Just want to know if anyone else would play these stats?


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10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.

I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.

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8 Red Wizards wrote:

10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.

I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.

I would play with them if I rolled them and the established rules of the table required me to. I can have fun with crappy stats.

I would not play with a GM who's a big enough control freak to roll my stats for me. If he wants to watch me roll them that's fine but that's as far as I'll go.

- Torger

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I would play them if everyone was playing around the same level. An "everyman" type of game could be good.

That said I don't think that is what you have here. That the other two characters having amazing stats tells me he is just being a jerk. There is a good chance they never wanted you to play in the first place and are intentionally trying to drive you away.

Whatever the reason, I would not play those stats in those circumstances. Things would only get worse.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

If everyone else was in the same ball park, I would say yes. But as you indicated, the other players have higher stats, so I wouldn't in that case.

You could have handled it more diplomatically but walking out does convey your displeasure.

If you had rolled them then it is only fair to accept lower rolls since you take that chance with rolling but you didn't roll them. It seems unfair to give you much lower rolls than the other players. If things are starting out unfair then I bet it will continue. I would have left too.

I have played bad stats before this; it can be fun, even when others have much better stats. That said, were I the DM I would've called for a reroll (and would've let you roll your own stats in the first place).

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If every player has the same array to work with? Maybe
In any other case? no.

I would play stats (quite a bit)under a 20 point buy, I'd not 'roll' with stats far under the rest of the party secretly rolled by the GM though.

Why not just let you roll yourself, I'd just about play any kind of stat I came up with in that case. As a GM I always present an alternative that is very playable in case the dice gods do not favor you.

You got an 11 point buy there and even then certainly not an optimal arrangement, it would be playable though barely, I do not see why the GM would not at least upgrade your stats to something remotely in line with the other players. It might very well be that he rolled it fairly, but he should expect a reaction like yours when you get bad stats.

Liberty's Edge

Was there a time pressure issue? I don't see that as determining whether I'd play them...I wouldn't, with others so much better...just wondering what the GM's justification was.

I would play it. A halfling bard that does nothing but support and inspire courage and aid another all day long...

Or a halfling cavalier and use the aid another action on my wolf mount.

8 Red Wizards wrote:

10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.

I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.

I would have.

However I would have asked if I could use a template with these stats.
Then picked Half-elf as my starting race.
Using the stats something like the following:
str 13
dex 13
con 13
int 10
wis 10
cha 12
Then for my +2 from half elf, put that directly into dex.
so a dex of 15
Then, I'd have applied the young template
So -4 to str, -4 to con and +4 to dex.
End up with:
str 9
dex 19
con 9
int 10
wis 10
cha 12

Skill focus something like acrobatics, or maybe knowledge local. Created a street rat half-elf child.
First level, picked up eldritch heritage and gotten a familiar with bonus to sneak.
build rogue
Then proceed to constantly pick pocket everyone I came across.
But that'd just be me playing passive aggressively against the GM.

Theoretically I'd probably play a kobold synthesist to make my base scores even more horrible before optimizing it to hell and back.

The fact that the DM rolled the stats seems pretty weird. That said, did he roll the stats for all players or just you? Bad luck and getting stuck with less fun PCs is a big part of the reason I hate rolling for stats. Of course watching people who roll low suffer is a big part of the reason why most people I know love rolling stats. I wonder if the DM in question rolls the d20s for the players too. That could be pretty weird..."Sorry, dude, nat 1 again!"

If you're considering going back (maybe it is the only game in town?) and the DM wants to be stern about the stats maybe you should just have the PC commit suicide by monster and get a new set rolled. I wouldn't usually advise that, but if the DM is unreasonable maybe you need to be unreasonable too. For that matter, there are plenty of effective PCs you could build with those stats. For instance, somebody on another thread just said that Master Summoner is the most powerful class. I'd think that a 15 Charisma should be plenty, and your summoned monsters don't rely on rolls for their ability scores.

You could make a barbarian work as well.

Liberty's Edge

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If my DM said he was rolling my stats for me I'd have probably been half way out the door. When I saw 2 other players with significantly better stats, ya, I'd have left. (Although, using a hyper optimized synthesist just to ruin his came as a "Screw You!" on the way out would've been tempting.)

Scarab Sages

No, i wouldnt play this and i've played Warhammer fantasy dont pick your stats or your career. Pathfinder isnt designed for point buy 11. Theres no fun prospect for you in playing with that stat aray. Ask for at least a 15 point buy and then maybe consider playing with such a controling DM. *maybe

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This is the reason I don't do rolled stats anymore.

