voideternal |
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Not necessarily specific characters but if I could get the rules for a Dragonriders of Pern or How to Train your Dragon style of character or campaign for Pathfinder I would die happy.
There's a dragon called Dragonkin from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds that addresses this.

KingmanHighborn |

Subparhiggins wrote:Not necessarily specific characters but if I could get the rules for a Dragonriders of Pern or How to Train your Dragon style of character or campaign for Pathfinder I would die happy.Now I want to use Thread in a game.
And now I know what to suggest for Bestiary 5.

Detect Magic |
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Himura Kenshin (Battousai the Manslayer) would be fun.

Subparhiggins |

Subparhiggins wrote:Not necessarily specific characters but if I could get the rules for a Dragonriders of Pern or How to Train your Dragon style of character or campaign for Pathfinder I would die happy.There's a dragon called Dragonkin from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds that addresses this.
Yeah. I know about the Dragonkin. :( But I looked around and there don't seem to be any viable rules for a PC to actually get one that isn't just indulgent GM largesse.

Greylurker |
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Prince Philionel El Di Saillune from slayers, some sort of terrifying combination of Paladin and Brawler

The HotRod |

Himura Kenshin (Battousai the Manslayer) would be fun.
He would probably be Samurai (Sword Saint) with no order aka Ronin.

HenshinFanatic |

Vanara Bard with delusions of being a king who's tired of monkeyin' around.

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Bayonneta - Some kind of a Mythic gunslinger or I guess shaman with the hex hair.
Kratos - Mythic Barbarian
Tempest (Lunar: Silver star story) - Badass Archer.
Auron FFX - A mythic fighter
Luca Blight (suikoden 2) only in an evil game.
Ashton Anchors (Star Ocean 2) - A guy with two dragon familiars ice and fire, dual wielding sword...seriously I want to make this guy.
Sabin (final fantasy 6) - Supplex a train...what else do you need to know?

UnArcaneElection |

Copied and pasted from a thread that died:
Height-challenged Catfolk (or, for that matter, an Awakened Permanently Anthromorphic cat) Swashbuckler. This gets you Puss in Boots.
Barbarian (Breaker archetype)with dip in Oracle (any Mystery, but Metal and Stone are best) with Wrecker curse, either adding Improved Unarmed Strike or using a race that has natural weapons, proceeding into Rage Prophet with the build favoring melee combat over spells. This gets you Wreck-It Ralph. (And I just a few days ago saw some Paizo stuff to build Fix-It-Felix too, but now I can't remember where I saw it; might have required a specific magic item, though.)
Human Swashbuckler transitioning into Society-unsanctioned Pathfinder CHronicler is a way to get you the Red Rascal (Sorkh Razil), except in addition you need a Slacker Mythic Path.
I can also think of some characters to build after politicians in some of the higher offices in our land, but that might be too depressing . . . .

Natan Linggod 327 |
Zaraki Kenpachi Barbarian Aasimar (Mythic if possible in game) from Bleach.
Shiroe the Strategist aka the Villain in Glasses, Arcanist School Savant with Transmutation as his specialist school. Yes I know in the anime they call him an Enchanter but his spells are mostly buffs so Trans fits better.
He's from Log Horizon.
Akatsuki the assassin from the same anime is probably a high level Slayer.
A Fairy Tail style summoner like Lucy Heartfillia.
Would have to be a heavily modified summoner.
The guy from Fate Stay Night. Probably a Magus of some kind with a bound Lesser planar ally.
Natsu from Fairy Tail as a multiclass Brawling Barbarian/ Eldritch scraper Sorcerer with the Brass Dragon Bloodline. Maybe take a few levels of Eldritch Knight.
I'd love to do a ninja with gaze/sight based special abilities in the vein of Sasuke or Kakashi but I don't know how that would work.
Kenichi Historys Greatest Disciple. Brawler/Monk (Master of Many Styles)
Arthas the Lich King from Warcraft. Or at least his style. I'd make a Magus with a lot of cold and necromancy spells.
If I was to build him as he's presented, Fallen Paladin/Blackguard Dreadknight obviously.

