Why did Father Time even create you?
You cause nothing but trouble.
Indeed, you've got a good point there.
*Gets an idea.*
Let's go pay Father Time a visit, shall we, Schism?
You won’t be able to find him. You don’t know where he lives.
Don't know *when* he lives.
They don’t even know who he is.
They also don't know "when" he is!
Try dangling a moderately priced digital watch from the end of a pole.
... where exactly would I find this moderately priced digital watch of which you speak? ...just out of curiosity ofcourse...
Why, here's one, right here!
*Presents digital watch to Timemaster7.*
You can find all sorts of things in Pulg's trash!
I'll just hold on to that.. for research purposes...
And you're not the least bit concerned that it was found in the garbage?
The floor sweepings from 100,000 Hellish barbershops.
Even more horrifying is that they are all sweeping up Pulg's hair.
That's not so horrifying, why, one time I...
*Smells something, picks up some of Pulg's cut hair, sniffs it.*
Oooh, Italian!
Probably wants it for a DNA sample.
I already have one, and have edited it carefully, as part of my Grand Project to resurrect Garibaldi as Garihairi.
Sorry, but Garihairi already exists, you're not the only one with large amounts of hair!
Good. We'll have a spare in case things go wrong, then.
You just had to tempt fate, didn't you?
Hush, dear child, it's best not to get involved with things that are hairy.
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That's why you never accepted that Access All Areas backstage pass for Deep Purple's recent tour. Very wise of you, if I may say so.
Yes, but the wisest decision isn't always the interesting decision.
Which is why I did accept the Access All Areas backstage pass for Deep Purple's recent tour.
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Count Reiner Heydrich wrote: Hush, dear child, it's best not to get involved with things that are hairy. Hey! I resemble that remark!
You also resemble a servant of mine, whom I fired from service, over 10000 years ago!
Little Archibald's tutor, if I recall correctly.
Oh yes, that's right, I remember now!
Also, I heard that your sister wants to enter a talent contest (by dancing the tango), and requires you to be her dance partner. But, she had to trick you into doing it (or so I heard) by saying that you were washed up. Sounds very much like a scene from a movie I once saw. Must be coincidental.
That would require Juliette to come within eight feet of me, which she has sworn never to do, and for me to wash, if I am to be washed up. I find this rather hard to believe, I'm afraid.
Uh, Alphonse, was it? From what I can understand, your sister (Juliette did you say?) doesn't trust anyone to help her win a contest where she intends to dance the tango except you (because you both won the Hell's Dance for the Devil competition for the entire 18 years it was active). And by washed up, your sister was impugning your honour by saying that you have lost your skill in dancing (she was calling you weak and worthless really). As the current head of the Malodor household, I doubt that you would tolerate such insolence, especially from your sister!
*clacks confidently from Pulg's hair*
Still in there, I see, found anything good?
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Dedrick, The Professor wrote: Uh, Alphonse, was it? From what I can understand, your sister (Juliette did you say?) doesn't trust anyone to help her win a contest where she intends to dance the tango except you (because you both won the Hell's Dance for the Devil competition for the entire 18 years it was active). And by washed up, your sister was impugning your honour by saying that you have lost your skill in dancing (she was calling you weak and worthless really). As the current head of the Malodor household, I doubt that you would tolerate such insolence, especially from your sister! Alphonse is head of precisely sod all, and has to put up with whatever Juliette happens to say to him.
Now, you, have a bath, then go and dance nicely with your sister, or I'll burn your Naughty Paladins calendar.
Waterhammer wrote: Smurfs galore. Wait, wait - what's that you're holding?!
By Tootates, it's the Legendary Orichalcum Flugelhorn of MegaParpocreton, an instrument beyond price!
Turns goblins into smurfs apparently.
You thought I’d forget. You’re a smurf too.
Sorry to interrupt but, the fashion police called, apparently green is the new blue!
What does that make blue?
What I find rather tragic is, except during the winter months (particularly in December), red is dead.
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More little blue creeps.
Brings out the hammer of smashiness.
I'll get rid of them for you boss.
Wham! Wham!
Wham! Wham! Wham!
I can do this all day if I have to,
Wham! Wham!
Wham! Wham! Wham!
Well, wake me up before you go-go.
*Leaves Pulg hanging on the line of a yo-yo.*
Good work, Schism, turn those little blue punks into jam!
Smurfs never come to harm.
You could say they live a life of... Charm.
Pulg wrote: Well, wake me up before you go-go. *clack Clack Clack CLAck*
Oops! I forgot you were still in there!
crab7 wrote: Pulg wrote: Well, wake me up before you go-go. *clack Clack Clack CLAck* .
Thankyou, Crab7. I didn't want to be late for my trip to the Mould Sanctuary today!!!
*Plants live and highly dangerous explosives in and around the Mould Sanctuary.*
Brace yourselves, we're going to give our opinion about this place in BIG way!
*Activates the detonater and destroys the Mould Sanctuary.*
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You... You... How could you?! The world-famous Mould Sanctuary!
I'm a grumpy, green and hairy nonconformist. What'd you expect?
And as for how could I...
*Replays the footage of myself destroying the Mould Sanctuary.*
Does that answer your question?
I guess that's why I enjoy Schism's company: whether it be that adorable little twinkle in her eye or that nonconformist streak that reminds me of a younger (less hairy) me! Most likely the latter.