stringburka |

So, in my opinion sorcerer bloodlines are what makes sorcerers interesting, more so than their spellcasting. I thought it would be nice with an archetype that focused more on the sorcerer turning itself into whatever it has it's inheritage from, rather than just having it as a minor bonus.
I thought evolutions would solve this nicely. Here is the result:
The Rootseeker
(Yeah, it's a bad name. Suggestions for better names are welcome)
DEVIN THE DEMONIAC (human sorcerer 8)
NE Medium humanoid
Init +6; Senses Perception +4
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +4 natural, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 48 (8d6+20)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4 Special +2 vs poison
Resist fire 10, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.(good)
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+1) max 7 rounds/day
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +12)
4th (3/day)—stoneskin
3rd (5/day)—rage, summon monster III, stinking cloud
2nd (6/day)—invisibility, mirror image, bull’s strength, summon monster II, summon swarm
1st (6/day)— identify, mage armor, sleep, shield, cause fear, summon monster I
0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
Bloodline Abyssal
Evolutions (5 pts): Improved natural armor (twice), fly, resistance (fire)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +10, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcane) +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +2, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal
SQ bloodline arcana
Combat Gear elixir of fire breath, potion of bear’s endurance, potions of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of cure serious wounds, potion of eagle’s splendor;
Other Gear handy haversack, ring of protection +1, bedroll, tent, bejeweled pesh vial (400 gp), 38 gp
PC Gear +25,200
Note that I've not written the text in legalese, trying instead to make the intent clear. Since it's homebrew that won't see organized play there's no reason to make it "unbreakable" rather than easy to understand.
So, what'y'all think? Is it a good idea at it's very base? Is it balanced? I'm afraid that it will be too strong, but since most evolutions are either defensive or do not stack very well with spellcasting (claws for example) I feel it might be okay.
EDIT: You'll also note that there are no evolutions for the Fey bloodline. This is simply because there weren't enough meaningful evolutions that fit (basically only flight and a few half-fits like spell resistance or skilled). There are also only the core bloodlines, but I could make up more if people like this.

chaoseffect |

After looking at the archetype, I have to say that it seems pretty cool, but having both reduced casting and reduced spells known seems really harsh for what you gain, especially because Sorcerer is still a primary caster with the BAB to show for it. I'd just go with one or the other when it comes to casting reductions, or perhaps have the evolutions replace bloodline abilities bloodline spells entirely and keep full casting otherwise.

stringburka |

After looking at the archetype, I have to say that it seems pretty cool, but having both reduced casting and reduced spells known seems really harsh for what you gain, especially because Sorcerer is still a primary caster with the BAB to show for it. I'd just go with one or the other when it comes to casting reductions, or perhaps have the evolutions replace bloodline abilities bloodline spells entirely and keep full casting otherwise.
Thanks for the feedback!
Reducing spellcasting was one of the design goals (I actually thought about dropping them to 6th lvl caster, but came to the conclusion that it's too much change for an archetype), but I agree that it might be too much for what you gain. I'd rather add evolution points or an additional bloodline ability though. While low BAB means they'll never be very effective in combat, a few Ability Increase (Strength) can ease that for those that wants to.
It's more of a defense/versatility archetype than an offensive one, though, which is deliberate; I'm very wary of adding additional offense to a class that is already very strong offensively (being a full caster). I'd actually prefer if all caster classes went more defensive, but that's another topic ;D
I'm thinking maybe for the more martial bloodlines (draconic, abyssal for example), they could gain additional bloodline abilities that further enhance their attack bonus while the more defensive ones (destined, celestial) get more versatility in some new bloodline ability.

toastwolf |

i like what you have done with this, i always wanted a sorcerer trade-off for spellcasting and i think this might just work, though personally if you limited it to bloodline spells you could justify jacking up its BAB to 3/4(might have to do a playtest of that to check for balance) remember that a low bab is difficult to deal with when you already sacrificed alot.

arioreo |
There already is a way to this (if you take the dragon bloodline anyway). The dragon disciple is designed for sorcerers of the dragon bloodline to further explore their heritage.
The advantage of a prestige class is that you can custom make something for each of the bloodlines rather than be limited to what evolutions can offer your. Furtheremore, evolutions are devout form any fluff are flavour. All you are doing is turning your sorcerer in a eidolons freak.
You don't even have to create a new prestige class, you can use the dragon disciple as a template and create archetypes for it.
The natural armour bonuses can stay in the archetype for a lot of bloodlines, the abilities increases just have to be refluffed to something appropriate to the bloodline (though it's probably best to stay away from charisma and intelligence increase to prevent their casting dc from rising to high).
The hard part is trying to find replacements for dragon bite and Breath Weapon. I never said it would be easy or fast.

stringburka |

toastwolf: I feel that increasing BAB/HD is a bit too much for a bloodline, and that would give it 9th level (though strict) arcane spellcasting, 3/4 BAB AND a fair bunch of evolutions...
arioreo: I know the DD exists, but it's just for one bloodline, and I think a prestige class for each of these is a bit too much - especially since they don't start until high levels. With this archetype, I can be a demon with claws at level one.
One issue with the DD changed/refluffed is also that it's only one limited type. While most dragons are similar, demons are quite diverse - a demonic sorcerer descendent from a kalavakus that has chosen claws, improved natural armor and gore evolutions will be different from one descendent from a balor that has chosen flight and fire resistance, for example. The same goes for celestial, infernal, and abberant.
And evolutions are just there for the mechanic of choosing abilities. Since you get a limited subset, you won't turn into an eidolon - and since they can't be changed once selected (except by being overridden), they don't have that "amorphous" feeling that eidolons have.
Also, I really don't like prestige classes that aren't tied to specific prestige but are just a different set of abilities. I somewhat dislike the DD, although it can be incorporated quite well to have good fluff, and I loathe the assassin - while the red mantis assassins are cool as heck.
I thought about a feat chain before, which I'd much rather prefer to a prestige class, but realized since I would price the feats based on evolutions it made more sense to just give evolutions.