Sanvil Trett

jalroy's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 68 posts (74 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 67 Organized Play characters.


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The Exchange

Glewistee wrote:
The Obsidian Fold is a world spanning order that is composed of bonded pairs of male lovers.

This is the Iridian Fold you are referring to.

The Exchange

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Was a fantastic Convention! Enjoyed volunteering for this one.

The Exchange

I am uncertain how this will effect those arriving, but this news could impact those leaving through the airport. Saw this on the news this morning and wanted to share the video/article -airport-parking-garage/951267924

The Exchange

Not sure if it has been mentioned above already, but outside the convention there are some PFS events in the Seattle metro area.

The Exchange

Count me in! Will take Goblin Brains!!!

The Exchange

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Data in STtNG brought up all of these questions too repeatedly, is he alive, does he have a soul, is he a thinking sentient being or just a computer made to look human-ish? Androids were presented earlier in Iron Gods and Bestiary reprints to make the Pathfinder race and all the basic info stays the same in Starfinder. Some might argue they are not living beings, but since many of the spells mechanically work the same on them as they do living player races, the game assumes they are alive.

The Exchange

Best to decide on the level/character you wish to play and find others at the same level. Find a table/group of 6 players and talk about your characters/tactics while waiting to be seated.

The Exchange

Am looking forward to this one. Want to check out Aethera!

The Exchange

Would love me some Goblin Brains!!!
Probably won't be there Thursday but can be found Fri or Sat easily

The Exchange 4/5

Sure, might as well propose a trade

Have: Grippli x 2

Want: Aasimar, Tiefling, Suli, possibly some other race boon

(PM for details etc)

The Exchange 4/5

I had considered how to make a "Johnny Storm" character. Figured it could be done with an Ifrit Kineticist. However instead of taking Fire, take Air Element first (either wind or electricity), and add fire once you get expanded element. Make sure to pick up the flying utility and make use of the burning hands at lower levels till you get access to fire. Just throwing that idea out there for folks

The Exchange

Aeon Flux?

The Exchange 4/5

I have two vigilante characters myself. For my first, she is a Tengu warlock and a pirate in her social identity. She only appears in her Vigilante form during Pathfinder missions and never refers to herself as anything other then a wizard. I've never needed to switch identities to her social form and no one really questions her much about her origins/past etc.

My second is an Avenger, and has been mostly a GM blob but have played a few times. He is a Chelaxian Opera Singer in his social identity wanting to overthrow house Thrune, and a black clad warrior in Vigilante identity. I plan on treating them as allies or friends that can't be in the same place at the same time. If it calls for the social identity, the warrior will tell the PC's his friend would be better adept at that and summon him while convenient excuse to leave at the same time. Alternatively the social identity will excuse himself for his ally warrior to participate when combat is needed. I can explain OOC if someone has issue, but IC, they are not the same person to their knowledge unless they truly push the issue.

The Exchange 4/5

The Quest Honor's Echo and the Mummy's Mask Adventure Card Game will be featured this year at PAX all 4 days

The Exchange

Starfinder Society could have great potential, but would double the work on the Paizo staff to create scenarios and events. If it is set 1000 years in the future, it would mean no cross over between PFS and SPFS most likely. Still there likely will be a fan base for this that it could happen eventually.

I'd be happy to see that happen, but that might mean that gamers would be divided between PFS and SPFS which wouldn't be as great. It's a bit early to hope for it, but interested to see if it does develop.

The Exchange

Where do we gather for Lyrics of Exctiction tonight?

The Exchange

There are games in local area. to find the available games though have to be approved on the site to post to prove you are not a bot. Games are happening tonight in Bellevue, Wednesday games are offered in Ballard. I am one of the regulars in the Ballard Wed games but doubt I'll be there this week to better prepare for the Con

The Exchange

Posting my schedule here. See that a few have posted they are players in my Monday slot game.

Friday, May 27
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom #7-11: Ancient's Anguish (volunteer)

01:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Evergreen 4 The Scavenged Codex Tournament Special

07:00 PM – 11:59 PM
Grand Ballroom #7-23: Abducted in Aether

Saturday, May 28
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Cascade 1 The Brimstone Heresy

03:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Cascade 12 Beginner Box: Black Fang's Dungeon

PFS 0-28: Lyrics of Extinction at PaizoCon Early Arrival & Late Departure Games

Sunday, May 29
09:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Cascade 2 We B4 Goblins!—Beginner Box Rules

01:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Grand Ballroom #7-19: Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts (volunteer)

07:00 PM – 11:59 PM
Grand Ballroom #7-98: Serpent's Ire (PaizoCon 2016 Pathfinder Society Special)

Monday, May 30
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom #7-23: Abducted in Aether (volunteer)

The Exchange

A week away!!

