
Imhrail's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 98 posts (204 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 81 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

As others have brought up there are a few concerns about the way this rubric is setup.

1) For those of us in less populated areas or in the foreign scene, getting access to multiple Venture Captains is difficult or nay impossible due to a multitude of factors (finances, distance, inability to attend conventions, etc). Is there a workaround going to be put in place for those issues? As a personal example i live up in Ontario, Canada where for the entire province we have one Venture Captain, who is 4 hours drive away, fortunately i have access to a car and do visit the city he is located in a few times a year but for many that would not be the case.

2) I understand the thought behind limiting the online community to a one VC game but it really is the only fix i can see for those of us in more isolated/foriegn areas where as noted above we have access to one VC, and in some cases none. Virtual Table Top (VTT) and Post-by-Post (PbP) are both very different media's for a GM to work with and honestly having a GM do their test in each of those (VTT & PbP) and a third in person would be a great test of GM skill. IMO the Rubric should open up Online into the two different aspects and allow for 2/3 tests to be done there.

3) What about the Venture-Captains themselves? For example, i'm the VTT Venture Captain, so is there another person i can go to for my online test if i wish to run a game in VTT? Do we take it up with the RVCs or are we purely limited to VCs?

4) As others have stated is this going to be applicable to all the Organized Play Campaigns, SFS, PFS1/PFS2 and ACG?

5) When is this due for release? Launch of 2nd Edition? Immediately?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So my wish list:

1) I'd love to see a demo area for Roll20/Fantasy Grounds/PbP or at least an area promoting online play. The last two years I've run Quests and players were completely unaware of the official online community, and this would be a great way to spread the word. I know we've limited space in the hall... but its a dream *Disclaimer I'm an Online VO*

2) Overnight slots, why not offer older scenario's that vary from those run during the day, or even an older Multi table Special. A small multi-table wouldn't require the Multimedia setup or the large ones or a massive organizational system, and would help bolster ticket sales / participation.

3) I would love to see the inclusion of modules or a Sanctioned Adventure Path Books at GenCon, unlikely i know due to them being a two slot game. If time is the issue have tables of the shorter modules, like the Free RPG day ones, could be a work around.

4) I really think Kid's Track should be relocated to the same side of the room as the regular Demo tables, or vice versa, and have much better signage, for both Kid's Track and Demo's. I understand the thought process behind keeping it separate, but its often gets unnoticed by the younger crowd as its is too secluded.

5) GM materials sent out ASAP to provide as much prep time as possible.

6) The Help desk, having three facings, could be broken into SFS/PFS/2E.

Sovereign Court

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My Druid in the KingMaker AP is adventuring so he can found New Sarkoris for all his brethren who lost their nation when the Worldwound swallowed it. He's also there to remind the party not to slaughter creatures/humanoids living in the woods purely because they want to expand their city state.

Sovereign Court

As the others have said it is limited to one class you can pull the spells from. In addition you will note it does not mention spells beyond arcane or divine, so RAW at least the other ones like Psionic are not viable to pick from. Hopefully there will be a FAQ on it so they'll be made available, since they weren't around when the Samsaran was released.

Also there is speculation whether or not you can take spells from another class you already have in your current classes list.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

What Micheal Hallet said above is my understanding as well.

As for what stays and what is banned, its probably a process of figuring out what would be too overpowered either by itself or in conjunction with currently available materials.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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We had to infiltrate and take over a fortress on the plane of air. Fortunately we found an airship that was making a supply run to it, and managed to convince the captain to smuggle us in in crates filled with apple juice, because its a luxury item from the material plane on the air plane :D We bypassed 1 1/2 encounters with our silliness.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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Calybos1 wrote:

Courtesy of far too many online sessions, including TPKon today:

You get to the table and the GM, while present, hasn't even BEGUN to set up the VTT. "Maybe we'll get started in a half-hour or so... maybe...."

And five minutes in, it's clear he never read the scenario either.

As mentioned when you brought it up in the discord channel if you have an issue with the conduct of a GM bring up with them privately. If you are unable to resolve the issue escalate it to convention organizers. You've discussed this with one of us already but if you feel the need to discuss more contact one of us either via discord or PM here.

Sovereign Court

Because i'm a horrible person and didn't update this.... *shields himself from rocks and worse* Here is the link for the warhorn signups for the event this weekend

Sovereign Court

I usually cut and paste them into a editor like paint and cut them down to 8x10 squares then print them.

Sovereign Court

Ooooh are we going to meet a new sage? Maybe get to run into an evil sage?

Sovereign Court

So happy to see a great NPC returning, and trip to a non-elemental plane.