Even with added rules to help minimize negatives, most parties end up with at least one vastly superior or vastly inferior character, which is a lot harder for me to work around as a GM when trying to plan encounters that challenge everyone appropriately.

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Weren't you the guy asking if you could put an extra pair of claws on a bipedal eidolon to gain four attacks?

Maybe your GM rolled different stats for you for a reason. What reason did he or she state?

He rolled everyones stats 1 roll, if I had atleast got a 16 or higher out of it I would played it but those stats would of been a waste of character sheet.

The dm invited me so i'm assuming he wanted me to play.

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You do realize that with rolled stats there will a much higher degree of variance than with point buy don't you?
Would you have left if you had gotten one of the good sets of numbers and one of the other players had gotten a bad set?
You got up and left without even trying to discuss the situation with the DM, hmmm.

While I don't approve of the DM's style; I would have tried to see if we could work something out and given the situation a chance. Your style ... well, let's just keep it polite and not comment further.

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Assuming you are starting at 1st level put your lowest stats in Con and Dex, then play a commoner. Don't waste a character sheet use a blank piece of paper. He will die in the first combat so just roll up a new character. Keep doing this until you get a decent set of stats.

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My first D&D(not AD&D) character did not have a stat over 8. I played him to level 5 until I could not longer tolerate everyone being better than me. It was 20 years ago I saw the character sheet a few years ago. with 3d6 I had something like 8,8,7,6,4,4. I was fighter.

What Mysterious Stranger said, though you might as well try to have fun while you've got him. So 10=8 Con, 13=15 int, elf wizard. You'll have 3 hp and AC11-12 so when you get bored (ie, you run out of spells) you can either shoot arrows or legitimately wade into melee with your longsword.

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The problem hera are not the stats. The stats are fine, you would have less powerfull but still playable character.(I particulary would have played a paladin azata-based assimar with 15in dex and cha).

The problem is the trust, did he rolled in yur precense or what?

To be honest the dm rolling the stats for me would have left enough of a bad taste in my mouth whatever the stat array turned out like that I probably would have just said no thanks at the start.

If I'd rolled those stats myself I could see myself having fun with the challenge of creating a sub par character of some kind, but rolled for me somehow feels vaguely insulting.

He probably did not want you to play. If he did want you to play it was to either make you miserable or teach you a lesson.

Do you normally roll amazing stats all the time? Are your characters normally above others power wise? Dis you run over his Dog? Date his x-girlfriend?

Something is up my friend.

Not saying it can't work out.

If it's important to you,sit down and talk about it.

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Different issues here should be dealt with differently.

If you are not OK with the GM rolling your stats, then you should tell the GM that you don't play that way and politely wish him good luck with his game.

If you are not OK with the GM rolling your stats, but you go along with it, then you should accept what you get and play them if they are playable. These are playable stats. Not great, but not bad.

If you had rolled these stats yourself and the GM said you had to accept them, would you also have walked out?

You made your bed, and then refused to lay in it.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Different issues here should be dealt with differently.

If you are not OK with the GM rolling your stats, then you should tell the GM that you don't play that way and politely wish him good luck with his game.

If you are not OK with the GM rolling your stats, but you go along with it, then you should accept what you get and play them if they are playable. These are playable stats. Not great, but not bad.

If you had rolled these stats yourself and the GM said you had to accept them, would you also have walked out?

You made your bed, and then refused to lay in it.

I did try to convince the DM to let me have another set before I left and those stats aren't playable for a melee or a caster low to hit or low save DC's. Like I said before that would of been a waste of a character sheet.

I've never rolled so horribly so I'm not I always pop out at least 1 stat over 16 sometimes 2 stats. Although those stats were not playable. +3 to hit as a melee tops and that's with weapon focus) or a spell caster with DC 12's for my level 1 spells. If you can't play those stats and be a helpful memeber of a party. As a spellcaster you'd probably never see 5th level spells everything would make it's save. As a melee you would never hit and it would only get worse as the monsters get higher level.

I see this as one of two things.

1. honest DM. He honestly rolled them. He does not understand the other players will make you feel worthless, or he does not care that they will.

Solution politely leave, either he is too dumb, or a jerk

2.Plotting DM. He has a reason for there stats. One reason is to be a jerk. Although it is possible but doubt that he has some elaborite plan for a low stat character.

This one is hard to determine. If he is a jerk leave. If he has some elaborite plan it could be awesome. If you think he is smart enough to do that then by all means play his game. If not leave.

