
HenshinFanatic's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 408 posts (430 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I mean, it let's you spell strike force barrage so up to an additional 10d4+10 on a successful spell strike (two action force barrage at 9th rank).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:
In PF1 we had a statblock for Abrogail Thrune that suggested she was a level 17 sorcerer. This was not an invitation for your level 20 PCs to pick her as a target.

Sure it was, it's just that it necessitates a little, creativity.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Finoan wrote:

I remember a card game that had an inherent contradiction in the rules for ending the game. I don't remember the game and I don't think I have it any more - it was a rather strange and somewhat boring game.

Anyway, the rules for ending the game were (paraphrased because I can't remember them exactly): "If the draw pile is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile into the draw pile. There is no time limit or point limit. The player who earns the most points first wins."

At any point, the players could stop the game and determine who has the most points.

During the game the players could determine who reached a specific number of points first.

But it is inherently contradictory to have both of those as the end conditions of the game.


Characters make saving throws because they are affected by a spell effect that allows a saving throw.

If you have not been affected by the spell, then you haven't made your first saving throw and it is incorrect to say that you make 'another' saving throw.

If you have made a saving throw against the spell, then that is because you have already been affected by the spell.

So this part of the rules for the spell:

force enemies in the area that weren't yet affected to attempt another saving throw

is inherently contradictory. That contradiction has to be resolved one way or the other in order to actually play the game.

I choose the option that saying you make 'another' saving throw is incorrect. If the spell's area expands to include you and you have not been affected by the spell, then you make your first saving throw against it. If you have already been affected by the spell and have already made a saving throw against it and the area expands to include you, then you don't make another saving throw - you use the existing result because by RAW you only get 'another' saving throw if you 'haven't been affected yet'.

Sounds an awful lot like the first Digimon TCG.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The best thing for your character to experience is to crush their enemies, see those enemies driven before them, and to hear the lamentations of the enemies' women.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Easl wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:

"...only vindicators of evil deities are called inquisitors."

Nice touch.

My contrarian side feels the urge to make an Inquisitor named David Hume.

But could David Hume out consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Peachchild Leshy Ranger Beastmaster. Basically Momotaro at home. He's inspired by the legendary figure, but has completely different animal companions. Thinking maybe insect animal companions to get some Issun-boshi kind of motif. So starting with maybe a beetle for an early mount that can travel hella fast (companion's cry plus beetle's advanced maneuver let's it Stride four times), no idea what additional companions though beyond maybe a Giant Wasp for aerial support. Options seem pretty slim from what I can find.

Courageous Tanuki swordsaint wielding a liuyedao. Waffling between Obedience Champion and Aloof Firmament Magus. Master of transformation using Ancestry Paragon variant rule to get both Everyday Form and Teakettle Form lines. Probably can fit in both Ponpoko and Ponpoko-pon as well.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just to throw my suggestion for how to handle property runes with ABP into the mix. Shortly past the ABP section there's a small variant rule called High-Quality. I use that as the limiting factor for property runes as a replacement for potency runes. I keep item bonuses, but they are treated as potency bonuses and vice versa, thus do not stack. You simply take the better of the two if you have both.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Unless they're justice champions @TheGleefulGrognard. Getting up to three reaction attacks per round (quick shield block's extra reaction being substituted with shield of reckoning to get both shield warden and champion reaction).

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have the sneaking suspicion at least some of the speculated-content from a Secrets of Magic Remastered might be appearing here.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

@Samurai would the shield be ruled to take the larger half if damage can't split evenly? For example, you block a greataxe with a Hide Shield which normally has a hardness of 4 (treated as 6 against bludgeoning strikes) and the total unmodified (by blocking) damage of the attack is 15 which leaves 11 points. Does the shield take 5 (half rounded-down), or 6 (half rounded-up while you take the remaining half rounded-down to 5)? The former lets shields last a smidge longer, while the latter offers a greater sense of verisimilitude.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So do we have to wait until Divine Mysteries for deity writeups on the Wardens of the Wild?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry for the thread necro, but what FAQ button? Such a thing doesn't show up for me at all.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Squiggit wrote:
Lightning Raven wrote:
HeHateMe wrote:
Exocist wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:
You gave me some new ideas for threat techniques. These ideas make taunt more worth wile and create some interaction between guardian abilities but don't address the accuracy issues with the class.

