Funniest PFS moments?

Pathfinder Society

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2-01 - Before the Dawn, Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise

We'd spent the majority of the session being really, really nice to the bad guys. Knocking them out instead of killing them, using diplomacy to talk people down from a fight, and just generally being a Saturday morning cartoon special kind of hero team. We reach the final section of the scenario, and the GM is ready to finally get some blood.

DM (Reading Text Block): If anything, the blistering heat of the Garund plains grows more intense away from the coast. The trade routes cut through winding switchbacks, avoiding the marshiest ground and occasionally crossing a shallow river gorge.

As the caravan crests a hill on the edge of a large river gorge, sudden activity silences the ambient jungle noise. Armed guards pile out of the foliage. An ebon-skinned woman strides out alongside them, brushing back her tresses and grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s not mince words, Pathfinders. Give me the key you carry, and I shall let you continue on your way. Refuse, and my men will toss you in the river and you can swim to your destination.”

Me: "A swim sounds lovely! This heat is rather stifling."
Player 2: "We all friends here! Come, join us!"

GM lost it, couldn't keep a straight face for ten minutes afterwards.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

I was running First Steps part I, the Whip specialist had just commented after failing to flirt with Zarta about needing to improve her opinion of him. The Imp in the next room gave him a very good suggestion about how he could do that...

The Exchange 5/5

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thecursor wrote:

Actual Conversation About Backstory:

Rogue: I free slaves in the hope I'll one day find my enslaved family!
Fighter: I'm in this for the money!
Sorcerer: I seek the man that killed my mother!
Paladin:...Um, well...I'm wanted for murder.

after a moment of thought the Paladin adds: In 4 countries and 2 un-incorporated regions.


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My wife and I have started talking with our kids (ages 13 and 12) about trying PFS. Yesterday, my son told me: "Pathfinder's kind of like real life. When you're young, you have a really low Sense Motive."

This from the kid who, IRL, seems to have forgotten to put any ranks into Perception...

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

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Funniest PFS moments?

3 Gripplis riding a Nagaji Cleric Voltron-style enter The Wounded Wisp.

Everyone died.

TPK in Wounded Wisp with the author running it. Best. Table. Evar.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Playing eyes of the ten
Our make up was
Paladin of Iomede(me) ,Life Oracle of Cayden,Barbarian/Cleric,2 Wizards. First round of every combat the one wizard went to neg hit points. Became a running joke that we basically didn't count on him forthe first 4 encounters.

2 days ago...

Enemies: BBG Oread bandit leader, Right hand of BBG Ifrit Sorceress, Oread goon

Party: Visbaron Ratfolk Bard, Natural Attacker Ratfolk UnRogue, New player Human Bow Druid with no companion, Human Sith Lord Mesmerist/Kineticist (me)

Goon is on the same level as us while the other 2 are next to each other atop a 20ft cliff. Rogue is stealthed behind a stalagmite while the rest of us negotiate. We're to get rid of the leader and not kill the Ifrit because we were told she'd be a better (less bloodthirsty) leader and may help the PFS in the future.

Surprise Round: Bard Inspires Courage while Goon moves closer, BBG pulls out a bow and Ifrit hits the Bard with 4 MM for 5 dmg.

Round 1: I won initiative, so I cast a spell on BBG. Bard makes the spellcraft and knows what I'm doing but no one else does: Paranoia. I forgot to use my Hypnotic Stare first, but he still failed his save. In his eyes it is no longer 3 vs 4, but 1 vs 2 vs 4. Our table roars with laughter, especially when the Bard calls out to the Ifrit that the time has come to enact our plan to depose BBG. She continues to fight us but is now dodging BBGs BFS (Large sized bastard sword). Our laughter increased when we remembered we wanted her alive. She chooses to 5ft step off the cliff to get away from him and he backs up to some stairs and readies against anyone coming up them.

The fight continues a few rounds with the Goon dropping and the Bard positioning himself next to a 30ft drop cliff in line with the stairs and uses a wand of scorching ray on the BBG. BBG charges up and bullrushes him off. But the Bard did that purposefully to trick him into not using his BFS and coming down the stairs. Immediate Action Feather Fall and he waves to BBG on his way down and wands him again while down there. Druid hits BBG hard with his Shileleagh Quarterstaff and drops him and Ifrit surrenders. BBG was staggered after that last wand hit and so is dead-dead.

Moral of the story: Paranoia is hilarious and improvised teamwork is even more so.

