General Discussion: Kineticist

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Hi, I'm looking for whatever resource content I can to find out where the blast material, say a geo, comes from.
As the class is new to my Gm game he is wondering of ways to cancel out some of my toons abilities at times.
Does the rock I blast come from around me? If so what is the range I draw from?
Does it come from the ethereal plane? I haven't seen any material really saying.
Thank you for your help.

Judging by the flavor, I would personally presume that the elemental energies and materials used for a kineticist blast are generally drawn from the elemental plane in question via the ethereal plane, though aether, void, and wood are exceptions in that other planes are involved, and aether furthermore uses energies to manipulate physical objects. Though I suppose you could argue that, say, a fire blast also manipulates physical objects by cooking them...

Dear Mark,

I'll be greatfull if you would answer my questione.

In order to use the Whip form of the blast, when i make an opportunity attack, the damage dealt is equal to the blast damage or is equal to an ordinary's whip damage?

I ask this because the last part of the infusion's description says: "allowing you to make attacks of opportunity that Deal the whip's damage"

Thanx for your time and your eventually answer and my compliments for your wonderfull work.


Clemente Rovere.

It deals the kinetic whip's damage. The form it takes doesn't necessarily have to look like a whip (can be a light finessable or one-handed power attackable polearm appearance if one so chooses).

Thanks for the quick answer,

Then i can use the feats that works whit a whip?

The feats from the ultimate warrior, (whip's master and similar) work whit this blast form?

Deshant wrote:

Thanks for the quick answer,

Then i can use the feats that works whit a whip?

The feats from the ultimate warrior, (whip's master and similar) work whit this blast form?

No, the appearance of your weapon is purely cosmetic. The only weapon you wield is the Kinetic Blast, be it in the form of an actual blast, a Kinetic Fist, a Kinetic Blade/Whip or anything else. No other weapon specific feat applies.

If you have Weapon Focus (whip) it doesn't work with Kinetic Whip because the weapon you are using is your Kinetic Blast. However, Weapon Focus (Kinetic Blast) applies regardless of what form you use.


Is there a Kineticist Player's Companion coming out anytime soon? With more infusions, and wild talents. I felt like the old five classes got left out with the introduction of Void and Wood elements. Also, having a pure element archetype would be nice, for the elements. ( I have a player that just wants to focus on water, and does not want to have Omnikinesis).

I mean no disrespect by this post, I am just curious. Also, if anyone has any idea for how I can help my current water player that would be great. (They are just past 19th level)

Gwaine, the Sponge wrote:


Is there a Kineticist Player's Companion coming out anytime soon? With more infusions, and wild talents. I felt like the old five classes got left out with the introduction of Void and Wood elements. Also, having a pure element archetype would be nice, for the elements. ( I have a player that just wants to focus on water, and does not want to have Omnikinesis).

I mean no disrespect by this post, I am just curious. Also, if anyone has any idea for how I can help my current water player that would be great. (They are just past 19th level)

If you're all right with third party supplementals, I might suggest the following...

Kineticists of Porphyra
Kineticists of Porphyra II
Kineticists of Porphyra III
Legendary Kineticists

If you're only after expanding water, Kineticists of Porphyra III probably has the most for water, though all of them have some pretty neat things for the water - as well as other elements - in my opinion.

If you're not okay with third party, yeah, they haven't announced anything like that, the only expansions have been the five talents in Ultimate Intrigue (of which one is for water), and the Expanded Metakinesis feat in Magic Tactics Toolbox, though they have said there will be some new kineticists archetypes in Horror Adventures.

Hello all.

I hope the thread hasn't gone too cold yet. Sorry if i've misstepped but there are a few points i'm having trouble wrapping my head around. My queries have doubtless been resolved already but my text searches of google and this board and discussion have been fruitless so i'm hoping that some of you might indulge my ignorance.

-Telekinetic haul's burn enhanced effect is framed in such a manner that it appears to maintain potency until burn is slept off, as it is a subsection of a permanent effect and has similar phrasing to other talents with such a duration. But, as its duration is not stated explicitly, could this be ruled to last only for each instance of mage hand and cost burn with each use like an infusion? If so i could see it as understandable for balance reasons(despite the lack of actual damage potential in dropping heavy s*#+ vs expectation) but find it regrettable for aesthetic and can't-crash-a-two-ton-dinghy-into-the-wall-as-a-signature-entrance reasons.