Strike accuracy issues don't need to be addressed if hitting things for damage isn't the point of the class.

I would still prefer that they are addressed and the Guardian has the same weapon progression as a Champion, but it's not strictly necessary.

Guardian is a martial weapon and heavy armor wearing martial. No way should it be stuck with the same weapon proficiency advancement as an Alchemist.
Agreed. If lower accuracy is a must have for this class to compensate the beefier defenses, the it's better to switch up its main stat from STR to CON.
How does that follow? If people are upset that it has accuracy problems, making it even less accurate and giving it a dead key stat feels like the opposite of making anything better.

Because in exchange the Guardian would get normal martial proficiency levels for attacks same as Rangers, Champions, etc.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just noticed this while reading through my recently arrived physical copy, but are the Amphisbaena Handwraps (page 106) supposed to lack fundamental runes despite being 3 levels higher than the base version of Handwraps of Mighty Blows?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Meanwhile Explosive Dogslicer is buffed in both modes with the addition of Fatal d10 to ranged mode and Agile on the melee mode. Almost makes everyone going combination weapon want to be either half-gobbo or half-human. Shame it costs double the standard for the ammunition though @ 2sp for 10 rounds of ammunition.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kelseus wrote:

pg. 18 Coral Athamaru armor has a "Strength value of 16" should read "Strength value of +3"

pg. 151 Concert Frog's jaws attack deals 2d11+11 damage. Likely should be d10s.

Athamaru's mechanics sidebar (that little bit with the Ancestry HP, Ability Boosts & Flaws, etc) seems to also be missing their Hydration entry despite one of their ancestry feats implying they do in fact need a daily Hydration dip just like Merfolk or (most) Azarketi.

Speaking of Merfolk, their Shore Gift feat seems to omit mentioning how it interacts with their Hydration dependence.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
pH unbalanced wrote:
Swiftpaws the Maned Wolf wrote:

Interesting; didn't think there would be lore specific to awakened animals, and arcana is interesting, surprised it wasn't survival.

What are the attributes that awakened animals get?

CON, WIS, Free

INT flaw

Or the ever popular alternative of: Free, Free.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As is I'd go with something like the following, I'll also include choices for if the Gamemastery Guide's Ancestry Paragon optional rules are used as well as Free Archetype, because why not?

Ancestry: Orc (+STR, +CON)
Heritage: Mixed Heritage (Dwarf)
Background: Laborer (+STR, +CON)
Class: Guardian (+STR)
Free Ability Boosts: +STR, +INT, +WIS, +CHA
Net Ability Boosts: ++++STR, ++CON, +INT, +WIS, +CHA (This is so we don't waste Ability Boosts since STR and CON will be increased at every chance)
Starting Trained Skills: Athletics (Background), Labor Lore (Background), Crafting (replacing Guardian's fixed Athletics), Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Society (main focuses while leveling are Athletics and Crafting, with Diplomacy and Intimidation being secondary concerns we want enough of each secondary to somewhat reliably hit standard DCs)

1st Level: Unburdened Iron (Ancestry Feat; VERY IMPORTANT), Orc Ferocity (Ancestry Paragon), Guardian Armor, Intercept Strike, Shield Block, Taunt, Larger Than Life (Guardian Feat; mostly for the niche benefit vs small enemies), Threat Technique (Ferocious Vengeance)
Equipment Purchased: Chain Mail (6 gp), Armored Skirt (2 gp), set of Gauntlets and Greaves (2 sp), Adventurer's Pack (15 sp)
Total Spent/Funds Remaining: 9 gp, 7 sp / 5 gp, 3 sp

Equipment was chosen to provide maximum AC and Armor Spec resistance for the cheapest cost (+5 item bonus to AC and 6 Critical Resistance at this level), weapon was super cheap, and everyone needs the basic gear. We begin saving up for a Tower Shield and eventually a Warding Escutcheon and upgrades for it, our armor, and weapons (we won't be stuck punching forever).

