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blahpers wrote: Far as I can tell, they all stack. Time to build the Juggernaut. : D
Edit: I'm wrong. Ugh, I hate that erratum.
Edit the second: I'm wrong about being wrong. None of those add your modifier to anything--they're separate damage dealing events. (Note that DR would apply to each ability separately.) So they stack, but DR would shut it down pretty hard.
thank you for the wording, it will probably be handy for explain it to any DM that ask.
the siegebreaker ability says use your enchancement bonus which means at +5 it wouldn't suffer from DR, the other two would still suffer though probably, which kind of switch your focus from damage to controlling tank given you still knock them prone and make your self a large target.
if you still plan on building one mutagen warrior is still usable with siege breaker,
blahpers wrote: Far as I can tell, they all stack. Time to build the Juggernaut. : D the issue for society play is that they could have the same rule as the paladin stacking charisma bonus to things.
so pretty simple question really which of these would stack on a successful overrun. short summary+ link to the abilities in question.
breakers charge 2+str+enchanment bounus, class feature
bulette charge 1d8+1.5str+.5AC bounus, stance line feat
overbearing advance str bonus, rage power breaker
while this is an edge case and not particularly applicable to PFS
but catfolk with claw blades would have a weapon that leaves their hands free presumably you could do this with gauntlets as well, this would only apply to telekineticist given they are the only ones that don't create their own blade
now just to find a way to apply kinetic blade to a kitsune bite
hmm I'd say yes for PFS because of this line
Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends wrote: Additionally, a bladed scarf dancer can wield a bladed scarf as a one-handed melee weapon. the bladed scarf dancer can wield the scarf as a one-handed weapon which is what the bladebound requires.
I'd agree if they didn't use the word ability which only shows up in the archetype wording and no where else so either the second bit of eldritch scion is useless, needs changed to feats/FCB or does what it reads as and allows you to take one of 3 archetypes that don't conflict else where.
if I've missed something that use ability in the wording please post it as it would explain why the wording is so confusing to me.
that is where the specific rule trumps general comes in, the general rule is the the archetype rules and the specific rule is the eldritch scion saying that you can modify the eldritch pool with specific wording that only show up in other archetypes. as a side note agian this would only allow you to combine bladebound, greensting, and card caster with eldritch scion.
if you have a archetype rule stating it overrides this please paste it so I can see it.
advanced class guide wrote: This ability replaces arcane pool, and abilities that modify arcane pool also modify eldritch pool. yes the eldritch pool ability does replace the arcane pool, but on the same note it also says that abilities that modify the arcane pool modify the eldritch pool which is why I wonder if I can be a eldritch bladebound scion.
ultimate magic wrote:
Black Blade (Ex)
At 3rd level, the bladebound magus’ gains a powerful sentient weapon called a black blade, whose weapon type is chosen by the magus (see sidebar). A magus with this class feature cannot take the familiar magus arcana, and cannot have a familiar of any kind, even from another class.
Instead of the normal arcane pool amount, the bladebound magus’s arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/3 his level (minimum 1) plus his Intelligence bonus.
This ability changes the Arcane Pool class feature and replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level.
the arcane pool is a class feature, the black blade which alters the arcane pool is apparently an ability and class feature according to the wording, the reason for that difference shows up in the last sentence.
CraziFuzzy I'd agree with you except for the word they use ability, which is the exact same wording used in other archetypes, now this also makes me worry that feats and maybe FCB do not work on the eldritch pool because of that same wording not working with feats because they lack the same wording.
that wording is why I asked the question of whether they stack because for PFS RAW it reads as working with archetypes but not feats/FCB which would be problematic.
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Advanced class guide wrote: This ability replaces arcane pool, and abilities that modify arcane pool also modify eldritch pool. from the eldritch scion archetype, i'm specifically looking at the bold part
ultimate magic wrote: This ability changes the Arcane Pool class feature and replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level. now using bladebound as an example the specific text says this ability, which according to eldritch scion should affect the eldritch pool.
I think this is a case of specific trumping general, the general being that two archetypes can not replace or modify the same a side not this only effects bladebound, greensting, and card caster, the rest that alter the arcane pool also alter spell recall, or knowledge pool.
now then could someone explain to me why this is supposedly wrong, and thank you for helping clear my confusion.

