
wellsmv's page

Organized Play Member. 584 posts (614 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Dark Archive

I use them all the time..

I would say they are good ( but not the best inkwashes out there)

Dark Archive 5/5

I'd love to see another scenario where you sneak into GEb on another mission.

Or perhaps a scenario that takes place underwater ? of course drendle drang would give us potions of water breathing that last 4 hours

Dark Archive 5/5

so what aboutvishkanya and grippli with poison- can they craft poison and sell it ?

Dark Archive 5/5

all it takes is a ninja finding 1 poisons creature in quest.. and then you have the whole party with poison coated weapons..

and there are a few creatures with some pretty nasty poisons.
are we only going to let them craft certain posions-the ones on the list ?

is it fair that they get them cheaper than others?

Its much simpler to have any class ( or archetype) that has " poison use" can buy the poison- from the list

Dark Archive 5/5

i vote= NO

i prefer less shenanigans in game

Dark Archive 5/5

James Risner wrote:

I've ranked them by how much I value them, from 0 to 4.

Wanted: [list]

  • Tier 0 - Glutton for Punishment boon GenCon 2016 (Eternal Love in real life)
  • Tier 1 - Extra Trait (+1 trait)

  • Tier 3 - Factor (1,2,3,4, or 5 = 10 on Day Job)

  • Tier 3 - Treasure Map (3 checks = 150 gp / level)

  • Tier 3 - Personal Fixer (Money at adventure start)

  • Tier 3 - Prosperity (+1 bonus on all Day Job; DC 50 = 300 gp)

  • pm sent.. i found 2 of them

    Dark Archive 5/5

    i would not allow a lvl 5 to play with a group of lvl 1's...

    Dark Archive

    i dont understand your question?

    what are you referring to ?

    Dark Archive

    Rysky wrote:
    Oh cool, Thankies!

    you're quite welcome. I hope it helps folks get those minis painted..

    Dark Archive

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    I had tons of folks ask me to put together a simple painting tutorial. So I have made a video with easy step by step details so you can follow along and paint a miniature in under and hour .... If you take longer than an hour that's OK also..

    Video link Click here..

    Dark Archive 5/5

    anyone have a skinwalker boon they'd like to trade ?my sons friend is looking for one..

    I have a bunch of other boons i can trade you for it..

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    well they are burly and muscled compared to regular goblins...

    Dark Archive

    Its rather odd that the Ratfolk claws feat clearly shows them as primary. But the bloodline ability lacks this wording

    perhaps just an oversight ?

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

    Hello fellow gms.. and rules lawyers.

    I have a odd question. I have a player who created a Bloodrager with Draconic bloodline and my question comes down to the claws.

    So the Bloodrager bloodline states "These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack, using your full base attack bonus"

    but if you look at natural weapons it specifically calls out. That there are primary and secondary( off hand natural weapons)

    "Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and add the creature’s full Strength bonus on damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls"

    So I guess the question really is.

    Does the second attack take the -5 for being a secondary(off hand) attack. and it should only get half of the str bonus also ?

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

    There may not be many of them out there, but does anyone have a Raven-blooded boon (the one that allows the creation of tengu)? I realize they are currently on the available list...

    i have a very old tengu boon

    from 2012 if you need it

    Dark Archive

    I would expect table variation... alot of table variation

    but since we know it doenst stack ( since they come from the same effect/source)

    I would just ask you gm if he wants you to roll once or twice and take highest.

    Myself personally ( as a GM) i would have the player roll twice( and take highest)

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    * faceplam *

    Dark Archive 5/5

    wellsmv wrote:

    looking for a assimar boon....

    also looking for
    some older boons

    free vanity
    extra trait
    Family Tradition

    have the following for trade


    open to trading for other boons and trades also...