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If they're honestly rolled stats then that's what they are. Rolled stats have the chance of coming up with mediocre arrays. That's just the way it is.

Pick a race that boosts the stats that you want, build a character around it, and have as much fun as you can. You're probably looking at a support role--buffs don't require high DCs. You may not be able to make a blaster out of those stats but a battlefield controller would be doable.

You might be able to make an archer or other ranged damage dealer with the right racial bonuses.

Well, what you could do is play that character until the first combat when you get killed.

Then you get him to roll up another set of stats.

You may need to repeat as necessary. If you skip the part where you actually finish creating the character and play with it, it is called "death at childbirth". Back when we rolled stats, death at childbirth was a common tragedy.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Yes, I'd play a character with those stats. If I liked and trusted the rest of the group then I'd enjoy being creative to overcome the rolls. If I didn't like and trust the rest of the group I wouldn't play any character with any stats.

People > dice.

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It's role playing, not roll playing... Maybe you signed up for the wrong game after all.

Your GM seems like a dick.

But if you want to play, play a summoner. Either a Gnome, for Con 15 Cha 15 and you're a buff-casting, damage-soaking sideshow to your eidolon, or some sort of synthesist.

I'm with Will Cooper and Byrdology on this.

Wycen wrote:

Well, what you could do is play that character until the first combat when you get killed.

Then you get him to roll up another set of stats.

You may need to repeat as necessary. If you skip the part where you actually finish creating the character and play with it, it is called "death at childbirth". Back when we rolled stats, death at childbirth was a common tragedy.

HA! We totally did this. Every set of rolls was a real person in our game, but if they were bad rolls it was a "crib death". I swear, character creation was a major contributing factor for the low life expectancy in our fantasy world.

Tragic really...

With those stats, and super high stats for the other characters, time to go weird. Nosferatu Dhampir Druid with a vampiric rhinoceros.

Xan the enchanter, elf, wizard, male, CG

str 13
dex 15
con 10
int 15
wis 10
cha 10

longsword, weapon focus
scribe scroll

+1, 1D8+1/19-20

AC 16 with mage armor
HP : 7

spellbook : mage armor, shield, charm person, colorspray, magic weapon

You die horribly and get a reroll pretty soon, no need to try to die really, because you will die anyway.

Liberty's Edge

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4 x +1 crappy stats!!!! What has this game become...

Seriously does it matter what someone else has? This was a normal in the 'olden' days, some people had better luck than others when it came to stat rolling. Focus more on what you can do with what you have rather than staring with envy at someone else's stats. It's an RPG not a game of chess where the GM has removed 3 of your pawns, your rook, and your queen and asked you to compete in the world chess champs.


CN buffer (cleric/druid/bard type)

Buff when you feel like it, but at times when an enemy goes down take time during combat to loot and cut open the dude... Wanting to know everything....

Could he fun...

Or, make an evil char, and plot a tragedy for the group...

In other words,yes I would play those stats, but I would make sure out of char that my group know not to count on me...

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Yes, I would play these stats.

I don't see what the problem is, to be honest. If you play with rolled stats then you have to accept the possibility of low rolled stats. Rolled stats that are perfectly fair do not exist. Yes, many people prefer point buy, but if the rest of your group prefers rolling then rolling it is. And it doesn't make a blind bit of difference who rolls the dice, since it's, you know, random. Unless you don't trust that the stats were fairly rolled, but that's quite a big leap of assumptions from what you've said so far.

Also, you can make a perfectly playable character out of those stats. A summoner (or summoning focused caster) would do fine, as would any form of support caster. An archer ranger would probably catch up to the rest of your group in terms of damage by about level 6.

Basically, if you're not prepared to plya with lower stats than the rest of your group, don't join a game that uses rolled stats. Don't expect to be the lucky one with high stats and then throw your toys out of the pram if you're not.

edit: Two more things.
One: the game system is d20, as in, you roll a D20 and add some modifier to determine whether you succeed. If the modifier is two lower than you would have liked, you do not suddenly never succeed, it's still mostly in the dice.
Two: What's up with all the passive aggressive 'make a character that is doomed to die quickly' advice. Seriously, people. Do you really suggest you go into a game with that kind of attitude? That's bound to ruin it for everyone.

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I personally think you handled it badly. If I were the DM, and somehow I thought it would be cool to roll for the players (I don't, but let's just say I was drunk that day) and you just got up and left without making any effort to talk about it, I would have been glad to see you leave. You behaving like that throws up a red flag for me, that you're possibly immature and have control issues of your own - I don't need that and neither do the other players.