Secret Wizard wrote: Brad McDowell wrote: Not to derail the thread, SW, but the FAQs and other rules posts seem to allow it. YMMV. links? Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature.
from feral combat training
At 1st level, a brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes.
first lvl brawler ability
I'm pretty sure the intent of that ability is so they don't have to go back and change a ton of wording on feats and items, and I'm pretty sure feral combat training falls under that category of feats.
if your grabbing 5 lvls of bloodrager and don't care about the DR and uncanny dodge you can grab some fast heal while raging and the ability to use spells to heal your self in a pinch with the spelleater archtype.
while i agree that black blood from a story perspective makes sense the abilities that it grants don't fit as well as those of the arcane bloodline (spider climb, displacement/haste)
but if your where thinking of something i missed please let me know.
bloodrager does sound like the ideal class at the minute, given that it has the ability to use fist/kicks, touch attacks with ability damage, and full bab
now what race and bloodline/bloodlines would work best for the concept.
i was thinking either elemental or arcane bloodlines.
I'm not sure if I was confusing in my first post but or if it was something else but I do not have a Dhampir boon for this character.

ElterAgo is right I never actual said I wanted to be a melee fighter just that I didn't want to use actual weapons which left me as a monk type. I didn't even think to have my main class be a caster, for the eldritch heritage I was looking at was either ghoul or undead, I prefer the undead just because it is an actual touch attack and fits better with the concept.
I do love the hungry ghost monk archetype, but I feel like I'm wasting the wisdom bonus to ac when I design a monk if I don't go dex based and get the highest ac possible, also it generally gets the character away from MAD syndrome, being as I have one dex based character right now I don't really want to add another one yet, at least not a melee dex based.
what I'd come up with was 1 lvl of MoMs to get early pummeling charge
2 lvl of rouge for pressure point and the rest brawler for multiple attacks and full bab.
was thinking of having the brawler being a mutagen mauler and flavor it as being the old blood lust rising back up.
was thinking grave touch+dragon roar to frighten enemies but i'm not sure how well that would work reflavor the roar as soundless roar accompanied by a unnatural aura the rips into the enemy.
if someone can think of a good way to go spellcaster I might enjoy that more, I have not played caster classes all that much
hmm I don't think rageshaper effects the kitsunes bite or the abyssal claws because they are not gained through a polymorph spell. the claws are gained by supernatural means. the kitsune shapechange goes in the wrong direction but being as you presumable shift back with the same ability it might work, in general I'd say the bite is part of your natural form and Isn't gained when you change back.
fist off I don't have a Dhampir boon for this character. that said I've just finished finals and decided to build a character that is a resurrected vampire that slowly gains some of his vampiric abilities back.
the main goals I've had where some means to reliable do ability damage, a debilitating (or at least annoying) touch attack, and doesn't use weapons.I realize the last one means I'm going to be some sort of monk, brawler, sacred fist, or combination of the three.
the only real ideas I've had was eldritch heritage for the touch attack and pressure point ninja trick for the ability damage.I'm willing to give up the last goal to really make the character work. thanks in advance for the help.
if your really that worried about the punctuation then go MoMs at lvl 1 grab pummeling charge (it will be useless for a couple lvls) as your style feat and pummeling style at lvl 3. lvl 3 is the earliest that you can effectively use pummeling style feats anyway you go about getting them, because 2 lvls MoMs means you have 1 attack until lvl 3 when you get flurry of blows back from SF, the advantage of 2 lvls of MoMs is the +1 bab at lvl 2 not giving up your lvl 3 feat.
I was trying to build a final fantasy dragoon when I say the ninja trick high jumper and then found the quarterstaff of vaulting along with a boots of the cat to solve my how to jump insanely high in PFS, but now that I look at the quarterstaff and high jump trick I have no idea how these stack or if they even stack at all.
primary question is do quarterstaff of vaulting and high jumper ninja trick stack and if they do how. thanks in advance for the answers.
I'm hoping they stack in my favor to a new DC of 1 per foot.

