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530 posts. Alias of unnambed.


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Mangaholic13 wrote:
Evan Tarlton wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I know for a fact that Tiamat got removed for a simple reason: the removal of OGL content.

Because, while D&D did not invent Tiamat (who is the Mesopotamian primordial embodiment of the sea), they did invent Tiamat as the Five-headed Goddess Dragon.

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, Aspu represented freshwater...and Tiamat represented she could be a one-headed sea serpent?

Evan Tarlton wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:
Evan Tarlton wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I know for a fact that Tiamat got removed for a simple reason: the removal of OGL content.

Because, while D&D did not invent Tiamat (who is the Mesopotamian primordial embodiment of the sea), they did invent Tiamat as the Five-headed Goddess Dragon.

** spoiler omitted **

To expand on this: Paizo's Tiamat was never five-headed. They didn't copy D&D Tiamat. She was always very much in the background, because they never figured out how to differentiate their Tiamat from the D&D version. They did change things because of the association. They'd have been fine to keep the name, but played it safe because D&D has so fully staked out Tiamat in the TTRPG scene.
CorvusMask wrote:
That and they really don't want to make mythologically accurate Tiamat because lot of them did start out as D&D fans so D&D Tiamat is kinda "the" d20 Tiamat to them.

Yep, that's true too.

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Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is an impressive book that I have enjoyed reading and rereading.

I amazed about all the updates that you've done...and in such a short time.

After reading Lost Omens Divine Mysteries Web Supplement, I realized you could create Lost Omens Divine Mysteries 2: We are the Rest!

I had no idea Pathfinder had so many gods!

Many Thank Yous!

Cori Marie wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

Ravithra The Chalice-Bearer

Make decisions erratically or randomly,
provide aid to Vasaghati or her followers,
engage in treachery

Vasaghati is not included...outside of this mention.

Thats because its a Vudran deity that hasn't actually been statted up yet.

um...What do you mean by 'statted up'?

Vasaghati is a grim goddess of the Vudran pantheon interested in bring corruption and destruction to the world, especially organizations.1

Knife in the Dark
A secret cult strong in Vudra dedicated to infiltrating organizations to sow corruption and ultimately destruction.1

The Betrayer;
the Decay from Within;
the Knife in the Dark;
the Lady of Knives;
the Poisoned Chalice
Areas of Concern
Corruption, Destruction
Secret cultists
Circle: inner circumference lined with triangles

The Forsaken initially planned to use the power of their worshippers' souls to escape the Netherworld, but before they could do so, they disappeared in an enigmatic calamity.

If the Forsaken disappeared like the Osirian and Hag deities, why are they not listed in In Memoriam (Other dead, missing, or unaccounted for gods)?

Where can I learn more about the Green Man Faiths? They look interesting. Thanks.

Ravithra The Chalice-Bearer

Make decisions erratically or randomly,
provide aid to Vasaghati or her followers,
engage in treachery

Vasaghati is not included...outside of this mention.

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Ritunn wrote:
It's nice to see Set get the option for Holy and Unholy and some much kinder anathema. I know one of my players was quite sad to see the deity all evil, but it seems he got a more neutral take on his character now!

Him and Sobek. I was surprised they could have have holy priests.

Easivra is missing.

Should Curchanus be in the dead gods?

gunslinger019 wrote:
As if the vanilla gogiteth wasn't terrifying enough: here's a MYTHIC one! I can't wait to get my copy.

We don't have to let the mythic gogiteth into our games...we don't even have to let gogiteths into our games either.

They are terrifying.

Great Answers.

Many Thanks to all!

This is what I was looking for.

Thank you both.

I have questions for experienced Rogue players:

How many legendary skills do your characters have by Level 10? Level 15? Level 18?


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I bought the Godsrain Contingencies because I thought that might be interesting reading.

Any recommendations from the above list? Or another title not on this list?

And...does you GM allow these options in your game? Just curious.

Ectar wrote:

Back to the original question:

Mitflits. Love 'em. But that's a bit of a boring answer, since they're old.


I love the Mitflits, too. I feel so sorry for the miserable little underdogs that I just want to help them. I wish I knew how.

