
Fabius Maximus's page

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That sounds helpful. I hope you're planning on adding Starfinder.


Are you able to change the headline to get rid of the spelling error? That would make this thread easier to find with the search function.

QB, you are concerned about wasting money on energy generation, but want an increase in nuclear power of all things?

There is also an animated series about the Blood Angels in the works.

Terrible ideas all around. It's going to be very difficult to find a balance between showing how horribly fascist the Empire is without glorifying it, and not having it coming across as completely silly.

Given how badly written The Man In The Castle (the series) was, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Man, must they have faith in the abilities of their main character. He gets one whole line in a 2 minute trailer.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


No that's only if you keep giving parts to Christopher Eccleston that isn't the Doctor.


lights candle at shrine for the only doctor he likes

Eccleston is a fine actor. The Dark World suffered from s#&*ty writing and editing.

Galt would be another good place, I think.

Gorbacz wrote:
Just call her Der Schwarzer Schmetterling.


Or you treat "Schwarzer Schmetterling" as her definite name without the article. (Which is my way of doing it because she's female and 'der' is the definite masculine article.)

Although I'd say her real name is Desna.

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I have that problem, but only with comment threads underneath product descriptions.

There is the hanbo, although I don't know which book it is in.

I don't know anything about rum or vodka, but IMO Jameson's basic whiskey tastes like something crawled into it and died.

I suggest Bushmills' 10 year old single malt or the Kilbeggan (formerly Greenore) Single Grain as substitutes.

Does that count as pollution?

Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I know this year I bought a bottle of Glenfiddich aged 12 years because the 15 year one was 105 dollars... And I don't feel like spending that much.

Are you sure it was a 15 year old one? I just checked the prices here in Old Europe. The only Glenfiddich that approached that price was the 19-year-old. The two 15-year-olds cost between €35 and €40.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Is the Artificer worthwhile to convert to PF? If so, what would need to be done?

Drop Dead Studios published The Artisan a few years ago. It is an almost direct conversion of the Artificer and should work well.

You could try one of the "Ask ... everything" threads in the off-topic parts of the messageboards.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That is very generous. I'm in.

It seems to be gone now. Thanks for fixing it.

That basically depends on the weapon you're using to attack. Have you looked at the weapons table in the Core Rulebook?

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

First look at Henry Cavill in role.

I like it.

Boy, Legolas got old.

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doomman47 wrote:
DeathlessOne wrote:
doomman47 wrote:
Judges are suppose to rule fairly and justly so she more of a tyrannical dictator of the dead than a judge.
Who says she doesn't rule fairly and justly? And by whose measure of fairness and justice? Anyone with ultimate authority is going to be called (or seen) as a tyrannical dictator by those that don't agree with that authority figure.
She damns peoples souls just because she has a personal grudge with them letting personal feelings get in the way of her duty is not ruling fairly and justly.

Do you have an example?

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doomman47 wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:
doomman47 wrote:
Pharasma would be my pick, she is everything I would like except for two little flaws, deals with death and has the domain check, deals with fate check, deals with rebirth check, has the healing domain check, true neutral check, favored weapon dagger whyyy??? this should be a scythe, and the most important deal breaker.... she hates undead and wants them all to die.
Because she's the goddess of birth as well as death. Knives are not only used to sever the connection between an infant and the mother (by cutting the umbilical cord), but are also needed to perform a Caesarean section in case something goes wrong.
Scalpels are used for births not daggers. Daggers are meant for killing but in pathfinder they are like one of the worse weapons to do so with and I highly doubt doctors(at least most of them) go around shanking babies with daggers.

Please note that I wrote "knives". Scalpels are a kind of knife. Just see the dagger as a symbolic representation of a scalpel.

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Werthead wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:
Yennefer is about 100 years old when she meets Geralt. The actress is 21. Even with Elven blood, Yennefer should not look like she was barely out of her teens.
Yennefer made herself look a lot younger with magic. All the sorcerers do, but Yenn took it to massive extremes because of her deformity. At one point in the books Jaskier says she looks about 16 years old (at another point someone says she looks about 20, so she may have adjusted the glamour).

Oh, good.

I didn't need to know about Sapkowski's fantasies.

It may be the equivalent of Greek Fire.

Hama wrote:


Yennefer is about 100 years old when she meets Geralt. The actress is 21. Even with Elven blood, Yennefer should not look like she was barely out of her teens.

Is your browser not saving cookies? Because I don't have a problem with this.

