Funniest PFS moments?

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Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

"you just carry around a familiar satchel?

"Yes. For irresponsible pet owners." *tap tap taps pointy stick

My witch still carries her crab in a bucket because aquarium balls are so prohibitively expensive and heavy...
That reminds me, my Grippli carries his familiar in a familiar satchel. Problem is, Gripplis are between one and a half and two feet tall, and so are typical Tiny creatures. I have no idea how I'm lugging around a familiar in a bag the same size as me.

Backpack 2: Electric Bugaloo?

5/5 *****

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Quentin Coldwater wrote:
That reminds me, my Grippli carries his familiar in a familiar satchel. Problem is, Gripplis are between one and a half and two feet tall, and so are typical Tiny creatures. I have no idea how I'm lugging around a familiar in a bag the same size as me.

My Grippli is a druid riding around on a large amphibious dinosaur, wearing a huge floppy hat with a feather in it. He introduces himself as a Knight of Oppara (from a certain boon) and has just been ennobled by Grand Prince Stavian III as Viscount of Zimar. He is possibly the most ridiculous character I have ever played and is very much modelled on Don Quixote.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

andreww wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
That reminds me, my Grippli carries his familiar in a familiar satchel. Problem is, Gripplis are between one and a half and two feet tall, and so are typical Tiny creatures. I have no idea how I'm lugging around a familiar in a bag the same size as me.
My Grippli is a druid riding around on a large amphibious dinosaur, wearing a huge floppy hat with a feather in it. He introduces himself as a Knight of Oppara (from a certain boon) and has just been ennobled by Grand Prince Stavian III as Viscount of Zimar. He is possibly the most ridiculous character I have ever played and is very much modelled on Don Quixote.

I do believe your grippli would get along quite well with my grippli, Lord Jeffrey Lingus, 5th Earl of Bogsmere. He's actually just a rogue who has the Princely alternate racial trait and runs around with a rapier.

The Exchange 5/5 *****

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
andreww wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
That reminds me, my Grippli carries his familiar in a familiar satchel. Problem is, Gripplis are between one and a half and two feet tall, and so are typical Tiny creatures. I have no idea how I'm lugging around a familiar in a bag the same size as me.
My Grippli is a druid riding around on a large amphibious dinosaur, wearing a huge floppy hat with a feather in it. He introduces himself as a Knight of Oppara (from a certain boon) and has just been ennobled by Grand Prince Stavian III as Viscount of Zimar. He is possibly the most ridiculous character I have ever played and is very much modelled on Don Quixote.
I do believe your grippli would get along quite well with my grippli, Lord Jeffrey Lingus, 5th Earl of Bogsmere. He's actually just a rogue who has the Princely alternate racial trait and runs around with a rapier.

I do believe we would as I also have the Princely trait and carry a rapier (which, admittedly, I do not use).

He is actually set up to be highly social (hello cunning liar and ease of faith) so has pretty good diplomacy and bluff despite his low charisma.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

andreww wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
That reminds me, my Grippli carries his familiar in a familiar satchel. Problem is, Gripplis are between one and a half and two feet tall, and so are typical Tiny creatures. I have no idea how I'm lugging around a familiar in a bag the same size as me.
My Grippli is a druid riding around on a large amphibious dinosaur, wearing a huge floppy hat with a feather in it. He introduces himself as a Knight of Oppara (from a certain boon) and has just been ennobled by Grand Prince Stavian III as Viscount of Zimar. He is possibly the most ridiculous character I have ever played and is very much modelled on Don Quixote.

Dearest Viscount,

I am pleased to hear of your recent entitlement.. please join me at my Pathfinder Lodge in Landmass. I'd love to discuss ways to rehabilitate our shared domain.

Lady Roasa Annery Hellena Delaphine Del Noire, Venture Captain of Yanmass, Baroness of Lower Zimar, and Hand of Pharasma."

