So what Occult characters are you planning on playing?

Pathfinder Society

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Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Title says it all.

I'm finally dusting off my Sylph Boon and making an air-bending Kineticist.

The Breeze-Kissed Alternate Racial Trait is thematically perfect, too.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

I have to say that since I was reading/giving feedback/reading the feedback threads, that I am am not even done with the pdf... but Kineticist seems to be my first choice right now. Either water-bender or earth-bender... and yes I think that description will stick.^^

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****

I made an air-bending Kineticist too.

Mine is from the River Kingdoms where he was ostracized from his Erastil worshipng community for not being able to pick up the longbow.

I also made a Varisian Gypsy psychic who was raised by Dwarves in Janderhoff before leaving and falling in with the Scarzni.

Finally a Dwarven Spiritualist who channels the Fist of Torag.

1/5 **

I'd love to make a Kineticist. The problem is I mostly GM; not sure I can get in a slot as a player before the play test closes.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Trying to get some games on Fuligin. An occultist would good thematically but for the life of me i can't figure out what the class is supposed to do.

Shadow Lodge

I'm thinking of a Undine Water-bender Kineticist, which if I am reading things correctly Kinetic Healer can make a very effective healer since it only costs 1 burn (none with a move action)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Kellid psychic.

Night Hunt mammoth lord tribe, the first line of defence against the magical onslaught from outsiders.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I will make a Kineticist of some type, not sure exactly what yet.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Dylos wrote:
I'm thinking of a Undine Water-bender Kineticist, which if I am reading things correctly Kinetic Healer can make a very effective healer since it only costs 1 burn (none with a move action)

Check the sticky in the Kineticist thread, the move action build up is supposed to read that it only works with BLAST wild talents, so no go on the free healing.


I am already testing a Kineticist, and I am interested in getting an Occultist and a Psychic tested before it ends.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

When the playtest first came out I was excited. I looked the Kineticist and Mesmerist over and wanted to give one of them a try but lost interest shortly within a day. Part of me looks at the classes and thinks their just too similar to other classes out there, and since I don't get to play that much, there are a lot of classes out there I've been wanting to try for a very long time before them.

But maybe I'll get the chance to try one out before the Playtest ends. Since I already have a ranged base character, I might try out the Mesmerist instead since I do like social skills. But I can't lie that part of me suspects I might end of changing the character into a bard after I try Mesmerist out once or twice.

Shadow Lodge

Fomsie wrote:
Dylos wrote:
I'm thinking of a Undine Water-bender Kineticist, which if I am reading things correctly Kinetic Healer can make a very effective healer since it only costs 1 burn (none with a move action)

Check the sticky in the Kineticist thread, the move action build up is supposed to read that it only works with BLAST wild talents, so no go on the free healing.


I am already testing a Kineticist, and I am interested in getting an Occultist and a Psychic tested before it ends.

Well, it could still be an effective healer nonetheless, I just wish the burn mechanic was a little less harsh.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm thinking of a Brevoy Telekinetisist name Yuri, Master of the Mind, who can bend a solid metal spoon with but a thought, or propel a fork into your very heart.

Silver Crusade

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I'm trying to figure out the best way to make a Spiritualist Persona-user.


I just started an occultist who gives and takes away life.


I'm going with the captain obvious of Medium builds - Bear -> Beating. Running a half-orc to get the bite attack for a full round worth of attacks, picking up Imp Grapple at 5 once I can Dual Vessel in the Imp Unarmed from Beating. Being able to Trance to huge size at 7 is silly.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

I have a level 7 GM credit / campaign mode character I've been waiting/debating what to build, so hopefully I can get in enough games during the playtest to see how a kineticist functions at the 7-11 tier (still debating between Aether and Earth though...even though I only have ~13 hours left to decide lol).


Too many kineticists being built, not enough of the other classes imo.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Karzoug Zey Cettigne, human occultist-for-hire.

Mag...uh, object reading: It can get a guy killed.

