Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Silver Crusade

But you've lost your way, Fred.

You can still choose to do the right thing, though. Come back home, and all will be forgiven.

Quack quack.

*tappy tappy tap*

[*aims heavy lazer blunderbuss at the duck. Presses trigger*]


"Die, feathery nuisance ! Die !"

Sissyl wrote:
Ah, of course. Thing is, though, his head has the wrong shape for that...?

Won't be for long.

Grim Bucko, anti-duck zealot wrote:

[*aims heavy lazer blunderbuss at the duck. Presses trigger*]


"Die, feathery nuisance ! Die !"

My gold face is better than your face.

My gold face is better than your's.

Amazon Princess Diana wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Ah, of course. Thing is, though, his head has the wrong shape for that...?
Won't be for long.

True. Carry on, I suppose.

There are a lot of misbehaving women in this thread.

You've not been scolded properly by your mothers when you were younger, I'm sure !

My mother made me walk the plank when I was bad.

Only a smurf, brave and true, has the power to win this thread.

Bye, bye Captain!


*The sound of Captain Spalding hitting the water after walking the plank for the seventy-fifth time.

Captain Spalding wrote:
My mother made me walk the plank when I was bad.

Where I come from, we keelhaul the bad and wicked.

You rang?

No, unless I can use you to scrub brancles off my boat.

You've called back the Chicken. That's an hystorical* mistake: history will judge you harshly for that... unless you let me win.

*historical + hysterical

Gnome-punting for the win.

You punted your win and I got it.

And Schism fumbles. I win.

Hey Chicken I've been reading your scorezny(sp) manor online game, It's awesome...but you still lose

The watcher was looking elsewhere and I stole the win.

Schism fractured; I win

Vaccuum sucked; I Win.

Dark Archive

Kitty wen to play with some strategically placed cat nip.

Gruumashed by Waterhammer.

I obliterate you with pure gnomish nastiness and I win.

Pure gnomish nastiness brings lose, not win. Sorry.

Who am I kidding? Not sorry. Winning!


You think you win. That's an abnormal thought, no doubt originating from that ungodly thing on your head.

Everyone versed in the ways of the world can see that I'm winning here.

What can I say ? When the Overgod created the universe a gnome was working at his side as an assistant. It was too good an opportunity for a gnome to pass. So he introduced some backdoor accesses into the universal code, for his descendants to exploit.

So, you see, you don't have to be sad you're losing to my winning charm: that's just the way things were meant to be, unbeknownst to the All Creator !

I'm winning right now !

1 person marked this as a favorite.


*roosts in an attempt to hatch Quiche Lisp's head like an egg*


[*fires a beam of 2 Gigawatt coherent light at the duck-elephant*]

[*BOOOOOOM ! goes the beastie... and so does poor Q. Lisp's head !*]


*pops out from behind shattered remains of Quiche Lisp's head, unharmed but for a few singed feathers*

Complete Turducken Dynasty wrote:

Extreme Sarcasm (EX)

The possessor of this feat is immune to all duck-related silliness on the internetz.

I just leveled and took this feat so... whatevs.

Dark Archive

I am an awesome god so I win of course.

Gruu not win, gruu got mashed.

Mashed gruu with bangers.

And a side of peas.

Yeah... it's time I win (again) to put an end to this nonsense.

I'm your only recourse against madness. Submit !

I M not impressed.

Liberty's Edge

I M winning.

U WUR winning.

You don't know jack, Jack.

EX-TERM-I-NATE! for the win

I am a friggin Golden God !!!!

A bronze mask on a purple table cloth does not make a god.


You've all been misinformed: this win solely belongs to me !


It is so !

And trangressors will be made to dance in burgundy pantaloons with a Mozart wig while singing "I'm a Little Teapot for Tea, Pour Tea in Me !" in a falstetto voice.

Dark Archive

I am not short but I am stout. I will cut you open and poor your guts out for the win.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles hay*

*is adorable*

tots adorbs

While you speak nonsense, I sneak in and leave pie for the win.

*piddles on the ninja pie*


Buckshot to the ordinry rabbit for the win.

while you pick through the carcass of said rabbit I'm making off with the win so... ka-blam

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