My favorite 'silly moment' was negotiating with a dragon to get inside a building.. 30 oxen.. then moving it up to 60 when we came out. Roasa didn't blink one bit.. but told her caravan factor it was okay to be early with the oxen.. but a 'mortal sin' to be late. ::D

The Exchange 5/5 *****

Roasa Annarey Hellena de Noire wrote:

Dearest Viscount,

I am pleased to hear of your recent entitlement.. please join me at my Pathfinder Lodge in Landmass. I'd love to discuss ways to rehabilitate our shared domain.

Lady Roasa Annery Hellena Delaphine Del Noire, Venture Captain of Yanmass, Baroness of Lower Zimar, and Hand of Pharasma."

My dearest Baroness,

I would be more than pleased to join you to discuss how we might best improve our shared domain. The Grand Prince has charged me with ensuring the safety of travellers through the Border Wood which must of course take priority.

Lord Miguel de Saaveedra, Viscount of Zimar, Knight of Oppara

The Exchange 5/5 *****

Oops, my mistake, Miguel is in fact a Baron, styled after a certain Dangermouse villain.

Silver Crusade 3/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Springfield

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Come across 2 goblins fighting over a piece of cheese. One of our players uses diplomacy to convince them that the only way to settle this was through Mortal Kombat. Our players started taking bets on who would win, with buffs being handed out to my favorite.

Totally worth the Alignment infraction!

2/5 5/5

Eric Barrier wrote:

Come across 2 goblins fighting over a piece of cheese. One of our players uses diplomacy to convince them that the only way to settle this was through Mortal Kombat. Our players started taking bets on who would win, with buffs being handed out to my favorite.

Totally worth the Alignment infraction!

Sometimes an atonement is worth every copper/pp.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

From probably the same scenario:

BigNorseWolf wrote:

NPC are you prophets?

PC 1 "is that with an ff or a ph?

DM *long pause* ph

PC2 "I don't know, one second. PROPHET HUDDLE"

GM: They determined that, while you are not the Prophets..

ME: I am a prophet (seer oracle)

GM: ...while these are not the prophets that they're looking for...

Sovereign Court

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Obviously the time where the guy tried to Sleight of Hand a horse. and succeeded.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *

Toloriel wrote:
Obviously the time where the guy tried to Sleight of Hand a horse. and succeeded.

Is that a horse in you pants or are you REALLY happy to see me?

Dark Archive

The DM has no bluff DC - when magi at level 5 indicate vorpal is the option they'd like for their sword.

Ninja PC wearing all red, "Pick any name you like it doesn't matter as long as you pay me."

GM NPC, "Okay Bubbles it is."

Later in same mod Facing a minotaur Ninja PC in red, "Oh God I pray that beast does not think am a bullfighter or something...Toro, Toro"

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

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I have an Arrowsong Minstrel with a huge ego that introduces himself as "Golarion's greatest archer." After some adventures party members decided they'd had enough of me and started poking fun at me. They even encountered a dragon and bribed him into spreading false propaganda about me about how much my character sucks. I simply changed my intro to "Golarion's most famous archer." When other players remember what happened say, "Hey, aren't you that guy that dragon keeps trash-talking?" I reply with, "But you have heard of me!"

5/5 5/55/55/5

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party is walking around town. We hit the bad parts, the dm starts describing the fetid stink of the place.

Thinking we're doing the investigativy portion of the adventure today
"Group hug. Life bubble!"

10 minutes later. The door gets kicked in and the party gets cloudkilled

"roll saving throws vs...


4/5 5/5

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
I have an Arrowsong Minstrel with a huge ego that introduces himself as "Golarion's greatest archer." After some adventures party members decided they'd had enough of me and started poking fun at me. They even encountered a dragon and bribed him into spreading false propaganda about me about how much my character sucks. I simply changed my intro to "Golarion's most famous archer." When other players remember what happened say, "Hey, aren't you that guy that dragon keeps trash-talking?" I reply with, "But you have heard of me!"

Aren't you that guy that sunk that boat just in front of the Razmiran coast?

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Magabeus wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
I have an Arrowsong Minstrel with a huge ego that introduces himself as "Golarion's greatest archer." After some adventures party members decided they'd had enough of me and started poking fun at me. They even encountered a dragon and bribed him into spreading false propaganda about me about how much my character sucks. I simply changed my intro to "Golarion's most famous archer." When other players remember what happened say, "Hey, aren't you that guy that dragon keeps trash-talking?" I reply with, "But you have heard of me!"
Aren't you that guy that sunk that boat just in front of the Razmiran coast?