Sovereign Court

Curious to see if its external interfence akin to 9-00 or if its just improper storage techniques akin to the constant Blakros issues.

Sovereign Court

Time for me to make yet another Polygot character, as the ancient languages will prove invaluable i'm guessing.

Sovereign Court

Giving PC's a carte blanche for pretty much anything is probably going to be bad idea. I for see this scenario providing us lots of infamy, which isn't a bad thing.

Sovereign Court

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As you said Roc i'm hoping this will introduce the different major players, Hellknight, Blakros, and maybe the different Planetary Governments of SFS Universe.

Sovereign Court

I blame the Corpse Fleet

Sovereign Court

Sadly there is no release date made available for the pre painted mini's at this time but they are currently in the works, they're working on ensuring the quality of them from what I've heard, but they do have unpainted mini's available at the moment.

Two flip mats have been released at launch basic starfield and basic terrain. Catina Flip Mat is due to be released Oct 18th and Starship Flip Mat in November.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Save to assume we run Construct traits as they were in Pathfinder?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

For the time being i don't think anything has received the ban hammer or adjustments, though as new stuff comes out and they start on the starfinder Additional Resources i'm sure it will come to resemble the Pathfinder one.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

I ran this several times at the demo tables at GenCon and we found the pilot have a decent chance of making the DCs required, especially if the captain was cheering them on. In addition as mentioned above for that particular capstone fight the PCs get major help vs the last fight if they did well on the other parts of the quests.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Believe its one of the ways management is trying to track boon trading, and it is on the default template for all boons. I'm going to assume we can't trade the welcome boon :)

Sovereign Court

Hope everyone is having a great August thus far, and ready for the foruth TPKon online convention, TP&Kon!

TP&Kon will be held online, via Roll20 and Discord, on October 6th-8th, 2017.

General GM Registration: GM SIGN UPS ARE OPEN

Player Registration: To be Announced, but will be done through Warhorn

Scenario Support Submitted to Paizo: Scenario support request will be sent on September 8, 2017. If you need scenario support, you must submit your games before then.

You may register games using the website until October 2nd, 2017 for the con.

If you submit a game on the website, you are committing to being present for the game at the registered time. If you are not present for the game at the submitted time or cancel without notifying one of the organizer by email or by tagging us on Discord (Finegas, Hels or me), you will not be allowed to GM in future TPKons. It is your duty to make sure we are notified and have received your message if you have to cancel a game.

Convention Session Slots (All times EST [UTC-4]):

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Friday, October 6th, 2017
A 9 AM to 3 PM
B 3 PM to 9 PM
C 9 PM to 2 AM

Saturday, October 7th, 2017
D 3 AM to 9 AM
E 9 AM to 3 PM
F 3 PM to 9 PM <--The Multi-Table Special will be in slot F
G 9 PM to 3 AM

Sunday, October 8th, 2017
H 9 AM to 3 PM
I 3 PM to 9 PM
J 9 PM to 3 AM


GMs will submit sessions to us via the submission process detailed below.

We will then manually import those sessions into TPKon's warhorn page on a regular basis.

The PFS Registration process for TPKon will be as follows:

1) Go here and check out what sessions are already scheduled.

2) Decide what scenario you would like to run and what slot you would like to run it in. (Make sure you are eligible to run any scenarios you submit - you meet the GM Star Requirements for exclusives, for example.)

3) Go here. Click the "Submit A Game Listing" link at the bottom of the session list page.

4) Enter the requested information, making sure you enter the following information correctly:
>Primary Paizo Alias (We suggest you click your profile on Paizo and copy the alias from the end of URL. Example: - Don't submit the whole URL, just the name displayed at the end of the URL.)
>Your PFS Number (No PC number)
>Your Email that you used on your account. (This MUST be your Paizo associated email address or you will not get scenario support)
>Which Slot you wish to run your game in.
>The Scenario you wish to run in the Slot chosen above.
>Check the "Core?" Checkbox ONLY if you are running this session as a Core Campaign game.
>"Session Full" is currently locked and cannot be marked.
"URL to Signups" can be ignored - this will be a link to the TPKon Warhorn once all sessions are imported.
Enter any Notes you wish to include. (This will be public, so anything you "note" will be publicly view-able.)
** Please double-check all values before submitting session. **

NOTE: If you make a mistake while entering a session please do not resubmit your game,just reply to the confirmation email with any changes you need to make.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

>Scenarios and Time Slots may be subject to approval/changes to avoid conflicts, et cetera.
>All sessions must be run using, that is the unofficial VTT of TPKon.
>GMs can use Google Hangouts, the built in A/V in Roll20, or Discord for audio/video in games.
>Private Games are NOT allowed. All games must be listed for open/public registration.
>Non-English games are welcome and invited - please indicate Non-English languages in the Notes section of the form when submitting your session.