2nd: Shielding Taunt (Guardian Feat), Wrestler Dedication (Free Archetype; this is for the free bump to Expert Athletics and Titan Wrestler, we'll be spending our next 2 FA feats getting out of this archetype), Bon Mot (Skill Feat)

For equipment we should have been able to afford both a Tower Shield and Shield Adjustment (Disarm, Trip; this is our actual main weapon), as well as a Repair Kit.

3rd: Player's choice (Ancestry Paragon; mine would be Rock Runner), Expert Crafting (needed for a key ancestry feat in early levels), Diehard (Tough to Kill), Fast Recovery (General Feat), Tough to Kill

4th: Intercept Foe (Guardian Feat), Crushing Grab (Free Archetype), Rapid Mantel (Skill Feat)

5th: Attribute Boosts (+STR, +CON, +WIS, +CHA), Dwarven Reinforcement (Ancestry Feat; yes, it's that important for the longevity of our shield; that extra hardness early on helps a lot), Armor Expertise, Reflex Expertise, Expert Diplomacy

6th: Reactive Strike (Guardian Feat), Snagging Strike (Free Archetype), Quick Repair (Skill Feat)

7th: Toughness (General Feat; our next standard ancestry feat stacks with it for even more HP as well as supercharging the Ancestry Paragon feat at this level), Defy Death (Ancestry Paragon), Reaction Time, Master Crafting, Weapon Expertise

8th: Group Taunt (Guardian Feat), Marshal Dedication (Free Archetype), Expert Intimidation (Marshal Dedication), Magical Crafting (Skill Feat)

9th: Mountain's Stoutness (Ancestry Feat), Battle Hardened, Guardian Expertise, Master Athletics

10th: Attribute Boosts (+STR, +CON, +INT, +CHA), Tough Cookie (Guardian Feat), Dread Marshal Stance (Free Archetype; if you can enter it this makes every critical hit by your team mates against enemies you're fighting cause Frightened 1), Quick Jump (Skill Feat), choice of untrained skill becomes trained (increased INT), learn additional language (increased INT)

11th: Undying Ferocity (Ancestry Paragon), Armor Mastery, Canny Acumen Perception (General Feat), Master Intimidation, Weapon Specialization

12th: Rallying Charge (Free Archetype), Alchemist Dedication (Guardian Feat), Alchemical Crafting (Alchemist Dedication), Assurance Athletics (Skill Feat)

13th: Incredible Ferocity (Ancestry Feat; if not using Ancestry Paragon take Orc Ferocity instead), Greater Armor Specialization, Master Diplomacy

14th: Expert Alchemy (Free Archetype), Improved Intercept Foe (Guardian Feat), Group Impression (Skill Feat)

15th: Lifeblood's Call (Ancestry Paragon), Attribute Boost (+STR, +CON, +INT, +CHA), choice of untrained skill becomes trained (increased INT), learn additional Language (increased INT), Multilingual (General Feat), Legendary Armor, Legendary Crafting, Unyielding Resolve

16th: Master Alchemy (Free Archetype), Never! (Guardian Feat), Improvise Tool (Skill Feat)

17th: Rampaging Ferocity (Ancestry Feat; if not using Ancestry Paragon take Incredible Ferocity instead), Greater Weapon Specialization, Legendary Athletics, Weapon Mastery

18th: Whirling Throw (Free Archetype), Perfect Protection (Guardian Feat), Cloud Jump (Skill Feat)

19th: Stonewall (Ancestry Paragon), (General Feat), Guardian Mastery, Legendary Intimidation

20th: Acrobat Dedication (Free Archetype), Attribute Boosts (+STR, +CON, +INT, +WIS), choice of untrained skill becomes trained (increased INT), learn additional Language (increased INT), Boundless Reprisals (Guardian Feat), Cat Fall (Skill Feat)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TheSageOfHours wrote:
You could frame it as an Honorable Challenge right?