That is a common misconception and a gross misunderstanding of the dire situation we were in. I fought valiantly against the rising tide, but the tide was indifferent to the prodigious and nearly superhuman effort I put into keeping the vessel afloat.

So yes, while those are the technical facts, it glosses over how I was a beacon of hope for everyone in the boat and how without me everyone would have been lost to the seas way earlier. In fact, I consider it a small wonder the boat managed to flip and we must have offended Gozreh personally somehow, because that storm was truly destined to flip us over, and only by my true and unwavering faith in Erastil did we manage to come ashore safely.

4/5 5/5

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The living grimoire archetype for an inquisitor is already hilarious enough, what with hitting enemies literally with the word of your god. It got better today during a fight when the instigator decided to try and make a run for it. My inquisitor ran after her, noticed he wasn't going to catch up, and decided to try and stop her... throwing his book at her.

I promptly rolled a natural 20, confirmed the crit and knocked her out cold.

After which my inquisitor walked over to the unconscious enemy, picked up his book, dusted it off, and cast returning weapon on it just in case.

5/5 5/55/55/5

serpents ire *whistles innocently*:

So someone at the table played Janira, the halfling magus. So she spots Zurnzal tooling around in the fields dressed like a laborer. She makes an excuse to pull them aside, and since zurnzal is a professional, tries to level with her.

"Look, I got Fayden with us. He's called the disaster for a reason, so collateral isn't an issue here. Whatever you want here, meet me for the next team huddle we can try to get it for you, or you can just leave now before he hits the fan.

She doesn't show. No problem, she skipped...

There she is guarding the entrance. No problem she's just going along with her cove...

there she is zapping the party

*cracks knuckles* She would have tried the patience of a saranite.

Swift action dragon style, KNOCKOUT PUNCH! crit, strength and a half HADOUKEN her up to the ceiling.

Next round she's down and bleeding.

Swift action, learn throw anything. Move action, pick up halfling, standard action, chuck her at the wizard.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Methinks you remembered the wrong scenario name there, ole wolf. Good thing I know them both. ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Heh. When I asked my party if they were the prophets, the dwarf with a five charisma, shouted, "Of course we are!"

Me: "Can I have a bluff check?"

Dwarf: "Ooh, boy. Oh hey... 7!"

Me: [rolls a 2] "He believes you!"

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Heh. When I asked my party if they were the prophets, the dwarf with a five charisma, shouted, "Of course we are!"

Me: "Can I have a bluff check?"

Dwarf: "Ooh, boy. Oh hey... 7!"

Me: [rolls a 2] "He believes you!"

My 16yo daughter and I played that scenario at a small local con a month or two ago - our first official PFS game (other than a session of Silverhex I ran at home). Her halfling unchained barbarian (nicknamed "Scatterhead" for good reason) started to ask, "What prophets?", but my wayang unrogue elbowed her in the side and said, "Yesssss, of course," and made a 20+ on his bluff check.

As the encounter proceeded, my rogue stage-whispered to the half-barb, "Ok kid, what did I tell you about questions like that?"

She smacked herself on the forehead and said, "When someone asks you if you're a prophet, you. Say. Yes."

On a side note, it is very frustrating for a barbarian to be unable to rage for the entire scenario because she - and everyone else in the party - fails her fort save against fatigue in the first five minutes in [debilitating environment].

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

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Pretty much the entirety of Severing Ties, played with this character (ecclesiothurge of Cayden Cailien).