-Has the collective reached a general consenus as to whether telekinetic haul can lift creatures larger than fine either as or on top of the effected object (possibly a sore topic)

This may or may not relate to a possible desire to see a character get around like mercenary tao (which might make it into a character design if the fact that practically the same statblock could belong to Freakazoid, major Armstrong or Darth Vader ever stops making me giggle like a giddy toddler for long enough to make another kineticist build.) Though, arguably, this is what all phytokineticists ride the blast should look like.

-Does the size of object held have any bearing on obligating the size and size class of the weapon created by aether's kinetic blade? If so this not only nerfs the talent relative to its effectiveness for other elements but severely dampens the availability of free lightsabres (with handles) and finesseable table legs, logs and doors outside of the soulknife (another of the best classes in my opinion for building crunch around or simultaneously with fluff rather than writing a personality for a series of sums. Something pathfinder has in spades over DND 4e & often 5e or event the splat giant of customizeability of 3.5.)

For that matter are kinetic blast and blade considered weapons for proficiency as well as feats? If so are kineticists proficient with their offensive class features? I couldn't see either listed as was done with mindblades. And do weapon focus kinetic blast and such apply in blade & whip form?(pretty sure this last part was settled and they do but better safe than wrong.)

Do such effects apply to kinetic fists and how does this and energy blasts targeting touch ac line up with being part of a regular unarmed strike, two rolls for partial damage or one against full ac?

Also, I may be risking straying dangerously far off topic but bonus points if you have any ideas on how to consistently move during mage hand for a tactile telekinesis build other than spending a bunch of feats on a familiar to concentrate and staggering the movement between move action=>magehand and standard action=>move action/self tk/ride the blast.

Looking at it, this probably should have been several posts. Or no posts.
My wall-of-textitis always seems to land me in trouble wherever it rears its obnoxious head. Sorry about that.


1)How long does burn tk haul last?

1.5)Can you concentrate to haul for longer than 1min/lv & can you resume concentration after that minute.

2)Can you make a light aether blade with as one handed or larger equivalent object?

3)Are energy kinetic fist and blast touch attacks?

4)Are you proficient with kinetic blast?

5)Can you tk haul an object with a creature on it?

6)Can you lift multiple objects with multi throw or just throw them, is there any way to lift a second object?

7) is there any way to walk & telekinesis at the same time?

That was still too long.

Sorry for killing the thread. First online post ever.

1) One minute per kineticist level.

1a) You can concentrate normally and have it last indefinitely, but if you spend burn to lift more than you normally can, it lasts for one minute per level. If it's within your normal lifting range, you can lift it normally with telekinetic haul.

2) Consult your GM, though I would personally say no.

3) Kinetic fist is not a touch attack, it is a rider to a normal unarmed strike. An energy blast, however, is a touch attack.

4) Kinetic blast is not a weapon, though it is treated as such for the purpose of what feats you can take.

5) Consult your GM, though probably if they are willing. If they aren't, nothing stopping them from hopping off whatever they're on, probably.

6) Presuming you mean many throw instead of multi throw, which doesn't exist, you can only throw them. There isn't a way to lift a second object using Paizo material.

7) Concentrating is a standard action, moving is a move action, so yes, you can concentrate and move at the same time.

Minor question about the Gravity Master ability for Void, does each cube have to have the same direction when the ability is used?

I don't know if this has been answered yet but how big is the flame produced when hovering with flame jet, greater? The description simply says it is a "mild flame."

Jet Arasev wrote:
I don't know if this has been answered yet but how big is the flame produced when hovering with flame jet, greater? The description simply says it is a "mild flame."

It's a flavour element, you're unlikely to get any hard and fast ruling with it. Ask your GM, and if he doesn't care, make it up yourself.

Tels wrote:
Jet Arasev wrote:
I don't know if this has been answered yet but how big is the flame produced when hovering with flame jet, greater? The description simply says it is a "mild flame."
It's a flavour element, you're unlikely to get any hard and fast ruling with it. Ask your GM, and if he doesn't care, make it up yourself.

We were curious, because he thinks it would have to be a 20 foot flame to keep a medium sized person hovering in the air but I don't think that a 20ft fire would be considered a "mild flame". The discussion arose when, while under the effects of invisibility, my character was hovering a little ways away from a tower window to spy on a very sketchy individual. I don't imagine a mild flame to be any bigger than 5ft.

Kinetically challenged wrote:

1)How long does burn tk haul last?

1.5)Can you concentrate to haul for longer than 1min/lv & can you resume concentration after that minute

Luthorne wrote:

1) One minute per kineticist level.

1a) You can concentrate normally and have it last indefinitely, but if you spend burn to lift more than you normally can, it lasts for one minute per level. If it's within your normal lifting range, you can lift it normally with telekinetic haul.

