Martin Kauffman 530's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 451 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge

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I've loved and played Pathfinder 1 since it came out; and have spent hundreds of dollars at my local game store on Pathfinder.Sadly, Pathfinder 2 is NOT an improvement. I'll continue playing until the end of season 10, at which point I will use the old system for my home group gaming.

Liberty's Edge

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The proposed playtest system seems to be more like 5E D&D in that it gives less chance for a player to customize his own type of character and increases the chances of similarity of same level/class characters. IF this proves to be the case, I will probably buy the CORE rulebook and play in PFS organized play; but will not buy any of the other materials and continue to utilize the PF1 rules for my home games and the games I DM at my local pool. To me, the fun is in creating interesting characters, situations and interactions- not just in the chance to achieve "legendary" power. My home and pool games are created by myself- so I do not require a multitude of books/rules beyond what I already have from PF1; and so far I have not experienced a shortage of players in either my home or pool games. Having been a strong supporter of Pathfinder since its onset, I sincerely hope that it does not go down the 5.0 D&D route.

Liberty's Edge

Even though evergreen modules are available, it's less fun to play a module you have already played. Perhaps it might be possible for Paizo to publish an extra two modules yearly- one a level 2-6 and one a level 7-11. If this cannot be done due to monetary or staff time constraints, perhaps more modules which are re-playable can be written with alternate monsters as opponents or alternate encounters so they are rarely the same each time they are played. One should recognize that it is vital to have low level modules in order to attract new players-even moreso now that Pathfinder and Starfinder may be competing, to an extent, against each other for similar audiences. In the latter perspective, it is important that Paizo do more outreach- possibly trying to organize gamedays at local venues such as game stores or colleges.

Liberty's Edge

pet rust monster>

Liberty's Edge

I enjoy playing at low levels because it is more of a challenge to keep your character alive; and I enjoy seeing my characters progress. Once you get to higher levels the game becomes much more complicated and the character becomes much more dependent upon the quantity if magic he possesses.

Liberty's Edge

You mentioned that the demon has already killed family members of the party. What if the demon arranged to have these family members come back vampires?Who would suspect a resurrected family member of vampirism?

Liberty's Edge

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An adventurer would easily be able to make enough gold to support a family. Assuming, of course, that s(he) survives.

Liberty's Edge

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The previous D&D movies were absolute trash. Maybe, if they can get a good script, deep characters played by good actors/actresses, combined with good special effects (not beholders that look like toy balloons) they can put something decent together.You have to care about the characters in order for the movie to be good. I wish them luck; but count me as quite skeptical.

Liberty's Edge

Are there plans for additional add on structures? For example: 1. merchant shops/general store 2.blacksmith/armorer 3.stables/horse trader 4.magic user or witches home 5.guild hall. This might prove to be a useful addition that DM's can use as their town expands.

Liberty's Edge

In home game: "Oily Ed's". A dockside bar owned by "Ed" a high ranking thieves guild member who also owns a number of legitimate business ,which include both the bar and a small mining company.

Liberty's Edge

The faction system means very little. In order for it to have a greater meaning there would have to be competing faction missions in at least some scenarios - which might not work well with "explore, cooperate and report".

Liberty's Edge

Possibly you can get in touch with one of the Paizo venture officers for the Texas area who may be able to direct you to a nearby group, convention or play via computer alternative. The officers are listed in a separate section of the Paizo boards. Sorry that I can't be of further assistance as I live in New York City.

Liberty's Edge

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With regard to attracting new players , I've always felt that Paizo should try to organize game days and/or game demonstrations at local colleges or other promising venues.

Liberty's Edge

I think more low level adventures would have a greater chance of attracting new players as opposed to opposed to older players who are more experienced in the system and have higher level characters. The only way a company can grow is to attract new customers and keep them.. A better question might be what can be done to attract new players to Paizo. Possibly a few short modules

Liberty's Edge

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You never know where appreciative compliments will come from, or how actions you think are minor can influence others.

Liberty's Edge

No problem with your gnome's actions insofar as his alignment is concerned. The only part that i'm surprised about is that your gnome wasn't executed for heresy and defiling an Asmodean church by the local hellknights.

Liberty's Edge

I assume the character multiple suicide option is in jest.

Liberty's Edge

It seems to me that Paizo should go out of it's way to do whatever it can to encourage local game stores to flourish, even if it means cutting down on it's short term profit. I realize that cutting out the middleman by the online ordering of products is cheaper because it cuts out the middleman; but local gaming venues , I believe, are essential to the long term growth of the gaming community and should be strongly supported. Also to be encouraged are college or high school gaming clubs perhaps with the aid of PFS gaming personnel.

Liberty's Edge

I would imagine that monster treasure represents a lifetime of treasure hoarding Also, note that many monsters have no or little treasure so that average treasure earned balances out. And, of course, any treasure obtained has to be split between the adventurers...

Liberty's Edge

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Players should build whatever type of character they desire as long as it is legal and they attempt to cooperate with and aid their group to the best of their character's ability ( even if the character's abilities are modest and not optimized ). If a player wants to have a unique character, or place his character in a more challenging situation then that's his choice.