The actress who is supposed to play Yennefer is [i]way{/i] too young.

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It's not full HTTPS. The login page is not secure.

I'm still hoping for a decent book on dwarves.

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It's certainly a relief to watch a Doctor Who episode with a well-told story and not something where the people involved threw crap at the wall and waited for something to stick.

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Pharasma has at least one sect of undead hunters based in Osirion and probably another one in Ustalav.

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doomman47 wrote:
Pharasma would be my pick, she is everything I would like except for two little flaws, deals with death and has the domain check, deals with fate check, deals with rebirth check, has the healing domain check, true neutral check, favored weapon dagger whyyy??? this should be a scythe, and the most important deal breaker.... she hates undead and wants them all to die.

Because she's the goddess of birth as well as death. Knives are not only used to sever the connection between an infant and the mother (by cutting the umbilical cord), but are also needed to perform a Caesarean section in case something goes wrong.

It depends. If the box mentions something about Steam, you will have to sign up and have it running in the background.

Good Old Games ( has a similar platform, but it is entirely optional. The installer packages you download there are DRM-free.

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The Real LG wrote:
May Pharasma and Iomedae forgive this humble soul for committing an act of necromancy. I just got this book and so far it is fantastic, but I have to ask, does anyone else think that a young Ailson Kindler looks just like Larsa and vis versa? If this has any actual meaning to it and is not an unorthodox coincidence, just reply "Spoiler", please and thank you.

Just keep reading.

I'm certainly not a specialist, but this sound like some kind of dissociative state. I second Java Man's suggestion to talk to someone, but it should be a psychiatrist.

Alternatively, you could use a trident.

BenS wrote:

I appreciate the feedback, but his master is not a summoner, but a diabolist. I admit I haven't looked at that class lately, but I don't believe they have access to eidolons.

I'm starting to lean towards "unique fiend created by the author for plot purposes". Regardless, he was a cool addition to a great book.

The diabolist in the book might not have taken levels in the Diabolist PrC.

BenS wrote:

Wow, just read this today and loved it. I had one question, though, about the very cool "dog", Vhaeros.

Was that a unique fiend created for the book, or is he (?) an actual, canon-blessed (heh heh) fiend? I couldn't figure out what type of devil Vhaeros was supposed to be. Regardless, there are some great scenes w/ him. Trying to get the children to pet him in Westcrown...twisted fun! And then his last scene (no spoilers)...

I think he's an Eidolon.

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magnuskn wrote:
"Ancestry" sounds incredibly clunky and you will never see a person in the real world use that word in conversation when talking to another person, outside of academia. And even there they would use words like "ethnicity", "nationality" or "race".

Firstly, your personal experience is anecdotal and cannot be generalised. People do use species in everyday conversation when applicable.

Secondly, you are German, are you not? If I'd meet anybody using "Rasse" when talking about human beings (and not about dogs, for example), I'd be extremely wary of that person, for obvious reasons. Btw, "Herkunft" (i. e. Ancestry) is rather common in my experience.

Overall, I think that Planar Survivor is not a big problem in this regard. It is quite easy to come up with an explanation and the GM has the last word.

Battle Medic, OTOH, is pretty silly. It's a feat that would not exist in my game as it is now.

Still, it's not as bad than those "Ah clench muh teef reel hard so muh nose stops bleedin'" feats from the Healer's Handbook or the ridiculousness that is Ricochet Toss. (Not to speak of the 4e core mechanics or the Tome of Battle.)

It may be that the flavour descriptions are not finalised yet, though, and the final product will look different in this respect. Maybe you will need to expend some resources to use Battle Medic.

BryonD wrote:

Debates about hit points and the # of chickens one can buy are just goalpost moving into areas that divert away from whether the PF2E ruleset provides better value to the overall marketplace compared to PF1E and other successful games.

I think you just erected a completely different goal somewhere on the pitch and now use a spotlight to highlight it.

PossibleCabbage wrote:

Aren't most uses of skills something that we can't explain before they are attempted, so you can't help but provide mechanics before context?

Like take any example where a party wants to be diplomatic to convince someone to do something for them. It is always going to depend on what the party wants, who they are talking to, what that person wants, and what general approach does the party take. Never could you just say "I roll diplomacy to get what I want."

Like one can use Diplomacy on a Fruit Vendor, a Queen, a Pit Fiend, and an Otyugh. All of these encounters are going to be very different and depend on a lot of external factors that the players and the GM will need to invent.