Grand Lodge 3/5

K-kun the Insane wrote:
Moral of the story: Paranoia is hilarious and improvised teamwork is even...

Too Bad Paranoia is an Illusion spell, rather than a Enchantment (Compulsion). Imagine the war if Paranoia and Murderous Command were dropped same round.

Playing [FLOOR X] of [Certain Mega-Dungeon],

party is chained to wall in dungeon, after trap knocks us all unconscious.
Psychic: Okay, I'll know Knock on my spell list so i can help you guys break free.
Casts Knock on the Kineticist's manacles. Frees him.
Fighter (me) just pulls chains off wall. *shrug* Barbarian follows suit. Barbarian and Myself free the Psychic and "mysterious companion"

Examining the room, we see a "viewing area" above a greased wall. With another use of Knock on hidden door, we sneak out, avoiding a trap thanks to some spell-prep, and see two enemies go into room we suspect is the Viewing Room.
We sneak into room, one enemy flees to get others, we plot to knock out baddie to get our gear out of chest.

It's at this point, I remember something that would have made the next fight, not so prolonged.
My Fighter is a Eldritch Guardian [with Mauler familiar]/Mutagen Warrior/Martial Master. I'm 8th level. I took WINGS as my 7th lvl Discovery.

While the barbarian was trying to figure out how long it would take to put on his armor, the kineticist put up Kinetic Cover to restrict the enemies that rushed us... Half an hour later: Barbarian is out of combat, trying to hastily don his armor; enemy construct is still trying to break through the kineticist's second barrier; our "new friend" is tired of holding back.
The Psychic, with all her spells useless to enemies, ran around and found my fox trying to be rotisseried. After getting swarmed by a knot of snakes, fled and left my helpless fox still bound amidst the swarm.

Enemies dead, we jumped to the end fight, he lasted three rounds. Silence on a Barbarian is a crushing tactic.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Ok, Playing Ire of the Storm in Campaign Mode. Crit and Fumble Decks are in play.

Cleric: Terrifying Display on the Crit Card. All you need is a DC 4 to save from being frightened for 1d4 rounds.

GM: Rolls Nat 1

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

*sees mounted opponents*

Dragon Disciple: Fireball.
Alchemist: Bramble Bomb, difficult terrain and entangled condition.
Oracle: Wall of Fire, ring around.

Scarab Sages

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Minna Hiltula wrote:

One of my favorite PFS moments is from way back in 2009.

IC: "What a horrid waste of life! No one deserves to die in this kind of weather!" (The PCs are standing in pouring rain.)
A few seconds later, OOC: "...does the guy's armor look expensive?"


There has also been an odd theme of hippopotamuses in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in our local games. My druid frequently wildshapes into a behemoth hippopotamus in order to carry the party around, which is not the most conspicuous form up north, resulting in there now being several small villages in the eastern parts of that country with statues of four Pathfinders and a liger riding a huge hippopotamus. Later, we expanded this to the Trans-Varisian Hippo Express in Refuge of Time. The theme was continued by my roommate's halfling druid, whose pygmy hippopotamus was understood by locals in Trollheim to be "some sort of hairless dog".

I feel like both of these belong in a Terry Pratchett DiscWorld novel. :D

Scarab Sages

Just recently ran the 9-00 PFS special and...

Level 3's all around, table is having some tough times with healing, then we get to the very end. They all choose to fight the demons with the ballista, kill them all, then decide to interrupt the ritual. The cleric proceeds to do an instant interrupt with channel divinity. Twice. The only reason he doesn't do it a third time is because victory was announced. He hadn't used any of them to heal his party, and I didn't register at all...

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

*party sees multiple incorporeal foes*

Oracle: *over several rounds* Gate of Babylon. *casts spiritual weapon*

Grand Lodge 3/5

Ironfang Invasion campaign mode-

After clearing a cave to use a temporary base, my party faces our most cunning and time consuming challenge yet- BOOKKEEPING.
We meet with an underdark merchant who was willing to barter with us- cue us a party of adventurers spending the next couple hours tallying the loot we've gathered and what we can sell- which ended up being a +1 Dwarven Waraxe for our party dwarf paladin, a +1 Scimitar for my Dancing Dervish Ranger, and a Scroll of Restoration for our "negative level" ninja.

It only took so long, because our resident bookkeep has been out for past few weeks, and may not return.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:

*sees mounted opponents*

Dragon Disciple: Fireball.
Alchemist: Bramble Bomb, difficult terrain and entangled condition.
Oracle: Wall of Fire, ring around.