The Exchange

Signed up for Serpents Rise as well. Excited

The Exchange

Will be there. Curious what it is all about or what to expect

The Exchange

Could potentially play Serpent's Rise as Core for 7pm

The Exchange

Looking forward to this. Have a Kuthite Kineticist who is great fun to play and pondering a shadowcaster wizard. Love Nidal. Praise the Midnight Lord!

The Exchange

Looks like I won't be able to attend this as my lottery event starts at same time. Might trade out so I'll have that time free

The Exchange

Space Needle is worth seeing, and there is a deal price for lunch and ticket up that is worth it, and good time to see the city from the sky etc. Crab Pot is good too, and right on the water. Haven't been to the Aquarium in sometime so can't give you a review there.

The Exchange

As I live near the hotel, willing to join. Would have to be after work of course. What would be the start time?

The Exchange

I am in for Goblin Brains. Will be there early Friday morning

Badge under Matthew Chase aka Jalroy

The Exchange 4/5

I give a day job of some kind to each of my characters that fits their background or class etc. Don't always put many ranks into it but can sometimes help. Let me list my characters and their jobs for you.

1) Jalroy/Human Magus: Profession Gambler & Barkeep
2) Dasion/Aasimar Arcane Trickster: Profession Courtesan, Perform Oratory
3) Agron/Oread Barbarian: Profession Gladiator
4) Tastu/Nagaji Dragon Disciple: Profession Acupuncturist
5) Lord Mavors/Kitsune Slayer: Profession Diplomat
6) Casthema/Tiefling Magus/Rogue: Craft Painting
7) Zyranna/Ifrit Oracle: Profession Harrower, Perform Dance
8) Sister Sanguine/Human Kineticist/Bard: Heal, Perform Sing, Profession Herbalist
9) Riley/Kitsune Medium: Perform Wind Instruments
10) Pyrosious/Ifrit Bloodrager/Ninja: Craft Poisons, Sleight of Hand
11) Riaz & Xanda/Half-Elf Cleric/Wizard: Profession Librarian & Merchant
12) Kage/Human ShadowDancer: Perform Dance
13) Sir Fergus/Dwarf Wizard/Fighter: Craft Toys
14) Rastella aka Thunderbird/Tengu Vigilante Warlock: Profession Sailor
15) Fatima/Half-Orc Fighter/Witch: Profession Harrower
16) Quinn/Half-Elf Fighter/Unchained Summoner: Profession Scribe
17) Barinthius/Aasimar Warpriest: Profession Woodcutter
18) Lelzio/Human Alchemist: Craft Alchemy
19) Garthum/Human Bloodrager: Perform Acting
20) Nasus/Half-Orc Spiritualist: Profession Medium
21) Ameathon/Elf Druid: Profession Cult Leader/Prophet
22) Juggler XIII/Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue: Perform Juggling
23) Invictus/Oread Magus: Craft Mechanical
24) Voydim/Human Kineticist: Profession Soldier
25) Urias/Human Vigilante: Perform Singing & Acting
26) Eqang/Half-Orc Druid: Profession Gambling
27) Malkia/Vishkanya Cavalier: Craft Firearms
28) Haxtor/Half-Orc Sorcerer: Profession Sailor
29) Ole/Nagaji Oracle: Profession Exterminator (Rat Catcher)

I probably have too many characters...

The Exchange 4/5

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I am making a Nagaji Exterminator. Just ignore what he does with all the rats he eats, I mean catches

The Exchange

Am curious to know more about the game as well. Should be fun!

The Exchange

Should be available for Thursday night game as I live close to the hotel. Can even GM something

The Exchange 4/5

My Magus got to get the killing hit on Krune when I played it. He now has his head in a jar he likes to display to people.

The Exchange 4/5

Aware I have to wait till July to make said blood bender. Sweet to hear that idea could be played. Thanks

The Exchange 4/5

Am a bit vague if this can be done. What to play a Kineticist, water bender, but strictly use blood instead of water. Blood bending seems legit and intimidating, but it's also reskinning the power. Is this allowed?

The Exchange

Unseelie wrote:

How far is this new hotel from the SeaTac Marriott, where Paizocon has been previously held? I'm a Marriott rewards member, so I'm inclined to stay there rather than at the Doubletree if it's close enough?

They are about a mile from each other and still close to the airport. The doubletree hotel is more spread out and larger, and better suited for a growing convention.

The Exchange 4/5

I've made a Kitsune Medium, a performer and high Bluff/Diplomacy character. Eventually he'll be awesome at charm spells and better in combat. So far the first session playing him he didn't get to do much at first lvl.

The Exchange

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How can we get on the pkaytest for these new classes???