Arachnofiend wrote: Question: If you have the means to make multiple move actions in a round, such as the use of a Quick Runner's Shirt, can you reduce burn cost by an additional point?
Also, can you take multiple turns to reduce burn even further? For example, could you spend a full round using two move actions to reduce burn, and then the move action on the next round to reduce burn by a total of three points, allowing you to do a free Quickened blast?
no idea about the extra move action I've asked the same question, unfortunately quick runner's shirt isn't pathfinder society legal so it doesn't effect me, maybe we could get one specifically for the kineticist, with text to stop people from abusing it.
as for the full round to reduce sadly that doesn't work
If she has both hands free, as a move action, a kineticist
can visibly gather energy or elemental matter around her,
allowing her to reduce the total burn cost of a wild talent
used in the same round by 1 point (to a minimum of 0
Shiroi wrote: Tels wrote: Hmm... does the extra damage from Empower get multiplied in a Vital Strike? Just off the examination of vital strike, and the face that you called the empower "extra damage" I'd say no. But that's just me, and it also depends on what order you activate the abilities in. If you vital strike first, does the Empower add to the vital strike damage?
In this case, because you empower the SLA and then make the attack which you choose to use Vital Strike on, I don't think that's a viable wording option, but it may be a workaround with other abilities. In this case, I don't think Empower would apply to Vital Strike. I'm with Shiroi here in that they get applied separately I took it as my blast does 6d6+# my empower adds 3d6+(1/2)# then vital strike adds another 6d6 for a total of 15d6+(3/2)#, if you assume that they stack multiplicatively you get 18d6+(3/2)#
#= bonus damage
kestral287 wrote: Kinetic Fist can't be applied as part of an AoO, because an AoO is not an attack or full attack action. It's not a swift or free action, it's a subset of another action. I was wrong about how long it lasts though, so as long as you activated it the turn before you're good. That's not a given though (any time you need to shoot something...).
That said, I'm honestly not convinced it wouldn't apply to a Monk's Flurry. My understanding is that you can't apply two separate abilities with a wording akin to "as a full-attack action", so you can't combine, say, Magus Spell Combat and Monk Flurry of Blows. "As part of a full-attack action" is different wording though.
I'm honestly against it only be activated as part of an attack/full attack because that severely limits what we can do with it, and I have no idea about the Monk's flurry and kinetic fist.
kestral287 wrote: You do have the advantage of Snake Style, which is a big plus, but on those AoOs you don't get Kinetic Fist, so your damage output is limited there. yes he would get the AoO if he already has kinetic fist up which we still don't know if you are unable summon outside of an attack action, assuming you can it is either a swift, free, or non action to summon the kinetic blade/fist/whip of which only kinetic blade can't be used with AoO because it has a duration of just your turn, fist and whip last until the start of your next turn. if they didn't intend for the kinetic fist to apply to AoO they probably would have shortened the duration to the end of your turn.
Shiroi wrote: So far no direct ruling on blade that I've seen, but whip is better described as elemental tentacle. It isn't a finesse weapon, it doesn't hit 15, and it's not a trip/disarm/nonlethal/in any other way odd weapon. I can assume blade is the same. It does, however, let you hit your normal range just fine in addition to the reach zone. kinetic blade is definitely finesse able see page 3 I currently can't copy & paste for some reason. kinetic whip says that it functions as kinetic blade with normal reach so it can also be finessed. power attack, and weapon focus work, things like agile while not work.
otherwise your correct the shape gives you nothing, the shape is purely for cool factor it is neither beneficial or adverse to the user.
glad to have you back as well. I have two questions for you and some things I noticed during a playtest
question 1: if I have two move actions and a standard can I reduce the burn cost for my blast during that round by 1 or 2 using both move actions to reduce burn.
question 2: what kind of action is it if I want to summon my kinetic blade/whip/fist without using a attack action, or is it not possible to do so without an attack. this is more important for kinetic whip/fist because of their ability to take attacks of opportunity.
and finally I've noticed that kineticist and skalds go well together, I'm also in agreement that kineticist need more out of combat skills and more skill points to go with those skills.
also I apologize for throwing questions at you right of the bat.

