Plague Cure Sidequest (minor spoilers)


Sovereign Court

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So we're in part 2 (Rivers Run Red) right now, and a plague (courtesy of the 3% chance of one on the "random events" table) has struck my PC's kingdom. I had the dryad with the scythe tree problem reward them with some plants that would help (read: +2 on the save), and more save bonuses for them establishing quarantine, etc., but some incredibly bad rolls means that their kingdom is about to fold under this plague. (And of course they've got what's-his-face the bard pinning the whole thing on them.)

Long story short, I need to come up with a sidequest for them to cure this plague - either modifying one of the exploration slots they haven't done yet, or putting one in an otherwise unoccupied hex. Anyone have any brilliant ideas?

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Have they met the Swamp Witch yet? In my campaign I rewrote her as an actual witch, and she's reluctantly become Magister.

As a witch, she'd be high enough level to have several castings of Remove Disease each day. She can ask for the Black Rattlecaps as an ingredient for a general cure, and use her own magic to keep things under control in the meantime (and maybe ask for something else for helping at all, depending on how much they manage to change her attitude).

Sovereign Court

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Hmm... They have, but they haven't found the rattlecaps. I could definitely pump up the spore-thing battle to make it more appropriate as a save-the-entire-kingdom quest. Thanks!

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It's a good one to modify because 100gp each is a ridiculous reward for some mushrooms to make tea with. I was expecting them to need her help casting mending on the sword from the tomb, since she's the only character around who's high enough level to fix such an item, but they ran into her before finding the tomb so I instead made it a test she gave them before agreeing to become Magister ("I'll think about it - but I could think better over a nice pot of Black Rattlecap tea").

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Alternatively, you could have the NPC cleric that shows up at Oleg's in Chapter 1 research and find a cure, but in order to make the cure, he needs certain rare ingredients -- which can be conveniently inserted into any of a number of hexes (particularly if you have unexplored dungeons, or wish to create one). Certainly making the rattlecaps part of the cure is good but if they've been reluctant to explore other hexes then it becomes a good way to spur them on their too.

Plus, they can then turn Grigori's arguments on their head by showing how they saved the kingdom. Then you can even seed a new quest by suggesting that the plague did not arise out of natural causes.

Gargs454 wrote:

Alternatively, you could have the NPC cleric that shows up at Oleg's in Chapter 1 research and find a cure, but in order to make the cure, he needs certain rare ingredients -- which can be conveniently inserted into any of a number of hexes (particularly if you have unexplored dungeons, or wish to create one). Certainly making the rattlecaps part of the cure is good but if they've been reluctant to explore other hexes then it becomes a good way to spur them on their too.

Plus, they can then turn Grigori's arguments on their head by showing how they saved the kingdom. Then you can even seed a new quest by suggesting that the plague did not arise out of natural causes.

Oh, very nice, I personally planned on having Drelev play a more prominent role in my own campaign as an instigator trying to weasel my GF's PC ruler out of her throne, having him take a Luskan approach (Neverwinter Nights 1 if anyone is curious) would be a good act of desperation as his ideas continue to fail.

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