Highlights included::

Failure to identify anything we found. Testing hats involved shoving one PC into a body of water.
Got bored with failing to convince the Aspis agent to give us his stamps, then remembered I had Charm Person prepared. As we left, the NPC just grumbled about misplacing them.
Befriended a basilisk through a combination of wild empathy and getting it drunk.
Befriending a snake we thought was a whip. The hunter had quite a menagerie going.
Stamping a helpless NPC, tied up but enjoying his ritualistic tattooing; trying not to make the situation any weirder. The paladin was appalled.
We shot the moon in trying to convince the cultist at the gate that we had the requested items, when they were all fakes. "These don't even detect as magic!" "Yes, well that's what you get when you work with the Aspis, incompetence bordering on maliciousness."
The GM describing an entire room of cultists chasing us, but completely unprepared for a loose basilisk, a flood of sewage and explosive gas.

5/5 *****

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
On a side note, it is very frustrating for a barbarian to be unable to rage for the entire scenario because she - and everyone else in the party - fails her fort save against fatigue in the first five minutes in [debilitating environment].

I recommend investing in a potion of endure elements, they are only 50g, scrolls are only 25g and it's on almost every list out there. It lasts for the entire day, even at caster level 1. I now starting gold is tight for your first game but it pays to invest in handy consumables like that.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
andreww wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
On a side note, it is very frustrating for a barbarian to be unable to rage for the entire scenario because she - and everyone else in the party - fails her fort save against fatigue in the first five minutes in [debilitating environment].
I recommend investing in a potion of endure elements, they are only 50g, scrolls are only 25g and it's on almost every list out there. It lasts for the entire day, even at caster level 1. I now starting gold is tight for your first game but it pays to invest in handy consumables like that.

Oh, believe me, it's on both our lists for the first chance we have to shop. But this was our first scenario, with (obviously) new characters, and we had made other choices with our 150.

4/5 *

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
andreww wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
On a side note, it is very frustrating for a barbarian to be unable to rage for the entire scenario because she - and everyone else in the party - fails her fort save against fatigue in the first five minutes in [debilitating environment].
I recommend investing in a potion of endure elements, they are only 50g, scrolls are only 25g and it's on almost every list out there. It lasts for the entire day, even at caster level 1. I now starting gold is tight for your first game but it pays to invest in handy consumables like that.
Oh, believe me, it's on both our lists for the first chance we have to shop. But this was our first scenario, with (obviously) new characters, and we had made other choices with our 150.

One thing I like about my local play area is that in scenarios like that *somebody* is always willing to pick up a wand of endure elements and hit the whole party with it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

"Drendle dreng said that if someone asks you if you're a god you say yes

"a prophet is pretty close to a god. So yes...


My 5 CHA 8 INT anti-undead specialist to Merisiel during Black Waters:

"You. If we find incorporeals, cut yourself with this and you will be able to fight them." *k-shunk* a Spiritbane Spike from a spring loaded wrist sheath and hand it to her

The look on the rest of the table's faces was pretty priceless as I explained how the item works and how likely it was to put a level 1 Merisiel pregen in mortal peril.

Grand Lodge 3/5

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Tyranny of Winds, p.1

GM: Okay, to get the second prestige you needed to do- take etching [why?], gather [poisonous] flowers, play "spot the difference" wit the statues, and gather sample of sand from 'sand-river.' You only noticed the differences between the statues. 1 Prestige.
Me: (playing Kitsune Swashbuckler/Ranger) Wait! I got your sand sample here! *begins shaking sand out of fur.* There's your sample! [to table] Well, something good came from me nearly drowning in the *blasted* pool.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
RealAlchemy wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
andreww wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
On a side note, it is very frustrating for a barbarian to be unable to rage for the entire scenario because she - and everyone else in the party - fails her fort save against fatigue in the first five minutes in [debilitating environment].
I recommend investing in a potion of endure elements, they are only 50g, scrolls are only 25g and it's on almost every list out there. It lasts for the entire day, even at caster level 1. I now starting gold is tight for your first game but it pays to invest in handy consumables like that.
Oh, believe me, it's on both our lists for the first chance we have to shop. But this was our first scenario, with (obviously) new characters, and we had made other choices with our 150.
One thing I like about my local play area is that in scenarios like that *somebody* is always willing to pick up a wand of endure elements and hit the whole party with it.

In addition to my rogue and my daughter's barbarian, there was an archivist bard (also with 0 XP), and a ranger with 1 XP. He used his 2 PP for a wand of CLW and we were very grateful.

