![]() I know it's in a later bestiary, and I'm remembering it as an ooze, but what it is is a land that is unintelligent, but has a will. It often chooses someone to speak for it, and it may pick up characteristics of this emissary. I remember the CR as being fairly significant. Sorry, but my mind is slipping, and I've already introduced it in my game, and can't remember much else. ![]()
![]() Thanks for all of the suggestions. What I'm really looking for are pretty much throw-aways...like the terrifying aberrations, undead, and the like. I have one powerful "leader", but need chaff that's still scary. I can engineer it to be a few different encounters, but no full encounter should be past about CR 12 (that's a pretty fair encounter for the party.) ![]()
![]() I love your idea on the bogeyman, and I'd do something with it, if I didn't already have a bogeyman as one of the big bads of the campaign already. ;) Keep in mind, they don't need 'dream powers'...they literally are the nightmares. I'm looking for things anybody might have had terrifying dreams about...the things that wake you up in a cold sweat... ![]()
![]() She hesitates for a moment - Look at her initiative! Power. There are things you couldn't imagine - powers you'd never dream of. I've seen just the least of it, and - it's amazing. Mesmerizing. Cawthorn swims in it, and he's nothing compared to the true masters. They - they aren't human - or mortal! With that, she breaks out of her reverie. Her coven follows every word as if she was an evangelist - rapt. ![]()
![]() Antonio:
You're pretty sure that under most circumstances, anybody invading here would already be in a magical struggle, but she does seem wary of your group. She seems to be looking for something, as her eyes search you and beyond you. Have your compatriots come out into the hall, and we'll parley. All of your compatriots. She takes a step back, signaling to those with her to stand back. They comply. ![]()
![]() Out in the hallway, avoiding not only the grease, but nimbly avoiding the one still trying to scramble to his feet, Antonio can see a tall, feminine figure in a cloak leading four others - these are dressed like the ones you've just been dealing with. Something about her seems quite imposing, though she's not built large. The others show a definite deference to her. Off in the distance, light spills from an open door. I don't know who you are, but you're resourceful if you've made it this far. Do we have to kill each other, or shall we reach an agreement? She watches for any response cooly, fingers still glittering with magic recently cast, and eyes half open, but watchful. Nia, you'll have to leave the room to see her, as the hall they're in runs along the wall instead of just straight out. I'm assuming your lights are adding to the illumination, though. ![]()
![]() Even over the yowling of burning people, voices can be faintly heard in the distance - What's that? A feminine voice can be heard. Come with me. Yes, mistress. ...footsteps, heading your way. Help us! The guy tries scrambling again - Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 ...but he seems utterly inept. Moments later, the sound of spells being cast begins. ![]()
![]() As much as I was hoping to see some action taken, I should have just moved the game along. I apologize for that - it's been an incredibly stressful last couple of weeks. I'll have a good, long post up tonight - maybe not what you all might have gotten had there been more decisive action, but not horrible. :p ![]()
![]() Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Two find themselves sprawling on the ground, all of a sudden, their feet slipping out from under them. The one remaining standing takes a crossbow bolt to the chest, and gasps in agony. Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
One manages to avoid the worst of the flames, while the other two catch fire in the face. The last one on his feet crumples in pain. Forget it! I surrender! One that hadn't spoken throws her hands up in supplication, looking aghast at her once bold ally, now bleeding out on the floor. The other scrambles, trying to get to his feet and out of the area of the suddenly slick floor: Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 ...he fails miserably. ![]()
![]() Reiko arrives in front of the door just as it slowly opens. A group of three robed and hooded figures stand beyond it, illuminated mostly from behind, as the one in back holds up a lantern. Elekhir? The figure looks at him, then at Reiko, face hidden in the shadows. The voice is younger, but strong. We are NOT ALONE! You would do best to surrender! ![]()
![]() Ok - I'm thinking hags with a goblin chief and his unusual clan - he's a suzerain oversized goblin Sor10 with a hobgoblin slayer8 for a cohort... I'm really warming to this! I can still use a derro or three, and even a serpentman and retinue. The hags would have a few stout ogre bodyguards - fighters, maybe. There are a lot of trees about, great for spiders and a lurking ettercap or two, and gargoyles will make for great spies and added muscle for the hags. ![]()
