Rohkar Cindren

Kadere's page

Goblin Squad Member. 585 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Goblin Squad Member

You can click past the error in Chrome by hitting Advanced.

Sadly, SSL cert expiry is the sort of thing that can really sneak up on you. Luckily, it usually only has to happen once before you start watching it very carefully!

Goblin Squad Member

Vox Joinusi

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you can't enjoy a game with bad graphics, you have my unending pity. In many ways the classics are absolutely the best. Graphics are an element to good design, but a relatively small one.

I would expect iteration on graphics, but if you're expecting a total overhaul (and if such would be a requirement for you to play), then don't hold your breath.

In terms of 'stuff to do' - there is plenty of stuff to do. But there is not much content, as that is what I expect you mean. This isn't that sort of game. The other players are the content. See: EVE Online.

Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:
Aren't all goblin bombers suicide bombers?

Not intentionally!

Goblin Squad Member

Keep up the good work Thannon.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Much like EVE, the vast majority of the fun in PFO is to be found in the metagame, no login required.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So Al can't even edit his post to be less demanding and rude? That's a shame.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, that was quick.

Goblin Squad Member

He may not be able to - I forget the interval, but the Paizo boards lock editing after a short amount of time.

Goblin Squad Member

Pyronous Rath wrote:
Kadere wrote:
I didn't get any traction in my previous thread, so I'll create a new one!
Not what happend at all I was just watching all the GDC 2015 vids. I saw that one was inspired and started a thread about it. The response is typical of you forum tyrant's.

To be a tyrant, you need to have some sort of authority. I don't - I just disagree with you. Do you feel oppressed?

Goblin Squad Member

I didn't get any traction in my previous thread, so I'll create a new one!

Goblin Squad Member

Community toxicity /is/ a problem, and not a minor one (how many people does it drive away from EVE, I wonder? I know of several from personal experience) - but I'll admit, chat filtering or lack thereof is only tangentially related to that at best. I was mostly being tongue in cheek.

Goblin Squad Member

Pyronous Rath wrote:
sticks n stones....

...may break your bones, but unchecked cursing makes the game less welcoming to people with little tolerance for b%&$%%+@ and is detrimental the future development of the community.

Goblin Squad Member

The discussion is still purely academic, since there is no way on god's green earth that an engine change is going to happen.

Goblin Squad Member

It's almost like tone matters or something.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

People are flawed. Machines are perfect. All hail Zog.

Goblin Squad Member

As long as I'm allowed to turn it off, sure.

Goblin Squad Member


I even took the time to actually link to mine.

Goblin Squad Member

What does the best in you look like? Have we seen it?

I'm confused. Hold me.

Goblin Squad Member

1. No, because all that time spent converting is time not spent making the game any better.
2. Possibly. Relevance?
3. No, since their current toolchain has been customized to fit their needs already.
4. Unlikely. Also [citation needed].
5. My friends in the Indie circuit have experience in all the major engines, so (I happen to know that this point is moot).

Goblin Squad Member

I take the opposite interpretation. Just because the Thornguard won't kill you, doesn't mean any of the NPCs will give you the time of day. If these two things aren't independent, it'll only be because they don't have the tech yet.

Being able to operate normally at home while in low rep would undermine the rep system to such an extent as it make it effective irrelevant, and I don't think Ryan would go for it.

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, an API for that sort of information is a long way from MVP. Maybe for OE.

Goblin Squad Member

Pyronous Rath wrote:
Actually it is you that does not understand how much of pfo in man hours is not code all of wich would be transferable.

[citation needed]

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Al Smithy wrote:
Kadere wrote:
Golgotha have chosen to label themselves as Evil, the onus is on them and their players to live up to it. Shirking that responsibility because it is difficult, while hiding behind the veil of provocative discussions is really just a disservice to serious role players.
I just noticed this today. It is plainly obvious you were writing a parody of a comment I made in another thread, lol almost word for word, and posted it here because you think I am a member of this Golgotha group. I'm not, never was, and I don't play the game, haven't for more than a month or two now. Just kind of lurking and observing and commenting until the game shows more promise.

You are half correct, right up til the second comma at least. I was parodying you because I found your original comment absurd, and I found parodying it amusing.

I try not to make assumptions about people's motivations. You should try it.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
Would be cool if they had some permanent effect in addition to the one off achievment. Minor power regen or something.