Liberty's Edge

Clerics are proficient with all simple weapons and the favored weapon of their deity ( in this case, the scimitar for clerics of Sarenrae ). If any other type of weapon is used, and the cleric does not spend a feat to enable him to gain proficiency with the weapon, the character will take a penalty to hit his target.Note that the war hammer is a martial weapon, not a simple one. There is no alignment penalty for using another weapon, except possibly if the weapon itself has an evil alignment. The main issue is the player's play style and his slide towards an evil alignment. I suggest that you first talk to him out of game about this and try to explain what actions will cause his character's alignment to shift towards evil. If he still continues to perform evil actions, send his character a dream that he is losing favor with his deity. If this still continues, do not let him temporarily regain spells. You may,at this point, change his alignment one step towards evil. Note that, if a cleric's alignment shifts two steps from their deity's alignment , the cleric will lose all spells until he performs a special task for the deity. In addition, if the deity is especially angered, the character might be penalized or cursed in some way- though I do not think Sarenrae would utilize the latter option.

Liberty's Edge

First of all, as far as I am aware, rolling three 20's in a row is not an automatic character death according to Pathfinder rules, but rather a home game rule. However, be that as it may, I do not trivialize death: nor do I feel that games should be a series of automatic successes. I guess I am very old school in that I do not resurrect my own characters; and,as a home game DM, make resurrection very rare( my players are aware of this in advance ). I believe that there needs to be an element of risk in the game; and whether character death is due to very bad luck, misjudgement, ultra heroic character action, or poor planning and tactics,that the death of some few characters is an essential part of the game. A DM's job is not to eliminate character death but to minimize it. A DM or player's job is to learn something from any of his or her characters deaths.

Liberty's Edge

I prefer the rule that good aligned clerics can only use positive energy in channeling, while evil clerics can only use negative energy. I would even more prefer that evil aligned clerics not be able to utilize cure spells of any kind.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds interesting. Especially if it's free. I'd like to try this out in my home game ( is it PFS legal for Pathfinder Society play ?).

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If you do not enjoy pvp speak to your DM. If he does nothing, find another group to adventure with.

Liberty's Edge

Drop the player and his girlfriend from the game. Find replacement player(s). Problem solved.

Liberty's Edge

IF Golarion disappears, maybe I'll have no choice but to go back to D&D 5e. Well, probably not- I still haven't forgiven WotC for 4.0. I'm not a fan of the science fiction based game genre: and I have enough Pathfinder material to keep running games for years to come.

Liberty's Edge

1. Noble Families 2. Civil servants ( town guard, fire, sanitation ) 3. builders 4. merchants 5.religious 6. mages 7. If the town is noted for any special product(s), such as iron working,alchemy,seafaring/dockworkers,crafting of special objects etc. Or: 8. membership might be divided upon racial lines. Or, there might be a member for separate geographical areas. In a town which is democratic, there might be a town council consisting of a member or members from important groups; however, in less democratic areas the ruler(s) might be restricted to one group or overlord.

Liberty's Edge

Would the target of the blindness spell first have to make a spellcraft check in order to recognize the spell being cast on him/her?

Liberty's Edge

Everyone has their own style. As long as he contributes something to the group, I would generally let him play the way he wants. If, however, he does not participate at all in the group's battles, or leaves before he has taken any damage, then this becomes a serious issue. Rogues contribute to the group by flanking and non battle skills such as finding secret doors, trapfinding (especially magical traps),and other perception based skills. The group should not expect a rogue to stand in the heat of combat for long periods unless the circumstances are dire. Also, if the party does not have a strong healer, this increases the risk to all party members and the rogue would feel even more threatened since he has fewer HP. The rogue should be aware,however, that leaving the group during a battle has the potential to put himself in an alone and exposed position. Finally, the notion that a group can never all retreat in order to regroup or plan new tactics can be a serious or sometimes fatal error.

Liberty's Edge

Mindless undead have only an overwhelming hatred of, and/or hunger for, the living . They exist only to kill and do not have the mind for sophisticated tactics. They are largely unconcerned with any defensive tactics, as their hunger is so great. They are not fearful of dying as they have already died. They do not plan or cooperate with one another as each ones own hatred and hunger make each one want to kill or feed so badly as to preclude any cooperation.

Liberty's Edge

When I DM,mindless undead use no tactics. They simply attack the nearest living creature unless they have previously been given a simple command to do otherwise. If there are more than one living creature equidistant, they will randomly attack those nearest. They will continue to attack their target until the target is slain,ignoring attacks on them by other PC's.If the undead are numerous and all or many have the same PC target, they may inadvertently gain flanking as they surround their target.

Liberty's Edge

18 people marked this as a favorite.

No one is forcing you to be in this group. If you are uncomfortable, bid them goodbye and find a group more to your liking.

