Overheard at the Paizo office

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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Stolen or not, he's an Air Force captain, which is not the same thing as a Naval captain. It's equal to being a Lieutenant, navy wise.

And the navy pretty much always get better-looking uniforms.

Dark Archive

And better food. One of my uncles told me to avoid the other services, because only the navy brings their entire kitchen with them. :)

But best Captain? Captain Jack Sparrow. Or Captain Ben Sisko, if sticking to Trek captains.

Hornblower was captain for a bit, wasn't he. 'Cause he'd be my choice.

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Captain Honor Harrington?

I like Captain Crunch...

Captain Tightpants.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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christopher: You can't rush this level of genius. It has to steam and stew until it bursts forth in a creative torrent.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Lissa: Sara, you can look at it as winning, but it’s a funny definition.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

robot chris: for the sake of the soda machine, don't draw [redacted] on people's computers/monitors

Dark Archive Customer Service Representative

Robot: ... I'm reading everything as that typo

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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robot chris: nopenopenope, not digging bigger hole

Project Manager

Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.

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Jessica Price wrote:
Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.

Noooo, books must be treated like delicate flowers of knowledge and story! (I had a friend in high school who told me I read paperbacks like there was a vampire inside, because I didn't want to break the spine.)

Cosmo wrote:
Lissa: Sara, you can look at it as winning, but it’s a funny definition.

Is it any funnier than this guy's?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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christopher: Klingonbery jam does not sound appetizing.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Sara Marie: good thing i still have this coke from HR
Erik Keith: Me too!
Erik Keith: wait like... soda or....?
Sara Marie: lol
Erik Keith: I mean, soda! yes!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Christopher: "I want to buy this thing!" Two minutes later, Lilith is taking money.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Christopher: [Redacted] is more like a shotgun with a dangling sign saying "Free Photographs. Smile And Wait For Flash."

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Liz Courts wrote:

Sara Marie: good thing i still have this coke from HR

Erik Keith: Me too!
Erik Keith: wait like... soda or....?
Sara Marie: lol
Erik Keith: I mean, soda! yes!

Rats. So no season of Paizo Vice then?

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Readerbreeder wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.
Noooo, books must be treated like delicate flowers of knowledge and story! (I had a friend in high school who told me I read paperbacks like there was a vampire inside, because I didn't want to break the spine.)

This used to drive me crazy when I worked in a library. A patron was checking out a brand new book and and told me how happy they were to get to break the spine. I fetched another newish book from the repair shelf and showed them the binding split in half and the pages falling out. New hardcovers (and any paperback) are poorly made and the glue doesn't hold for long if you do that. It's book abuse! don't make call the library police!

My books rarely get opened more than 90 degrees unless it a rare spiral bound book. It makes it a pain never being able to open them on a flat surface, but almost my entire collection of books is close to pristine. About the only thing I can't control is the covers losing their ultra-shiny luster over time and use, and on small paperbacks the edges of the pages will get a little dirty from my hands holding it for hours no matter how well washed they are. Even I'm not obsessive enough to wear gloves when I read though.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Jeff Erwin wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.
Noooo, books must be treated like delicate flowers of knowledge and story! (I had a friend in high school who told me I read paperbacks like there was a vampire inside, because I didn't want to break the spine.)
This used to drive me crazy when I worked in a library. A patron was checking out a brand new book and and told me how happy they were to get to break the spine. I fetched another newish book from the repair shelf and showed them the binding split in half and the pages falling out. New hardcovers (and any paperback) are poorly made and the glue doesn't hold for long if you do that. It's book abuse! don't make call the library police!

As always, there's an XKCD for that.

Dark Archive

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[tangent] When I worked at a library, the thing that filled me with unquenchable rage was the chuckleheads who used highliter on their borrowed books... [/tangent]

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Liz Courts wrote:
Christopher: [Redacted] is more like a shotgun with a dangling sign saying "Free Photographs. Smile And Wait For Flash."

I'm stealing this as a trap to include in a game.

Project Manager

Kenway: I've been practicing my enthusiasm all morning.

Project Manager

Judy: Hey, do we have any magical headcones?


Readerbreeder wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.
Noooo, books must be treated like delicate flowers of knowledge and story! (I had a friend in high school who told me I read paperbacks like there was a vampire inside, because I didn't want to break the spine.)

That...isn't what I meant. ;)

- Ryan

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he meant by whooping loudly and riding it bareback across the open range

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Robot Chris: It's like clown makeup. You take it off, and it's still horrifying.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

christopher [redacted]

ashley I'll take "things that sound terrible out of context" for $1000 Alex

christopher So almost the entirety of this chat?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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christopher: 2016 when we publish Advanced Ultimate Rascal Guide

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Robot Chris: it almost went somewhere [redacted], but I'm proud that the [redacted] wrangled that in.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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christopher: Chickens? I thought we were using interns for sacrifices. Could someone loop me in on these memos next time, please?

liz: Interns have signed their soul over to editorial and are not available for operations-related sacrifices.

Ryan Macklin wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
Ryan: I like to break a book in, like a stallion.
Noooo, books must be treated like delicate flowers of knowledge and story! (I had a friend in high school who told me I read paperbacks like there was a vampire inside, because I didn't want to break the spine.)

That...isn't what I meant. ;)

- Ryan

But isn't that what this thread is for? Who needs context anyway? This is much more fun!

Digital Products Assistant

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Christopher She's a meanie head.

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Crystal: THERE'S A BUTTON FOR THAT?!?!?!?!

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Me: I had a double amaretto and chocolate mousse pie for dinner last night.
*high fives*

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Robot Chris: and then I realize this is a Bad Idea™

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Gary: good god how is it almost five
Christopher: Time goblins
Gary: i thought we sprayed for those last week
Liz: They've adapted to it
Christopher: It killed 99% of them, but the remaining 1% have presented with severe monsterism.
Christopher: We really need to stop getting our tech from the mustachioed guy in the van.
Liz: Or Krieger
Gary: i guess if they're time goblins maybe we actually sprayed for them next week
Christopher: Wait, this might be the timeline where we didn't spray for them. Where's that map...
Liz: I Blame Cosmo.
Christopher: Makes sense, given that they venerate him as their god.
Gary: is THAT what's wrong with them?
Gary: explains a LOT
Liz: It's a large factor, yes

Is it cause or effect, though?

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Drejk wrote:
Is it cos or effect, though?


Webstore Gninja Minion

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Dark Archive Software Developer

Be afraid...

Lissa has joined this chat.
Jessica: ah
Jessica: excellent!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo wrote:
Christopher: Wait, this might be the timeline where we didn't spray for them. Where's that map...


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

cs erik: Ah, so thats the meaning of life.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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christopher: I don't have enough eyeliner for that.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Money Chris: I don't hate Bester, he's completely understandable.
Mika: Of course you think that, you're Lawful Evil.

Paizo Employee Developer

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CS Erik: But then I got to thinking, is a bard going to be support-y enough?

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