Any permanent buff that these grant would make them effectively mandatory as the game develops. If it doesn't cost XP, it shouldn't be permanent.

Goblin Squad Member

Agreed - Sunholm has had diplomatic contact from Dagedai. They aren't dead, but they are asleep.

Goblin Squad Member

Unless he has found his way into a position of authority, I find the usage of the term 'infiltrated' somewhat dubious. How many companies aren't taking all comers at this point?

Goblin Squad Member

I think the Southwest will be a bit more desirable once we get Fort Inevitable. That location played a part in why Sunholm chose to be sited where it is. We were thinking long term.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Erian has hit the nail on the head, I think. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what the EBA is, and what function it serves. As I understand it, the EBA is just a casual alliance of friends, rather than an entity that can exercise control over any settlement.

Contrast to the Aeonian League. For the most parts, our member settlements are independent in policy and behavior. However, we do have certain agreements that all settlements are required to uphold. These are enforced (although without teeth, but this has yet to be an issue). Thus, you CAN deal with the Aeonian League at a diplomatic level, and expect all it's member settlements to comply with that agreement.

It is a key difference. The EBA is barely more than words and smiles between friends. It is not an entity unto itself.

Goblin Squad Member

Changing game engine is a very non-trivial task. It is the sort of change that sinks projects.

In short, no.

Goblin Squad Member

Tragic. But I guess it had to happened eventually. Sorry it was you, dude. :|

Goblin Squad Member

It's a good time to be an indie developer, that's for sure.

Goblin Squad Member

Bumper boats

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skorn wrote:
I take strong execution to the idea harvesting is ever theft. You simply do not own the resources.

You should try telling that to an oil company, see how far that gets you. Or opening a mine without the permission of the govt. Or any such. In geopolitics, unharvested resources are most certainly owned.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Barrens Chat is dead. Long Live Barrens Chat.

Seriously though, I am good at mentally filtering out noise in global channels. I'm more than it exists than I am annoyed by the nonsense.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Al Smithy wrote:
Al, I'll make you an offer. You have portrayed yourself as a master of roleplaying with regard to alignment. I suppose you may be reluctant to offer us advice as we are a enemy to you.

I am nobody's enemy I haven't played since about the second week of early enrollment.

provide any wy for us to better implement our policy in compliance with your definition of Good within PFO, I will champion your advice to be implemented throughout the EBA. I'll extend this offer to anyone that can better portray our Good alignment in game-allowable actions.

That is very wise. That is the Erian I like. Glad to see you back.

Best of luck.

...he says, not actually taking Erian up on the offer.

Something something hot gas.

Goblin Squad Member

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Golgotha have chosen to label themselves as Evil, the onus is on them and their players to live up to it. Shirking that responsibility because it is difficult, while hiding behind the veil of provocative discussions is really just a disservice to serious role players.

Goblin Squad Member

Is it the death penalty evil if you are simply revived at a nearby shrine? Murder and the death penalty are heinous things because they are final. That is not the case here.

Goblin Squad Member

What are Golgotha's colours? I'd like to not wear them.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Al Smithy wrote:
How can Andius remain objective while part of your council of contacts? Wasn't he the leader of TEO before it got stolen from him? With that kind of angst I doubt he would be very impartial.

Let's play a game of 'did he miss the parody or is he just playing it straight?'

Goblin Squad Member

Liam L wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

The account is unused.

Does this mean you haven't made any characters on it? Which means no pile of XP?

I'd say this is correct (though the DT is still immensely valuable).

Goblin Squad Member

I would sincerely hope these items were not put into the live server with such an issue still present. If it is, I'll just have to take one for the team in order to prove that it is still a problem.

Goblin Squad Member

something something long enough to see yourself become the villain

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What incentive is there to do that? If I had a settlement holding account to sell, asking Goblinworks to close the settlement does nothing (for me - after all, hypothetically I'm leaving the game, the bigger picture doesn't matter to me) but reduce my potential ROI.

Goblin Squad Member

I certainly hope so, since mine did too. I certainly hope it returns even if I don't break down my camp manually, since I likely won't be able to login in the next 5 days...

Goblin Squad Member

I have posted some of my raw and refined items in the CC AH - I hope we can get a solid base of refined materials and recipes listed, as you'll have a buyer in me at least :P

Goblin Squad Member

I think he meant the typo.

Goblin Squad Member

It has been delayed, and last I saw we didn't have a new date.