Liberty's Edge

If I was the DM, i'd go with the flow or give the flow a nudge, Let the skulls start speaking or communicating with party members in some way (or as a player you could use ventriloquism if you wanted to arrange this with the DM). The skulls could be used to give the group information, suggestions, or to lead the group into certain encounters. This might work as sort of a 'speak with dead' :but, if so, the DM should be aware of the alignment and motives of the dead,so as to weigh the information that they give to party.This could lead to a whole new tangent of adventures for the party.

Liberty's Edge

Was this a Pathfinder Society scenario or a home game? PFS scenarios have specified monsters/opponents dependent upon the group's average level. The opponent's specific tactics and DC checks needed to change the opponents attitude towards the group are specified for the opponents. I have found it very unusual for one PFS encounter to last three hours. Diplomatically ask your DM to explain why the encounter lasted so long in real time; and let the DM know that you didn't have fun in this situation. Did others at the table feel the same way? if this was a home game made up and run by the DM then you should expect greater diversity as to style of play. In any case it is important to have a courteous discussion about this with your DM.

Liberty's Edge

You've answered your own question. Save or dies almost guarantee short character lifespans. Character death should be possible, maybe even with a higher probability than at present; however, save or die effects make it highly probable.

Liberty's Edge

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My characters are almost never optimized.I'm just happy to be able to play fun and challenging games with a group of players who generally cooperate. As far as I am concerned, players should be able to make the character they want as long as they cooperate with the group and not actively sabotage or undermine team game play. Nor does it matter to me whether group tactics are optimized or most efficient as long as a TPK is avoided. I have found that there are many ways to have fun playing as long as the group is not severely divided, argumentative or vindictive. When I play clerics, I have no qualms about healing or buffing team mates or using my resources to help my group. Let's not get all worked up over issues that have no one all inclusive "right answer". Happy gaming to all.

Liberty's Edge

You appear to be putting yourself into a situation where you are being bullied and abused. The choice to leave the group is always open- even if no other group appears to be immediately available. The options of playing via computer group or at a convention are additional possibilities. Or, either you or your DM might want to start a second group which would not be open to the bully.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Speak to the players and the DM prior to your next game. If the issue cannot be resolved to your satisfaction via discussion and compromise, find another group.

Liberty's Edge

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Unless the player of the dead character was an absolute jerk, or the character died because of his players total stupidity,I would do my best to effect his character's resurrection ( assuming the player wished to have his character resurrected ). I have found this to be the case in all the PFS groups I have played with.

Liberty's Edge

When I DM, especially in home games. I do not tend to specifically describe creatures by name , but rather by appearance,unless I am aware that the monster they are facing is extremely common or of a type they have specifically previously fought.

Liberty's Edge

As a DM, I generally adjust the DC of the roll upwards or downwards anywhere from plus two to minus two depending upon the situation and the players action. In diplomatic situations, I try to take such factors as character race, social status or class, and whether characters know one another or have a particularly good or poor reputation into consideration.I would add that I use this method much more in home games, not in PFS games; where I generally use the written DC.

Liberty's Edge

You do seem to be set on the vampire escaping. Just be ready for a lot of player anger if you let it get away through the solid ground. Perhaps it could escape through a small floor grating that leads to a thin pipe, or a chimney. Perhaps its lair could have many trapped holes in the wall and only one is the real emergency exit. Perhaps the coffin contains an illusory vampire; but the real one is in a coffin/secret compartment below the assumed coffin. Strictly interpret the solid ground rule but be creative in the use of trickery to mislead the players if you intend for the vampire to escape. Vampires are quite cunning and can be used as a continuing nemesis.

Liberty's Edge

In home games I always let the players choose height and weight; but within reason Ex; no nine foot tall humans with reach.

Liberty's Edge

If a character melee attacks without a weapon (assuming the character does not have a special ability or class ability or spell or granted power which would enable the character to do lethal damage as if using a weapon), the character does non lethal damage and will be subject to an opportunity by the intended target.

Liberty's Edge

Seems like a dumb move to me. But, then again, since when has Wizards of the Coast been noted for its smart moves, or listening to/ consulting its audience. Over the years, they shut down both Dungeon and Dragon magazines, suddenly ended 3.5 D&D and launched the 4.0 disaster. Now, they hardly support 5.0. They should have stuck to Magic the Gathering instead of entering the role playing game business which they apparently know little about and care less.

Liberty's Edge

I dislike the ability to cast unlimited zero level spells.

Liberty's Edge

On the general topic of rise and possible fall of companies and systems: what is going on with Pathfinder Online? From what I have heard, Goblinworks has had mass layoffs and is struggling to keep its head above water, or to possibly sell off to another company. Does anyone have further info from what was last posted on their website?

Liberty's Edge

In Pathfinder Society play, i've had one of a dozen characters die. It's not enjoyable; but that is the risk a character in the game has to take. I make it a point to refuse re-rolls as well as resurrection or raising of any of my characters. I guess i'm stubbornly old school.

Liberty's Edge

Our groups have used the following suggestions in order to increase the number of available G.M.'s: i.give gm preference to play at an upcoming event. 2. Have the group provide the GM either with free snacks or a token payment. Possibly the game store might be willing to provide a small store credit.Paizo also extends certain privileges to G.M.'s : see the Paizo board.

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