Count Reiner Heydrich |
Comte de Malodor, you are a good friend but, what I am about to do is absolutely necessary!
*Picks up a heavy time and whacks Comte de Malodor over the back of the head with it. Rendering him (temporarily) unconscious.*
It's better that I did it than anyone else, especially GoatToucher.
*Begins to walk away, only to hear strange noises, turns around and sees Jambi pulling the unconscious Comte de Malodor away.*
Oh dear...
Comte de Malodor |
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{The Comte awakes, blinking his eyes and shaking his head}
Oooh, mon diable, never again will I combine Calvados, opium and blue cheese enemas and the tender attentions of Madame Flaybuttocks - what an arm that woman has! Why, hello!
{He siezes Jambi's hand. The pair perform a curious sort of handshake, exchange mystic grunts, then scamper off to the Grand Lodge of GoatToucher Island to have fun with aprons, protractors and unhewn ashlar}
I'm Hiding In Your Closet |
So here's something nice and stupid postmodern that a sudden curiosity about 20th-Century Rennaissance man Peter Ustinov somehow led me to: Let's assemble "The Team!" As you can see, I didn't set the mold, so don't blame me if you see redundant/superfluous/absent roles. I think it helps to diversify sources and assume no historical Earth.
My The Team:
Leader - Rene Korda
Muscle - The Tick
Brains - The Phantom of the Opera
Booty - Dr. Frankenfurter
Speedster - Sonic the Hedgehog
Mage - Corak the Mysterious
Pet - Thing Addams
Healer - Igor, of the Überwald Igors
Mentor - The Monolith
Scientist - Fu Manchu
Robot - Marvin
Fighter - Minsc
Alien - Yog-Sothoth
Demon - Maxwell's Demon
Gunslinger - Atticus Finch
Android - Data
Ninja - Carmen Sandiego
Badass - Magneto
Swordsman - Adrian Fahrenheit "Alucard" Ţepeş
Gambler - Rick Blaine
A#$@%~* - Hamlet
Kid - Kevin McAllister
Killer - Bart the Holistic Assassin
Undead - Beetlejuice
Joker - Malcolm the Jester
GoatToucher |
MY The Team
Leader - Skeletor
Muscle - Marv
Brains - Dr. Buckaroo Banzai PhD, MD
Booty - 1960's era Helen Mirren: time traveller
Speedster - Fox X-Men film Quicksilver
Mage - Mentok: the MIND TAKER
Pet - Speak the capybara
Healer - Medic from TF2
Mentor - Noriyuki "Pat" Morita (No, not Mr. Miyagi: The comedian.)
Scientist - Dr. Buckaroo Banzai PhD, MD
Robot - Bender B. Rodriguez
Fighter - 1980's Steven Segal: other time traveller
Alien - Centauri from Last Starfighter
Demon - Rise, the Demon: Etrigan
Gunslinger - Grammaton Cleric John Preston
Android - Jim Hammond
Ninja - Stick
Badass - The Shade
Swordsman - Zatoichi
Gambler - Lando Calrissian
A&$$%$# - Denethor
Kid - Newt
Killer - S.C.U.D. Disposable Assassin
Undead - Zombie Kaiser Wilhelm II (Yippee-wippee! Wippee! )
Joker - Shemp Howard
Pulg |
Team Pulg.
Leader - Pulg
Muscle - Herculo-Pulg
Brains - Illithpulg
Booty - Pine Scented Nicki Minaj
Speedster - Mercuro-Pulg
Mage - Mordenpulgain
Pet - Scrappy Pulg
Healer - Dr Pulg
Mentor - A little fizzy sweet that explodes when you put it in Coke
Scientist - Professor Pulgphen Hawkpulg
Robot - Mecha-Pulg
Fighter - Nicki Minaj, Warrior Princess
Alien - Xpulgxblopsioupl of Alpha Pulgturai
Demon - Mestopulgiphes
Gunslinger - Machinegun Mrs. Goldberg
Android - Cyber-Pulg
Ninja - Ghost Boob Assassin
Badass - Chuck Pulgris
Swordsman - The Grey Pulger
Gambler - 'Snake-Eyes' O'Pulgery
A&$$%$# - Naughty Pulg
Kid - Pulg Jr.
Killer - Pulg of the Bloody Beard
Undead - Pulgerak, the Demi-Pulg
Joker - Steve Pulger.
GoatToucher |
Holy s*#&! I'm glad I assembled my The Team, so they could arrive in the nick of time to stop GoatToucher's The Team from Winning!
Seriously...Shemp? Of all the Stooges??? That would just never do. Just because you combine Curly's schtick with Moe's hair does NOT equate to combining their powers.
As a friend, I say this with all affection and respect: Shut your whore mouth.
Count Reiner Heydrich |
*Scoffs at Pulg's comment.*
Bah! You only say that because I'm showing you up in front of your own wives! Anyway I neither bite people nor do I still at the mouth like some fleabitten cur (or Poog). To say that I don't consume blood would be untrue, but MY wives and I use special "blood chalices" to sate our craving.
Count Reiner Heydrich |
Well, it's about time you got your act together! Honestly do you know just how much they do for you and not only that but -
*Gets interrupted by a mysterious, cloaked figure.*
Figure: "Sorry to interrupt, but your presence is needed to be one of the three Christmas ghosts. The ghost of Christmas present to be exact".
Me: Are you sure you don't want GoatToucher to be that? After all, he's much more lively than I.
Figure: "It has already been decided that he will be the ghost of Christmas future just like how Sissyl is to be the ghost of Christmas past".
Me: *Gasp!* You monster! No matter how wicked someone has been, noone deserves that kind of punishment, never!
Figure: "They disagree, besides, I understand that you specialise in singing the song (I Like Life) do you not?"
Me: Fair enough, hand me that green robe and Holly hat.
Pulg |
I really think GoatToucher should be Christmas Present:
First of all, *I* want to be Christmas Yet-To-Come!
Second of all, nobody is better than GoatToucher at lifting the hem of his robe to reveal "Ignorance and Want!"
Insofar as we all want to be ignorant of whatever lies beneath.
GoatToucher |
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:Insofar as we all want to be ignorant of whatever lies beneath.I really think GoatToucher should be Christmas Present:
First of all, *I* want to be Christmas Yet-To-Come!
Second of all, nobody is better than GoatToucher at lifting the hem of his robe to reveal "Ignorance and Want!"
But I really want to show you the goodies in my sack...