I'm not trying to be rude. Sorry if it seems that way. People who, as their FIRST reaction is to pack their stuff and head for the door are probably more trouble than I'd like to deal with. I've had them. I've fought to get them to come back, only to see them do it again and again, sometimes over petty stuff like they rolled the "short straw" one day for deciding who goes first to last picking magic items from the treasure.

If I had been in your place, I would have talked to the DM. Calmly. Rationally. I would have said something like "Hey, those are pretty crappy. The other two guys did much better, could I have a re-roll or maybe you could just give me the same array that you rolled for one of them?" If he refused, then I would go on with "Look, I don't want to cause problems here, but this his is only a 3-player group, we need to be above average, not below. My character will be weak and likely die, and even if I survive, I will be a burden on the other two characters who are much stronger. Are you sure we can't talk about this?" If he wouldn't agree, then I'd ask if I could play a non-standard race, something more powerful than a core option, or something with a bit of a template that would offset the low scores and put me more in line with the other two players.

If he still insisted I play them with core character options, then I would calmly let him know that this doesn't seem to be the right group for me.

Then, after that, is when I would pack my things and head for the door. Not before.

8 Red Wizards wrote:

10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.

I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.

I would have asked the GM to roll once and use the same array for everyone.

But no, if the GM rolled seperately for each PC with very different rolls for everyone I'd not play in that game. But I would not play in a game where I roll mstats myself

See, this is why I allow multiple rerolls as a DM!

Liberty's Edge

I would not like the DM rolling the stats for my character- it's like getting a pre-gen. I would politely explain my position and ask to be able to roll my own character's stats. If the DM refused to do this, I would still try out the game- looking upon it as a challenge rather than a foredoomed scenario. Remember that the array that the DM provided still has four stats which have plus one bonuses even before you pick your character's race and class. I don't consider the offered array to be hopeless, even though its stats are lower than the other characters recieved. I have often found that a character's success can depend more on the ideas and tactics the player utilizes than that character's starting stats. And, as the game progresses, your character may have the opportunity to gain even more effectiveness by finding or purchasing magic items. Maybe my attitude in this regard comes from having played D&D and creating characters utilizing the old "roll 3d6 and assign them sequentially as rolled" method which, by comparison, makes this DM seem generous. After having actually tried out the game, if I thought the DM was being unfair, I could withdraw.

I don't know if it made it into pathfinder, but there was a rule in original 3E that offered a Re-roll if the attribute bonus was below a certain total. I think it was either + 4 or +6.

Either way those stats could make a perfectly playable character as shown above, but it sounds like you want something out of the game experience that the DM is unwilling to give. Only you can say if it was worth it to play with the group regardless or not.

I think all my AD&D characters had that kind of array. I was famous for always rolling average stats. In fact one of my favourite characters from the last days of 2nd ed would have killed to have stats that good.

But the real issue isnt the stats. Others here have already weighed in on that subject though

8 Red Wizards wrote:

10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

DM said he rolls the players stats, and I said ok "in my mind that put up a red flag." DM said you get one set and that everyone else got one set, and I said ok and he rolled the above so I got up and made it to the door before he asked where are you going and I told him I'm not playing those they are less than a 20 point buy in. I asked him if I could reroll, because I didn't want to waste a character sheet on those stats and he said no because no one else did so I left.

I would like to add the lowest stat on the other 2 player's character sheets was 12 and going up to 18.

You see that bolded part up there? I would have asked to roll my own stats. Now, if I had said Ok (as you did), then I would play the stats. I completely understand your feeling regarding the subject (and several other people here as well), but when I play I believe in dealing with whatever I sign up for, even if it's pretty silly or "unfair".

My 2 CP.

Scarab Sages

8 Red Wizards wrote:
10, 13, 13, 12, 13, 10

I've rolled worse in the past and still had fun playing the character.

If you agree with the rules, you play by them. That's what I'd do, at least. Yes, having the GM roll your stats is a bit weird, and for balanced, power-oriented games, people tend to have a certain minimum and maximum for the sum of the modifiers and reroll everything that falls outside them, but people have had tons of fun with unbelievably crappy stats.

Read some OSR forums. There it's normal to roll 3d6 in order and play with that. Some get lucky, some get a pile of crap, and they still have fun with it. Try focusing the game more on fun than on power. Ignore the powermongery, play a coward, do whatever is fun to you. Scour the equipment list for fun stuff to throw at people in combat. Avoid any combat where you don't have an unfair advantage. Play smart. Don't follow the GM's railroad if it looks like bad things will happen there. And if you die anyway, take that opportunity to roll a better character.

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