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What ways can a character increase Proficiency in Weapons and Armor?
I see a Fighter can become an Expert in Heavy armor and Legendary with Weapons. But is that all?
Can I use a skill increase to upgrade one? If so would it affect all my weapon/armor proficiency's, just a single category, or would it only effect one particular weapon or armor?
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Ceaser Slaad wrote: Depends on what the definition of the term "mount" is. :-) I can't help but picture a silly scene where a person with a cowboy hat riding up, on a Succubus with bit and Bridge.
Cowboy: "Yee haw C*** Sucker! Only 40 more miles to the oasis!"
Succubus (mubling thru bit and bridle): I am so going to enjoy your soul slowly when this enchament ends.
109: A Tarrasque. Good luck taming it.
Surprised no one has mentioned Skald as being something akin to heavy or death metal.
Hell one of my players made his Skald, basically a punk metalhead girl as soon as they saw the class.
There are so many better options out there, that don't require forcing a player to play a class they don't want.
-You could make potions a more common reward for the group (Maybe even providing a few that don't count against treasure wealth)
-You could allow another magic user research a healing spell.
-Make healing services plentifull and possibly cheaper.
-Let them pay a npc healer to tag along with the group
-And much more!
A Cleric should never be a necesity for a group with a good GM. They should just be the class everyone likes in the group because they heal, buff and help deal with those pesky undead infestations. :)
Currently at work so I can't put all my effort right this momment to examine everything.
But I am very interested in joining a Zelda campaign like this.
Tonight when I get home I will deffinatly look over the SRD and give you a character idea :)
EDIT: thinking of making Sheikah, Thief or Wizard (or possibly one of the other classes presented, but my work browser won't load the PDF.)
I know rules and logic don't necesisarially go hand in hand, but in this case I would think the intent is to merge them. Ki is supposed be the energies coursing thru a persons body. Your body doesn't just start producing a second, tottaly indipendant source of energy just because you get a new work out routine.
mercilessdm wrote:
I agree with your philosophy. If I were you I would create a Play by Post document online, perhaps on Google Drive, for the specifics of his business. It would be a log of what funds he allocated, who he hired, and what he intends to do. You're GM could do things like roll random encounters for him too, like:
/roll 1d20 -> 1
"Your contact for ____ ingredient was killed."
With this in place, he is free to get as involved as he wants with his business idea, without taking session time.
I like this idea. it keeps people from stepping on each others toes and the game going.
The only problem i would see is the player in question not having easy access to the net.
Yeah that table is exactly what I remmbered. I took another look based on what you said and did find it. The name is what was putting me off.
To start off, when I got the Unchained PDF and skimmed over it, I saw rules for a low magic item game where the characters got more static stats in exchange for reduced wealth.
The thing is now when I look thru it I can't for the life of me, find the rules.
Did they exist only in my mind? Or are they in another book, or what?
Thanks for any help
Personally If I had a say, I would modify the rules so that you can have two entities in the same space. It just causes major penalties.
I think someone mentioned squeezing in tight spaces rules? Those might work well.
As for society rules, it sounds like a complicated situation. Hopefully some solution can be found.
But I'm not a memployee of Paizo, so house rule I shall for my home games. :)
Just a Mort wrote: You need to increase your familiars carrying capacity either by ant haul (spell blend), muleback cords or a heavy load belt, as you need to be light weight to take to the skies. Its actually a pretty funny image of a human riding a faerie dragon into battle, wielding a lance. I now have a desire to build this just to make some poor DM face palm. :)
meatrace wrote: Saint Caleth wrote: Tirq wrote: The Japanese do not call their own country Japan. They call it Nippon, which translates to Two Sticks. I'm not sure how you are getting "Two Sticks" for 日本, but then again I don't really speak Japanese. I always thought that it meant "Root of the Sun". You are correct. I don't know where two sticks comes from. /boggle I'm no expert in Japanese language, but it could from the fact that many Japanese words have different meanings depending how they are written out and with what characters (Japanese acttualy has three sets, Hirigana, Katakana, and Kanji, with Kanji having full meaning for individual characters as apposed to just representing sounds for the first two).
As a bit of a fan of Indiana Jones I approve this cover.
thegreenteagamer wrote: And I already hate teenagers (have since I was one myself many a year ago), so yeah, there's that. I can write off my niece who turned sixteen for four years and check back in on her when she's gained a modicum of sanity. It's funny because I heard about a study the other day that basicaly concluded that Teenagers are technically insane.
captain yesterday wrote: thegreenteagamer wrote: I could write a whole master's thesis on the superiority of unclehood to fatherhood. Being an Uncle is okay, but i'll take the unabashed and unconditional worship and love of my own children any day of the week/year/life:-p
Its always nice to have young people around to keep you feeling young:-p
i have plenty more parenthood cliches i can go through, if you want:-p Untill they become teenagers and then hate you all the time :)
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I understand the desire to keep cheese seperate for most games, but I do wish there was a resource for groups who did like them. I don't mean broken abilities, but stuff that might not be taken seriously in a standard game.