Rerednaw wrote:
I politely disagree, though not with the vitriol others have shown.
Perhaps *your* kineticist might. Not everyone's will. That's my point. Let's go with a 14 Cha, though I'm not sure where the 15 would have gone, con maybe? So the sorcerer has more functional hit points than the kineticist by the time he hit 20th? Guess what, that sorcerer is still taking out the kineticist, and can do what the kineticist had to specialize to do among the myriad of other things available to a full caster. And he's not staggered after taking that first hit.
My kineticist has put all FCB into skills and hasn't taken Toughness. He won't be taking Kinetic Form. I don't see how my kineticist can gather power while in a form that doesn't have he's focusing more on control and will be taking Chilling Infusion as well as Spark of Life. Though I suppose since you will be playing staggered you won't be able to gather power anyway so not having hands won't be an issue.
i'm going to disagree for a couple reasons namely *your* kineticist would die to a lvl 10 sorcerer most kineticist will probably have 20-24 con and 20-22 dex by lvl 20, so after taking the fireball (which i'll give you the benefit of the doubt as to how you made a 80 perception check) you would find about 50% of kineticist standing in front of you with a kinetic whip that does a average of 146 damage which is going to drop a lvl 10 that uses a d6 for hit die

Vrog Skyreaver wrote: kinetic blade, fist, and whip all say that they're done as part of an attack or full-round action, but kinetic fist works differently than the other two (as kinetic whip states that it works like kinetic blade but grants reach). Kinetic fist is interesting (and potentially more damaging) than the other two because a monk/kineticist will have more/better dice than a character with one of the kinetic weapon options.
So no, no doing any of the above as AoOs (since attacks of op are neither a standard or full-round action).
your right on kinetic blade, I was wrong about what an AoO counted as which means I also learned I can't use vital strike with it.
kinetic whip can definetly be used for attacks of opportunity it is specifically called out in kinetic whips text i would copy & paste a quote in but my computer isn't letting me copy paste at the minute, kinetic fist should be able to assuming you put it up during your turn then take the AoO with a natural attack or unarmed strike (probably have some monk lvls).

Travenix wrote: Does anyone know if an Aether Kineticist can use a move action to gather energy to reduce burn on Kenetic Blade?
The way I am understanding it as written. You have to have both hands free to gather energy to reduce the burn but because Aethers have to have an object in their hands to transfer the power to, they will never get to use this ability.
Also Soul Knife was one of my favorite classes and they made blades of force without any object to channel the energy into.
On that note why can't the Blade disappear at the start of your next turn rather than the end with a feat (that way you still have to pay the burn as the developers want you to). Because as it stands you are going to be in melee with no weapon to defend yourself with, you don't threaten (so you can't give flank) and can't make opportunity attacks.
I am thinking the opportunity attacks seems like the reason the developers want it to disappear.
from what I've read so far you could probably summon a kinetic blade as part of an attack of opportunity, when you get kinetic whip you can take AoO at 10ft. while weilding spiked guantlets. you would still need to pay the burn cost of the talent but so far we've been told that you summon kinetic blade/whip as part of a attack action which AoO probably are.
as a side note kinetic whips stays until the start of your next turn

crazedloon wrote:
so until 5th level the class slowly gets worse, if it would like to use its class features to the max and at level 5 it can only mitigate 1 option and only for the form/substance you grabbed at level 1 so that if you wish to use both a form and substance you require level 8 to not take the burn again only on your level 1 options.
at level 6 for instance you can grab your first higher tier substance/form and you take 3 burn for its use, even with a a move action to reduce burn and your specialization focused for form/substance you can only use that class feature 5+con times a day and this is assuming you never get hit between uses or that your enemy does not ready to attack you when you are gathering power. Admittedly 5+con is quite a few uses for your highest level power (a good comparison is the summoners summon monster which is 3+cha) but other classes do not become weaker when using class features.
so many things that seem wrong here,
first of the you chose infusion specialization effects all of that type of infusions not just a specific infusion
second 6th lvl infusions cost 2 (1 if it makes you infusion specialization) not 3 unless you using a composite with it which you can't due to a 2 burn a round limit.
third you can only combine 1 form and 1 substance infusion on a blast and this can't be done with composite because of 2 burn a round limit. at lvl 6 it might be less burn a round
so here is a question if I can take two move actions and a standard in a single round, use both move actions to gather energy do I reduce the burn cost by 1 or 2 for my next blast used in that round.
Jeff Merola wrote: You don't lose spell slots to Crossblooded, you lose Spells Known. So no, I didn't subtract any spells as I didn't need to. your right I miss read that my apologies, going to assume you stared to reply before I edited my post. also it is only at low levels that kineticist can't have any utility , around lvl 11 a kineticist can quasi teleport, build a stone fort in a day, those are just off the top of my head and really only come from the geokineticist.
Jeff Merola wrote: If you throw in Empowering on yours, we'll throw free Empowered Scorching Rays on the Sorcerer (by taking Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter, both applied to Scorching Ray). The damage changes to:
Minimum: 256
Average: 444
Maximum: 632
quick question if your using crossblooded did you take off two scorching rays and a magic missile from the spell slots you lose to crossblooded. if you did use both traits to get free empowered than you built the character as a blaster, the kineticist did nothing more than use a class feature, also I forgot feel the burn's +2 and +1 from empower (I always forget this) so my damages are off by 50
maximum: 510 (640 not using touch attack)
average: 335 (465 not using touch attack)
minimum: 160 (280 not using touch attack)
edit:but this discussion seems to be over so ignore me