GM: "...resist energy (fire) 20....'

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

See, I was expecting them to do that. But then they attempted to cast fly to get out of the ring, where one failed the concentration check and the non-caster just moved through the wall.

The Exchange

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In Forged In Flame Part 1: The Cindersworn Pact

GM: "You successfully cover yourself in camel dung" and "You make enough drugs to knock out a storm giant."


captnchuck67 wrote:

Retirement Arc:
Playing eyes of the ten

Our make up was
Paladin of Iomede(me) ,Life Oracle of Cayden,Barbarian/Cleric,2 Wizards. First round of every combat the one wizard went to neg hit points. Became a running joke that we basically didn't count on him for the first 4 encounters.

My Cleric went through one Aegis of Protection per session, a +4 con belt was my next purchase.

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

GM: Surely you have to have scars. You are in Nidal everyone has scars.
Me: I start taking off my full plate and showing her my battle scars.
GM: Not those scars. You know the ritualistic scars Kuthonite have.
Me: *sighs* I'm not sure if I'm going to fall doing this. .
GM: What?
Me: I ask the barkeep for a knife and then stab it into my hand.
GM: So you know how I said everyone here is just pretty morose and keeping to themselves. They all just sort of stare at you as you do this.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"The winter lodge has been renamed the Fingerhut."
"Welcome to Fingerhut, may I take your order?"
"It's fingerlickin' good!"

Dark Archive 1/5

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GenCon, while playing #8-99 The Solstice Scar...

There's a battle that's basically a mini-boss with a few minions. I was playing my compulsion specialized Evangelist 5/Sorcerer 1.

It went down thusly:
I cast Hold Person on the mini-boss (a cleric). Next round, I cast Murderous command on the nearest minion (a barbarian of some type). He coup de grace's the cleric. Next round, cast murderous command on same minion. He attacks, and crits, on the other class-level minion...while raging, with a falchion...and one-shots the enemy bard.

The barbarian had the rest of the round to consider his failed will saves before the two bloodragers in our party took him apart.

The look on the GMs face when he failed the Hold Person will save was great. When he failed the murderous command save and he coup de grace'd, the look was annoyed. When he rolled the nat 20 on the attack against the bard? Absolutely priceless. We couldn't stop laughing.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The party is playing up in a 3-7.

The Kineticist is confused. Lets lose with a 75 point crit on a mook

Kitsune Pally/Swashbuckler "Permision to PVP?"

Kineticist "Granted.. but why?"

" 25% chance you try to blow a hole through someone so... Trip. Run around the corner. Expeditoious retreat. Run around the dungeon for 10 rounds.

Half the table all at once "Fox on the run...."

5/5 *****

BigNorseWolf wrote:

The party is playing up in a 3-7.

The Kineticist is confused. Lets lose with a 75 point crit on a mook

Kitsune Pally/Swashbuckler "Permision to PVP?"

Kineticist "Granted.. but why?"

" 25% chance you try to blow a hole through someone so... Trip. Run around the corner. Expeditoious retreat. Run around the dungeon for 10 rounds.

Half the table all at once "Fox on the run...."

Sadly that only works for 1 round. You have to keep attacking them to trigger the "must attack your attacker" condition of confusion. It's harder to do than people think.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Washington—Bothell

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Technically this was SFS, not PFS but whatever. I was running one of the new scenarios and the party had just recaptured a curious, intelligent alien that had gotten out of its containment. Not knowing any Pact languages, the first thing it did when it initially escaped was start fiddling with a nearby console. This messed up the environmental systems and caused the deck to lose power which is why the pcs were told to investigate. While they were capturing the alien they checked the console it was at and saw it had basically been pushing random buttons. After capturing it one of the PCs wanted to double check and see if they was any sort of pattern they could decipher. In order to give a proper demonstration of what the log looked like for the terminal, I put my face on the laptop I was running off of and then face-rolled on my keyboard. Doing so accidentally blue screened my computer forcing to restart. By the time we had recovered from laughing it was half way back up again.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
andreww wrote:
Sadly that only works for 1 round. You have to keep attacking them to trigger the "must attack your attacker" condition of confusion. It's harder to do than people think.

How do you figure?

Confused wrote:
If a confused creature is attacked, it attacks the creature that last attacked it until that creature is dead or out of sight.

