying to make everyone believe he took a large group with him.

Goblin Squad Member

If I come across a husk of someone I don't know in the wild. Guess what, I'm going to check to see if they have anything worth looting. But then, I'm playing a rogue.

I would probably check the husk even if it was someone I did know but might refrain from taking anything just for curiosity sake if I am on good terms with them. At least check to see if they plan on coming back to retrieve their stuff. If I am on bad terms with them, then I will take anything that looks valuable. Even that 1cp.

Goblin Squad Member

These arguments of what is Lawful, what if Chaotic, what is Good, and what is Evil has been going on since the birth of D&D and will continue to go on for as long as Alignments exists. Every person is going to have their own view point and interpretation.

If this was a Tabletop game, the DM would have the last say on what means what. But with the nature of MMOs, we won't ever get a workable answer for alignments. So the whole Lawful/Chaotic/Good/Evil argument here is pointless.

Goblin Squad Member

I have no problem with husk camping and don't see it as griefing in any way.

Shrine camping is a different issue though, but thankfully I have only seen it done a few times.

Goblin Squad Member

Is that all?

Amateurs! :P

Goblin Squad Member

Evasion sometime work. But there are holes out there that it doesn't work. I ran into a hole yesterday in the meteorite hex in the SE of the map and nothing would get me out but death. Thankfully, I didn't have anything valuable on me at the time.

Then a few minutes later another person got stuck in the same hole and asked my help getting out.

Goblin Squad Member

I haven't had a crash since Alpha. So far, EE has been running real smooth for me.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tink wrote:
Back in my day we would kill 100 Mordant Spire, only wearing our underwear, with nothing but a wooden club to defend ourselves with. One time, I killed 50 of them just by looking at 'em funny. Yer all a bunch of sissies compared to the mighty Tink.

Pfft... that is nothing. Why wear underwear, back in my day we just walked up to them naked with no weapons. Seeing how well endowed I was, then Mordent men backed away in shame while the Mordant women starting fighting each other to get to me first.

Goblin Squad Member

Take a few levels in Bowyer along with some Smelter & Sawyer levels would allow you to make our own generic arrows when ammo comes in. Bowyer will add to Dex while Smelter & Sawyer both add to Con which is always good.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't know if it is still there because I avoid it like the plague. But there was two holes that were death traps through the pass from Phaeros to Keeper's Pass on the west side.

I remember seeing Ryan's avatar sitting there for the next person to fall victim to them.

Goblin Squad Member

Last week, a moderate group of Phaerions went up to Mordant Spire when it was next to Golgotha. At peak, there was two full groups with mostly Tier 1+2 equipment. We had no trouble taking them on. Of course, there were a few deaths, but most of them were new characters in starter gear that we brought along.

We got some really nice Tier 2 recipes.

I went from that Mordant Spire Slayer achievement (I think that was what it was called) level 0 to level 5 in that one adventure.

Goblin Squad Member

KarlBob wrote:

Yup, very much a known issue. It's not a bad idea to occasionally remind GW of some of these long-standing issues, though.

Maybe a Tier 2 short bow will be able to one-shot omega wolves, or desperate goblins. I can dream, anyway.

I've one shot omega wolves, recruit bandits, and occasionally goblins with my Tier 1+2 shortbow. You stealth into range and then fire off Deadly Aim.

Goblin Squad Member

At least your rescuer didn't get stuck in the same hole as you with you. :P

Goblin Squad Member

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Bah... forget horses and teleportation. I'll travel through the hexes on the back of my bunny-girls. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Want Avari failed to mention is that The 7th Veil has me in it. That is enough to join. Oh.. also has Nihimon, Decius, and a few others. :P

Goblin Squad Member

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Diego Rossi wrote:

One think we need is containers to sort our stuff.

I am a collector and have a large number of researched pages that I don't want to use or trade away. But they clutter my bank and make finding green items harder. A container for them would be a good thing.

People playing alchemist and apothecaries will need them even more to separate the different kind of items they produce and they would be a great help for bank characters.
A "for Gunther" container would make their life way easier than having to check the request rooster in the forum.

I currently solve this problem by putting the research pages in one settlement's bank and other stuff in other settlement banks.

Goblin Squad Member

I still have a concern that my dedicated crafter has to get 35 Subterfuge points to train in T2 armor. He isn't built for combat.

Goblin Squad Member

The Veiled Company has been created within PFO and still open to recruiting. If you are not already a member of The Seventh Veil, then go there to send in an applications.

Links found below:

The Seventh Veil
T7V Application subforum
The Veiled Recruitment Thread

Goblin Squad Member

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Hardin Steele wrote:
Neadenil Edam wrote:
Shared vault on same account -> Stupid very bad idea especially with people having characters in opposing settlements
Yeah, that could pretty much destroy any need to trade at all.

The Settlement Banks would still be independent of each other. You would still have to transport an item from one bank to another overland.

Goblin Squad Member

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Savage Grace wrote:

Unfortunately, there is no way for either of us to prove the other wrong.

Heck, your own mates might be HIDING their low rep just to fit in at K.P. ;-)

Ah.. you must be a little bit uninformed. I'm always right. That is just my nature. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Savage Grace wrote:
Jakaal wrote:

AFK rep gaining is another issue, and is why you see threads asking for ways to combat that issue. Allowing PvP kills in town is not it.