The Exchange 5/5

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not sure if I posted this story before - but it's a good one...

It deals with two Core games I was involved with, two with an odd connection - First Steps and then Confirmation...

The First Steps was run by a beginning Judge - her first game (our 13 year old judge - with the next youngest person at the table was her mom - but that is another story). Mostly it was a lot of fun - except for the final fight, and the Mist was just a total pain. Didn't really change things and crippled both the bandits and the PCs. I'm not sure if it would have been much different in a non-Core game... But the judge found a great liking for Ledford and the lack of complex tactics for that character. So much so that she built a "look alike" for him and took it into the next Core game as a PC - so we played Confirmation with a Halfling Barbarian with a great ax named Ledford (the Halfling, not the ax).

Anyway - second game was a lot of fun - and the final blow was glorious!

The PCs are rushing out of the cave to save the little Halfling lady and shooting at the Big Bad. Ledford (from the back of the party) moves out of the cave up to the difficult area (the trees), and draws the potion of Feather Step (from the back pack). Next round he drinks the potion and moves up to 10' short of the stream. Then the third round he charges across - jumping the stream (I wasn't sure if he could charge and jump - but heck, rule of kewl and all that) right into combat with the BBE. Big Bad swings an AOO and misses "the Mustache with Feet". The little guy rolls his first (and only) nat "20" of the night, and just barely confirms the crit (thanks in part to the Bards singing). This, backed up with the damage from the missile fire (Force Missiles from the Evoker Wiz and arrows/bolts from the other players) and the BBE is down - dead.

So yeah, the male Halfling barbarian charged the monster and put him down with one Ax blow! Saving the female Halfling bard.... fade to next scene (hay! the barbarian is run by a 13 year old girl! So clean up those thoughts you gamer geeks you!)

And thus the Big Bad from the old intro game killed the Big Bad from the second intro game...

Silver Crusade 4/5

I've thought about making Ledford as a PC. Never got around to it. Also, I was kinda waiting for that scenario to be retired, but it hasn't happened yet.

The Exchange 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:
I've thought about making Ledford as a PC. Never got around to it. Also, I was kinda waiting for that scenario to be retired, but it hasn't happened yet.

actually - I had a lot of fun making "A Ledford" = he's one of my Core PCs...

A lot of fun to run - though I haven't got much play time in with him though.

best line so far: "I know what you're thinking... you're wondering to yourself, did he rage for six rounds, or only five? Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a 44 inch Great Ax, the most powerful hand weapon in the world and could take your head clean off in one crit, you've gotta ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

4/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:
I've thought about making Ledford as a PC. Never got around to it. Also, I was kinda waiting for that scenario to be retired, but it hasn't happened yet.

If I ever need to make a halfling PC, I fully intend to make a halfling skald named Lemford.

Grand Lodge

In a fight with Aspis mooks getting crushed left and right the final one runs away a bit and goes into full defense. I'm next in initiative.

Me: Magic Missile *roll* 4 damage

GM: So much for full defense...

Table laughs.

In that same session I also at one point did more damage to an enemy as a 2nd level Wizard than a full attacking, raging, enlarged 4th level Barbarian with an additional bite attack.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Mangenorn wrote:
In that same session I also at one point did more damage to an enemy as a 2nd level Wizard than a full attacking, raging, enlarged 4th level Barbarian with an additional bite attack.

Reminds me of a recent scenario my Alchemist 9 went through.

I was doing minimum 16 damage against a foe vulnerable to fire via splash damage [GM ruled that if my bomb hit his mirror image, the splash would still hit.], while the barbarian tried to hit the enemy.
after almost 70 damage from Bomb damage alone, the barbarian barely manage to hit, to finish off the encounter.


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I don't remember the exact scenario, but we recently encountered a water elemental (or genie maybe?) that we needed something from. The particular character I was playing frequently makes crass attempts at flirting, and early on gave a compliment on her "frothy ripples."