GM Boons:
Every GM that runs a game will automatically get a GM boon, if we hit convention support. (Each GM gets one boon, regardless of how many sessions are run.) Table/Player boons, if we hit convention support, will also be available at every table run and GMs will receive emails on how those work prior to the convention. Both players and GMs are eligible to win Table/Player boons. Only GMs can receive the GM boons.

Paizo Scenario Support:
Free Scenario support, if we hit convention support, will be provided by Paizo for games submitted to us through the form above by the Deadline (will update later).

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at, reply to this post, or contact us through the Discord Server at , in the #tpkon text channel .

(The Convention's PFS "Help Desk" will be on Discord during/prior to the convention.)

Look forward to seeing you all at TKPon 4: TP&Kon!. =)

Imhrail (Discord: Finegas) & Sayok (Discord: Sayok)
The untitled! & Venture-Agent

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's 3000 credits minus expenses

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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Current APs w/ Seeker Material:

Rise of the Runelords:
#4 “Fortress of the Stone Giants” 12–14
#5 “Sins of the Saviors” 14–16
#6 “The Spires of Xin-Shalast” 16–18

Curse of the Crimson Throne:
#5 “Skeletons of Scarwall” 13-15
#6 “Crown of Fangs” 16–18

Serpent's Skull
#4 “Vaults of Madness” 11-13
#5 “The Thousand Fangs Below” 13-15
#6 “Sanctum of the Serpent God” 16-18

Carrion Crown
#5 “Ashes at Dawn” 11-13
#6 “Shadows of Gallowspire” 13-15

Jade Regent
#5 “Tide of Honor” 11-13
#6 “The Empty Throne” 14-16

Skulls and Shackles
#5 “The Price of Infamy” 11-13
#6 “From Hell's Heart” 13-15

Shattered Star
#4 “Beyond the Doomsday Door” 11-13
#5 “Into the Nightmare Rift” 13-15
#6 “The Dead Heart of Xin” 16-18

Reign of Winter
#4 “The Frozen Stars” 11-13
#5 “Rasputin Must Die” 13-15
#6 “The Witch Queen's Revenge” 15-17

Mummy's Mask
#5 “The Slave Trenches of Hakotep” 12-14
#6 “Pyramid of the Sky Pharoah” 15-17

Iron Gods
#4 “Valley of the Brain Collectors” 11-13
#5 “Palace of Fallen Stars” 13-15
#6 “The Divinity Drive” 15-17

#4 “Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen” 11-13
#5 “Anvil of Fire” 14-16
#6 “Shadow of the Storm Tyrant” 15-17

Hell's Rebels
#4 “A Song of Silver” 12-14
#5 “The Kintargo Contract” 13-15
#6 “Breaking the Bones of Hell” 16-18

Sovereign Court

Yeah i suppose cancel the following as long as they are available at GenCon, because i'll pick them up there, before getting in line for my subscription items:

Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection
Starfinder Player Character Folio
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield

Many Thanks,

Sovereign Court

If its enchantable then distance would definitely be a good one for alchemist to put on it.

Sovereign Court

Yeah that would be for the best and hopefully they will arrive in time

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Thanks John i'll inquire over there.

Sovereign Court

I'm running a few different PFS/SFS games at GenCon and just want to verify that everything i have in my sidecart currently is viable for pickup at GenCon? If you require more details please let me know and i'll be more than happy to provide them.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

If we order the flip mats and Map Packs for the scenario's listed above, are they viable for pick up at GenCon with our subscriptions?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Firstly i just want to say thank you for all the work you guys have put into the tracker, its something i've come to depend on for quickly checking what i have and haven't played/run.

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it but the module's list seems to organized as parts of The Emerald Spire and intermixed with other modules. Is this intentional or just an unexpected change from working on another part of the tracker?

Sovereign Court

I believe it either pick it all up or pick up nothing, as partial orders would cause complications.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

For those interested in playing at TPKon 3 - Absalom Drift, the online convention, we have sign ups on warhorn, and will be playing using Roll20 and the offical PFS discord channel.

Sovereign Court

Sorry for the belated response, i'm awful at checking the forums, Player registration will be opening at 3:39am EDT Sunday July 2nd, which is little under 9 hours from this post. I'll leave a link to the warhorn below

Warhorn Signups

Sovereign Court

Chris Lambertz wrote:
IonutRO wrote:
Getting "The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area." When trying to download the standard versions.
Sorry about that! Should work fine now.