Edward Sobel |

Shiroe the Strategist aka the Villain in Glasses, Arcanist School Savant with Transmutation as his specialist school. Yes I know in the anime they call him an Enchanter but his spells are mostly buffs so Trans fits better.
He's from Log Horizon.
Akatsuki the assassin from the same anime is probably a high level Slayer.The guy from Fate Stay Night. Probably a Magus of some kind with a bound Lesser planar ally.
Natsu from Fairy Tail as a multiclass Brawling Barbarian/ Eldritch scraper Sorcerer with the Brass Dragon Bloodline. Maybe take a few levels of Eldritch Knight.
Akatsuki... would just a ninja work?
for Natsu how about a Bloodrager still have the dragon bloodline.

Zilfrel Findadur |
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Akatsuki ninja would not work, because she would need levels in assasin prestige class, Slayer already gives that. Still i think she's more of a Ninja, she should be Ninja/Assasin.
Sasuke and Kakashi would be something like Ninja/Witch/Arcane Trickster, with permanency spell with some cool abilities on their eyes. Maybe some wondrous items that fill the eye slot.

Natan Linggod 327 |
Akatsuki... would just a ninja work?
for Natsu how about a Bloodrager still have the dragon bloodline.
OF course. Ninja. You're right. Why did I think Slayer? total derp moment on my part.
Bloodrager works better for Natsu too. I'd give him a few levels of Brawler though. He uses his magic more to enhance his hand to hand combat.
Good catch.

Natan Linggod 327 |
Akatsuki ninja would not work, because she would need levels in assasin prestige class, Slayer already gives that. Still i think she's more of a Ninja, she should be Ninja/Assasin.
Sasuke and Kakashi would be something like Ninja/Witch/Arcane Trickster, with permanency spell with some cool abilities on their eyes. Maybe some wondrous items that fill the eye slot.
Nah, Assassin has to be Evil. Akatsuki certainly isn't that. Also, her "special ability" is a high level ability called Assassinate which a 10th level Ninja has as an Advanced Ninja trick.

Natan Linggod 327 |
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Alexander Anderson from Helsing- Warpriest Maybe a level or two in Slayer. I would have gone Paladin but he seems to be more LN than LG.
Cross Marian from DGreyman - Probably a Warpriest who carries a coffin with him that contains an Undead Bard (Maria) under his control.
Allen Walker from DGreyman - Deliverer Slayer. Not sure if Clown Crown should be an item he has or a manifestation of Eldritch Heritage.
Inaho from Alnoah Zero - Empiricist Sleuth Investigator who uses Large sized Golem Armour(If I want to include the Mecha). Alternatively he could have Synthesist Summoner levels , eidolon looks like a mech.
Hercule Poirot - Gnome Empiricist Investigator. "One must look to the little grey cells Hastings"
Yugi Mouto YuGiOh - Master Summoner with a lot of Buff and defensive spells. Maybe uses a magic deck of cards to enhance his summoning. His Eidolon would be the Pharaoh spirit in him. Almost never summons it.
Lupin the Third - anime of the same name, Rogue Burglar.

DominusMegadeus |
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Alexander Anderson from Helsing- Warpriest Maybe a level or two in Slayer. I would have gone Paladin but he seems to be more LN than LG.
I don't wanna turn this into an alignment debate thread, but Anderson and his troops literally hoped to go to Hell in the afterlife so they could continue fighting sinners and abominations. They were pretty extreme, but I think they were lowercase good people, at least.
The Catholic Church as a whole in Hellsing... probably a little bit Evil.

LoneKnave |
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I've had an itching to do a gambler character in Pathfinder, not unlike Lando from Star Wars (The old Star Wars D6 actually had a gambler template)
I'm not really sure what class/classes I'd make him in Pathfinder. Bard? Rogue?
You probaby want a Swindler. Well, unless you want to be not terrible I mean, but swindlers still work relatively well compared to other rogues. Archeologist bards also have a nice luck theme going.

