HELLO! So uhm long story short. I am rather under the weather. I shall be as Sunny as I can for as long as I am able. However one day (Sadly possibly soon) The Poster known as 'Sunny' will be no more. For me it has been loads of fun so lets live the fun to the fullest while it lasts. will post like mad and catch up ass quickly and best I can ![]()
Hi folks. Sorry, not feeling well. Can't get things together for a Sunny for this game. Would have liked to play a "Witch/Cavalier" plus cohorts. Might not be able to be able to make it.
Thoughts? Ideas? The idea is to take 'Squire' and 'Cohort' to quickly generate a 'Coven' at 7Th lvl and ramp up the witch side of things while still being somewhat combat capable. I understand that 'Squire' and 'Cohort' kind of play out funnily together. Though there's an idea I have for the two NPC's to 'Retrain' at the respective levels and swap feats around to help make it all fit. Hope everyone has great fun. Cheers. (^_^) ![]()
*In reply to Victor's post* Chauncy will more be a mode of transport or something useful to shove a pole-arm through a bad guy kind of thing. Yes, they might be called on a bit more than that but myself, as a player, am still feeling out the ropes when it comes to animal mounts and companions. They aren't usually my 'Bag'. Chauncy is there more because the original inspirational fantasy art image from V Segrellise has a warrior/barbarian riding a giant snek... ^^; Much cheers to everyone! (^_^) ![]()
GM Kartari wrote:
*Nods* As I detailed to GM Kartari back when I was seeking to join. My thoughts were of Sunny and her Kin having met the late Professor waaaay back when he was 'Just' a lad out doing his 'Darwin Beagle of discovery' days on his growth to becoming a Professor. The Professor's estate sending out missives to a whole range of former contacts etc. The message gets to Sunny's people and (Given their rather alien perception of 'Time'.) here she is doing her best to hold up her Kin's level of appreciation for the good late Professor. (^_^) Much cheers and best wishes to all. ![]()
Sorry. When talking about 'Home' it might sometimes come across as 'dismissive'. "Familiarity breeds contempt", as they say. So. It seems that this year the overall weather is shifting from 'Hot and dry' to cool and wet. Not a meteorologist but there are a few large, long-cycle weather effects that roll over/across Australia. (El Nina etc) I live sort on the edge of one of the major cities. (Yah, urban creep and all that) So the infrastructure is kind of okay with things? Long-winded way of saying, "Beware Australian larrikinism" when I talk/mention things. Like the Crocs, or the ants, or the birds, or the killer trees, or the spiders, or the sharks, or the jellyfish, or the 'Roos, or the... Uh, I suppose it's like Canadians off-handedly mentioning things about their big Elky-deer critters. Some of our humour is far closer to British. Looking forwards to everyone being great. (^_^) ![]()
Wishing everyone all the very best. Computer is baaaack. *Does happy dance* Is developing into a rather wet and cold winter here Which, given that MOST of the country is actually a desert? Is not quite a bad thing. The localised flooding? Yah, well. It's Australia. If it isn't trying to burn you to a cinder. It's making you swim for your life. 'Beaut place we got 'ere, Mate. XD ![]()
Reijo Ilvonen wrote: I'm waiting for Camris to confirm the terrain ahead first. Before our characters start arguing about how to deal with vegetation, only to have Camris step in and say "You're walking along the beach..." And apparently hallucinating about walking through a jungle... :D "And your shoes started to squeak..." (This is Ponderous, Man) => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gYIbMwswKM&t=5s (^_^) ![]()
Okay. Home computer is back up and running. Yay! (^_^) DM-Camris: So. What might you think of me 'Rebuilding' Sunny'?
I've got a hankering to go 'Titan Mauler' for the first two levels. So not quite that much change. Then, at third level, taking 'Cavalier' then alternating with 'Witch'. Basically, building up to take 'Leadership' and 'Squire' to get two other followers and ramp up the full 'Coven' rules. Basically, my home game has gone to Paizo 2nd edition, and I am getting frustrated by how 'bland' it is for players. Thoughts? Ideas?