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Jeff Merola wrote: When was the last time you played in a game where you actually had four fights in a day that went for 5 rounds each? You're also ignoring the fact that Sorcerers can do a hell of a lot more outside of damage.
Also, a 6th level Sorcerer with 20 Charisma can fire 10 Scorching Rays (6 2nd level slots, 4 3rd level), not 5. Oh, and a 6th level Sorcerer casts 3 missiles, not 2.
Edit: Also, if you really want to blast with a Sorcerer, you're probably better off going Crossblooded Orc/Draconic, which raises the max damage you're doing from 406 to 472. Both numbers being higher than the Kineticist, actually.
Edit2:The Sorcerer ends up with a higher max (406 or 472 vs 400), a higher average (268 or 334 vs 250), and a higher minimum (130 or 196 vs 100).
the answer is almost never except when the party was almost getting TPK in every encounter. I'll leave the sorcerer's damage to you but a fire kineticist with 20 con should be doing 3d6+2 with a blast at lvl 6 if you don't move you can empower.
we'll assume I get to empower 10 times. max damage would be 460, avg damage would be 285, min damage would be 110. while yes your sorcerer still wins not by as much as you say on max and avg

Artanthos wrote: Burst DPR that can done only once per day, at the cost of rendering yourself nearly unconscious, cannot be used to judge a classes effectiveness. this is very true, also the only time you'd do it is to a boss. which people generally nova regardless of class in that encounter.
Rynjin wrote: You can't accept that much Burn in a round though. Max you can accept is 6 (effective 8 for using your Move and Metakinetic Master to reduce the cost by 2), and that costs 10 (Sorry, 12, forgot the Composite Blast cost). Also, not sure what waiting a few rounds would do here.
he only ends of using 8 burn but its a mute point because it is still more than allowed
composite blast 1 (we are assuming one composite blast)
empower 1
maximize 2
quicken 3
double 4
-3 from metamaster, composite master, and move action
I think what he was thinking, was that he could build up a charge my taking move actions on multiple turns to offset the burn cost.
which actually isn't a bad question given that we have the quicken metakinesis which changes the cast time allowing us to take up to 3 move actions in a turn if we are under the effect of haste and then use a blast.
Zwordsman wrote: alternis sol wrote:
i also think that kinetic healer should be changed to this talent can be used 3+(1/2)con mod per day 1/2 con so we don't out heal clerics not that we would be able to compare to some of the things they get.
Well. while it heals quite abit of D6's it doesn't outclass an actual healer at all I think. It's so very focused and you burn a constantly with no way to reduce at all.
I was thinking remove the burn cost but give it a daily limit I'm not that familiar with support/healer's so 3+con mod could be completely reasonable
Starfox wrote: On burn. I have the feel that burn is about twice as costly as it ought to be. How about each burn point inflicting one point of Constitution damage that cannot be recovered normally, but is recovered automatically next day? Sure, this is worse in some ways (lessened abilities, reduced hp, chance of death), but you get to burn twice as much before you go down. Another problem with attribute damage is that the mechanism for it is rather complex. I think my favorite option so far is to make half of burn damage heal able (round nonheal able up for balance).
i also think that kinetic healer should be changed to this talent can be used 3+(1/2)con mod per day 1/2 con so we don't out heal clerics not that we would be able to compare to some of the things they get.
Anguish I agree we should probably get a feat like that I just think I should probably be something that we take once and get a decent reduction due to how few feats we currently get.
Heladriell wrote: On a unrelated side note: what if the terra/geokineticist could attack with his blasts using strength? Something similar to the old brutal throw. I think it would be thematically appropriate. if you mean strength to hit that would make geokineticist the go to kineticist switch hitter, which may not be a bad thing or it could invalidate the other elements. on a side note doing this would make geokineticist like skalds more than they already do.
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well if we consider the entire kinetic whip text a the rules for the ability than we get a direct conflicts between you form a long tendril of energy and this functions as kinetic blade with reach. on one hand we would definitely have a whip but nothing else, on the other can create a light one handed weapon that looks 10 ft. greatsword.
so yes if we view the entire text as the rules for the ability then it needs clarified, which probably won't happen until mark gets back.
on that note mark if you are reading this take all the time you need with your family, because family is more important than what boils down to a game no matter how much we enjoy the game.
okay missed that the first time, I think that still means I can create a dagger that looks like a 10 ft. greatsword for cool factor tho.
also I think marks intention was to stop people from using kinetic blade to qualify for things like dervish dance by creating a scimitar.

