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Organized Play Member. 5,534 posts. 7 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Liberty's Edge

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ORC should, ABSOLUTELY, continue and grow. WotC tried and lost this time, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Liberty's Edge

This is wonderful. Glad to see it, especially after seeing 3rd party publishers posting things like "we lost" and "RIP Pathfinder 1st edition" just earlier today.

Liberty's Edge

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Akashic Kaiju?

Liberty's Edge

The spherecasting from the sphere Archtypes stacks with casting from other sources, right? It says it does not but if it didn't that would be the only one in all SoP that didn't.

Sphere Vizier is what I'm looking at specifically.

Liberty's Edge

I haven't read this whole thread, but I've been following developments over on reddit. One thing that was mentioned was calling their customer service and telling them, politely and calmly, your complaint about their actions regarding the OGL. It can't hurt.

Liberty's Edge

It kills it's wielder and then flies off with a quip. At least that's what the original one did.

Liberty's Edge

If this:

Is the class you mean you're better off asking in the 3rd Party Products part.

Basically it's a Champion of the Spheres class so it has access to both Spheres Power and Spheres of Might. Additionally it gets a ranger like favored enemy that it can change over time to better match what they expect to face.

If you mean the one from Stranger Magic I don't know that one but End has a break down on his site.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I should have read the whole thread you and I talked about it. Lol

Liberty's Edge

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Have you ever done anything with the veil weaving sphere or the sphereweaver (akashic that grants Spheres) class?

Liberty's Edge

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Heather 540 wrote:
Ok. It looks like the post has been moved to the 3pp forum. So.... anyone have any suggestions?

Duelist and fencing are the most swashbuckler like Spheres.

Falcata isn't really a dex build weapon, you can do it but you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to make it work.

Liberty's Edge

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necromental wrote:
Two bonus talents are a part of spherecasting class feature (and are also conditional). Bonus Talent is a separate class feature. The one which is altered by both archetypes. So by RAW, no, you cannot combine them.

Ok, pause. I never realized that MageKnights got the bonus talent at first level, I looked at the chart and just skipped over reading the talent section because in every other class it just says per the chart. Thank you for that.

Part of me is wanting to keep arguing my case because there are a lot of factors that can be argued for RAW here. However, I think RAI the two of you are likely correct. That makes me a bit sad because the two archetypes play very well together, but I got a free magic talent out of the conversation, I shouldn't complain too much. Thank you both.

Liberty's Edge

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Greylurker wrote:

Generally Archetypes can't mix if they both alter the same things.

That said the Martial Controller does explicitly say it mixes with other Archetypes that replace magic talents but both it and the Resiezer give up the 1st level magic talent.

So as written you can't do it but you could talk to your DM to see if he'll give you an exception

The point is that there are two magic talents at first level.

Liberty's Edge

Two archetypes with:

This ability replaces the magic talent gained at 1st level.

Are compatable with one another aren't they since a SoP character gets 2 talents at first level?

This question specifically occurred to me looking at a Marshall Controller mageknight and wondering if it is compatible with Resizer.

Liberty's Edge

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Two archetypes with:

This ability replaces the magic talent gained at 1st level.

Are compatable with one another aren't they since a SoP character gets 2 talents at first level?

This question specifically occurred to me looking at a Marshall Controller mageknight and wondering if it is compatible with Resizer.

Liberty's Edge

Nikolay Rapirov wrote:
Our party are playing Jade Regent just now. And we will get 9-th level soon. We have a Druid, so incense was stacked in advance for Reincarnation purposes. So, idea of dedicating Fortune Tellers Wagon as moving shrine of Desna (with portable altar buyed and installed there for morale purposes earlier in game) and hallowing it seems pretty thematically appropriate?

Are you aware this thread is 10 years old? That even the employee who posted here isn't with Paizo any longer?

Liberty's Edge

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Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
Moved from PF1 Rules to 3PP rules questions

Thank you so much for moving this thread that hasn't had a reply in 3 months. Ace job.

VoodistMonk wrote:

I just can't get over that this class gets full BAB, all good saves, spells, bonus feats, and a dragon. Lol.

Wait til you hear about corre monk dude, all good saves, bonus feats and an ability that both counts as full BAB AND grants extra attacks. AND they get tons more class features. Totes broken.

Honestly though this class isn't OP at all, they suffer the monk problem of having nothing to boost their to hit and damage unless they can spend time self buffing and unlike animal companions dragon mounts tend not to break action economy until high level. Imagine a Paladin without smite evil and you're pretty close.

That said I do think they could combine well with spheres, especially SoM

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
VoodistMonk wrote:

I just can't get over that this class gets full BAB, all good saves, spells, bonus feats, and a dragon. Lol.

