Knee-jerk reactions from the Advanced Class Guide

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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prototype00 wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Well, you're not Inigo Montoya then, you're Sasaki Kojiro Ganryu, I see them both as the panache-y fencing types (as opposed to Musashi, who was a real Kill You Dead Samurai and/or Ranger type).


But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

LoneKnave wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Do you really need an archetype that crosses out "swashbuckler" and writes "rurouini(wanderer)" on your character sheet just so it can use a katana without clashing with your sensibilities?

EDIT: Sorry if I come off harsh, I didn't mean to, just wenting.

Personally I'd rather have a Sabre. Still a little miffed that the only Sabre option to use at all, is the Saw-Tooth Sabre, which looks stupid in all their pics.

Honestly if I had someone in my area teaching Sabre/Rapier fencing I'd choose Sabre in a heartbeat. Would love to take lessons.

JoeJ wrote:
prototype00 wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Well, you're not Inigo Montoya then, you're Sasaki Kojiro Ganryu, I see them both as the panache-y fencing types (as opposed to Musashi, who was a real Kill You Dead Samurai and/or Ranger type).


But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

And what if I want to be Ashariit? How about Guy? Uesugi Kenshin?

Just cause you want to be X doesn't mean that people who want Y are bad wrong.

JoeJ wrote:
prototype00 wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Well, you're not Inigo Montoya then, you're Sasaki Kojiro Ganryu, I see them both as the panache-y fencing types (as opposed to Musashi, who was a real Kill You Dead Samurai and/or Ranger type).


But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

Then whats stopping you from using the best Rapier fashioned by mortal hands? Are you not the student of the Best Swordsmen the world over? Will not Count Rugen die with your taunt ringing in his ears?

Are you not the WIZARD OF FENCING, undefeatable in this world of the blade?


Insain Dragoon wrote:
JoeJ wrote:
prototype00 wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Well, you're not Inigo Montoya then, you're Sasaki Kojiro Ganryu, I see them both as the panache-y fencing types (as opposed to Musashi, who was a real Kill You Dead Samurai and/or Ranger type).


But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

And what if I want to be Ashariit? How about Guy? Uesugi Kenshin?

Just cause you want to be X doesn't mean that people who want Y are bad wrong.

Hunh? When did I say they were?

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I think I realized the source of the confusion.

The ACG doesn't have the DEX to dmg feat for the Rapier, so Inigo Montoya is less supported in it than Sasaki Kojiro.

LoneKnave wrote:

I think I realized the source of the confusion.

The ACG doesn't have the DEX to dmg feat for the Rapier, so Inigo Montoya is less supported in it than Sasaki Kojiro.

Then came the Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Guide Origins.

We were in charge of developing that book and came up with a feat to resolve the problem. Since adding rapier alone to Slashing Grace was a poor patch, we came up with an entirely different feat to speak directly to rapiers.

Would you like to see it?

Normally I would not post something from a book that has not been released yet, but I am in a fine mood this week with Gencon approaching. Seeing how you all calmed down and got along, here it is.
Design Team wrote:

Your extreme style and fluid rapier forms allow you to use agility rather than brute force to fell your foes.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier).
Benefit: When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon’s damage. The rapier must be one appropriate for your size.
In addition, if you have the panache class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to CMD against attempts to disarm you of your rapier while you have at least 1 panache point.

LINK to post ----> ng-Game-Advanced-Class-Guide#1045

I...they turned divine grace into a feat.

This just made my life harder. Players will go: WANT! and s%*$, it puts me in a spot.

Depending on how this shakes out, I may purchase no further books from Paizo.


So now we have 3 ways (+Mythic) to get Dex to damage. With rapiers, with scimitars and with any one-handed slashing weapon (except most of those you can't actually finesse, unless you're a swashbuckler).

At this point, anyone who wants to abuse the rules can do so. Those who might want to use a different light and probably less effective weapon for concept reasons are still out of luck though.

Why not just make an Improved Weapon Finesse feat? The genie's out of the bottle now. There's no point in not having one.

Don't forget the Agile Weapon property! (Which honestly is what I have used the most of.)

SquirrelyOgre wrote:

I...they turned divine grace into a feat.

This just made my life harder. Players will go: WANT! and s+&&, it puts me in a spot.

Depending on how this shakes out, I may purchase no further books from Paizo.