One might even call it a Compelled Duel.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
Pathfinder's "obsessed with fear" Bugbears are pretty distinct from D&D's "big and dumb" Bugbears. Ditto for Hobgoblins; 2e has moved Pathfinder's hobs away from being faux-samurai, and they're products of strange alchemy rather than 5e's goblinoids being fey.

Fey goblins is itself a bloody retcon that doesn't fit in with any of the pre-established lore from even the beginning of 5E let alone older editions.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
exequiel759 wrote:
This is exactly the point I was trying to make. Dragon Stance is a suboptimal option and even then is still better than most martial weapons, so literally allowing a monk to flurry with a martial weapon is, much like Dragon Stance, suboptimal, so why don't allow a Gorumite monk to flurry with a greatsword when they otherwise can already do it with Dragon Stance that literally requires you to sacrifice both hands and thus makes using any kind of item troublesome in exchange for 1~4 points of damage?

At this point, I think it's safe to say you tried reason, but it's just not getting through. Maybe it's time to accept that discretion is the better part of valour?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Even simpler answer, Lamashtu is an evil goddess by pretty much all objective metrics, why is it so shocking her edicts would be hypocritical?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I fail to see the relevance of Dragon Form's addition to the Divine spell list. It's not like deities haven't provided spells already on the list before.

And I've gone over the LO:F feats several times after reading this response and I can't seem to see anything that's game breaking. Heck, most of the stuff is too restricted and should be available to all characters, not just rank 2 or higher members of the Firebrands.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
My universal rule is to ignore all Firebrands content.

Any particular reasoning as to why though?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, just noticed when comparing Jin Li's entry between LO:F & TXWG side-by-side. Did he get a stealthrata? In Firebrands his granted Cleric spells are 1st: Jump, 4th: Hydraulic Torrent, and 6th: Dragon Form. Contrasting with TXWG's version which swaps the 6th rank spell for 3rd: Feet To Fins.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So I was working on a character concept build and I noticed that Sustaining Steel didn't get any errata regarding how its additional effect for casting a Necromancy spell works under the remaster.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Kind of disappointed they didn't change Yamatsumi's favored weapon back to tetsubo or at least offer it as an alternative to greatclub since it already got spoiled via the oni entry in monster core.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Starlit Sentinel: why am I hearing the Bowling for Soup "I Ran (So Far Away)" cover?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:
Does Champion even have action economy enhancers for shields beyond extra reactions? I don't recall them getting Quick Shield Block or the Shield Paragon stance. I think anyone but fighters and magi who wants cool shield stuff need to take Bastion.

They get an always active Paragon's Guard Stance (that doesn't interfere with any other stance) if they've got the Shield Divine Ally and take Shield Paragon as their capstone. As for QSB, they get it as an option at 8th level right out of the Core Rulebook. And they can combine their Champion's Reaction and Shield Block into a single reaction with Shield of Reckoning (while still getting additional reactions for both separately through the respective feats).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ho do I opt out of the new core books while keeping my sub active?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dragonhearthx wrote:
HenshinFanatic wrote:
Unfortunately the best source of recurring temp HP still happens to be high level Numbing Tonics.
There is the wood keneticist aura junction. Yes, it's only 3 at max; but it has no resource cost.

True Numbing Tonic meanwhile gives 25 THP/round for 10 rounds, and Alchemists can make 2 per Infused Reagent they expend during daily prep if they so choose (shame it doesn't have the Healing tag outherwise it'd be even better at 3 per Infused Reagent during daily prep). Also Perpetual Perfection picking Greater Soothing Tonic as an option for unlimited Fast Healing 5 for a minute with 10 minute immunity to healing HP through Perpetual Infusion/Potency/Perfection elixirs.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
War of Immortals Play Test wrote:

Transcend—Reap the Field [one-action] (transcendence) Requirements

Your previous action was a successful Strike, and you
have not yet rolled damage; Effect Time seems to lag as
you blur across the battlefield, deciding the fate of many
in a moment. Do not roll damage for your Strike. Stride up
to half your speed and make an attack against a different
foe, using the same multiple attack penalty. If your second
attack is a success, you deal damage to both creatures; if it
is a miss, you deal damage to neither creature.