So it only actually lasts for one use/instance before requiring more burn each time?

(the actual question from the post above that one about the duration was referring to whether the change of duration to 1min/lv ran out and required additional burn with each use or was an 'until burn is slept off' increase, which appears to possibly be the case, because it alters the duration of basic telekinesis, has no duration of its own and is part of an otherwise permanent effect)

Kinetically challenged wrote:
7) is there any way to walk & telekinesis at the same time?.
Luthorne wrote:

7) Concentrating is a standard action, moving is a move action, so yes, you can concentrate and move at the same time.

But that doesn't answer whether you can move both simultaneously, unless you were just shuffling around a stationary object. the original(non-tl;dr) question was different here as well, which makes it harder to answer, depicting an intent to move both the kineticist and their affected object.

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Luthorne wrote:
Consult your GM

I apologise in advance if this seems rude but it is a furious bugbear of mine i am attempting to lay to rest and react to less severely in future, but, baby steps.

Has 'ask the DM' ever contributed positively to an online conversation in any way other than as an outlet to display a refusal to answer the question and discourage further input?

If you deconstruct it a little, implying that you assume the person it is addressed to is utterly ignorant of what is possibly the single most ubiquitous and deepest underlying concept in the entire community, or that this idea hadn't occurred to them(assuming they even have/aren't a GM) before posting based on the question they have asked is kind of an expression of contempt for that person and what they've said unless they've given you genuine cause to believe that this is the case.

It's kind of like a socially acceptable way of telling someone to shut up and calling them an idiot, vaguely shaped like something helpful.

(I may tend to jump to conclusions and get overprotective of people in these situations because of how much i detest having information withheld and being condescended to, myself, so i apologise if it comes off super aggressively. But again, i don't see how directing someone on a tabletop rpg forum to rule 0 is supposed to be received as anything other than a personal insult & wanted to tell you that's how i see that coming across in case you don't.

Incidentally, to people who say that instead of an answer or opinion WITHOUT meaning offense or derision, what do you think it means sub textually, if not just "i'm not going to answer you and don't think anyone else should try to help either"?

(I realize it can be a qualifier standing in for YMMV but i'm refering to it as a first or only response to a query)

hllothere wrote:


Luthorne wrote:
Consult your GM

I apologise in advance if this seems rude but it is a furious bugbear of mine i am attempting to lay to rest and react to less severely in future, but, baby steps.

Has 'ask the DM' ever contributed positively to an online conversation in any way other than as an outlet to display a refusal to answer the question and discourage further input?

If you deconstruct it a little, implying that you assume the person it is addressed to is utterly ignorant of what is possibly the single most ubiquitous and deepest underlying concept in the entire community, or that this idea hadn't occurred to them(assuming they even have/aren't a GM) before posting based on the question they have asked is kind of an expression of contempt for that person and what they've said unless they've given you genuine cause to believe that this is the case.

It's kind of like a socially acceptable way of telling someone to shut up and calling them an idiot, vaguely shaped like something helpful.

(I may tend to jump to conclusions and get overprotective of people in these situations because of how much i detest having information withheld and being condescended to, myself, so i apologise if it comes off super aggressively. But again, i don't see how directing someone on a tabletop rpg forum to rule 0 is supposed to be received as anything other than a personal insult & wanted to tell you that's how i see that coming across in case you don't.

Incidentally, to people who say that instead of an answer or opinion WITHOUT meaning offense or derision, what do you think it means sub textually, if not just "i'm not going to answer you and don't think anyone else should try to help either"?

(I realize it can be a qualifier standing in for YMMV but i'm refering to it as a first or only response to a query)

...quite the reaction.

Personally, when I say that you should consult your GM, I mean that, as far as I can see, there isn't enough information to answer it definitively one way or the other. And without the ability to give a definite answer, ultimately it depends on how your GM interprets it. As I said, my personal thought would be 'no, you can't do that', but I recognize there isn't enough information for that to be anything but how I would personally interpret the information, and as such, have to consult your GM to see how they personally interpret it. I mean, does it really matter what even hundreds of people online think the answer should be if the person who's actually running your game disagrees? I mean, it's different if there is actually a clear answer and your GM is choosing to alter the rules, but if there isn't anything beyond personal preference, your GM's opinion is the only one that matters, isn't it? I mean, unless one or more of the players are seriously attached to some other interpretation and argue about why their interpretation works better and it's actually causing some conflict.

hllothere wrote:

Kinetically challenged wrote:

1)How long does burn tk haul last?