And bloodline abilities. Arguable weaker than Divine a Grace, but still...

Arcanist even got an archetype to trade half their exploits (they can still take exploits as feats) to gain a Bloodlines powers (not spells or bonus feats).

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wild Child Brawler brings me joy.

I am all over the Gourd. That is all kinds of Halloween fun right there.

Liberty's Edge

LoneKnave wrote:
Crisischild wrote:
100% of swashbucklers are going to be humans or half-elves with a bastard sword or a katana.

Why? It's a terrible weapon for this class.

In fact, I'll go ahead and say it's a terrible weapon always, unless your goal is to get the largest weapon size die and you wield an oversized one with Titan Mauler.

Because even at level 1 an average of 3-4 damage a round from your rapier is unacceptable for a front-line combatant. So they'll all go katana w/ slashing grace to make up for the lack of dex-to-damage. I'm aware of Fencing Grace, but that's 15 dollars and two months away and only works with rapiers.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
JoeJ wrote:
prototype00 wrote:
Eigengrau wrote:
prototype00 wrote:

15-20 crit chance with improved critical/keen for the katana, damage based entirely off dex. I'm sure thats not terrible.


You're absolutely right, that's perfect for the class features. Does it fit the flavor? Not really for the European Swashbuckling type.

Well, you're not Inigo Montoya then, you're Sasaki Kojiro Ganryu, I see them both as the panache-y fencing types (as opposed to Musashi, who was a real Kill You Dead Samurai and/or Ranger type).


But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

Why would you do that to your father?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.

My big problem was that it doesn't do much for someone who has a limit on their mount choice based on their size (AKA Cavalier). I'm also the kind of guy who doesn't like buying mounts or using Leadership for mounts, so maybe that's a big factor.

Insain Dragoon wrote:
Arcanist even got an archetype to trade half their exploits (they can still take exploits as feats) to gain a Bloodlines powers (not spells or bonus feats).

If you're willing to give up a spellcasting level Arcanist 19/Sorcerer 1 with Bloodline Development gains the entire bloodline too.

Shadow Lodge

Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.

I was, and then I realized that A.) the size requirement for a mount (one size category larger or more) is a 3.5 thing I can't seem to find in PFS besides the Cavalier specifically who I'm not sure this actually helps at all and B.) due to the strength and weight requirements one would most likely want to use this Feat for, (like a medium creature riding a wolf), it's not actually that great.

Xethik wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.
My big problem was that it doesn't do much for someone who has a limit on their mount choice based on their size (AKA Cavalier). I'm also the kind of guy who doesn't like buying mounts or using Leadership for mounts, so maybe that's a big factor.

Human can now be mad dog barbarians and fly at your face while riding medium bats.

Any thoughts on how to build a combat-worthy Investigator?

Had a chance to flip through this today, and aside from some serious gripes about swashbucklers, I'm pretty impressed.

Just to get the negativity out of the way up front:
the dex to damage feat situation isn't all that upsetting, but it's still coupled with the saving throw issue, the swift action bottleneck, the huge number of deeds I just can't ever see any reason to consider using, the lack of dumpable stats, the fact that they can get away quite easily with dumping cha through the floor, and the weird way in which two weapon fighting is so much more effective than the rapier-and-open-hand style it seems built to work with... all of which I really rambled on about plenty in the play tests. The archetypes are a bit odd too though. How is a picaroon supposed to reload, exactly? And why does every archetype have to go and dump bleeding wound?

All that being said, the rest of the classes cleaned up real nice for the release version. I'm particularly impressed at how much Hunter turns around when the archetypes are on the table.

The archetypes for existing classes really open up some interesting options, almost all of which look really solidly built. Same goes for new feats. It's particularly nice to see some added support for vital strike, and these new combat styles.

I'm still irked that Counterpunch is realistically available to all of two classes. But that's OK, because I think I'm in love with Jabbing Style.

I'm assuming there was a typo there, and it was meant to have the same "solid requirements; BAB X, Brawler Y, or Monk Y" requirements as every other similar feat in the book. Someone should probably stick it in the errata thread I assume is floating around somewhere.