Seems pretty clear that you roll damage once and apply it to both targets, or nothing on a miss.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

And what of new deities such as the ones introduced in Rage of Elements?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm not looking forward to all the homebrew for deities I'll have to do since I refuse to abandon alignment.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Sanityfaerie wrote:
I'm pretty sure that whatever this class is, it's not going to be "beloved PF1 class with the serial numbers filed off".

I mean, if it worked for Thaumaturge...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Arachnofiend wrote:
Take fire/water at level 1 and expand to Air at 5, I suppose? I don't think there are any particular synergies to exploit between the three elements, the composites available are decidedly air and water not electricity and ice. Oscillating Wave Psychic is an alternative idea but you'd be missing out on electricity stuff.

Seconding the kineticist suggestions, also adding to take the AoE Cold, Fire, and Electricity impulses.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Tactical Drongo wrote:

I was thinking about thisna few Times already with the Idea of homebrewing archetypes and whole classes, never got around to do it

Many of your Combos Go rather Well
For dark Knights I would actually Go Champion base and allow the evil dedications, but to Trigger the reaction on attacked Allied and a custom Set of edicts

With the black mages Mana mechanics one could probably use an oscillating Wave psychic

Samurai could probably get aldori duelist or regular duelist as dedications

Issue with Oscillating Wave Psychic is the timing on the element switch. FFXIV BLM uses fire phase to headbang out some big damage in the form of hot flaming death until they're OoM, then switches to Ice to start regening that mana for the next mosh pit session. Oscillating Wave does the switch each energy damage causing spell.

I made an Amal'ja (lizardfolk/Iruxi) PLD going Paladin Champion (using Ragathiel as a stand-in for non-Primal Ifrit) and just refluffing visual effects to be ḑ̸̳̭̙̻̲͚̲͇̤̆̊̎ͅḁ̷̺̙̃̂̽̉̿͐̂͂͂̽͜ͅṛ̵̡̯̖̺͈͓̟̱̹̐́̒̍̄̍̆̈́̀̊̚͝k̶͍̻̮͙̹͉͇̲͐̍ė̶̽̋͝ ̮̐r̵̛͈̠̠̤̊͋̉͒̇̐͋̈́̇̈́̆ͅ ̵͖̗̯̼̣̮͇̺̯̜̮̒̾͊̓͜ȧ̸̺͇̻̝̺̿́n̸̹̹̪̝͑̒͒̏̕d̵̡̨̛̫̺̰͔̹̞͈̙̲̬̅͋͐̈̓̔̕͝͠ ̶̝͉̯̥͍͆̑̅̅̂ḙ̶̢̮͈̘͇̙̠͊̓̂̂̀̈́̊̇̅̇͜͝͝d̵̘̟̖̠̗̙̜̳̀̃̏̅̂̾͂̕ͅǵ̴̼̥̠͆̉̿̍̈̂́̋͋ĭ̷̇̇̂̑ ̡̡̭̬̟̪̹̩̥̄̉͂̈́͘͜è̵̛͉̆̔̒̇́̊̈͋͝r̴̙̖̅̍̓̔͝͝.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Calliope5431 wrote:

It looks like it's just flat range.

Yeah I really like Weapon Infusion.

So does my BLM build with 100' range increment fire blasts

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ectar wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Ectar wrote:
you're down 5 AC (2 from shield, 3 from armor) until the start of your turn.
I don't think this is how people are going to use metal carapace. It has a dex cap of two, so you'll have 14 dex. It transfers runes from your base armor, so you're going to want to be wearing some light armor anyway, pick a light armor with an AC of 2. So when your carapace breaks you're only down 1 from armor instead of 3 (2+2 down from 3+2). You'll still use your shield, but the point of the ability is kind of "it's one action to repair your shield."

Except the shield is part of the same infusion, so if you eat a crit your shield is gone too.

I'll grant you the armor part, tho. It probably makes sense not to be running around naked under your carapace armor.

If you're going to lose the shield regardless, might as well just block with it and eat just a bit less of that crit damage.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
vyshan wrote:
I wonder if Norgober dies and is broken up to different Gods?