Eleanor Ferron wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

If giant Octopi have communities/villages and communicate with each other, should they have higher Intelligences?

Their listed behavior is based off the "octopus city" that scientists found in real life (article below). So the answer is probably yes, but it destroys all basic assumptions about animals in the current system.

Would this make Giant Octopi beasts instead of animals?

Or would that still not be intelligent enough for an Octopus City?

Read my copy of Monster Core...loved it.

The Hags are terrific!

I hope Monster Core 2 has all the creatures mentioned in sidebars e.g. moon hags. (Don't tease us, Paizo. That would be the Godsrain prophecies. Oh, nevermind. )

I wish the explanation for Kami next to the Poracha entry had been referenced next to the Oni entries.

Quick questions for anyone:

Are Cloud Giants still 18 feet tall? (They were the only giant whose height was omitted.)
How tall are Oni?
How tall are Cyclops and Great Cyclops?

If giant Octopi have communities/villages and communicate with each other, should they have higher Intelligences?

Can anything be done to help Goblin Dogs with their dander/mange/whatever it has?

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I am really looking forward to Tian Xia World Guide and Tian Xia Character Guide...and April is almost here!

As I understood it, Fey/Fairyfolk were once defined by their alignment...and if their alignment changed, they would change into another fey.

Now that alignment is history, how are the fair folk remastered?

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Beware any place named Red Rose.

(That's is a dapper looking ghoul!)

YuriP wrote:

Officially no.

Paizo designers said that the only remastered books planned are PC1-2, GMC and MC. The other supplementary books will be just errata to become compatible.

That said I don't doubt that they would make some "remastered" version of the books that out of stock because this is basically what they done with pre-remastered books when a new print was made (that's why we have 4 prints (now 5 if we count PC1) of CRB).

I guess I have a dumb question.

There will be more Monster Core books, right?

Paizo cannot cover all monsters, daemons, demons and devils in one there will be future Remastered monster books, right?

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Sanityfaerie wrote:

Just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

This is True.

We've had alignment for so long that it's a part of our thinking.

(yeah, I'm glad it's gone too.)

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This revision is exciting.

Everything old in new again.

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Darth Game Master wrote:
Tarrasques are from folklore. The D&D interpretation of them is pretty clearly Pathfinder's inspiration, but the specifics of them being Spawn of Rovagug and whatnot might be enough for them to get away with it?

'The Petit Tarrasque and other monsters'

Dragon magazine #329
March 2005

A great historical article concerning tarrasques, hags, basilisks, cockatrices, golems and other monsters.

QuidEst wrote:


The reworked categories of monsters have all hit the spot for me. Hag rework leans more into fairy tale stuff, and I like that we're going to have a hag with Gingerbread Witch vibes. That just has more pizazz than "sea hag" or "blood hag". Hopefully it'll have some fun spillover to Changeling.


Absolutely thrilled to have kholo move out from the shadow of litigation that gnolls had hanging over them.


This is exciting!

I look forward to the new hags!

The new hyena-people may have potential.

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James Jacobs wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

What about gremlins? Are they going to be reimagined?

Also, I think alignment affected fey. Without alignment, how will the fey change?

Gremlins are pretty much a solid mix of real-world lore and our own creation. The only change you'll see there is us no longer calling mitflits "mites," as that's a name used in D&D for a creature that we've completely recast as a cowardly bug-friendly gremlin.

And the removal of alignment won't impact how creatures act. Fey will remain the same.

I am glad you mentioned mitflits. They are so pathetic that I feel sorry for them. Them and pugwampis.

I'm happy they are still in the game.


What about gremlins? Are they going to be reimagined?

Also, I think alignment affected fey. Without alignment, how will the fey change?

WatersLethe wrote:
scary harpy wrote:


No one has suggested a t-shirt saying "ORC me. ORC me now!"


I'm dum is this a reference to something?

just a mild joke...and not funny, i guess.

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Xenagog wrote:
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Xenagog wrote:

I think either there was a miscommunication or he's getting a lot of work out of the phrase "access to 'traditional' names"

You can read him for yourself, he was pretty clear.