My groups love them, and Monkey Grip and the like are missed.
I have to agree with StabbittyDoom, this does not sound like something you are meant to destroy with standard combat.
If it was me and it wasn't a high level game, I would just flat out ask your DM if he is expecting us to find some other method.
If he replies with "No you are supposed to fight it." my next question would be about his sanity.
As much as I like a good Chuck Norris joke, why does no one ever mention good old Bruce Lee? Chuck is a great martial artist, Bruce is one of the best. :)
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"Yeah I said the words... ok maybe not every last syllable, but I said them!"
If you look down on the left side of the web site, bellow the PAIZOCON2015 logo, you will eventually find a heading labled "Pathfinder Society". There you will find links where you can register, or just about anything else you will need to get started.
We all know how most Martial classes use Strength, Dex, and Constitution as the main stats.
Also we all know that Spell casting classes use Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
But has there ever been an attempt to make classes/archtypes that change this around?
The thought comes to mind because a idea came to my head where a hand to Hand combatant class uses Cha. They don't strike hard or fast, but using word and gesture put thier foe into poor positioning for painfull accurate strikes.
Or what about a mage that uses Str some how for spell casting ability? It would be very interesting to find some fluff that makes sense for a caster like that.
So I'm really interested if anything like this exists.
RonetheSlayer wrote: This is postponed until I work out some living arrangement issues I'm dealing with. Sry. Understandable. Life comes first. :) I will be keeping my eye on this thread for when you get back and contimplating character ideas in the mean time.
Yep it was work. The map loads fine here at home.
The map won't load for me, but it's most likely since I'm at work and they block just about everything. Ill try again once I'm home.
Interested in either a standard Hylian, a Zora or a Shiekah depending on what others are going for and what kind of back story I decide to do. I have nothing concrete yet though. Just tossing ideas around in the old noodle.
I am heavily interested in this. Being a huge Zelda fan my self, ever since the days I played the original as a young lad. So it would be fun to have a character forge his own path in Hyrule instead of Link all the time. :) My favorite games have to be a toss up between A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.
I've always wanted to play some sort of Saiyan warrior. Probibly would work best with a brawler. But even excluding the stuff that is just complely umbalancing (Zenkai boost anyone?) it's extreamly hard to pull off and have it feel right.
DM Crustypeanut wrote: I envision the Brawler as a Luchador, wearing spandex and a mask, wrestling the biggest, baddest enemies he can into submission.
You just reminded me of the story I read online of a Half-Orc monk Luchador who suplexed a flying dragon.
Not sure if anyone else does this. But I'm thinking of allowing certain abilities gained by feats as normal manuvers as long as the person qualifies for them and they can make an attack roll at -4. This is if you don't have the feat. But if you do have the feat you don't suffer the -4.
An example feat would be cleave. As I feel someone should not need special training to swing a heavily damaging weapon thru multiple nearby foes.
@Nuclearsunburn: Almost missed your post. Thanks for those suggestions too. Ill look into them, most certainly :)
@Mojorat: Ill certainly take a look into those. The lather certainly sounds like it would be usefull in many regards, especially if the group want to hav some emphisis on character faith.
@Krodjin: Yep basically that's what I mean.
I have not fully decided on that yet. I want to get my group together first, make characters and discuss what kind of game they want before getting to that point.
Hi all,
I'm about to run my first campaign in Golarion's inner sea region and wanted to know what books people would recommend as basically required (Not talking core books) and/or bring out the setting propper?
I already have the Inner Sea World Guide and digested what I could from it so far. I like what I read, and would like more.
Thanks in advance. :)

I was wondering if anyone had some advice.
See I'm running a Pathfinder game in Tian Xia, since my group funnily enough made a very Asian themed group.
We have a
Human Samurai
Elf Gunslinger
Elf Oracle
Elf Ninja (Her and the Oracle are sisters)
and a Catfolk Witch (Run by a little girl I'm helping learn the game)
To start off I'm having them do a basic mop up of some Kobolds that have been bothering a small village in the Jinin region (I chose here since there are three Elves in the party).
The Kobolds are going to be led by a slightly (think appropriate for kids) perverted Kuwa Oni who has had them take lots of resources and woman (To try and woo).
I was thinking after the beat him and some shenanigans he runs off.
But I'm not totally sure what to do to make it more unique for the seasoned players instead of just "You find some on the mountain roll init. Then you find some in the cave roll init" with maybe a trap for the Ninja to work on in between. Maybe even little bits to help people get a feel for the setting more.
Any advice?
After I'm going to have a member of the Pathfinder society offer them to join, since I'm new to the Golarion setting and think it would be cool way of giving them a resource for adventures and gear