5/5 *****

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
andreww wrote:
Sadly that only works for 1 round. You have to keep attacking them to trigger the "must attack your attacker" condition of confusion. It's harder to do than people think.

How do you figure?

Confused wrote:
If a confused creature is attacked, it attacks the creature that last attacked it until that creature is dead or out of sight.

From the confusion spell:

Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't see where there is language saying they stop attacking that person.

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Diplomacy broke down and resulted in combat because I refused to hold someone's hand.

Module Fangwood Keep Spoilers:

We encountered a room with a a creepy gnome-looking fey dancing over a pile of blood and gore. Having learned Sylvan from a gnome he thought was an hallucination, my drunken brewmaster greeted the fey and offered a pint. The GM stood up and started bobbing up and down happily with a creepy smile, revealing that the gnome was singing a joyous song reveling in murder and slaughter. The gnome invited us to dance with him, and the GM turned to the closest player to say "He hands you an organ."

"Wat?" responded the player.

"He hands you a pile of gore," said the GM. "Do you accept it?"

"Um, okay?"

Still bobbing up and down in a dance, the GM turned to the next player. "He gives you a severed head."

"S-sure," the player said reluctantly.

The GM turned to me. "He lends Gromp a hand. Do you take it?"

Replying in-character, I said, "Sorry, bro. I'm way too drunk to be holding hands now."

The GM then gave this exact face at me.

5/5 *****

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I don't see where there is language saying they stop attacking that person.

They only attack on their next turn. If they haven't been attacked by the following turn then you would roll again. That is how I have always run it and how have seen it run by multiple others.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've never seen it run that way. But this is hardly the thread to hash that out in.

The Exchange 5/5

Confusion spell...
This spell causes confusion in the targets, making them unable to determine their actions. Roll on the following table at the start of each subject's turn each round to see what it does in that round.

(table of actions)

A confused character who can't carry out the indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused character. Any confused character who is attacked automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused when its turn comes. Note that a confused character will not make attacks of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it has just been attacked).

what indicates that it continues to attack for more than one round? If the confused creature was not attacked on it's last turn, why would it not roll for a new action again? (a roll of 76-100 would be "Attack nearest creature..." again...

I have encountered a judge who tried to say that if you got a rolled result of "51–75 = Deal 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand" that you would then "automatically attack" yourself - as you had attacked yourself last turn (and damaged yourself)...

yeah... that went over real well...

Grand Lodge 4/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
But this is hardly the thread to hash that out in.


Bigger issue: you round the corner and are now out of sight.


FanaticRat wrote:
Since I've become increasingly frustrated with PFS games recently, why not just have a thread about the funny moments we've had in them? I mean you guys gotta have some good stories, right?

I don't know why, but apparently when GM'ing, my Gripplis always speak in Scottish accents.

Also, in an adventure where the PC's were infiltrating a prison, the dwarf gunslinger distracted the warden by asking if the empty cages had any stories (suddenly developing a THICK southern accent) Imagine if you will, in loud southern voice: "YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT THERE ARE NO STORIES IN THESE CAGES!" "SERIOUSLY, THESE CAGES DON'T HAVE NO STORIES!" Needless to say, I created a bard named Kayges, who doesn't tell stories.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Just getting back into playing and GMing

An old meta one

Me: Well we need to find a scenario for the kids table.

Another PFS member: What about Severing Ties? That one is fun/

Me: You mean the one with alcohol, prostitutes, STDs, drug use, and sadomasochism?

Other guy: ... Maybe I'm thinking of a different one?

A couple from my Bard of Calistra...

Me: I cast unnatural lust on the familiar!

*table blinks, raven fails his save.*

In another combat: I cast a spell on the troll and back up 30 feet, DC 13

GM: He failed. What did you do?

ME: unnatural lust *to the melee types* enjoy your AoOs boys.

Same scenario. "Ok you got your way back to the cell. How do you get it unlocked."

Me: Will a 24 disable device do?

GM: You have disable device?

Me: A skeleton key.

GM: *sighs* of course you do.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The big bad wakes up after multiple thousands of years as a stone statue.

"Where are my workers?

"I'm sorry sir, one of your enemies got a little out of hand. There was this and that and a thing and you don't have any workers anymore.

"Then send my soldiers!"

"erm... that thing got really out of hand. there was a this and a that and now you don't have any soldiers anymore either...


"So the guy your sent to find is in prison and the trolls dead, but you talked your way past the guard. How do you want to get him out of here?

"We skin the troll repeatedly and use him to make a troll costume, then walk him out of here...