Saldiven |
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I would love to see a build for Vampire Hunter D that actually covers his Countenanced Carbuncle. But does anyone else think that D would have the ability to change the properties of his weapon?
That was exactly my first thought, too, for a character concept.
The most challenging part would be adequately representing Left Hand....

Arcanic Drake |

Fullmetal Alchemist:
Edward Elric - Not sure how... Anime/Manga alchemist doesn't match game Alchemist....
Greed - Synthesist Summoner
Pride - Shadow Caller Summoner Small Fetchling
Roy Mustang - Sorcerer (Fire Based)
Darker than Black
Hei - Magus (Electricity Based)
No Game No Life
Sora or Shiro - ..... Bard (archetypes), Investigator (archetypes)... anything else applicable
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin - Ronin Samurai
Marvel Comics
Any Symbiote - Synthesist Summoner
David Ryce - Wizard (teleportation based)
um... Can't think of anything else at the moment... kinda late where I live. Might come up with more later.

Bandw2 |

I feel like playing some dark souls characters now that i've gotten into that sort of thing.
like Lucatiel of Mirrah, or Straid, or maybe even the Frume Knight or some such combination. Or i could play my character, with a Rapier in my mainhand and a Greatsword in my off-hand.

Natan Linggod 327 |
robert best 549 wrote:I would love to see a build for Vampire Hunter D that actually covers his Countenanced Carbuncle. But does anyone else think that D would have the ability to change the properties of his weapon?That was exactly my first thought, too, for a character concept.
The most challenging part would be adequately representing Left Hand....
Dhampir Kinslayer Inquisitor who has the Tumor Familiar somehow. I think there's a feat that lets you get it if you aren't an Alchemist.

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Edward Elric - Not sure how... Anime/Manga alchemist doesn't match game Alchemist....
Human Metal Oracle with the lame curse. Going through the gate of knowledge where power is forced upon them and they can use alchemical formula because they just know it. Craft is a class skill for oracle, so taking ranks in alchemy. Lame curse representing how he lost the use of his leg, but made up for it with the dance of the blades revelation (adding 10 ft to movement speed). For all the other stuffs, cleric have stone shape/wall of stone etc...which corresponds to most tricks used by him, while some revelation will allow him to grow and use metal blade from his arm (Iron weapon revelation).

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Ragna the Bloodedge: CG Male Human Abyssal Bloodline Bloodrager
Jin Kisaragi: CN Male Human Magus
Noel Vermillion: NG Female Assimar Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger
Taokaka: CG Female Catfolk Rogue
Iron Tager: LN Male Half-Construct Giant Brawler
Kokonoe: N Female Catfolk Arcanist/Technomancer
Arakune: CN Male Aberrant Witch
Rachael Alucard: N Female Vampire Arcane Bloodline Sorceress
Hakumen: LN Male Assimar Samurai
Bang Shishigami: NG Male Human Ninja
Litchi Faye-Ling: N Female Human Martial Artist Monk
Carl Clover: N Young Male Human Summoner
Nu-13: CE Female Half-Construct Assimar Slayer
If they enter their unlimited mode... suddenly mythic powers comes to them!
From my experiences, I have seen someone already created Ragna the Bloodedge for PFS and its hilarious everytime he declares a charge, he'll yell out:"CARNAGEEE SCISSORS!"

rungok |

Not necessarily specific characters but if I could get the rules for a Dragonriders of Pern or How to Train your Dragon style of character or campaign for Pathfinder I would die happy.
You'll want this book then! Seriously a good idea and a fun setting to try converting.
Let's see...
Uhm... I don't know about a character 'conversion' so to speak, but I'd love to see someone actually convert "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" from Borderlands 2. It would be a single module I think. Doesn't have to be all guns and stuff, since the encounters could easily be translated with normal monsters or bad guys. Heck, it already has the quests and side quests already set up.
Hmm... I think I'd like to see Richard and Kahlan Rahl from The Sword of Truth series. I'm especially curious how to stat the Confessor's power.
And for anime... I really don't have one. I've been able to pretty cleanly stat most of them, or easily convert their unique abilities into something that would work in the system. I guess if anything I would like to see how to pull off what Alucard does in Hellsing Ultimate.