That's not the same. In your example, using Diplomacy always has to include some method of communication, usually talking. There's your in-game explanation.

Visanideth wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:

In that case, the fighter gets hit, but could twist his body in a way that lessened the blow so that he didn't take the full brunt of it.

Again, since we're talking about a 20 ft tall giant wielding a 1500lb sword, it took a LOT of brunt out of the attack. Turning that into a scratch factually means being practically missed.

And we go back to the issue with hit point. The 9 dmg spear stab from the goblin and the 31 dmg sword strike from the giant were both "but a scratch", so while the mechanical implications of those attack strongly differ, the in-fiction effects are nearly identical.

If you say so. I find it funny that you're the one having problems coming up with a narrative to fit the rules here.

For example: the more damage you take, the more trouble you have lessening further damage, until you eventually die.


Which pretty much mean you're not getting hit. Also considering how a stab from a paper cutter can leave you crippled in real life, any pretense that your character is routinely getting wounded dozens of times each day with no lasting consequences is much more dissociated than just assuming you're not actually getting hit until you're dropped under 0 hp.

I take it you know how soldier in "the olden times" looked after they had survived a few battles. They were full of scars from superficial wounds. There are a few instances that suggest that people kept fighting after they had suffered severe head trauma.

Also, that's where magical healing comes in. And not some weird rules element that doesn't explain why it heals damage.

Visanideth wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:
Visanideth wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:

(Also, the fighter would be at negative hit points and close to death in your second example. I would imagine him bleeding out on the ground.)
Instead he's standing with 23 hp and full combat capabilities, so the question still is: did that 1500 lb sword hit or not?
He's lying on the ground bleeding. 23-31 equals -8, does it not?

No, he's at 23 AFTER he got hit for 31.

Or not hit, considering the 1500 lb sword would definitely kill him if it actually had hit.

I see. You meant to write 'has' instead of 'had'.

In that case, the fighter gets hit, but could twist his body in a way that lessened the blow so that he didn't take the full brunt of it.

Visanideth wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:

(Also, the fighter would be at negative hit points and close to death in your second example. I would imagine him bleeding out on the ground.)
Instead he's standing with 23 hp and full combat capabilities, so the question still is: did that 1500 lb sword hit or not?

He's lying on the ground bleeding. 23-31 equals -8, does it not?

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Yes, the layout is still confusing. I hope it's better in the final product.

What I don't understand, however, is that your kids had no problem with learning the rules from the PF1 rulebook which is laid out in a similar way.

Visanideth wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:

A couple of questions: If hit points are meant to be abstract, why are they defined in the playtest as "Hit points represent the amount of punishment a creature can take before it falls unconscious and begins dying"? And why does it say that "damage decreases Hit Points on a 1-to-1 basis and healing restores Hit Points at the same rate"?

The definition is more vague in 3.5 and PF1 (both include the same line of turning blows into less serious ones), but it is pretty clear that hit points are meant to represent health in all three systems, not some abstract concept.

Thus we are meant to believe that as mr wizard becomes more proficient with spells and formulas his skin also thickens, his organs rearrange, he develops a new anathomy and becomes capable to survive being pierced by weapons over and over?

When a giant hits your fighter for 31 damages and the fighter had 23 hit points left, you visualize the giant hitting the guy with a 1500 lb sword and the fighter getting slashed and proceeding not to care about it?

Apparently, that's what we're meant to believe, yes. I would have kept the line from PF1 about turning blows into less serious ones, because it makes more sense in this context.

By definition, in these three systems, when characters gets hit, they get hit. No being exhausted by barely dodging or some such thing.

(Also, the fighter would be at negative hit points and close to death in your second example. I would imagine him bleeding out on the ground.)

A couple of questions: If hit points are meant to be abstract, why are they defined in the playtest as "Hit points represent the amount of punishment a creature can take before it falls unconscious and begins dying"? And why does it say that "damage decreases Hit Points on a 1-to-1 basis and healing restores Hit Points at the same rate"?

The definition is more vague in 3.5 and PF1 (both include the same line of turning blows into less serious ones), but it is pretty clear that hit points are meant to represent health in all three systems, not some abstract concept.

You did notice the article is 4 years old, didn't you?

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Did I spot Tig Notario in the trailer?

Werthead wrote:
Also, Spock won't be in it as "he's on leave." Okay. Avoids a challenging bit of recasting.

Well, apparently he's connected to whatever is going on, so I suppose we're going to see him.