Wait til you hear about corre monk dude, all good saves, bonus feats and an ability that both counts as full BAB AND grants extra attacks. AND they get tons more class features. Totes broken.

Honestly though this class isn't OP at all, they suffer the monk problem of having nothing to boost their to hit and damage unless they can spend time self buffing and unlike animal companions dragon mounts tend not to break action economy until high level. Imagine a Paladin without smite evil and you're pretty close.

That said I do think they could combine well with spheres, especially SoM.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Akashic Powers, either in that book or in the sci-fi setting Arc Forge has rules for Akashic Powers as cyberware. Not sure if there's a water breathing power but maybe, and even if there isn't you could make one.

Liberty's Edge

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I agree with you and your GM that a blade skill is a perfectly acceptable choice for persistent focus.

Liberty's Edge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

It was Jeff who doxxxed the customer, right? I saw he's moving into a consulting role. I am sad to hear that.

Liberty's Edge

I'd take stuff from Rite publishing with a grain of salt. Early on they were one of the greats but their stuff fell off in quality over time.

Liberty's Edge

Does your company have other publications and/or examples available?

Liberty's Edge

IMO divine spell lists are just not good enough to justify being a casting only build in the same way arcane spell lists are. If you're the only caster you can kind of get away with it because there is enough to make you a better crowd controller than no crowd controller but you'll never be as good as an arcane caster.

For spells you're missing summon monster spells and fog type spells, grab some of those.

Also, for first level spells retrain command instead of protection from evil. PoE can mean the world and your spell DCs are subpar early and won't justify keeping a save or lose at first level.

Liberty's Edge

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You think it's a loophole because you dislike the idea of it. That doesn't make it a loophole, especially since it is confirmed to work like that by the author. This isn't some obscure loophole using books written 10 years apart and by different authors to game the system, it's literally all in the samw book.

Your entire argument has been that you dislike it so it is against the rules. You haven't showed a single rule it is against, hell the closet you came to a rule is lying about one of the rules that specifically covers how it does work.

Liberty's Edge

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Greylurker wrote:
The alternative is the formulas you create stop working when you aren't using the weapon they are tied to

Either show a page number for that or admit you're just making s@$! up and go away.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:

You have to Wield the Weapon to get the talents, you put the weapon down you aren't wielding it anymore, the Talent Immediately go poof.

Look if you want some to tell you "Yes you can exploit this" just say so from the start

No, I was wanting a rules based answer, something you seem absolutely unable to supply. But it was confirmed to work on Discord so good enough.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:
. Spheres and talents that grant skill retraining never grant it when gained via a customized weapon.

and you try mixing drinks for a half hour with a sword in your hand

Common sense man, you can't use temporary Alchemy sphere to make formulas

When you can tellthe laws of physics to sit down and shut up by wiggling your fingers you can start making "common sense" arguments against martial characters. Until then, and since this is a rules forum, do you have a rule you can quote to back up your argument?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:

It's not that a custom weapon can't use Alchemy, it's more that Alchemy doesn't work well with custom weapons.

A) you don't get the free ranks in Alchemy

That is patently false, alchemy specifically discusses that you do gain the ranks in alchemy when you use it with an armiger weapon.

B) you only have the sphere while wielding the weapon, which you can't do while crafting alchemical formulas, cause that takes a half hour to do and needs both hands

There's absolutely nothing in alchemy that says it takes 2 hands. Do you have a page number or did you make that up?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I recently ran into a person who insisted armigers couldn't use alchemy on their customized weapons. No amount of me explaining the rules would get them to understand so I'm asking for an official person to comment. (I neither have nor want discord so please don't recommend that.)

1) Can an armiger put alchemy talents onto a customized weapon?

2) Can he retain the use of items he crafted even after he puts away his weapon, so long as he does not exceed his maximum amount of formulae at one time?

3) Can alchemy items be passed around a group in order for them to use?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

PCs don't have a CR rating. And realistically the enture CR system is more of a suggestion than hard and fast rules anyways. The classes and optimization levels of the players will play in a lot more than the point buy.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:

I know I'm weeks late but I wanted to comment that while I never really liked Sean he never seemed like thw type who would lie about Paizo after he left them.

As to the arguments about trusting the CIS guy over the trans woman, while I never really doubted her I do give SKR's words more weight, not because he's a guy or CIS but because I interacted with him here on these forums (even if not always favorably).

…why are you writing cis in all caps?

Because I believed it to stand for something? Christ, why are you actively looking for something to be offended by?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know I'm weeks late but I wanted to comment that while I never really liked Sean he never seemed like thw type who would lie about Paizo after he left them.

As to the arguments about trusting the CIS guy over the trans woman, while I never really doubted her I do give SKR's words more weight, not because he's a guy or CIS but because I interacted with him here on these forums (even if not always favorably).

