
Timemaster7's page

45 posts. Alias of Vidmaster7.


It will be prisoner!

ew tsuj deen a doog emordnilap TACOCAT! Ok their we go all good now. I think.


*Reverses time back at the when again!* ah ah flesreY!

*fires net gun at "The when" * ha!

Technically it exists everywhere.

I approve.

It's always those accursed smurfs!!

The when wrote:

*Looks over Timemaster7’s shoulder *

Watcha got in the bag?

I caught the Wh.. what?!?! *glares at "the when" Looks in sack*

You be quiet in there! *jostles sack*

*throws burlap sack over "The when"* ha got ya!

Time puns are against the rules.

I'll just hold on to that.. for research purposes...

... where exactly would I find this moderately priced digital watch of which you speak? ...just out of curiosity ofcourse...

They also don't know "when" he is!

Don't know *when* he lives.

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Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
A point that I made earlier.

I made it earlier still it just hasn't came to pass yet.

See not just us masters of time...


I really need to stop letting that thing^ out.


The great thing about being a time master is disco is never dead!

*breaks out the platforms and bellbottoms*

The when wrote:
Not to worry, Dedrick the Professor operated on the grinch by accident. So not the most intelligent being in the universe... Nor is the grinch. Gotta have something to work with, you know.

..grr... *readies club*

gran rey de los mono wrote:
F!!*in' time travelers.

What did I do?

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It is done!

The march of time can not be stopped!

*grabs The when with the chloroform this time*

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Time travel.. always so complicated

It's not sooo bad.

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Got ya! stop escaping you!

How do you keep getting out of your hour glass?

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Well if you can prove the time distortion that's a lot of over time at least.

HA found it!

I've been looking for you!

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No it was absolutely an autocorrect issue. I'm the alias that did/does/will do the time manipulation.

I once went out to find myself but I got back before I returned.

Aww thank you.

I tired it on another time line. Turns out I'm True neutral.


Yes I have successfully pushed time back by one whole hour. Why you might ask? Why for my own entertainment.

Don't blame me. It wasn't my fault.

I don't suggest going down this path...


Takes it's toll.

Due in t minus -54 days. I look forward... er backward to it.

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That which has been done has been done.