Alledueces Undertow |
Okay I was feeling Angry and frustrated at well specifically the player behind Dargorath and decided to take a day off too let my feelings subside. Here it is over a week later and any time I think of this game I still get mad. So I guess I need to express my frustration because it really is bothering me. This is going to be a little bit of a purge and I apologize if any one is offended by what I say.
I feel like at every step of the way we have had players who would try and find any excuse to wimp out. Wanting to rest after our very first combat. We finally get to our destination, a house in cassomir, and instead of finding out where it is we're going to track through miles of dangerous sewer again because we don't want to engage the problem in front of us. Then the haunt... now abandoning the child. The whole point of rolling our stats was to create flawed characters who had weaknesses to overcome. So lets overcome those weaknesses instead of running away every time.
I understand that the circumstances our characters are in SUCK!!! That's the GM's job. But can we actually examine the problems in front of us before bugging out? ALL THE TIME. You know think creatively, maybe scout a little, think outside the box of can I kill it... No, then we run.
No character is optimized to deal with a haunt. The entire point of a haunt is that it's a puzzle to be solved. Who died here? Why are they tied to this place? How do we remove their curse? These are all questions that should be solved to answer the riddle. The haunt is a puzzle to be solved. The haunt is a part of the game.
I understand that fighting Incorporeal creatures at this level is painful. I understand wanting to retreat. But when some one wants to scout our current circumstances, and tries to come up with creative solutions, then throwing stumbling blocks in their way is a really unhealthy dynamic for the characters, and the players. Help or get out of the way. Don't insult or try to force other characters to do what you want. Go do your own thing if you need to... but let other players at least try to solve problems if you're not willing to be bothered with them. If you think what they are doing is really stupid... then let them deal with the consequences of their own choices on their own. Those are okay actions... but trying to belittle others, and strong arm them isn't okay.
Alledueces is Chaotic Neutral, and really only looks out for his own. He's pissed off about his childhood friend dying and that's his major impetus for being on this quest. But also, any child of Cassomir who has done something stupid... he identifies with them... they are his own. Alledueces did many stupid things when he was a child in Cassomir. Leaving the child in the house in who knows what circumstances isn't going to work for him.
Personally I don't understand how any Good Aligned character can abandon a child in this circumstances. Self sacrifice and the willingness to take major risks for the good of others is one of the hallmarks of being GOOD.
Okay I think my Rant is done and yes I feel better... again I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings.
Amigail Trentwell |
@GM: I updated Amigail's hp total; she's about where I expected her to be on the second floor.
As the GM and some of you may know, I don't have home internet and post from my local library. Well, I went to the ER last night and found out that I have a kidney stone. The doctors are hoping I'll pass it within a week. Right now the pain's not bad, so my tentative plan is to visit the library briefly every other day to catch up/stay current in the games I play on these forums. If the pain gets as bad as I'm told it might, that's subject to change. So if I disappear...that's the reason. I'll try to post an update when I can.
The GM may bot my character as he sees fit.
Lanarial |
Oohhh...oww!! Think I'd rather face a burning wraith...
Prayers for a quick recovery!!
Lanarial |
I'm headed out of town for the weekend and will not have any internet access...please bot Lanarial as needed as he and Alledeuces take the top-down approach!
Amigail Trentwell |
Looks like I forgot to post a final update on my KS situation....
I passed a teeny stone painlessly a week ago and seem to have recovered fully. I'm still here and lurking. Amigail's waiting for the Attic Crew to either return or scream for help. She's had enough of the fire wraith for now.
GM Aumakua |
apologies a flu swept through my family so was posting sparsely. I've updated the map for the attic.
Amigail glad you are feeling better. Try to add more raw food (veggies, fermented foods, etc) and good starchy food (rolled oats, sweet potatoes) to your diet if you can. Water is definitely a must.
Alledueces Undertow |
The Dc to climb a knotted rope braced against a wall is 0.
A 1 is not an auto fail either.
The worst Climb check is Elliana with her -1. Even if she roles a 1 she still has at least a 0.
None of you are capable of failing this check. Taking 10 is unnecessary.
Accelerated Climbing
If you guys accept the -5 penalty for accelerated climbing....
The DC is 5
If you fail by 4 or less you fail to make progress but do not fall.
If you fail by 5 or more then you fall.
Amigail has a +3 to her check (+1 rank, +3 trained, -1 ACP). This means she makes progress on a 2 or better, stands still on a 1, and is mathematically incapable of falling.
Dargorath has a +1 to his check (+1 str -0 ACP), This means he needs to roll a 4 in order to make progress, stands still on a 1 to 3, and is mathematically incapable of falling.
Elliana is a different story because she has a -1 to the check (+2 Strength -3 ACP) Elliana only makes progress if she rolls a 6 or better, stands still on a 2 to 5, and can only fall if she actually rolls a 1.
Amigail Trentwell |
Quick Note: I've got a full schedule of real-life errands tomorrow and won't be able to post again until Friday. The GM can bot my character if needed.
Amigail Trentwell |
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
My Holidays Posting Schedule: It looks like I'll be unable to post for the next two Sundays/Mondays (12/25 & 12/26, 1/1 & 1/2, though I may be able to sneak in a brief post on 1/2). I should be able to post as usual on the weekdays in between.
GM Aumakua |
Happy Holidays to All!!!!!!! I'll post on Tuesday! Until then enjoy the time in whatever way you choose. Just do so responsibly.
Lanarial |
I'm going out of town on New Year's Day and will be off the grid for a few days...please bot my character as needed Sunday to Thursday!
Happy New Year!
Amigail Trentwell |
I'm online today but will be without internet access on Sunday and Monday. The GM may bot Amigail as needed.
GM Aumakua |
That's fine Amigail.
I won't lie it's been hard keeping this game moving with school among other things keeping me busy.
I have a paper and test to study for but will make a post today and then likely not another one until Tuesday.
GM Aumakua |
Morning all I know I haven't posted in awhile. I'm just making a role call to see if we still have everyone here.
School and work were making it difficult to devote the time I needed to GM but things are less chaotic right now so I'd like to keep continuing.
Amigail Trentwell |
I may not be able to post tomorrow; if I AM able to sneak one in, it'll likely be late afternoon or early evening. Back to normal on Wednesday.
GM Aumakua |
Yes sorry all. I will mark this campaign as inactive. Apologies that I could not continue it like I had hoped when I first started it.
Good luck to everyone in your RPing endeavours. I will set this as inactive tomorrow.