OK, I've read it, and it actually seems pretty much in line with what I was saying. Nowhere in that post does he say anything about the OGL being there "mostly for access to 'traditional' names", which is the main phrase I objected to in the post I quoted, and he does say, for instance, that "most of the monsters that touch WotC's trade dress protections... have been reworked", which implies that some haven't—which is exactly what I was saying. The main gist of the post seems to be that the PF2 system has been divorced from the SRD, which is of course true, but I don't see anything in there to contradict the point I was trying to make, which is that yes, Paizo could remove all the SRD material from Pathfinder, but there would be a little more to it than just a few name changes, and it would be a somewhat larger undertaking than a lot of people are acknowledging.

I'm not trying to be an alarmist here; like I said, it's entirely possible for Paizo to divorce Pathfinder completely from the SRD—and in fact at this point it seems likely they're going to do that eventually whether this new license ends up being enforced or not. I'm just saying that I think some people are underestimating the amount of changes that's going to take. It's definitely doable, and at this point probably inevitable, but there are a few beloved monsters, for instance, that are going to have to either go away or be significantly altered.

If Pathfinder has to create a 3rd edition because of this, then I will happily spend my money buying everything. (And never look at DnD again.)

How bitterly disappointing. (I was so looking forward to Planescape...and now I am not - to say the least!)

If WOC harms Pathfinder in anyway, I...don't have words.

Mass Kneebreaker wrote:

I definetly agree on that. Mystic theurge could be an awesome idea, especially if you could combine any two Branches of magic.

However, i think personally the class needs something unique, instead of just wearing two different hats. Even Druid, Wizard, Bard and cleric feel different From each other.

How about some sort of a "Magical overload" mechanic, to represent the two methods clashing in the caster?


1 spell slot for arcane magic,
1 spell slot for divine magic,
1 spell slot for magical synthesis (whatever that would be...)

Squiggit wrote:

A big part of the mystic theurge's concept though was blending arcane and divine elements together, theoretically in a co-equal fashion to some degree.

A level 10 wizard who has one third level cleric spell slot doesn't really feel like it encapsulates that very well.


The Mystic Theurge blends a both types of magic opposed to a wizard dabbling in druidic magic.

AnimatedPaper wrote:

Warlock was also already a PF1 archetype with a very different focus. That would not be a terrible name for the weapon summoning class/archetype many have wanted to see to keep true to the pathfinder version.

Even better if the item was intelligent.

AnimatedPaper wrote:

Warlock was also already a PF1 archetype with a very different focus. That would not be a terrible name for the weapon summoning class/archetype many have wanted to see to keep true to the pathfinder version.

Even better if the item was intelligent. about Warloghe?

I think Pathfinder should have it's own version of the warlock...nothing like D&D's warlock.

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as a class...not a prestige class.

Name to long?

Shorten it to Warlock.

Krampus! in March... :(

graystone wrote:
thaX wrote:
scary harpy wrote:
Verzen wrote:

I 100% disagree. Magus and summoner are such that I want them to expand on their unique features. Giving them full casting will make them very bland. Id rather get rid of magic all together for these two and come up with interesting spell like abilities for Magus through focus points and have even better ways than most at restoring focus points during combat. Maybe even a focus spell that allows you to mimic a single target spell to enhance damage, but still costs a focus point.


A Magus with no magic and just spell-like abilities...sounds like a Warlock to me.

Maybe just me.

Ssshhhh... We are not allowed to have full class warlocks here...
Just call them kineticists and it'll be ok. ;)

Eh, I don't see why we have to do that.

Call them Warloghe or Warlow...or call them Warlock and make the class different from D&D!

Pathfinder should really have it's own Warlock; it has other classes D&D does not.

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Verzen wrote:

I 100% disagree. Magus and summoner are such that I want them to expand on their unique features. Giving them full casting will make them very bland. Id rather get rid of magic all together for these two and come up with interesting spell like abilities for Magus through focus points and have even better ways than most at restoring focus points during combat. Maybe even a focus spell that allows you to mimic a single target spell to enhance damage, but still costs a focus point.


A Magus with no magic and just spell-like abilities...sounds like a Warlock to me.

