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I'm not going to have a haircut, I'm going to be the haircut.

Schism Hag wrote:

You're just saying that so you can win the next Hairiest Contest.

It's my time!

Sovereign Court

Now? Is now the win?

Not even close.

Schism Hag, please to share your makeup tips.

Sovereign Court

What makeup? She's a natural beauty! :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you Count.

Sovereign Court

Okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Ten, When.

Weel you lay me an egg forr my tea?

Beep Beep!


Sovereign Court

Gently now, easy does it...

*Slowly bends down to pick up the egg Beep Beep has just laid.*

This is delicate stuff folks, don't try this at home!

*Carefully picks up the egg, sweat breaking out on my forehead.*

Almost done it...

*Once the egg is in hand, slowly stands up.*

Phew! Got it!

*Hands the egg gently over to Schism.*

You know what must be done.

Give it a right good smurfing.

Waterhammer, don't do that to the egg.


Sovereign Court

Probably not, but who knows what will happen?

Sovereign Court

The Shadow knows.

What about the shadow's nose? I guess it is quite large.

Sovereign Court

But does it stretch as far as your beard does? That's the question we should be asking.


Oh no no, you're not roping me into beard-stretching duties again.


gently takes the egg after donning a gas mask

To the extra stinky pile it goes.

If I'm not back by this time tomorrow please send help.

Sovereign Court

Absolutely, I'll make sure to send the best that there is to rescue you!

*Begins writing out recruitment ads for a new lackey assistant.*

Rescue, you say? Do you require the services of the world's most lethal man, master of the forbidden art of Spam Slack, and four times winner of the Cucumber Tea, from which only one contestant can leave ALIVE?!

Sovereign Court

I believe that Mr Grinch was being sarcastic and had no intention of rescuing Schism.

Sovereign Court

Pulg wrote:
Oh no no, you're not roping me into beard-stretching duties again.

Howza bout we stretch you into rope bearding duties, then?

lol... Duties.

I really need to stop letting that thing^ out.

The when wrote:
Pulg wrote:
Oh no no, you're not roping me into beard-stretching duties again.

Howza bout we stretch you into rope bearding duties, then?



Sovereign Court


I see no reason to shout.

I'm back.
Took a little longer than I figured.
I had to walk extra slow so as not to break the egg.

Sovereign Court

To make a quiche, one must crack a few eggs.

I do not care for this quiche of which you speak.

Sovereign Court

Clearly then, you are not a man of fine dining.

Hopefully the eggs are fresh.

I fear that's Goattoucher's head, not an egg.

Sovereign Court

If it is, then we'll know what he's been doing for the past year or so.

Always make sure you know the difference between an egg and a severed head.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lets see.

1) They are both ovoid shaped.
2) They both crack open when bouncing down a flight of stairs.
3) Both have juicy parts inside that can be eaten raw or cooked.
4) They both come multi-colored.

Not seeing much difference here.

Sovereign Court

*Becomes overjoyed at seeing Old Doc Flumph.*

Well I'll be, it's my old college roommate! How you been?

*Experiments on an egg and a severed head.*

I can confirm that there is no difference between the two objects.

I flagged this thread as spam, meant to be post farming.
And only staff wins by closing thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I remember.
You me and that other guy were freshmen roommates at SpaceMed University.

I also remember the wild weekends we had.
Remember when we almost got expelled for putting the sigifuse's body in the dean's bed?
Or that time when we filled the lecture hall's air supply with inertron gas?

Wait a moment...
Every time we got in trouble it was because of one of your bizarre schemes.
Good thing I met my wife and moved out when we got married.

Whatever happened to the other guy?
I can't recall his name.
Gathar? No.
Gotchar? No.
Oh well. He quit for personal reasons during the third year.

Sovereign Court

*Smiles a cheeky little smile.*

I'm a grey, what'd you expect? Still, it was always worth it!

And yeah, whatever did happen to the other guy? Oh well, probably not that important!

Hello, Smurfy friend from Smurfy Space.

Tell me, is it true that trombones (in one form or another) exist on all planets?

I know of several planets that have sliding instruments.

Sovereign Court

And I personally prefer instruments that make others do all of the "singing".

*yawn* smurf.

Sovereign Court

*Gives a much more impressive yawn.*

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