"Okay... there's some penalties but...*rolls npcs disguise check.. nat 20.* "well even with that...." rolls NPC guards perception check .... 3.

*headdesk. headdesk. Headdesk*

Sovereign Court 3/5

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When the Halfling Rogue starts every plan with "First I disguise myself as a woman."

5/5 5/55/55/5

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The adorably cute creature charms half the party

"Awww.. how can we serve you?"

The adorable picture and cute voice charm the half of the players that made the save

"awww how can we serve you?"

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

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CheeseStalker wrote:
FanaticRat wrote:
Since I've become increasingly frustrated with PFS games recently, why not just have a thread about the funny moments we've had in them? I mean you guys gotta have some good stories, right?
I don't know why, but apparently when GM'ing, my Gripplis always speak in Scottish accents.

That's great. I can't do voices or accents, but I always imagined Gripplis being posh and dapper. Something like this, with a Victorian English or indeed Scottish accent. Distinguished.

Matthew Morris wrote:

Same scenario. "Ok you got your way back to the cell. How do you get it unlocked."

Me: Will a 24 disable device do?

GM: You have disable device?

Me: A skeleton key.

GM: *sighs* of course you do.

A friend always carries one on all his characters. Somehow he always makes the DC. Golarion has the multiverse's shoddiest locksmith.

Scarab Sages 4/5

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Today, when an Aasimar PC paid a crazy lady 5 gp to do a divination:

(Paraphrasing. I wasn't quite this on point with the response)

Crazy Prophet Lady: "I see a dark future for your kind. While once ubiquitous, your numbers are dwindling. Your paths were cut short. Some even show surprise at your presence, questioning whether your kind still exists. Each year there will be fewer and fewer, until those who wait awaken in the time of The Grandfathering, when the Aasimar Nephilim will arise from their 1XP slumber to repopulate Golarion."

Grand Lodge 3/5

Torrent's Last Will (Upper Tier/4 player adjustment)
The party: Gnome Sorcerer 10, Halfling Rogue 11, Fighter 9, Shaman NPC 7

First fight, attacked by Sahaguin. Fighter gets surrounded. My Sorcerer who's an enchantment specialist Terrible Remorses one- he punches himself for a couple rounds before snapping out of his daze.
Fighter goes down, and using my Fey bloodline's Laughing Touch [1 rd Nauseate] through my Sorcerer Robes onto my Magic Missiles, I "tickle missile" the 'commander.' Next turn, after he done laughing, he charges- rolls minimum damage. :D He ends up next to the halfling rogue that has two-weapon feint and can do massive damage when he hits...
Come to the last fight- we salvaged three potions of invisibility from the first fight and we know of the situation waiting us. We look around the table, who doesn't want to be invisible?
*gnome sorcerer raises hand.* I have the "Fleeting Glance" ability, effectively 10 rounds of Greater Invisibility.
Enter room as stealthfully as you could... Rolls initiative. Rogue goes before BBEG- a dragon. Sorcerer goes after Dragon [rolled 1, with a +9 to initiative. :(]
He moves into position- does his several attacks and... misses. stupid dragon and it's 34 Flatfooted AC.
Dragon attacks- hits with all but one attack. Rogue can't take another hit, let alone full assault.
Fighter delays til the Shaman can Dimension Door him behind the dragon.

Sorcerer's turn. Dilemma: Save hostages by Deep Slumbering captors, or Tickle Missiles the Dragon to save the Rogue?? Eh, sorry folks.
*rolls Caster check vs Dragon's SR.*
*Reroll with GM stars!*
20-some damage and... Dragon begins laughing.

Start of next round, after Rogue with flanking bonus from Fighter scores a few hits-
GM: Surrounded the enemies, the dragon thrashes about! *rolls several die*
Me: She's laughing and can't attack.
GM: What?
Me: Last turn, I tickle missile'd her. She's effectively nauseated; she can move and defend herself, but that's it.
GM: What?
Me: >explains set up via Sorcerer Robes<
GM: ... okay, what are you doing now?
Me: Time to save the hostages. >Begins to cast Deep Slumber.<

Dragon is slain. Two captors asleep, Rogue, fighter and shaman "rush" to save the hostages while the Commander is busy punching himself in face via another Terrible Remorse.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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We had to infiltrate and take over a fortress on the plane of air. Fortunately we found an airship that was making a supply run to it, and managed to convince the captain to smuggle us in in crates filled with apple juice, because its a luxury item from the material plane on the air plane :D We bypassed 1 1/2 encounters with our silliness.