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DM Beckett wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.
I was, and then I realized that A.) the size requirement for a mount (one size category larger or more) is a 3.5 thing I can't seem to find in PFS besides the Cavalier specifically who I'm not sure this actually helps at all and B.) due to the strength and weight requirements one would most likely want to use this Feat for, (like a medium creature riding a wolf), it's not actually that great.

actually I really like the feat for my hunter

applied the bull animal focus and ant haul to my roc to give it a light load limit of 173 with my weight being 161 with my equipment included giving me a flying combat mount at lvl 1 for 2 hr/lvl

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Swashbuckler is going to be the martial component of a lot of Eldritch Knights, I feel.

And Bladebound Arcanist for the caster component.

He can pick up spellstrike with an exploit and base his black blade on caster levels instead of class levels. EK capstone with spellstrike? Sign me up!

Not for PFS though.

Funny thing, with the "black blade as caster levels" thing you could use a race with an SLA and get a "free" magic weapon for a 3 level dip into arcanist.

I foresee a lot of Bloodragers in the future.

Fighter archetype getting Martial Flexibility is sauce, though weapon training is a sad loss. Had it replaced Bravery I would be hard pressed to [i]notp/i] call it our fighter fix.

I see a lot of our feedback actually got reflected in the final version of the class. Of note, I remember specifically calling out the Swashbuckler not being able to take combat feats due to the class's MAD nature. In the second round they 'fixed' this by allowing her CHA to qualify for Combat Expertise. This did not suffice because most of the feats that require Combat Expertise also require INT 13 for some reason. I specifically remember saying that CHA should qualify in place of INT for all combat feats, and that has been implemented.

The Warpriests Sacred Armor has a clause in it letting you use Sacred Weapon in the same round, as a free action. This fixes a lot of the action economy issues allowing you to buff in 1-2 roudns, rather than taking 3 (which would invalidate the class because it takes clerics roughly the same number of rounds to buff to be combat ready) which is a nice touch that they added. The baseline class not needing CHA is also a nice touch.

What I did not appreciate was the Champion of the Faith's paladiny powers still being keyed off CHA and not WIS. This may have been intentional to make them more like the Paladins of old, and it could be deliberate to allow them access to the new Divine Protection feat. I feel the class should alter its spells and blessings to be keyed off CHA as well, and that would make it pretty much the ideal paladin fix that people have been asking for.

I do have a question about Believer's Boon, do I gain the +10 move speed from Travel Domain?

I did notice that the Arcanist's Reservoir is still 3+ 1/3 level, rather than CHA + 1/2 level which makes me sad because design precedent was ignored in order to give the class a reason not to be entirely worthless next to a wizard.

Squiggit wrote:

Incidentally, another kneejerk:

Really sad there weren't favored class options for advanced races.

+1 to this, giving a nod to the ARG races would be nice.

Also unless I missed it, the Bloodrager is subject to Arcane Spell Failure and cannot cast in armor like a magus or bard.

EDIT: I did miss it.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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This caught my attention in the mundance equipment section:

Cheat Sheath:
This ornate leather sheath is covered in tables of magical
notation and arcane formulae, as well as common spell triggers
and reagents. Referring to these handy bits of notation grants
you a +2 circumstance bonus on Spellcraft checks made to
learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll, prepare a spell from a
borrowed spellbook, identify the properties of a magic item
using detect magic, or decipher a scroll.

Mostly it's the pun.

Yeah, that was definitely amusing.

Skald has an insane amount of party-hard fun built into it. Bestowing Rage powers on people? Check. Fast Healing up to 6, 8 with the right choices? Check. On your whole party? Check. Ability to get Masterpieces? Check.

I want a Skald and a Bard in the same group. Raging everything.

Liberty's Edge

JoeJ wrote:
But what if I want to be Inigo Montoya?

Use the Fencing Grace Feat. It's posted by Jason Bulmahn on this very forum, and will be in Advanced Class Origins to boot.

Eigengrau wrote:

Personally I'd rather have a Sabre. Still a little miffed that the only Sabre option to use at all, is the Saw-Tooth Sabre, which looks stupid in all their pics.

Honestly if I had someone in my area teaching Sabre/Rapier fencing I'd choose Sabre in a heartbeat. Would love to take lessons.

The cutlass is really close to a sabre, and an ideal choice for Slashing Grace both thematically and mechanically.

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I think a Kensai using an Aldori Dueling Sword in conjunction with Slashing Grace would be pretty fun and flavorful.