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Davia D wrote:
    Is there a Ghoran boon...? Ah, so many cool races that are hard to get access to...

    nope..not yet

    Dark Archive 5/5

    looking for a assimar boon....

    also looking for
    some older boons

    free vanity
    extra trait
    Family Tradition

    have the following for trade


    Dark Archive

    well its technically no longer a Lesser Blade of the Open Road...

    Dark Archive

    you wont be able to upgrade the sword you bought..

    ( At 3rd level, the blade adept's bonded sword becomes a powerful, sentient black blade)

    so your sword turns into a ( black blade)
    and then advances as the chart shows.

    If you haven't played him yet ( since you rebuilt) i just see about selling it and getting you gold back

    Dark Archive

    1. in pFS there is no crafting so you can use Craft Magic Arms and Armor. You use you points like a magus to temporarily enhance your weapon

    read magus/bladebound for examples

    2. i dont understand what is your question ?

    3. Yes-spell effects ( but not enhancements) you cant give it a permanenet enhancement like add a +1 or bane ability.. but you could cast a spell that effects your weapon such as keen edge

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    i dont think it would combine your caster lvl at all...since they are separate ( one divine)

    so your max pool is 20hd ( thats between both classes)

    Dark Archive 5/5

    NightTrace wrote:
    Shelly Hudson wrote:


    Spirit of the Shadowlodge
    Is there anyway to make that one work outside of having a Character with XP on them that was already Shadowlodge?


    the character had to have earned Fame already in shadow lodge to use it

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Prince Of Mirth wrote:



    ...not much. I just started playing society, and Grippli are my favorite race. I'm willing to trade mini's or anything else you might be interested in. PM me if you have anything in mind.

    i have a grippli boon...shoot me a pm

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Bob Jonquet wrote:
    I've heard that sometimes there are other events in the area at the same time. A car show (or was it a bike rally?) a couple of years back is one. Apparently, because hotels were at a premium, those participants found it economical to buy a Gen Con badge despite not intending to attend just to gain access to the hotel block. Dunno if that is still happening

    correct i saw it online also..

    there is the state fair ( also in Indianapolis)

    a few music concerts and couple of other smaller events..
    but on facebook someone posted about some of the other groups are buying a single badge ( so that a group of 4) could get hotel rooms in the gen con lottery

    Dark Archive 5/5



    share the wealth
    treasure map
    expedition manager
    debt to society

    looking for oddball boons.......
    or ?

    Dark Archive 5/5

    claudekennilol wrote:
    Mitch Mutrux wrote:
    Dhampir was the GM boon for GM'ing at a con the past three months, from Nov-Jan. We are moving into a new quarter, so it is going to be changing to something else now.
    Drat. I'll be GM'ing at a con next month so I guess I missed that chance.

    you can always try trading a boon you get for a dhampir boon

    Dark Archive 5/5

    claudekennilol wrote:
    Where does one find a Dhampir boon?

    You GM at conventions ... and you may be rewarded with a GM boon

    Dark Archive 5/5

    MadScientistWorking wrote:
    Jeff Morse wrote:
    Sorry, but that is unlikely to happen on these forums. it is referred to as chronicle farming and most people whom have played past games that allowed this saw that it disrupted the game. now this cant always be helped if you GM a scenerio, it is hard to forget what is on them.
    Its really kind of odd to be obtuse about some of these scenarios when they go out of their way to spoil whats on the chronicle sheets they state whats in the them in the first sentence.

    I dont know of any scenario that tells you in the first sentence- what is listed on the rewards boon sheet.

    Dark Archive 5/5

    I wouldnt mind running a bunch of goblins attack sandpoint slots..( tier 1)

    I can even setup a 3d model of sandpoint ...

    Dark Archive 5/5 ation

    Dark Archive

    you would need to ask your GM.

    Dark Archive 5/5

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    i hope to find out that the numerian spaceships are from from the future of starfinder.. and crashed after a failed time travel experiment.

    Dark Archive 5/5

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    break out the tin foil hats....

    it would be idiotic to drop PFS ...

    lets looks at what PFS does..

    brings in new players
    sells books
    sells scenarios
    sells minis
    special events( Like COns) give tons of promotion !

    its a win win scenario for Pathfinder....

