Shield Mate / Mark of Awesome partners

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok So I had an idea. I am currently getting ALL daily deals. There are some people who are not. With this new Shieldmate option where we can link someone as a friend and they could get the same daily deals as us it might be nice for people to post here and organize it.

Here is what I propose. If you are getting all the deals you post here. Once you do then someone who needs the daily deal they send a private message to you with their e-mail and kickstarter and paizo board name (covering all bases here) so that when the KS end you both get all the deals and the Shieldmate benifit.

Once you accept someone and let them know you will use them MAKE SURE YOU EDIT YOUR POST TO LET PEOPLE KNOW. This way you do not get 100's of private messages

Goblin Squad Member

I will start this off

Shield mate is now taken

Goblin Squad Member

If I am not mistaken, posts can only be edited for the first 60min after posted.

Goblin Squad Member

Just signed up for Crowdforger yesterday, and would be open to shieldmate...though not sure of the exact mechanics involved. I have some familiarity with Pathfinder, but living rather remote. At least, I consider Alaska remote.

Goblin Squad Member

I found this kickstarter late and would Love for someone with ALL the daily deals to send me a Shieldmate invite. Please message me here or contact me at

Edit:Hopefully have one lined up Thank You

Goblin Squad Member

Seeing as i can't get any of my TT gaming buddies to join in on this kickstarter due to the fact the game is a year or so away from release. I would be glad to shieldmate with anyone. I joined the kickstarter before the daily deals were released so you'll receive them all. Shoot me a PM here, first come first serve.

Shieldmate offer is taken.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

@Copasetic, seems that none of my friends are risk takers either.

Anyone interested in being shieldmates with me send me a PM, I have all the daily deals. Members of The Empyrean Order or looking to join them have priority. The Empyrean Order

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Given that the intent of the 'shield mate' offer was evidently to bring more people/money in to the kick-starter I'm gonna go with a slightly different approach;

I've got all the daily deals and will share them with someone who either joins the kickstarter NOW or ups their pledge by at least $35. So if you were turned off and thinking about not pledging 'late' because you wouldn't get the daily deals... here's your chance.

And closed. One previously disappointed latecomer now backing the project and getting their daily deals after all.

Think about doing the same folks. Great way to help put the kickstarter over the top.

Goblin Squad Member

Drat! Work is so annoying! @Richter - New to Pathfinder, and online, so might be amenable to The Empyrean Order. But would not have the time for your military arm it would appear...

Goblin Squad Member

Mark Arvidson wrote:
Drat! Work is so annoying! @Richter - New to Pathfinder, and online, so might be amenable to The Empyrean Order. But would not have the time for your military arm it would appear...

Not a problem! The military is only one part of the Order. We have plenty (and will accept more) who will not be in the military.

Goblin Squad Member

I can't get any of my friends to join either. They claim their time is entirely consumed by their many other games. I have all the daily deals and would be willing to send an invite to anyone with the warning that my actual gaming time is limited unless I win the lottery in the next year!

And done!

Goblin Squad Member

Some research appears in order, perhaps later tonight for the Empyrean Order.

Thinking of an Elven Archer this go, but willing to try other roads. No game group in my Arctic refuge!


Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I will be a healer mostly. Don't see myself wading into combat so welcome aboard and mine is now closed.

Goblin Squad Member

I am an East Coast player looking for someone with all the daily deals i will have extensive playing time weeknights after 5 and anytime weekends so we can have plenty of time to group please send me a PM.

Goblin Squad Member

Liking the Empyrean Order, and, as I have some time, you have a new member...hopefully I will have some time to do some online gaming other than diplomacy.

Goblin Squad Member

@Jon Vandiver - did you find a shieldmate?

Goblin Squad Member

If the shield mate can be purchased twice for someone who has the 175$ deal then I have an extra shield mate. In-fact I have 3 counting my 2 accounts in the guild pledge.

So if you are a TEO member I'll make you my shield buddy. But there is a condition!!!


Write a TEO themed drinking song, battle hymn, or anthem that can be sung at our new tavern. If you are crap at writing... write it anyway!!! Because if everyone else who takes me up on this offer is crap at writing you might still win!

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:

If the shield mate can be purchased twice for someone who has the 175$ deal then I have an extra shield mate. In-fact I have 3 counting my 2 accounts in the guild pledge.

So if you are a TEO member I'll make you my shield buddy. But there is a condition!!!


Write a TEO themed drinking song, battle hymn, or anthem that can be sung at our new tavern. If you are crap at writing... write it anyway!!! Because if everyone else who takes me up on this offer is crap at writing you might still win!

Andius, there's a very high risk that I might take you up on that offer...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Looking for a shieldmate -- i pledged first day so i have all the daily deals -- shoot me an email - all lower case = MATTL@MTS.NET

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

Also pledged early on.

If you are looking for those daily deals and some fun time happy gaming, PM me.