Magical Swordlord adventures!

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Ventnor wrote:

I think a Kensai using an Aldori Dueling Sword in conjunction with Slashing Grace would be pretty fun and flavorful.

Magical Swordlord adventures!

Blackblade Aldori Dueling Sword.

Liberty's Edge

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DominusMegadeus wrote:
Ventnor wrote:

I think a Kensai using an Aldori Dueling Sword in conjunction with Slashing Grace would be pretty fun and flavorful.

Magical Swordlord adventures!

Blackblade Aldori Dueling Sword.

With the soul of one of the founders of the Swordlords possessing it!

This is an awesome idea and someone should do it.

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Depending on how the Pummeling Style works out (can it be used with (all) weapons?) here's something neat:

The inspired strike deed of the Swashbuckler (inspired blade archetype), in conjunction with Pummeling Style. Upgrade one of your hits to a crit - then have Pummeling Style count all your hits as a crit.

Dark Archive

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I began reading, saw the arcanist first and even though it was not my class of interest, I read it to see what was going on with the arcane casters.

Five minutes later I wondered why anyone would play a wizard or Sorceror. I tried to justify their abilities over the arcanist, but genuinely couldn't. I did see some archetypes and feats that could be taken to close the gap. And I did feel that Sorceror managed a slight edge over wizards in terms of relevance compared to an arcanist. I just felt the Arcanist was a Sorceror with fewer spells per day but a few more core options and a lot of additional options each day. Meh.

The wild child picture sold me. I will play this. Mowgli will come to life! It's just too cute.

I felt that summoners aren't as broken or ridiculous now as some of the gap has been narrowed. However, I do not fully understand by how much or if it is significant.

I felt that they really considered the monk and made a genuine effort with them here. I just felt that more 'monk only' options or options where being a monk was easiest would have been pretty spot on.

Divine magic (specifically the cleric/oracle list) was not well attended compared to the wizard/Sorceror list which just got loved so very hard (as usual). There was not much a divine caster got that the wizard/arcanist/Sorceror didn't also get.

Overall I felt that martials covered a lot of ground and got a lot of attention. Casters were attended to with a good power leap that seemed mostly suited against other casters, and a lot more options for flexibility but not necessarily generic power. In fact, specialization, theme building and some feat trees all got attention that can make for very nice options and fun choices.

I have not read every class or archetype yet, in fact, I only covered about 3-4 classes and 5-8 archetypes but I spent time reviewing the spell lists and going over the feats. We'll see if I have a second knee-jerk reaction when I learn more about the over two hundred pages I didn't read. ;)

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So uh, anybody else think the Daring Champion Cavalier archetype is flat out better than the Swashbuckler?

It's got better saves (Hey, Fort only isn't great, but it's better than Ref only), it gets all the relevant Deeds, can wear Medium armor if it wants, and still keeps Challenge, Banner, Tactician, and the Order abilities.

All it loses is the mounted stuff and gets pretty much everything from the Swashbuckler you'd actually want.

Liberty's Edge

Rynjin wrote:

So uh, anybody else think the Daring Champion Cavalier archetype is flat out better than the Swashbuckler?

Its got better saves (Hey, Fort only isn't great, but it's better than Ref only), it gets all the relevant Deeds, can wear Medium armor if it wants, and still keeps Challenge, Banner, Tactician, and the Order abilities.

All it loses is the mounted stuff and gets pretty much everything from the Swashbuckler you'd actually want.

I mentioned this. The ability to stack your level onto damage twice is also pretty absurd. I actually quite like the Archetype in many ways (though I'm disappointed in Swashbuckler getting left behind).

For my home games I'm currently thinking it over, but strongly considering making Charmed Life effectively identical to Divine Grace (or possibly possibly having it add to one Save of your choice at 2nd, another at 6th, a third at 10th, and then add to some other stuff at 14th and 18th to preserve the progression and keep dipping to a minimum). That'd at least give people a solid reason to play Swashbuckler.

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Skald Fated Champion


Watcher of the Weave (Ex): At 2nd level, a fated champion
learns to see the tapestry of events moments before it is
woven. He gains an insight bonus on initiative checks equal
to 1/2 his skald level. This ability replaces well-versed.

