Your left tarsals come from at least three different individuals, one of whom isn't even humanoid. The navicular is upside down and backwards. You're the one who shouldn't talk.
You're a kitty. You can't talk!
*Complacently licking the other paw* And yet, I manage just fine.
Center !
Goal !
I win !
You cry !
I laugh !
You pout !
I doubt !
You press !
I relent !
You triumph !
I avenge !
You fall !
I win (again) !
You get disqualified for forcing actions on other characters. That's not how we RP here, buddy.
I'm a gnome with mighty powers of illusion.
I let others think they act according to their own will.
It has all be a master plan, years in the making, to come to fruition at that exact point in time:
[*looks deep into the dull lifeless eyes of the Unhollywooden Puppet while making mystical hand gestures*]
"Nay, I say to thee ! Thou are not Matt the Daemon ! Thou art... GEORGE CLOONEY !"
That would just make him better.
/has been sleeping under Quiche the whole time
Please take a shower before trying to win.
Is sleeping your way to winning an option then?
No, don't answer that. I don't win if you do.
Not for the rest of, actually, pun intended, on consideration. Just watch the pendant are getting sleepy. Veerryy sleeeepy.
You're not a licensed hypnotist.
Matt... Damon...
*falls asleep*
Luckily, some of us are sleep-posters.
I'm not and I work 24 hours. I win!
(Looking down at Matt Damon Puppet) Well, I suppose he needed his sleep. I'll just stick a pillow under his head and toss a blanket over him. He'll be fine.
We could always cut off VRMH's beard for a blanket.
Or we could use SnowJade's pelt.
Bacon Sandwich = Winner. I win!
Ha! What is the main ingredient in your "sandwich"
Without me you are nothing!
Hey, endangered species here. (Curls up next to Matt Damon Puppet.) *Yawn* Snooozzze
We can just clone you, like everything else. Come on, it's skinnin' time.
If it comes down to shirts vs. skins, I know what team I'm on.
*Snork* Hey, bug off, you! Look, there go your right tarsals. You no walkee, you no skinnee. Now lemme sleep.
Sleep all you want. I shall win.
*sits bolt upright!*
No. Schmorgan Heckengaard.
*knocks Matt Damon Puppet out*
Another loser heard from.
Bacon! wrote: Ha! What is the main ingredient in your "sandwich"
Without me you are nothing!
I come with a life insurance policy, hence I win!
You look mighty tasty. Does that insurance policy cover you getting eaten?
*sees orc runs quickly in the oppo direction*
Hell NO!
Takes off running
That's right. Wee Wee Wee all the way home.
I win.
I have a house made of briiiiiiiccccckkkkkk!
We must end all this pork barrel nonsense.
Agreed. I'm getting hungry. Here piggy, piggy, piggy.
"yeah right"
*runs over to untitled 3 thread*
"They feed me hippies"
COME BACK HERE, PREY!!! (Chases the pig.)
*flies far overhead, watching the kitty chase the oink-oink*
If you're a vulture, stay away from my prey! I'm not done with it yet!
Alright, you get the bacon. I'll wait here with the win.