Maybe just me.

zergtitan wrote:

Just completed my survey.

Basic Summery,

Magus: Needs full spellcasting(i.e. retaining spell slots, but not gaining 10th level spells or legendary spellcasting) and needs spellstrike to instead add a free strike action to the spell casting and tie the effect of the spell attack to the effect of the weapon attack.

Summoner: Needs full spellcasting(i.e. retaining spell slots, but not gaining 10th level spells or legendary spellcasting) along with having the eidolon have it's own pool of Hit Points. Also suggested a Summoning focus power along the lines of Summon Monster specialized to each magic tradition.

I argued that having more options doesn't make either class more powerful then any other due to the Action Economy. And the slower Proficiency progression makes them balanced compared to their more specialized peers.
The Magus should feel like a more desirable option to the Wizard/Fighter Multiclass and the Summoner especially for a Sakorian Godcaller should feel more like a full caster at the side of their deity or friend then heavily reliant on the eidolon being present to even be effective in any way.

Verzen wrote:

I 100% disagree. Magus and summoner are such that I want them to expand on their unique features. Giving them full casting will make them very bland. Id rather get rid of magic all together for these two and come up with interesting spell like abilities for Magus through focus points and have even better ways than most at restoring focus points during combat. Maybe even a focus spell that allows you to mimic a single target spell to enhance damage, but still costs a focus point.

With summoner if we give them full casting, the Eidolon will be incredibly bland. It will be a flavorless AC. We already have those. They are called Druids.

Let's have something we don't have and that is an interesting Eidolon with a lot of customization built in. Why are people so keen on trying to reinvent existing classes? If you want a spellcasting class, we have those. Just play one of them. Lets get something truly unique.

With some wanting to go one way and some wanting to go the opposite way, we could easily end up with 4 classes from this playtest.

I find the 'Summoner' sounds boring.

Of course, we could call this class the Warlock but it doesn't really change anything.

The Somner/Somnour/Sompnour is the only other idea I could think of.

scary harpy wrote:

Nitro~Nina wrote:

This sounds very cool, actually, and is exactly the sort of thing I think when I think "Warlock." I had actually forgotten that the Vigilante "Warlock" archetype existed but that's also not at all similar to what the word conjures for me outside of the comic-book context of the Vigilante. Warlocks are dark, mysterious, not perhaps necessarily eeeeeevil but certainly, yes, Occult in some way. Masters of things man was not meant to know, primarily, and I could see this sort of class being The Occult Caster in the same way that the Wizard, Cleric and Druid are for their respective traditions.

I had forgotten the Vigilante Warlock too. I was hoping the Warlock would be it's own class but I guess we will probably get an archetype then.

Now that I think about it, the same thing could be said about the Mystic Theurge...I would have preferred it as it's own class but it will probably be archetype...if anything at all.

AnimatedPaper wrote:
scary harpy wrote:

I'm hoping for a Warlock class.

A little curious what you mean by this. What kind of inspiration or mechanics would you center the class on?

I have neither inspiration nor mechanics. I'll leave that to people-who-know-what-they-are-doing.

Nitro~Nina wrote:
TheDoomBug wrote:

I'd rather like an Occult Wisdom (Prepared) caster, perhaps tying into out-there concepts. Wisdom being needed to maintain sanity while invoking the incomprehensible and pushing the class toward Occult Cleric and Planar Druid. Focus spells could have some kind of backlash, like the Oracle's cursebound spells, related to mutating one's body into less stable forms.

I think this could be a "PF Warlock that isn't D&D's Warlock."

This sounds very cool, actually, and is exactly the sort of thing I think when I think "Warlock." I had actually forgotten that the Vigilante "Warlock" archetype existed but that's also not at all similar to what the word conjures for me outside of the comic-book context of the Vigilante. Warlocks are dark, mysterious, not perhaps necessarily eeeeeevil but certainly, yes, Occult in some way. Masters of things man was not meant to know, primarily, and I could see this sort of class being The Occult Caster in the same way that the Wizard, Cleric and Druid are for their respective traditions.


I had forgotten the Vigilante Warlock too. I was hoping the Warlock would be it's own class but I guess we will probably get an archetype then.