Jeff Merola wrote:
Artanthos wrote: Kinetic whip does remove the choice of weapon selection:
Kinetic Whip wrote: You form a long tendril of energy or elemental matter using your kinesis. To quote a popular saying on the Rules forum "fluff text is not rules text." The rules of the ability are "This functions as Kinetic Blade, plus reach."
was going to say this but you beat me to it, thank you.
Jeff Merola wrote: Artanthos wrote: The weapon is finessable if you choose a light weapon. The weapon can be used two-handed if you choose a two handed weapon (and benefit from power attack if attacking normal AC. Choosing a simple weapon if recommended, as proficiency is not granted. You can't form a two-handed weapon, actually (though you can certainly pick a one-handed form and two-hand it).
can you post where you got the proficiency is not granted.
regardless something funny you can probably do with kinetic whip is say I form a dagger in my hand, cosmetically this looks like a 10 ft. long greatsword that I'm wielding with one hand, I point it at the (input enemy) and say surrender.
Artanthos wrote: alternis sol wrote: which is beyond perception range of everything so they are flatfooted to me and can't retaliate if they survive. If you are beyond their perception, they are beyond your perception. there are 2 solutions to this
1) have a telescope (not sure what this cost/ what bonuses it gives) but it should let you deal with the distance issue
2) have a wand of clairvoyance or caster that specializes in divination
to give you directions (basically you'd be a sniper unit, kineticist = sniper, divination specialist = spotter) if i'm using this method the last 2 party members would be a skald (because kineticist like skalds) and a healer
Eiseth Leroung wrote: This may have been answered already but how do feats such as point blank shot and rapid shot etc function with the blasts, or do they not function at all? yep it has been answered(answer below).
Mark Seifter wrote: Disk Elemental wrote: If I'm reading this properly, blasts are considered "ranged attacks" so they benefit from Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim, Haste, Snap Shot, etc? Of that list, only Deadly Aim would work.
Goblinsaurus the only time i would bother to hit something with that much damage is because it was the end boss or the party was in danger of a TPK if i didn't drop the thing in 2 rounds. for the most part i would shoot things for 360 damage (empowered composite blast 0-1 burn) which yes isn't that good but would let my fellow party member drop the thing when he/she hits it.
which makes me think that a interesting thing to add to metakinesis would be a true strike option for 1 or 2 burn, have it become available with empower or maximize. it would definitely help a kineticist hit things.

