Recruiting for PFRPG in El Paso! Characters Welcome!

Gamer Connection

Attention, Attention!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

And all that jazz ;)

I am actively recruiting for players for a casual (non-PFS) Pathfinder game. We have minis, dice, paper, a table with space for six comfortably (seven if we are friendly :D ), Hero-Lab, a GM (a bit raw, but fun to game with) and a couple of players.

We are looking for players that are interested in playing at a table with adult (not adult) players. Our games tend to be character and story oriented but not pure RP/Dialogue sessions. Expect a healthy dose of laughter and joking while hacking and slashing, bluffing and carousing our way through adventures.

Our GM uses both pre-printed materials as well as his own style of home brew. We use Pathfinder/Golarion rules. Character Generation is 25pt, and any sourcebook that is 1) Pathfinder/Golarion, 2) we have access to a copy (either PDF or hardcopy). (third party sources are right out and other feats/abilities considered on a case-by case basis). PCs are expected to be heroic; let the villains be diabolic ;)

Please reply here for more information!

Thank you for your time,


Sovereign Court

I know this is a very old post but I'm trying to get a pathfinder community going here in El Paso! I just got here and you can find out more on my facebook page @ElPasoPFS or look for my page El Paso Pathfinder Society.

Hi everyone, jumping on old posts, but is the El paso PFS facebook page still up? I tried finding it and couldn't sadly. Just looking to connect with other El Paso pathfinder fans

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