Hope everyone is having a great August thus far, and ready for the foruth TPKon online convention, TP&Kon!
TP&Kon will be held online, via Roll20 and Discord, on October 6th-8th, 2017.
General GM Registration: GM SIGN UPS ARE OPEN
Player Registration: To be Announced, but will be done through Warhorn
Scenario Support Submitted to Paizo: Scenario support request will be sent on September 8, 2017. If you need scenario support, you must submit your games before then.
You may register games using the website until October 2nd, 2017 for the con.
If you submit a game on the website, you are committing to being present for the game at the registered time. If you are not present for the game at the submitted time or cancel without notifying one of the organizer by email or by tagging us on Discord (Finegas, Hels or me), you will not be allowed to GM in future TPKons. It is your duty to make sure we are notified and have received your message if you have to cancel a game.
Convention Session Slots (All times EST [UTC-4]):
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Friday, October 6th, 2017
A 9 AM to 3 PM
B 3 PM to 9 PM
C 9 PM to 2 AM
Saturday, October 7th, 2017
D 3 AM to 9 AM
E 9 AM to 3 PM
F 3 PM to 9 PM <--The Multi-Table Special will be in slot F
G 9 PM to 3 AM
Sunday, October 8th, 2017
H 9 AM to 3 PM
I 3 PM to 9 PM
J 9 PM to 3 AM
GMs will submit sessions to us via the submission process detailed below.
We will then manually import those sessions into TPKon's warhorn page on a regular basis.
The PFS Registration process for TPKon will be as follows:
1) Go here and check out what sessions are already scheduled.
2) Decide what scenario you would like to run and what slot you would like to run it in. (Make sure you are eligible to run any scenarios you submit - you meet the GM Star Requirements for exclusives, for example.)
3) Go here. Click the "Submit A Game Listing" link at the bottom of the session list page.
4) Enter the requested information, making sure you enter the following information correctly:
>Primary Paizo Alias (We suggest you click your profile on Paizo and copy the alias from the end of URL. Example: http://paizo.com/people/Imhrail - Don't submit the whole URL, just the name displayed at the end of the URL.)
>Your PFS Number (No PC number)
>Your Email that you used on your Paizo.com account. (This MUST be your Paizo associated email address or you will not get scenario support)
>Which Slot you wish to run your game in.
>The Scenario you wish to run in the Slot chosen above.
>Check the "Core?" Checkbox ONLY if you are running this session as a Core Campaign game.
>"Session Full" is currently locked and cannot be marked.
"URL to Signups" can be ignored - this will be a link to the TPKon Warhorn once all sessions are imported.
Enter any Notes you wish to include. (This will be public, so anything you "note" will be publicly view-able.)
** Please double-check all values before submitting session. **
NOTE: If you make a mistake while entering a session please do not resubmit your game,just reply to the confirmation email with any changes you need to make.
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>Scenarios and Time Slots may be subject to approval/changes to avoid conflicts, et cetera.
>All sessions must be run using Roll20.net, that is the unofficial VTT of TPKon.
>GMs can use Google Hangouts, the built in A/V in Roll20, or Discord for audio/video in games.
>Private Games are NOT allowed. All games must be listed for open/public registration.
>Non-English games are welcome and invited - please indicate Non-English languages in the Notes section of the form when submitting your session.
GM Boons:
Every GM that runs a game will automatically get a GM boon, if we hit convention support. (Each GM gets one boon, regardless of how many sessions are run.) Table/Player boons, if we hit convention support, will also be available at every table run and GMs will receive emails on how those work prior to the convention. Both players and GMs are eligible to win Table/Player boons. Only GMs can receive the GM boons.
Paizo Scenario Support:
Free Scenario support, if we hit convention support, will be provided by Paizo for games submitted to us through the form above by the Deadline (will update later).
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at lordjecks@gmail.com, reply to this post, or contact us through the Discord Server at http://PFSChat.com , in the #tpkon text channel .
(The Convention's PFS "Help Desk" will be on Discord during/prior to the convention.)
Look forward to seeing you all at TKPon 4: TP&Kon!. =)
Imhrail (Discord: Finegas) & Sayok (Discord: Sayok)
The untitled! & Venture-Agent