Goblinsaurus wrote:
20d6+40(20d6 base Metal blast, +1/die Aetheric Boost)+Con of say 8 for 20d6+48 base. Mythic and Improved Vital Strike for 60d6+142. You're already eating one burn for that alone. Maximize+1 burn. Quicken for another, NON-VITAl STRIKE, blast at 20d6+40.
Depending on whether you can get two Vital-Striked blasts at once, which I'd doubt, you're looking at either ~1130 damage, or 632+20d6+40 for about 760 damage. If it's Maximised still, it goes up by an average of about 40 damage. That's 800 damage at the cost of 6 burn. 800 damage at the cost of 120 damage to yourself that can't be healed at all, and you're got far less chance of hitting than other striker-role characters.
Meanwhile, other damage dealers are doing the exact same thing at no damage to themselves, while also having more skills, utility, hit points, higher chances of hitting, from higher ranges potentially, and with more ease of bypassing DR.
for the double vital strike this is how I got it
At 17th level, by accepting 4 points of burn, she can
use her kinetic blast twice with the same action, when
using a double blast, all additional enhancements apply to
both of the doubled blasts.
this also means that I can use a wand of true strike to enhance both of them the turn before to put my hit with a dex of 20 at 44 so 42 at 960ft (my miss chance is 25% at worst). which is beyond perception range of everything so they are flatfooted to me and can't retaliate if they survive. my heatlh after take all 240 burn damage is still at 263 (yeah kinetic body) which matches that of a fighter with a 20. con score at lvl 20. if i'm doing a 1100 damage why the hell do I care if it has DR it is not going to save it from dieing. about the only thing that has more hitpoints than me is a barbarian or a fighter/paladin tank, non of which are going to out nova me.
quick math for lvl 20 kineticist with improved vital strike and mythic vital strike
ranged nova
20d6+34+(10d6+17)+40d6+68 so far 0 burn maximixe and double make 6 burn
(120+34+77+240+68)x2=1078 thier is only one enemy that i can find on D20 that has enough hitpoint and DR to survive this and its a CR 39.
Rynjin wrote: Here's a useful comparison for Pyrokinetic vs a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer with Scorching Ray.
Pyrokinetic targets Touch AC for 4d6+7 (average 21). He can Empower that to 6d6+10 for 2 Burn (one if he stands still). That's 7-14 damage he takes, if I recall. Average Blast damage is now 31.
i have to agree the damage is subpar until higher levels and some feats kick in.
on a side note Rynjin empower cost 1 burn and can be reduced to zero if you stand still

Zwordsman wrote:
On kenetic form
Am I the only one who read that at first as "you gain the elemental properties" to mean that you don't transform into the elemental, your budy just gains properties of it but you stay in your form? Just with energy blasting out. Ala Jean Gray/Phoenix, or Iceman.
Which was why it just said properties, but you don't get the movement types-because you weren't actually transformed
no that is exactly how I read it as well and probably wouldn't have changed if someone didn't tell me I was wrong, so yes it needs clarified because it can be confusing.
the math has been done at lvl 7 you get a 4d6+(1/2)con mod and they have to beat spell resistance and elemental resistance if you want to target touch, no composite blast targets touch, and any blast not targeting touch has a 50% or greater miss chance unless you work pretty darn hard to get to hit bonuses.
the composite blast get 8d6+8+con mod they get no other bonus damage from anything and at best have a +13 to hit that is a 30% miss chance and that is the best we can get. and we get a single ranged attack a round compared to a archers 2-4 attacks and only has a 20% miss chance on 2 or 3 of those attacks
okay just went back through every single one of marks post and couldn't find the one where he said that kinetic blade/whip/fist provoked attacks of opportunity, admittedly i was rushing a little so if someone finds it can you post it so we can confirm it because currently it looks like we may have randomly added it for no reason.
Ryu_Hitome wrote: Can you dual wield kinetic blades? Dukai wrote: They clarified in the original post updates that you can only create one instance of a blade or whip, so no sadly Dukai is right, which is kind of sad because a) you can't duel wield which probably wasn't the issue and b) you can't look like a badass for a round by summoning 50 kinetic whips in the shape of swords and having 50 of them float around you while you wield the last one. b) was probably what they wanted to stop so that a kineticist can't equip his/her entire party with reach weapons that deal 3d6+3+kineticist con+ whatever bonus damage the weilder gets and don't suffer from a reach weapons akward threat area.

Lukas Stariha wrote: Shiroi wrote: For all those who wonder what kind of action the Kinetic Blade/Fist/Whip is, please read carefully... "use this as part of an attack or full attack action". So it is not specifically an action, but a default occurrence which happens when you say you want to beat something with a flaming stick. It does however currently provoke, Mark has stated. He said he wishes to test the ability under these conditions before deciding if he would include it not provoking aoo's. if they provoke AoO then I should be able to cast the thing and 5ft. into attack range to avoid that, which means it still ends up being a swift or free action with extra text stating it provokes. if I can't cast this move/5ft. then this means that a kineticist doesn't really get a melee iterative option and I don't think that was the intention of the skill.
regardless we need to know what kind of action it is to summon a kinetic whip at least because I can set up AoO with that, so we need to know what kind of actions we can take with it beyond summoning it. this becomes particularly important at lvl 10 when we can start quasi teleporting with ride the blast.
playtest report for my kineticist
kineticist like skalds
that is all I have to report.