The Exchange 4/5

Sorry that you had this experience. It can happen that inexperienced GM's can make mistakes or have lack of prep time etc. It's part of the risks sometimes with random play that you'll sit down with a bad GM.

Don't let this one GM reflect on all the rest of what PFS can offer. There are plenty of other great players and GMs that are in the area. You can always make another character to replace the one you lost, or play a pregen character.

The Exchange 4/5

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Often the optional encounters have to be tossed out for time constraints in the games I've played in. I also find the 7-11 scenarios usually take longer then the lower lvl ones. But most scenarios are subjective and can take different amount of time depending on both GM and players at any given table. A heavy combat group could plow through one scenario, while a heavy RP group could take twice as long for the same scenario because of choices or options etc. It's not exactly a precise formula how long a hame should take to play.

Instead of asking Paizo to change thier scenarios to accommodate on the time of play, perhaps it's better to remind the gm & players to use the game time wisely and stay on task, focused on the game etc.

The Exchange 4/5

I have a feeling we'll be hearing these complaints and gripes about season 6 for some time. Not everyone want's the tech mixing with thier fantasy game. Personally I like some change and creative additions as long as it's not going overboard with it. And from what Paizo has stated, they shouldn't be.

The Exchange 4/5

Believe that is possible though chance some GM's wouldn't allow that kind of description. If you did though, and it's allowed, he'd be frightening nearly everyone he meets of not covered up. Why would the Pathfinder Society ever want him doing missions for them if it requires speaking to people or putting a good face up for the Society? He'd have to stay masked and covered most of the time.

If you want a super freaky looking Tiefling, go for it. Just also consider how realistically people would react to seeing a 'skinless' person. Might want to tone that down instead...

The Exchange 4/5

There seems to be a few scenarios where the PC's are attacked or ambushed for being Pathfinders before you even get to announce yourselves as such. As if the NPC automatically knows your affiliation and goes into attack or flee mode.

The Exchange 4/5

My Nagaji is Ranger 4, Sorcerer 1, Dragon Disciple 1. His name is Tatsu Deshi (Dragon Student in Japanese). He is an outcast from Tien-Xa who traveled to Absalom to study Aspu and the Great Dragons. He primarily uses a Nodachi, but equally skilled with claws in combat. Not much skill with magic but can cast divine and arcane spells from scrolls and wands. He's a giant dumb brute with gold scales, and enjoys eating rats. Now that he is Dragon Disciple will continue to talk of the superiority of Dragon kind to his fellow Pathfinders.

The Exchange 4/5

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When I played Confirmation and our group killed the minatour, I got the GM to approve a minatour drinking horn on my chronicle sheet.

The Exchange

Have been playing my Tiefling Card Caster Magus, and he's been successful with staying involved with combat. Had to have two Harrow decks, one for readings and the other as ammo/weapons

The Exchange

Slayer has some access to some rogue talents in thier list of Slayer talents

The Exchange

Depends on your concept and build, one trait I suggest is Pragmatic Activator, use magic device with INT instead of CHA which a tiefling usually has a minus to.

The Exchange

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This is an age old debate that has been discussed a great deal already by various gamers. There are those who prefer to min max and create a crack monkey attacking soldier type with a set of tricks to make NPC's die quickly and move on to the next fight. And then there are the people who craft a story and character, a voice and personality, and who care less about the mechanics and more for the fun of playing their character. And yes some even blend the two or are capable of shining both in combat and when talking in character is called for.

It boils down to preference and what is most fun for the player, since everyone is different. If you know how to make a Druid/Monk who can Wildshape into an Air Elemental to get that AC of 37, and then throw the badguys around the map, go for it, have fun making the GM complain how none of his NPC's can hit your PC. And if you prefer a twisted background that might not be optimal but will be a pleasure to roleplay out, then more power to you as well.

Personally I prefer to have a great character that I'll enjoy playing. I tend to try to make them great at their role via the mechanics, but I usually shy away from optimizing most of the time. Mechanics and the numbers, feats n gear can only take you so far. Building a personality, a story and breathing life into the character is more my style of gaming. But I am not going to reject another persons preference to have his min-maxed Tiefling Barbarian either. To each their own.

The Exchange 4/5

I have similar problem. Many concepts and ideas that I want to play or try out but only so many games I can play. Have made a number of lvl 1 characters that some day may try out, but try to focus on certain characters to see them improve and develop. Presently working on getting some of those lvl 1 character to lvl 2 before switching to the next one on the list. Good thing is they often run low lvl tables in my area. Still sometimes a decision which character to play. Good to have options though and keep those creative juices flowing.

The Exchange 4/5

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If something bad happens to your character, fail a save or get knocked below zeo HP etc, don't spend the rest of the session b~$@&ing about it OOC.

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