    Now will starfinder kill Pathfinder RPG.. Hell no..
    It will more than likely make it even larger

    wanna play a star wars campaign?
    spelljammer ? stargate ?

    there is a huge floodgate of new ideas that it will allow.
    And some of those players have not ( or dont like) Fantasy RPG's
    But thanks to a great ruleset they have a foot in the door to ( starfinder/Pathfinder)

    Dark Archive 5/5

    I agree I think its sorta silly to allow replay on all scenarios...

    But i would like to see some of the early scenarios that were removed season 0-1 ...updated for and re-released

    IT really wouldn't take much for someone to update them.

    Dark Archive 5/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    OlSmokey wrote:
    I'm looking for a fletchling boon if anyone has one and wanting to trade please let me know what you would want for it... thanks

    if my memory serves me correct they were a special event boon that were assigned to a player and not a boon that was tradeable

    Dark Archive 5/5

    +1 feedback with Viscera


    I still the following boons to trade

    mounted tradition
    custom order
    numerian weapon training

    Dark Archive 5/5

    I have

    Vishkanya race boon
    custom order
    mounted tradition
    treasure map

    looking for -Gen Con 2016 boons

    Dark Archive

    flagged to be moved to rules..

    Dark Archive 5/5

    i would say it sounds like you've worn out your welcome at his table....

    is this a home game ? or at a local store ?

    Dark Archive

    sounds like maybe he would like to try a new class..

    Dark Archive 5/5

    I have seen a few unchained summoners.

    I have a grandfathered summoner and a unchained.. and i prefer the unchained ( its less broken) and feels more rounded

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
    If you want to play a summoner in PFS you must own Pathfinder Unchained! and play the version found there. Virtually none of the standard archetypes save for Evolutionist work with this version.

    thats not quite true...

    if you have a summoner from before the unchained. You can continue to play it..

    there are a few grandfathers summoners out there ( not many left)
    but there are a few..

    any new ones made must be from unchained though...

    Dark Archive 5/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Have the following boons


    custom order
    mounted tradition

    want-interesting new boons
    ghoul touched- or whatever its called

    other interesting offers- minis, book ?

    Dark Archive

    thats odd .. it didnt load link right.. humm

    Dark Archive 5/5

    Rysky wrote:
    wellsmv wrote:

    so being a pesh dealer ..... or a prostitute of a certain goddess is legal but not a slaver ?

    maybe I am the only one that can see the irony...

    any slavers are welcome at my table...along with zon kuthon torturers...and other silly professions ( In game)

    and you know why ?

    Because its a Game... a game that is fantasy. where you make believe what happens . And I for one wont ruin the players idea or character background because someone might get butthurt.

    Pesh dealer? Possibly.

    Pesh pusher? Yes.

    And oh for the love of gods- of course the slut-shaming commences. Because sex is bad. And woman (and men, but we all know who you were referring to) being in charge of their sexuality and taking pride in it is bad as well. Is very bad. Bad as completely stripping away another person's humanity.

    Yes it's game, that a group of people get together and build forth with their imaginations and personalities. Complete Detachment like you describe isn't healthy.

    Going off the above I'm guessing you wouldn't have any problems running a game with a serial rapist character?

    nope.. its a game

    is it distasteful -yes... but rapist isnt really a job is it ?

    Dark Archive 5/5

    so being a pesh dealer ..... or a prostitute of a certain goddess is legal but not a slaver ?

    maybe I am the only one that can see the irony...

    any slavers are welcome at my table...along with zon kuthon torturers...and other silly professions ( In game)

    and you know why ?

    Because its a Game... a game that is fantasy. where you make believe what happens . And I for one wont ruin the players idea or character background because someone might get butthurt.

    Dark Archive 5/5

    i find them boring....

    unless you enjoy doing the same action 99% percent of the time

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