Kinetically challenged's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sorry about that. What happened there.

I'm trying to quit. Or at least cut down. They should make a patch for being an ass.

To underail from the guide/discussion, would the wild talent that lets you chose creatures as the object of aether's telekinesis allow you to telekinetically manipulate an object on which a creature was perched as long as it (or they if you're into verisimilitude) didn't exceed your weight limit?

It's been pointed out that things attend objects by standing on them and i was wondering if there was a way other than max range ride the blast with expanded element wood for a melee aether kineticist to travel like mercenary Tao. It seems like cheating if you make your own tree.

N. Jolly wrote:
Xelaaredn wrote:

So... I've really been trying to figure out exactly what sort of thematic effect (mainly the sound part of it to be honest) would be for a chronokinetist gathering power. Any suggestions?

I had this problem with Wood myself, and in Time's case, I'd flavor it sound wise as either the ticking of a clock or the sound of sand passing through an hour glass. There's not a huge amount of options for it, but those are what I imagined myself. I suppose the tech level of the setting is something that needs to be considered for this.

Firstly I feel I should apologize for commenting after so long, i have a bad habit of missing all the good conversation.

Secondly i think it's really a tonal/personal taste issue.

If it has to sound uniform each time I'd say the choice is pretty clear.

If you have time to spend a full round or more i'd use something a bit longer.

If you're wanting to gather for a single action, are feeling triumphant or are as willing to make entire characters around a bit as me then it sounds like this.
(I must say, I'm disappointed in both myself and the internet that i couldn't find a clip of the riff with video in under 5 minutes, or even audio alone without excellent on the front)

And if things are getting dramatic and/or some shit's about to go down i've always imagined time sounding like "I can't break away" by Big Pig

Also, while it's not technicallany gathering power and doesn't technically have an explicit audial display, any of these options(particularly the first and last) would be an amazing way to spend the minute charging up the Teleport wild talent. Even if the GM didn't allow it as part of the teleport i'd work a ghost sound into the build for this reason alone.

(Ghatdemmit! This isn't the first time since KOP came out that i've been forced to abandon a character i'm working on because something awesome presented itself and i needed to build it)

[Irrelevant asside to clarify the comment about making a character entirely for a gag: my first ever character design that wasn't just a blank class and race was a earforged bard(3.5) who's only purpose in life was to jump up on tables, use the summon instrument cantrip to make an anachronistic keytar and play MR. Roboto by STYX. Then I found out it'd been done and when I emerged from the binge loop of spg i swapped him in for a monk/totemist dip kalashtar warlock lush/barfighter.(who has never turned down nor allowed anyone to survive a challenge of Rochambeau)]

I figure i'ts not rude to textdump and overhare if you have no expectations of anyone reading that far. I'm probably wrong.


1)How long does burn tk haul last?

1.5)Can you concentrate to haul for longer than 1min/lv & can you resume concentration after that minute.

2)Can you make a light aether blade with as one handed or larger equivalent object?

3)Are energy kinetic fist and blast touch attacks?

4)Are you proficient with kinetic blast?

5)Can you tk haul an object with a creature on it?

6)Can you lift multiple objects with multi throw or just throw them, is there any way to lift a second object?

7) is there any way to walk & telekinesis at the same time?

That was still too long.

Sorry for killing the thread. First online post ever.

Hello all.

I hope the thread hasn't gone too cold yet. Sorry if i've misstepped but there are a few points i'm having trouble wrapping my head around. My queries have doubtless been resolved already but my text searches of google and this board and discussion have been fruitless so i'm hoping that some of you might indulge my ignorance.

-Telekinetic haul's burn enhanced effect is framed in such a manner that it appears to maintain potency until burn is slept off, as it is a subsection of a permanent effect and has similar phrasing to other talents with such a duration. But, as its duration is not stated explicitly, could this be ruled to last only for each instance of mage hand and cost burn with each use like an infusion? If so i could see it as understandable for balance reasons(despite the lack of actual damage potential in dropping heavy shit vs expectation) but find it regrettable for aesthetic and can't-crash-a-two-ton-dinghy-into-the-wall-as-a-signature-entrance reasons.

-Has the collective reached a general consenus as to whether telekinetic haul can lift creatures larger than fine either as or on top of the effected object (possibly a sore topic)

This may or may not relate to a possible desire to see a character get around like mercenary tao (which might make it into a character design if the fact that practically the same statblock could belong to Freakazoid, major Armstrong or Darth Vader ever stops making me giggle like a giddy toddler for long enough to make another kineticist build.) Though, arguably, this is what all phytokineticists ride the blast should look like.

-Does the size of object held have any bearing on obligating the size and size class of the weapon created by aether's kinetic blade? If so this not only nerfs the talent relative to its effectiveness for other elements but severely dampens the availability of free lightsabres (with handles) and finesseable table legs, logs and doors outside of the soulknife (another of the best classes in my opinion for building crunch around or simultaneously with fluff rather than writing a personality for a series of sums. Something pathfinder has in spades over DND 4e & often 5e or event the splat giant of customizeability of 3.5.)

For that matter are kinetic blast and blade considered weapons for proficiency as well as feats? If so are kineticists proficient with their offensive class features? I couldn't see either listed as was done with mindblades. And do weapon focus kinetic blast and such apply in blade & whip form?(pretty sure this last part was settled and they do but better safe than wrong.)

Do such effects apply to kinetic fists and how does this and energy blasts targeting touch ac line up with being part of a regular unarmed strike, two rolls for partial damage or one against full ac?

Also, I may be risking straying dangerously far off topic but bonus points if you have any ideas on how to consistently move during mage hand for a tactile telekinesis build other than spending a bunch of feats on a familiar to concentrate and staggering the movement between move action=>magehand and standard action=>move action/self tk/ride the blast.

Looking at it, this probably should have been several posts. Or no posts.
My wall-of-textitis always seems to land me in trouble wherever it rears its obnoxious head. Sorry about that.