![]() LOL! Barbarella rocks! Hmmm...soulbound dolls...I could definitely use some...derro toys, y'know! Now...what would bring derro and serpentfolk together, on the surface, yet? I'm starting to think there are just a handful of serpentfolk that are non-degenerates... Maybe they lost their home...it's a crazy place in the world, so that works...and you never know what to expect from derro. If I can figure out what the derro are up to... ![]()
![]() Some great suggestions there! I've definitely considered broadening to include humanoids, and derro are a favorite. The goblinoids are a fun bunch, too, and it's always possible to change them subtly to make it really work. Ogres really aren't completely outside of the realm of possibilities - I've done a very canny ogre chief, before - a druid - but it would be a rare bunch in this civilized a setting. Serpentfolk were actually my first thought, with some degenerates as muscle. Hmmm...maybe some derro and some serpentfolk? I have plans for some morlocks, too. Undoubtedly, there will be gargoyles! :) ![]()
![]() They'll be living in a mountainous area, high in the hills, but not on a mountain, per se. There's a crazy canyon that cuts through the village, which has bridges arching over it, and most of the buildings are decent sized multi-story affairs, in an almost gothic style, but with a fantasy flair. Some details will be worked out more once I decide on the main race - they do keep slaves, perhaps two or three races. Mongrelmen will likely be one. The area will be for lvl 7-8 characters, so almost any monstrous humanoids (up to CR 4, maybe 5) should be possible contenders. This allows for multiples in an encounter, and class levels and/or templates as I see fit. For what it's worth, I plan on using a ratfolk merchant npc there, so they shouldn't be too inimical to him. ![]()
![]() Antonio's quick move catches the little dragon before it gets completely hidden, drawing blood. It does shrink away quickly at that point. The old man gasps, almost unable to speak, with Reiko's blade at his throat. The situation seems almost under control, but the pain is intense, and not going away. ![]()
![]() Nia:
You can, to a degree. The wave of cold was visible for a split second, and between sharp eyes and ears, and some quick thinking, you can get a feel of where it came from, but it's virtually pitch black darkness over there. With Antonio's torch out, the Dancing Lights illuminate a nice circle around you, but still leave some areas eerily dark. ![]()
![]() Paizo was giving me fits, less than an hour ago - I was trying to amend the post: Quickly, you discover that it's not a good time for celebrating - not only are you all still in pain (with the exception of Nia), but suddenly Antonio's torch flickers out as a gust of cold penetrates him to the bone, from behind. Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
The attack is all but silent, and impossible to hear in all the screaming and chaos. ![]()
![]() Ok, this round, so far - Reiko cuts deep into the armor, and something ectoplasmic streams out, fading in the darkness. The armor clatters to the floor, lifelessly. The other one jerks its sword toward the enlarged form in an attempt to finish Reiko - Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 for a possible: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 damage. In his soft, slightly hoarse voice, the old man intones another spell, and shimmers momentarily. Antonio, seeing his moment, makes a quick jab into the other suit of armor, sending his rapier straight through the weak point under the arm, and sees the tip emerge from the far side, beneath the gorget. Again, something viscous flows out and quickly fades, as the armor slides off of the slim sword. A scowl crosses the old man's face, and me momentarily focuses on something unseen before turning back to you all. Damn you, those were unreplaceable...unlike my wolves. That mythic surprise strike is a quick action - no problem. ![]()
![]() Reiko Arashi wrote:
The specific always overrules the general. Any abilities that contradict the general wording of the spell will work. That was just the wording of the spell, cut and pasted, as I figured others might be affected. Don't forget, though, "This ability doesn't apply to spells of the highest spell level you can cast." ![]()
![]() Ok, that's a failure - you're wracked with pain - every part of you just wants to scream at the top of your lungs. Game effects, for now: –2 penalty to AC, attacks, melee damage rolls, and Reflex saving throws, and must succeed at a concentration check (DC equal to the DC of this spell) to cast spells. Everybody else may also be affected. Spellcraft, anybody? ![]()
![]() The old man makes practiced movements with his fingers and intones something strange - magic flickers from his fingertips, leaving trails in the air, and he stares directly at Reiko, then, producing an eyeball and a needle, he drives the needle through the sphere, releasing the magic - you all feel the intensity of the magic, though. Saving throws everybody, please - Fort. The two ominous black figures interpose themselves, and attack: Reiko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 for: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 possible damage.
Possible crit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 for: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 extra damage. Reiko, this save can change how things actually unfold, so make that, then I'll hand out the results.