Dark Archive 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

rakasha blooded tiefling ( with a octopus looking face) ...psychic

who thirsts for brains...

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

My wife and I have fresh level 2 characters that we planned to make into Kitsune archers. I think I might make mine an Occultist.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Tsriel wrote:
Too many kineticists being built, not enough of the other classes imo.

Locally we're sort of divvying up playtest characters - me and one other person are doing kineticists, a couple of people are building occultists, there's at least one (each) mesmerist and medium being worked on too.

I think that class is getting a bit more "press", though, yes.


I have a level one Psychic built and ready to play in The Confirmation. I fear that the first two levels are going to be extraordinarily underwhelming.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Tsriel wrote:
Too many kineticists being built, not enough of the other classes imo.

I think that speaks more to the composition of the other classes than anything to do with the choices made by playtesters. The whole thing strikes me more as a passion project by one of the developers than something that fits a demand in the customer base. Hopefully it sells very well, because I love the company and what they do for the community. In the alternative, hopefully Paizo can carry the cost of a barely profitable niche publication, as opposed to trying for something that might appeal to more of their customers.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Tsriel wrote:
Too many kineticists being built, not enough of the other classes imo.

I've heard people say the Kineticist is similar to a popular class that was available in 3.5 but that has not yet been reprinted in Pathfinder, so there may be that.

In my case, since I have an elemental race boon, the pairing of the two is just too perfect.

But I'm sure the at-will blast mechanic is drawing lots of attention as well.

Or it could be as simple as the fact that the Kineticist is the first class in the book, so it's what people read and get interested in first.


4/5 5/5

I currently have absolutely no need for new characters so I won't be participating in the playtest, but the spiritualist and medium are the most interesting to me. I'd probably make something between Persona and a grimdark magical girl.

Sovereign Court

I'd like to make a Mesmerist if I can get in a game before the deadline, but it seems like the early levels will be tough once you run out of spells. The Medium also seems like it could be really interesting to RP, but the mechanics are a little unintuitive for me.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

I have a Spiritualist ready to go.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I built my Sylph into a Aerokinetic and played it on Friday. It was a great character so far after blasting a skeleton with a max damage Air Blast. I am still trying to decide on what to make next.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I'm doing my best to play a Wayang Occultist. Hoping to get a game in soon!


I'm only set to GM in the coming month - no playing.

So I will be making NOTHING!

(I'd make a Psychic if I could.)

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Tsriel wrote:
Too many kineticists being built, not enough of the other classes imo.

A few reasons for that I think.

1) It is the first class listed.

2) It fills a particular Warlock and Anime theme.

3) It has the simplest concept of the new classes, yet has built in variety so you almost have 5 distinct archetypes within the class.

4) It is direct and does one thing (how well it does that is a matter of much debate)

5) It is the only "unique" new class. All the other classes seem like variations on already existing classes.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Preston Hudson wrote:
I built my Sylph into a Aerokinetic and played it on Friday. It was a great character so far

We'll have to compare notes!


Nohwear wrote:
I just started an occultist who gives and takes away life.

Sounds like we may have had the same idea..

I'm playing a human occultist on Tuesday. Settled on Necromancy & Conjuration for lots of disposable minions. and a Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds spell list!

Couldn't decide on the feats for ages, and then finally went for Believer's Boon (Protection) and Amateur Investigator for 3 uses of inspiration a day.

As the PC has Profession Sexton, they have rough & ready trait and a cold iron shovel. No strength to speak of though, so we'll see how it goes..

EDIT: I just read Believer's Boon again, and I'm not at all sure it's worth the feat.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a useful feat for a PFS Occultist?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Apocryphile wrote:
Nohwear wrote:
I just started an occultist who gives and takes away life.

Sounds like we may have had the same idea..

I'm playing a human occultist on Tuesday. Settled on Necromancy & Conjuration for lots of disposable minions. and a Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds spell list!

Couldn't decide on the feats for ages, and then finally went for Believer's Boon (Protection) and Amateur Investigator for 3 uses of inspiration a day.