1.5)Can you concentrate to haul for longer than 1min/lv & can you resume concentration after that minute

Luthorne wrote:

1) One minute per kineticist level.

1a) You can concentrate normally and have it last indefinitely, but if you spend burn to lift more than you normally can, it lasts for one minute per level. If it's within your normal lifting range, you can lift it normally with telekinetic haul.

So it only actually lasts for one use/instance before requiring more burn each time?

(the actual question from the post above that one about the duration was referring to whether the change of duration to 1min/lv ran out and required additional burn with each use or was an 'until burn is slept off' increase, which appears to possibly be the case, because it alters the duration of basic telekinesis, has no duration of its own and is part of an otherwise permanent effect)

Yes. It changes the duration from concentration to 1 minute/level. Once the 1 minute/level had expired, you would have to take another point of burn to use another, separate instance that lasts for 1 minute/level, though you no longer require concentration to maintain it...though obviously, it still requires taking a move action to move it.

hllothere wrote:

Kinetically challenged wrote:
7) is there any way to walk & telekinesis at the same time?.
Luthorne wrote:

7) Concentrating is a standard action, moving is a move action, so yes, you can concentrate and move at the same time.
But that doesn't answer whether you can move both simultaneously, unless you were just shuffling around a stationary object. the original(non-tl;dr) question was different here as well, which makes it harder to answer, depicting an intent to move both the kineticist and their affected object.

If you want to move an object with telekinesis and move at the same time, normally you would only be able to take a 5 ft. step, though there are potentially ways around that, such as a quickened force hook blast or something.

Grand Lodge

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I would like to get clarification on the "unattended" objects rule for the telekineticist. I understand a GM might rule "there are no unattended objects around" so I plan on bringing some and carrying them with me. For the purpose of this discussion it doesn't really matter what. Lets say a beltpouch of coins. Under "actions in combat" table in the CR it says you can draw a weapon as apart of a move action. AND, dropping an item is a free action. So its seems to me I can draw the beltpouch, make a move action, drop the open pouch, then still take a standard action. Is that right?

Grand Lodge

I am not very good at searching these forums, so perhaps I have overlooked this simple question. For a Kineticist using the Draining Infusion it says;

"You can drain elemental energy and matter from your foes to strengthen your next attack. When you use this infusion, your kinetic blast affects only creatures with a subtype matching your kinetic blast's element (for instance, a fire blast would damage only creatures of the fire subtype). Against such creatures, your blast targets touch AC (if it requires an attack roll) and always allows spell resistance. Because you are draining energy from the target, your blast doesn't always apply your elemental overflow bonuses or Con modifier. The target can attempt a Fort save to take 1/4 the normal amount of damage. Draining infusion ignores any damage reduction, resistances, and immunities the creature might possess. If at least one creature fails its saving throw against your draining infusion, you can reduce the total burn cost of any one blast wild talent used before the end of your next turn by 1, or by 2 if you have the supercharge ability. If you use draining infusion again before applying this reduction, you still deal the damage from that draining infusion, but the burn reductions don’t stack."

My question is this, if the target fails it Fort save, does it take full damage past the immunity/resistance? Or is it taking the 1/4 on a fail and using its immunity on a success?

A quick question about Elemental Whispers, if I haven't got Greater Elemental Whispers can I change the familiar whenever I summon it? Or is it set once I've made my choice unless I pay 200gp per level like a wizard?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Occult Adventures playtest has been over for years. You are far more likely to get a response if you start a thread in the Pathfinder/Rules forum.

Firs of all, sorry for the english, not my main language ok, first time doing this, i realy need a answer to this, Mark help me here for god's sake ( or if someone know where the answer is)

I know that you can't Use Vital Strike with Kineticist Kinetic Blast, but with infusion like Kintic Blade/Whip, that's says you create a weapon, and "as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action in order to make melee attacks with your kinetic blade."
Would it be possible to use it like that, as now i "holding" a weapon ?

And while grappled, do i need to make a concentration check to attack with a light blade create by Kinetic Blade, i know that Kinetic Blast is (SP), But in infusions say (SU), and i'm holding a weapon, so i realy need to make this check?

And the last one, the infusion Wall says "The wall appears within 30 feet and can be either up to 10 feet high and up to 120 feet long or up to 20 feet high and up to 60 feet long." but there is no shape, so can i shape the way i like as long i don't bypass thoses limits, or it's need to be a straight line like my GM claims to say ?

Please i rly need a answer to this, it's been like 2 weeks that me and my GM are arguing about these, don't let those questions die here...

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