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.

"Allegations of doxing" if by allegations you mean it was literally the definition and posted clearly for everyone to see, sure; "allegations". Why did it take years for "corrective actions" to be taken?

Liberty's Edge

Please post your PF2 content updates and kickstarters to the appropriate forums, not to PF1 forums.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

As an aside, don't discount the elements just because you're playing a character without an elemental theme, I think Aether / Air would make a better Sith than Aether / Void. Air's defense can be fluffed as deflecting blaster shots, the air kinetic blast is Sith lightning, and Darth Thanaton was able to use the force to fly.

Liberty's Edge

I wouldn't. Some things just can't be done, and if I'm running an emerging guns campaign one of those things is going to be having an advanced firearm.

Liberty's Edge

I loved this show way back in the day!

Liberty's Edge

VoodistMonk wrote:

Anyways, this Equipment Trick trick is a wonderful case where the official rules can take a hike where the sun don't shine.

I would laugh at you, in front of everyone.

But... but "as-written"...

This is my caring face.

It's not even overpowered, it's just BS...

Then why require the trick at all? If the official rules can take a hike just drop the prerequesites for the PRC.

Liberty's Edge

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Dragonchess Player wrote:
The RAW is not questionable at all, unless "...for all purposes..." has a different meaning than what it says. Now the exploit is munchkin and some GMs will bring the ban-hammer, but that doesn't change the RAW.

The RAW is questionable unless "Second level spells" has a different meaning than what it says. Some GMs may let it work because mystic theurge otherwise kind of sucks, but that doesn't change the RAW.

VoodistMonk wrote:
To what end is the cheater trick useful, though? It requires one to spend a feat, that, let's be honest, could be better used on literally anything else.

What is the single biggest weakness of a spontaneous spell caster? It's not "lack of feats," it's a lack of spells known. Mystic theurge with the trick nearly doubles the spells known, and most importantly allows access to a different spell list. Do you wish your oracle could cast haste? What about teleport? Wlell now you can.

Liberty's Edge

Something Mythic is OP? You don't say....

Really if everything is OP, is anything actually OP or is it just differently balanced?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Note that the Equipment Trick (Mirror or Sunrod) exploit still allows a character to cast a 1st level spell as a 2nd level spell ("The spell is treated as 1 [one] spell level higher (to a maximum of 9th level) for all purposes..." [emphasis mine]) to qualify for mystic theurge with only a one level dip in a second casting class (cleric 3/wizard 1/mystic theurge, wizard 3/cleric 1/mystic theurge, oracle 4/sorcerer 1/mystic theurge, etc.).

Note that this exploit is far from universally accepted and is very questionable RAW.

Liberty's Edge

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They haven't updated this thread or the discord for this product in almost a year. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on this product.

Liberty's Edge

DeathlessOne wrote:
Yeah, just the way the feats are structured make Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, and Greater Vital Strike their own specific actions. So, RAW, no it wouldn't be strictly legal.
'VitalStrike' wrote:
When you use the attack action
'ImprovedVitalStrike' wrote:
When you use the attack action,

Liberty's Edge

stormborn125 wrote:
avr wrote:
Suppose at 12th level you're going to sorcerer 12 on one side of the gestalt, and technomancer 2 on the other side. Sorcerer 12 is giving you +1 level of arcane spellcasting and so is technomancer 2. This is the same benefit, gestalt gives you the best of the two sides (not the sum) and the gestalt therefore gives you just +1 level of arcane spellcasting. Not +2. Continue this to level 20 and you will have sorcerer 20 spellcasting at level 20, no more, no less.
that is certainly one way to interpret it but Prestige classes seem to be augments calculated after base classes at least in default rulings, which gestalt is not so I'm wondering how this carries so far most are saying doesn't work so that may very well be the case

There is no "augments calculated". When you level up you apply everything you gain at level up right then and add it to the character. AVR is correct.

Liberty's Edge

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How would someone purchase it, look up February compilation on Drive Thru?

Liberty's Edge

Whichever one you're happier playing. The strength build will likely do better in combat, but you'll be fine either way.

Liberty's Edge

Mage armor and shield are both stupidly good first level spells for a dragon. Not the most fun spells, perhaps, for players on the receiving end, but if you're looking for a challenge...

Liberty's Edge

Ultimately what a player does and does not accept isn't the end all, be all. The DM remains the final word on what does and does not work.

Liberty's Edge

avr wrote:

One warning, sacred geometry is broken badly enough I've never heard of someone allowing it (only a slight exaggeration).

Ditto. And no exaggeration.

Liberty's Edge

You'd do it off the troop's CR like the DM said.

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