Far Seer (Su): At 5th level, a fated champion learns
a method of spell kenning that is especially suited for
divining and understanding the future, but not for directly
harming opponents. For the purpose of determining what
level spell slot he expends when using spell kenning,
the skald treats the spell level of spells that predict
the future (such as augury and divination) as
one spell level lower (minimum
spell level 1st), and treats the
spell level of spells that deal
damage as one spell level
higher. This alters the spell
kenning class feature.

Shield of Foresight (Su):
At 10th level, a fated
champion’s certainty of
his own fate grants him
the ability to stare down fear
and remain unbowed. When
using raging song, he is immune to fear
effects, and allies affected by his raging
song gain a +5 bonus on saves
attempted against fear effects.
This ability replaces the dirge
of doom raging song.

Not This Day (Su): At 20th
level, the fated champion gains
the ability to reweave the strands of
fate. As an immediate action, he can
expend 10 rounds of raging song to
either reroll a saving throw or force
an opponent to reroll an attack roll.
The decision to use this ability
must be made before the results of
the initial roll are revealed, and the
champion or his opponent must take
the result of the reroll. This ability
replaces master skald.

This archetype trades
-Well Versed: The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.
For half your level to initiative
-You are worse at spell kenning blasting spells (Why would you anyway?) and get better at kenning Augary and Divination spells. Great trade!
-You trade Dirge of Doom, which nobody uses, for immunity to fear and giving your buddies a bonus vs fear. If it weren't for the OP Improved Dirge of Doom feat this would be a positive trade.
-Replaces your awesome capstone with an OK one. Bad trade, but very few people hit 20.

Is it just me or is this archetype just plain "Skald+"

Liberty's Edge

Insain Dragoon wrote:
Is it just me or is this archetype just plain "Skald+"

Pretty close, yeah. The whole improved Dirge of Doom thing makes it somewhat less so, of course.

I agree, but I personally wouldn't grab Improved Dirge of Doom if only because the stuff I would generally really want to use fear on would be immune to said fear. That and RAGING SOOOOOONNNNGGGG! So metal!

I will probably house rule inspire competence to be like that marching song Skalds get. Expend one round of song to get an hour buff.

Liberty's Edge

I like what I see with Pummel Fist. My worry is that given enough time it will go the way of the Crane Fist.

Scarab Sages

memorax wrote:
I like what I see with Pummel Fist. My worry is that given enough time it will go the way of the Crane Fist.

Maybe they preemptively nerfed Crane Wing specifically because they wanted to do this feat and didn't want their new pseudo-pounce having an easy shut-down already built-in.

Is it me, or does RAW state that a swashbuckler can add their level to damage and still get the benefits of TWF as long as their off hand is an unarmed strike?

Ssalarn wrote:
memorax wrote:
I like what I see with Pummel Fist. My worry is that given enough time it will go the way of the Crane Fist.
Maybe they preemptively nerfed Crane Wing specifically because they wanted to do this feat and didn't want their new pseudo-pounce having an easy shut-down already built-in.

I doubt it. If they had these style feats in the works back when they would've been initially discussing the CW nerf, Inner Sea Combat is where we would've seen Pummeling Style.

DM Beckett wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.
I was, and then I realized that A.) the size requirement for a mount (one size category larger or more) is a 3.5 thing I can't seem to find in PFS besides the Cavalier specifically who I'm not sure this actually helps at all and B.) due to the strength and weight requirements one would most likely want to use this Feat for, (like a medium creature riding a wolf), it's not actually that great.

The size thing was an unwritten rule in PF. Still was intended to apply, but fell through the cracks. This does let you get around it.

Scarab Sages

Cheapy wrote:
DM Beckett wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Undersized Mount yet. Now we're no longer shoehorned into playing a small race if we want to play mounted! It's a small but pleasing thing.
I was, and then I realized that A.) the size requirement for a mount (one size category larger or more) is a 3.5 thing I can't seem to find in PFS besides the Cavalier specifically who I'm not sure this actually helps at all and B.) due to the strength and weight requirements one would most likely want to use this Feat for, (like a medium creature riding a wolf), it's not actually that great.
The size thing was an unwritten rule in PF. Still was intended to apply, but fell through the cracks. This does let you get around it.

I think the rule is referenced in the saddle entry or something like that. I'll see if I can find it. But it's right up there with the rule that you can only cast one non-quickened spell a round (regardless of action economy) in obscurity.

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