As the PC has Profession Sexton, they have rough & ready trait and a cold iron shovel. No strength to speak of though, so we'll see how it goes..

EDIT: I just read Believer's Boon again, and I'm not at all sure it's worth the feat.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a useful feat for a PFS Occultist?

Combat Casting


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to wait until the final rules are published. The characters I made for the last playtest got neglected once they reached second level because I wanted the right to rebuild them if the rules changed significantly (which turned out to be the right call). Plus, my mind is still swimming in the possibilities of the ACG.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

I was thinking of starting a Psychic with a profession as a con artist.

Also, wouldn't it be fun if the whole table was the same and performed the following during our encounters?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Texas—Houston

Nefreet wrote:

Title says it all.

I'm finally dusting off my Sylph Boon and making an air-bending Kineticist.

The Breeze-Kissed Alternate Racial Trait is thematically perfect, too.

Water bending kineticist!!!

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I'm struggling to make a Medium work.

Scarab Sages

On second read through, I may end up trying an occultist instead. I would love to make a Harry Dresden inspired character, and this is the best fit in pathfinder.


After doing a more thorough reading of Occultist, I could see a very reasonable/powerful level 1 Transmuter or an incredibly tanky Abjurer due to the ability to push +1 special abilities to your gear with these implements. Very interesting stuff.

I'm thinking that I might sneak in a session or two with a couple of the playtest classes to be able to continue them through past the playtest. I do like new material. :-)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I went with a Mesmerist for my GM baby.

The Exchange 4/5

I've made a Kitsune Medium, a performer and high Bluff/Diplomacy character. Eventually he'll be awesome at charm spells and better in combat. So far the first session playing him he didn't get to do much at first lvl.


Serisan wrote:
After doing a more thorough reading of Occultist, I could see a very reasonable/powerful level 1 Transmuter or an incredibly tanky Abjurer due to the ability to push +1 special abilities to your gear with these implements. Very interesting stuff.

That's exactly the build I had playtested. I'll need to squeeze in heavy armor proficiency somewhere.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

I'll be totally honest...I'm really kind of regretting using my level 7 credit-baby character on the kineticist playtest...there are quite a few things that need to be worked out with that class, IMHO, and I doubt I'm going to be able to get 8 more games in before the 25th to put it towards a new character.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

I am working on a psychic.....chuck xavier

Grand Lodge 3/5 *

Meadow lark wrote:
I am working on a psychic.....chuck xavier

Am I allowed to make fun of your receding hairline?

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Auriea wrote:
Meadow lark wrote:
I am working on a psychic.....chuck xavier
Am I allowed to make fun of your receding hairline?

Go for it, but I will probe your mind!!!!

I am trying to work out if I can get a whole levitating wheelchair lol


CanisDirus wrote:
I'll be totally honest...I'm really kind of regretting using my level 7 credit-baby character on the kineticist playtest...there are quite a few things that need to be worked out with that class, IMHO, and I doubt I'm going to be able to get 8 more games in before the 25th to put it towards a new character.

The good news is you only need one credit to keep playtesting the character after the playtest is over. If the Advanced Class Guide playtest was any indication, there will probably be at least one more rendition of the playtest before August. I would expect a fair amount of fixes then.

Scarab Sages

Meadow lark wrote:
Auriea wrote:
Meadow lark wrote:
I am working on a psychic.....chuck xavier
Am I allowed to make fun of your receding hairline?

Go for it, but I will probe your mind!!!!

I am trying to work out if I can get a whole levitating wheelchair lol

A cauldron of flying would do the trick. They are pricy though.


Meadow lark wrote:
Auriea wrote:
Meadow lark wrote:
I am working on a psychic.....chuck xavier
Am I allowed to make fun of your receding hairline?

Go for it, but I will probe your mind!!!!

I am trying to work out if I can get a whole levitating wheelchair lol

Here you go, a reasonably priced floating wheelchair for two.

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