Members (or prospective members) of The Empyrean Order not yet at Adventurer level get preference.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am also a member of The Empyrean Order

Goblin Squad Member

From what I have reviewed, the Empyrean Order would be a great direction for someone new to online play and interested in direction, alliances, and a sense of security. One of the primary reasons I did not get involved with other online games was the prospect of having a new character lost or killed off by other players. My only hesitation with joining at this point is that I would not have very much time to dedicate, so could not go the military order route. I would also not want to be a hindrance to the group. I would envision a support role for the characters.

At the moment, we are a bit remote and very likely to make a military move by Summer.

What other games is the Order currently involved with, and is there tabletop as well?


Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

We're looking at Star Citizen, and there are a couple of Play by Post and Virtual Tabletop games going on now.

I believe a bunch of people are involved in several other MMOs (Battletech?) but I am not.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I'd like to have a Shield Mate with all the daily deals if someone still needs someone to share their daily deals with. I getting less then half the daily deals myself currently.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I am currently getting all daily deals if someone still needs a shield mate.

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys, i'd like to have a shield mate with all the daily deals, but i already have all but the first two so please take other people as priority, also, if the date gets really close with someone not having a shieldmate with all the deals, ill be your shield mate since I'm close.

Goblin Squad Member

@Fearun. I'd love to be your shieldmate. I joined late in the piece, really keen on some of the earlier items! I have three main character concepts, Pali, Hell knight and elf warrior/Mage.

Goblin Squad Member

I also am interested in becoming a shieldmate, as otherwise I'll miss out on over half the daily deals which would make me a sad person. I've fired an email to Brax but I'm easy ;)

Empyrean Order sounds good also, as I am not a fan of PVP, will have a look at the website.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

My sheildmate has been chosen (first one to apply). If you have not recieved any confirmation from me -- sorry -- I got alot of replies.

Goblin Squad Member

Same as a few of the others. I didn't find out about the kickstarter until over a week had passed, so unless I find a shieldmate, I'll be missing some of the cooler items.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

@Amifix you find someone yet?

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Looking for two shieldmates. I have all the dailies. PM me.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

I have a free shield mate, and I have all the dailies. Pm me if you need it.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Both of mine are taken.

Goblin Squad Member

Hi I am looking for a shieldmate for the dailies...i am a crowdforger at 100$ but unfortunatly pledged to late...

Goblin Squad Member

@Banecrow: very good idea, but i'd prefer to invite ONLY new backers (we're in the rush so we need new pledgers! :) ).

So, if anyone is interested to become a NEW backer, pledge AT LEAST 35$ and send me a PM with email, paizo board account, ks account and a backer history screenshot with PF online KS only details. ONLY new backers please.

I'm a pioneer from 28/11, all daily deals available.

Let's bring it over the top!

Edit: Shieldmate invite no more available. Thanks to MassivePauldrons to ask me an invite (and obviously to pledge this ks!).

Goblin Squad Member

I have all the daily deals if someone still needs a shield mate

Goblin Squad Member

Fearun wrote:
I am currently getting all daily deals if someone still needs a shield mate.

Shieldmate slot taken

Goblin Squad Member

i very much like to thank Imbicatus at that point...

and lol to massive pauldrons - wow says hi

Goblin Squad Member

Hey guys, if anyone else has a spare shieldmate slot let me know, would love you forever :D

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am looking for a shieldmate partner with all of the daily rewards. My user name here is the same as kickstarter.

Any shieldmates who chipped in from the start? Same interested group as Karpouzian above.

Goblin Squad Member

I've got a buddy level with my daughter so have 2 Shield Mates available, all of the daily deals and first month beta, if anyone is interested in a shield mate partnership. Priority given to elven characters or people interested in the charter company Taur-im-Duinath.

Also, in the spirit of bringing in new money from those on the fence or just not ready to pull the trigger, if there is interest I can upgrade my membership to a guild level and sell the extra slots at cost. Priority given to elven characters or people interested in the charter company Taur-im-Duinath.
Please PM me if interested.

Goblin Squad Member

I have a shield mate invite available with all dailies. If you are pledging late, feel free to contact me on here. I will confirm to the first message I get that details the account info for KS.

Honestly, I understand that this is optimistic given the current funding, but hey, let's give it a shot.

Again, you will have to contact me if interested. I am not about to start guessing as to who on here has already paired up.


And the offer has been taken.

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone with all the dailies want to form a guild. I would chip in $100 dollars and join up. I missed the first 2 items so I stated day 3 with the KS. PM me

Goblin Squad Member

Fennris wrote:
I have all the daily deals if someone still needs a shield mate

Hey Fennris, can i be your shield mate.

Goblin Squad Member

Looking for shieldmate also. Please send me a pm.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Imbicatus wrote:
I have a free shield mate, and I have all the dailies. Pm me if you need it.

My the shield mate is now taken.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I should have all the daily deals, as I went in originally at $100 before they were introduced. I've upped and downed my pledge a few times during the DD session, but have always kept on the CF Pioneer tier.

I pledged today for $100. Would love for someone to make me a shieldmate who has all/most of the trimmings from early on.

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