I'm hoping for a Warlock class.

Not a copy of the D&D Warlock; I want Pathfinder to have a new class name Warlock.

I really don't want the D&D Warlock and the Pathfinder Warlock to be similar in any way.

I just want to play a warlock in Pathfinder.

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Vaktaeru wrote:

I don't really see a way to play Magus without investing in getting more spell slots. If they had 2 spell slots of each of their highest levels and 1 of every other level, it would probably be fine. Generally speaking you'll be in three to five combats each adventuring day. There's not much point in being a full caster though if you only get to cast a full spell once per combat on average - especially when that spell is liable to be weaker than the actual spellcaster's equivalent.


Orithilaen wrote:

I haven't playtested yet but I've done some character building, and I think I dislike the 2/2 casting more than I initially thought I would.


I think what might work is to give the magus and summoner only one spell slot at their highest two spell levels, and compensate by giving them two spell slots at each lower spell level. Their spellcasting is still going to be pretty constrained by action economy and by the fact that they have fewer high level spells than everyone else. But it means that you have a more versatile and less frustrating set of spellcasting options. And it means that people won't feel that multiclass archetypes are superior.

2 good ideas.

Which would work best for the Magus? Which would work best for the Summoner?

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Vaktaeru wrote:
I don't really see a way to play Magus without investing in getting more spell slots. If they had 2 spell slots of each of their highest levels and 1 of every other level, it would probably be fine. Generally speaking you'll be in three to five combats each adventuring day. There's not much point in being a full caster though if you only get to cast a full spell once per combat on average - especially when that spell is liable to be weaker than the actual spellcaster's equivalent.

I like this idea for both the Magus and the Summoner.

These classes are spell-casters and, thus, are appearing in Secrets of Magic.

So, let them cast spells!

Mystic Theurge, maybe.

as an archetype, I guess.

perhaps Beguiler, too.

GayBirdGM wrote:

Why would we need a class for NPCs? Aren't they made using entirely different rulesets than player characters?

It's not an NPC class.

It is a class for NPCs...unless you want to play a very weak PC.

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An Adept class.

The usual 5 cantrips.

Only 1 spell per level.

Will is it's primary attribute.

Can only access common spells.

Meditates for spells.

Has 4 traditions: Arcane, Divine, Occult, Primal.

Selects 1 tradition at 1st level; irrevocable choice.

No access to 10th level spells; there's no feat. (So, short of a wish or Celestial/Infernal intervention, Adept's do without.)

I think of it as an class for NPCs.

Just off the top of my head.

I'll ask the dumb question:

How is a Summoner diffent from a Conjurer (Wizard specializing in Conuration/Summoning magic)?

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off the top of my head...

MC Wizard (Divination)

If you can't find out something one way, you can find out another.

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This is bliss.

(Anyone else think she should multi-class into Druid?)

Squiggit wrote:
scary harpy wrote:
Oracles have their curses; so, why not? I think of it as a role-playing challenge.
Oracle curses are largely personal. Someone showing up to a table with PC that makes all their allies worse just by existing is a different beast entirely.


Lord-of-Boggards wrote:
QuidEst wrote:

No pugwampi. (As much as it pains me to say that.)

Sure, I'd love it flavor-wise once we get gnolls, but their defining mechanic is one that I don't think is a good idea to have on anything playable for balance reasons. Normally, it'd be easy to say, "Oh, their feat only forces a reroll for a target once per day", but it's a big part of their lore that gnolls are the only other creature not passively affected by their aura. If Paizo doesn't mind giving them a more limited and party-friendly option, then I retract my reservations.

And it pains me to admit you are probably right. Their misfortune aura would probably be a bad idea unless your party was only gremlins and gnolls. It hurts to say that though, partly cause I love their flavor, partly because of how cute their 2e artwork is.

I don't see an issue. Forewarned if forearmed.

If you have a pugwampi PC in the group, then other PCs will affected by the misfortune aura if they aren't gremilins or gnolls.

Oracles have their curses; so, why not? I think of it as a role-playing challenge.

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I root for Mitflits. So, yes, I would like gremlins as an ancestry.

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