The crowdforging for that issue definitely DOES include PvP as a solution (combined with things like not returning to life until you press a button, and not gaining rep while you remain dead).

If you mean that isn't your PERSONAL choice, then fine, but PvP was actually fairly popular as part of the way to deal with AFK rep gain.

Your assumption that most AFK people are rep gaining is not true. At least not for Keeper's Pass and Phaeros. I personally have not been below 5k Rep because I usually let the enemy get one free shot on me first. As for Crafters that are AFK, they don't fight so they don't lose Rep to gain back. For most people that are in Keeper's Pass they won't have bad reps.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Fighting in town is the only reliable source of PVP? If that's true, then WoT isn't doing its job at all. Maybe the change allowing defenders to always subtract capture points will make WoT a more reliable source of PVP, since defending should become a viable option.

My observation of in town PvP so far is it consists mainly of:

- targeting AFK players
- targeting players standing at craft stations
- targeting newly logged in players during the 20 seconds they are visible in game to others but have no game interface themselves

combined with a lot of running away :D

This is what I've seen when it comes to PvP in towns. There are certain players that do that in Keeper's Pass and I know of at least one that logs out so he isn't attacked back. There is nothing 'meaningful' about that PvP.

Goblin Squad Member

A few.

Goblin Squad Member

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Ah... I told Wexel not to put our virgin sacrificial altar there. We'll have to move it now.

Goblin Squad Member

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The reason why Slappy... er mean Slammy seems to have people dislike him is his tactics when PvPing and then bragging about it. Others have had more experience with his antics but my personally experience was him rushing into either Hammerfall or Keeper's Pass, attacking unarmed crafters, and then fleeing any time a real PvP character comes along to defend the crafters.

And currently with no gain from attacking crafters (loot), it can only be seen as griefing to me. If he had done it outside of the settlement with a gathering character, that is okay, for it could be a resource protecting thing.

Goblin Squad Member

Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
I think another tactical choice could have been crowd control, burst spells, cantrips. Anything that causes massive stacks of slow or knockdown. All of those effects would make it much easier to target people.

You should be able to defend properly within the Tower without worry of EoA friendly fire. Towers should be like a siege, defenders within while enemies try to enter.

Goblin Squad Member

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:
Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
Until that is the case, it's definitely griefing material.
Unfortunately, that's what happens when people resort to cheeseball tactics. It causes the other side to resort to even worse tactics. It's kind of a self-reinforcing downward spiral.

Indeed. I WANTED to fight a normal battle, and started out fighting a normal battle, but was already frustrated with the game's targeting and lack of friend-or-foe visibility. When the defenders switched to our armor color it was the last straw for me.

I'm sure they'll state some justification for switching to our armor color, (just as I justified my move to a cheeseball tactic), but the end result is exactly as you described.

"a self-reinforcing downward spiral".

In teamspeak, we were directed to change our color to red. Most of us did that. I wasn't paying attention enough to my own allies to notice if they didn't change their colors to red.

Goblin Squad Member

Midnight of Golgotha wrote:
Merkaile wrote:
Actually the comment wasn't about a lack of customization, it was about a lack of nameplates. I want names and company affiliation hovering over people's heads. I know there's not a lot of support for that but it's something I throw my full support behind.

In PvP this is important to me.

But I completely understand players not wanting their immersion ruined, which means we should be able to toggle it on and off.

Agreed. A Toggle command would be nice. Toggle it on for things like Towers and other large combat scenarios. Toggle it off when I want to slip into hostile territory alone.

Goblin Squad Member

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Jakaal wrote:
I've never liked click targeting. I have found though that in PFO the click only counts if it's on the head, which makes something fairly hard, even harder. Definitely hope targeting options get some love soon.

Agreed, when someone is running around like a headless chicken, it is hard to hit their head. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Phyllain wrote:
Got into a nice fight again tonight with TEO and TSV. Traded oen tower for another. Lessons learned, Defense is impossible even when the defender outnumbers the attacker. That or TSV/TEO didn't quite outnumber us enough to stop us.

It was a lot of fun. It was my first PvP for EE and I learned a lot of stuff. And you are right about it being impossible to defend. For the first Tower, we did have more defenders within the circle but it didn't slow down your point acquisition at all.

Happy to say though I went from Player Killer L0 to L5 with those two Tower battles and only lost 11 points on my Bow due to deaths. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Read this BLOG and follow the instructions carefully, especially about the Destiny Twin before you log into the EE Client.

And the EE Client won't be available until about 3 hours from now. (1pm EST)

Goblin Squad Member

Illililili wrote:
I just got the email, followed the link, Installer still has 16.0 on it

The EE Installer won't go live until tomorrow.

Goblin Squad Member

Knowledge skill is for PvE Loot drops. The gathering skills on taught by Crafters.

*Dowsing, Forestry, Mining, Scavenger

Goblin Squad Member

Will the various Packs be available at start of EE, such as the Alliance or Regional Trait Pack?

Goblin Squad Member

It would be nice for extra options, but not sure how much it would be used. For example, we at The Seventh Veil, already have a Phaeros section with both Public and Private entries on our website.

Goblin Squad Member

I will probably make my 1st character then log out and make my 2nd character. Then do the relevant stuff before I make my way to my Settlement.

That way, there XP will only be a few minutes apart. I probably won't be one of those people that tries to be on for the 1st minute of EE, but definitely the 1st day.

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