Sovereign Court

Gm - So what will you do to aid in distracting the guards.

Me - I talk a pair of courtesans into something indiscreet.

Gm - um...diplomacy roll..?

Me Natural 20 + 10 = 30, Thirty

GM - um, damn that's exactly what you needed.

Me - Taldor for the win. (Yes Yes we're Sov court now - but I still love the Baron)

Sovereign Court 3/5

I've had my Asmodean Advocate distract a pair of Hellknights by convincing them that they need a collective bargaining agreement, those guards are probably dead.

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Graham Wilson wrote:
I've had my Asmodean Advocate distract a pair of Hellknights by convincing them that they need a collective bargaining agreement, those guards are probably dead.

They are exploring new opportunities in an Outer Plane local where they can apply their extensive Hellknight experience in a related setting ;)

5/5 5/55/55/5

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Party member gets stoned by a medusa

Party finds a stone salve.

Kitsune disguises self to look like a 90 year old version of themselves.

"Yes! finally! we did it. After all these years...."

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

After my players send off a donkey with some gnolls, who I very made very clear will eat said donkey pretty soon, I ask the Sky Druid player, "Doesn't that make you feel bad at least a little bit?" To which she responds (in actual English, since it isn't our native tongue), "You vastly overestimate my capacity for empathy."

Which was fair, because in her introduction she made it very clear she was concerned with the sky and everything living in it, so fair play.

Grand Lodge 3/5

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Emerald Spire Floor X
GM: You come across a sealed and locked door with many runes and languages written on them. Do any of you know [language]?
Me: I know all the languages. Do i know what it says? Not a clue. [Kellid Fighter]
GM: Door is locked.
Me: I don't have masterwork thieves' tools... hmm...
Player 1 [Psychic]: You have ranks in Disable Device?
Me: Ya, +5 total bonus. [two ranks, 3 dex]
Psychic: Don't bother, I got this. *Casts Knock, fails to unlock*
Me: *eyeing halfling bard* Yo, we have a battering ram!
Player 3 [Dwarf Barbarian]: Who, me?
Player 2 [Halfling Bard]: HEY! What are you doing?!
Me: *picks up bard, and charges door.*
Psychic: *casts second Knock, unlocks door as Bard and myself make contact.*
Me: WE DID IT! Good job, little buddy!
GM: *rolls a d4* You take 1 Nonlethal.
Bard: Wait, Psychic cast a spell. *rolls spellcraft: not high enough.*
Me: I couldn't use the Psychic as a battering ram. She's frail. [Seriously 10 Con]

>The GM also commented that the Bard player failed to capitalize on a prime roleplay opportunity- he can open doors with his head.<

*fights statues that are covered in Brown Mold*
Dwarf and Bard get hit for 12 Cold damage from being in proximity of the Brown Mold. My fighter, 6 cold damage.
*continues to beat down statues*
Psychic casts "Resist Energy (Communal): Cold" on herself, dwarf and bard. My fighter takes 3 more cold damage.
Me: *over psychic link* Hrmmm... My left nipple is erect. Reminds me of home. (This after the bard and dwarf complained about taking 20+ damage from the Brown Mold.)
*more statue beatdown, more cold damage*
Me: *over psychic link* Damnit, i didn't know my armor would chaff me is such a fashion.

*proceeds through the dungeon, come to an open pit. Dwarf begins to scurry around the sit of the pit to the other side- and gets ambushed by a huge bug that thrashes him.
*Psychic casts Ethereal Shards and Acid Fog [via Staff] to kill the big incrementally, while my Fighter baits the bug into attacking. We couldn't leave the Dwarf behind.

Aaron C. Malone wrote:

Funniest PFS moments?

3 Gripplis riding a Nagaji Cleric Voltron-style enter The Wounded Wisp.

Everyone died.

TPK in Wounded Wisp with the author running it. Best. Table. Evar.

I feel really bad for the three people who lost a race boon there

4/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
MrBear wrote:
Aaron C. Malone wrote:

Funniest PFS moments?

3 Gripplis riding a Nagaji Cleric Voltron-style enter The Wounded Wisp.

Everyone died.

TPK in Wounded Wisp with the author running it. Best. Table. Evar.

I feel really bad for the three people who lost a race boon there

Don't cry for us, Argentina.

It was the most awesome table at which we've ever been TPKed.

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