Working fine now, atleast the widescreen ones. Thanks for the fancy new backgrounds, and the First Contact Free RPG goodies :D

Sovereign Court

My RAI take on this would be they are tagging on mercies to the channel energy and thus anything that would effect mercies capabilities on lay on hands would effect the channel energy of the Merciful Healer based on "Feats and effects that affect a paladin’s mercy also affect this ability." part of Merciful healing. Effectively: Lay Hands Req replaced by Channel Energy for the relevant feats.

My RAW take on it would be yes you would still require the prerequisites for the feats as it doesn't not state it bypasses or replaces them. Meaning you would need to dip into Paladin.

Either way it needs looking at so we have a firm ruling on what is does and what it requires.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

To the best of my knowledge once its applied to a character its a done deal and can't be undone.

Sovereign Court

Dean Ludwig wrote:


We are the process of making some website changes and enhancements. We will keep your suggestion in mind when scoping out the navigation of the site.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Firstly i just want to say thank you for all the hardwork you and the rest of the site team do.

Firstly I was wondering if we could get somethign akin the pfstracker's reporting tool, but only in the sense of displaying what scenario/modules/Adventure Paths we have played. The current system doesn't make it easy to quickly filter through what we've played beyond the tradtional ctrl+f to find a scenario name.

Secondly could we have a more indepth tracking system for individual characters as well, specifically just to track experience and fame. Again this would streamline figuring out what characters we have in tier for games rather than digging through sheets of chronicles/character binders/etc.

Sovereign Court

Always glad to see more seeker tier material being offered. Any chance of it becoming a regular thing per season?

Sovereign Court

The usual request for a list of maps?

Sovereign Court

The usual request for a list of maps?

Sovereign Court

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The usual request for a list of maps?

Sovereign Court

Can't wait to GM it as my first PFS GenCon Special, and i'll second the request for maps whenever the staff has a chance. Curious to see if there will be an similarities to the Season 2 Special.

Sovereign Court

GM Registration is now open for TPKon 3: Abasalom Drift!

Sovereign Court

I too shall be hiding away in the Sagamore Ballroom GMing the weekend away as Ezren, feel free to drop by and say hi :).

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

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PFS Discord Link where we have a audio stream going currently of Paizo Con, courtesy of IronHelixx our beloved online Venture Captain. In addition one of users StoneSnake is provide some visuals for us :D

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

I lucked out with a very nice schedule this year :D

Slot 1, Thursday AM (0800-1300): SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square)
Slot 2, Thursday Afternoon (1400-1900): SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square)
Slot 3, Thursday PM (2000-0100): SFS 1-00 Special: Claim to Salvation
Slot 4, Thursday Overnight (0200-0700): OFF

Slot 5, Friday AM (0800-1300): OFF
Slot 6, Friday Afternoon (1400-1900): OFF
Slot 7, Friday PM (2000-0100)*: 9-00 Assault on Absalom (level 3-4)
Slot 8, Friday Overnight (0200-0700: OFF

Slot 9, Saturday AM (0800-1300): SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square)
Slot 10, Saturday Afternoon (1400-1900)*: SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square)
Slot 11, Saturday PM (2000-0100)*: 8-99 The Solstice Scar (level 3-4)
Slot 12, Saturday Overnight (0200-0700): OFF

Slot 13, Sunday AM (0900-1400)**: SFS Quest: Into the Unknown (Square)

Andrew Shumate wrote:
I've got all of the slots for #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable. If you're playing that scenario, I'm running it.

My wife and I shall see you Friday at 2:00pm then if we managed to snag tickets.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Now to play the waiting game for volunteer schedule so i can figure out what i can potentially play :D

Sovereign Court

Source for information below

3.. 2... 1.. blast off! Okay, maybe living on the Space Coast is starting to rub off on me. Either way, I think you'll agree that this is an exciting new chapter in the history of SmiteWorks and Paizo. Fans of Fantasy Grounds and Pathfinder can look forward to a steady stream of great gaming content to play online or to enhance their in-person play.

Three ways to buy!

All new releases will be available from our website, from Steam, and in the near future, from In addition, you can get a PDF for free with your purchase if you buy from or from Paizo. To do so, check the instructions below. ...

If you already own the corresponding PDF from Paizo, and you purchase the add-on for Fantasy Grounds on, you'll get a discount equal to the price of the PDF. Then follow steps 2 and 3 above and Retrieve Purchases. Once you do that, those purchases will automatically be linked to your account and will get picked up and installed when you run your next update.

Sovereign Court

So i get to terrorize PCs with water combat rules right? :D

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