Idea for this scenario; Nor: The Reaper of Reputation, Gor: The Skinsaw Man, Ber: Master of the Blackfingers.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
NielsenE wrote:
3) Shield Healing, likewise is kinda tough, I don't think we have a solid "temp HP for others" cantrip yet. I did get some great use of of the Witch's Blood Ward hex. A custom patron for a Witch might work for SCH as a result. I'd still be cautious about leaning too heavily on a "useful familiar" for SCH though -- even the special Witch's familiar will not match up to the class fantasy in my opinion. I was looking at an Angelic Summoner w/ Witch dedication, but the eidolon doesn't have any healing abilities (unless you spend the a lot of feats on it. Fey Summoner w/ Witch dedication might actually work -- your eidolon gets the spellcasting feats automatically. You don't really care about the expanding Illusions/Enchantment though. If you're homebrewing stuff, exploring some alternate divine eidolon abilities might be able to get you close.

Rage of Elements has bequeathed unto us Rousing Splash that grants a target 1d4/spell rank temp HP for a minute as a cantrip (with the downside of making them temporarily immune for 10 min) and it's on both the divine and primal spell lists. There's a few other spells and impulses in there to keep in mind as well such as Mantle of the Unwavering Heart, the level 12 Metal Kineticist impulse Shattershields, the level 1 Wood Kineticist impulse Timber Sentinel (free protector tree), and the level 8 Wood Kineticist overflow impulse Sanguivolent Roots which is a semi-decent stand-in for Sacred Soil. The remastered version of the Fervor Patron for Witch also gives a small amount of temp HP to someone within 15 feet of your familiar every time you use or sustain a hex (including the provided hex cantrip). Unfortunately the best source of recurring temp HP still happens to be high level Numbing Tonics.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll just cross post my thoughts from a different thread

HenshinFanatic said wrote:
What if we're all looking at this the wrong way? What if it isn't one of the active deities that is getting offed, but rather one that's more, confined shall we say? My guess is one of the future APs will cap-off with the adventurers actually perma-killing Rovagug with backup and empowerment from all deities that don't want to become his meal.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What if we're all looking at this the wrong way? What if it isn't one of the active deities that is getting offed, but rather one that's more, confined shall we say? My guess is one of the future APs will cap-off with the adventurers actually perma-killing Rovagug with backup and empowerment from all deities that don't want to become his meal.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Temperans wrote:
Wait what is the issue with the word golem?

Allegedly, some have scruples about the term being used since it comes from a real-world religious belief. I personally think that's daft since the context is completely different from how "phylactery" was appropriated (though even with that I contend there were magic items unrelated to liches that bore the term as well and axing those alongside the less savoury version was an overreaction).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:
It is genuinely surprising that the Kineticist doesn't get a capstone like the monk for "be in two stances at once".

That doesn't even deserve to be a capstone, level 12 at most.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Am I the only one who's confused as to what exactly a "ruinous hand cannon" is as per the Gray Prince entry?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
graystone wrote:
DesEuler wrote:
PFS Guide Rarity and Access Adjustments wrote:

As members of the Pathfinder Society, characters have automatic access to many uncommon options

As stated in the section introduction, all characters have access to the magic items in the Magic Items section on page 117, as well as the items, familiars and spells on pages 120-121.

There are no familiars or spells on pages 120 or 121, only items; the familiars and spells are on pages 122 and 123 (with some items).

As written, the familiars and spells on pages 122 and 123 are not usable in PFS Organized Play. Is this intended or was the access adjustments supposed to extend to page 123?

This isn't a Lost Omens error: it's a PFS error and as such, should be posed in an appropriate PFS thread in the PFS section of these forums.

I may be mistaken, but I think this is in reference to things in Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide. Yes this particular book's name would naturally lead to such confusion.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Finally got my physical copy, though I don't notice any issues with the art that have been reported by some others. Happy to finally have the actual book instead of just a PDF.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Actual in-depth coverage of the lesser orders of Hellknights. Especially fixing Order of the Torrent's inability to gain their iconic "Seek the Taken" from 1E.

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