Honestly it didn't sound so dirty until it left my mouth. XD

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

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GMing Black Waters, I came up with some more ghost appearances to make the scenario extra spooky. There was a boy playing with marbles somewhere, but he was frustrated because he couldn't interact with the marbles at all. One of the players was so distraught at the idea of a ghost being frustrated for all eternity, I retconned it into him playing with ghostly outlines of the marbles, which were their "souls." Eventually the player decided to join in. Whenever she interacted with a real marble, the "ghost marble" would roll in the same direction, as if they're linked. The kid started freaking out because his marbles were flying all over the place. Eventually he reached the conclusion that his marbles were haunted.

I convinced a ghost he was haunted. I'm pretty proud of that piece of improvisation.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Quentin Coldwater wrote:

GMing Black Waters, I came up with some more ghost appearances to make the scenario extra spooky. There was a boy playing with marbles somewhere, but he was frustrated because he couldn't interact with the marbles at all. One of the players was so distraught at the idea of a ghost being frustrated for all eternity, I retconned it into him playing with ghostly outlines of the marbles, which were their "souls." Eventually the player decided to join in. Whenever she interacted with a real marble, the "ghost marble" would roll in the same direction, as if they're linked. The kid started freaking out because his marbles were flying all over the place. Eventually he reached the conclusion that his marbles were haunted.

I convinced a ghost he was haunted. I'm pretty proud of that piece of improvisation.

GM School of Spirits and bring back this same schtick. Better yet-

Have Jay, the NPC follower, take one marbles, claiming it was hers before the earthquake.
5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Ohh, that's such a missed opportunity! I ran them back to back, that person even bought a set of marbles after that adventure.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Explantion of the purpose of the organization the pregen elementals are all in..

The party breaks out in a swaying and singing "kumbaya my elemental lords, kumbaya..."


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Party was fascinated by a certain rune giant spell enchanted with continual flame in a certain season 8 game. So they fixed a broken wagon and hauled it 13 days across orc territory to turn it into a chandelier in a certain Lastwall gambling hall...


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A couple of weeks ago, in my home game with a certain PFS Venture-Captain as a player:

Player: "Oh, the enemies are all in the other room and the doorway is mostly blocked by a resilient sphere? Fireball!

Me: "Ok, make an attack roll to get the fireball through the narrow passage."

*player rolls a 1*


Big Bad NPC: "Wait, perhaps we can negotiate some kind of deal?" -fiddles around in his inventory for something-

Me, Raging Barbarian: "Hah, I'm gonna put you in the ground and see if I can grow a dumb-ass tree!" -turns big bad into chunky salsa-

Scarab Sages

Serisan wrote:

A couple of weeks ago, in my home game with a certain PFS Venture-Captain as a player:

Player: "Oh, the enemies are all in the other room and the doorway is mostly blocked by a resilient sphere? Fireball!

Me: "Ok, make an attack roll to get the fireball through the narrow passage."

*player rolls a 1*


Which obscure rule is this?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

The one in the spell that entirely too many people forget:

Fireball wrote:
If you attempt to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, you must "hit" the opening with a ranged touch attack, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

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Not sure if this fits better here or in the "you know you're in trouble when..." thread, but:
For a low-level module we all made new characters. Two independently had the idea of making a Skald. A third player joined in, then decided we should all be Halflings and be a travelling band. One player joins in as a Slayer, one player has a Demon Eidolon, and the last is a Ratfolk Investigator playing the manager of the band who's at his wit's end. We called ourselves the Beat-Alls and we stacked three different kinds of songs (vanilla Skald, Wyrm Singer, Urban Skald going to DEX). Once we all got our songs going, things got scary. One Skald was TWF-ing with a Weighted Spear, one was playing a Ledford clone, and one was acting as the party tank.
When we arrived in town, we started at the bakery and things went downhill from there. We fought a lot among ourselves (big egos, short tempers), one got possessed by purple goop, and the Demon Eidolon was played as barely having any restraint and almost fighting his own master. It was a mess.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 ***

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Quentin Coldwater wrote:
It was a mess.


Dark Archive 1/5

Serisan wrote:

The one in the spell that entirely too many people forget:

Fireball wrote:
If you attempt to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, you must "hit" the opening with a ranged touch attack, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely.

So many people do not know that rule exists.

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