Slaughtering battle droids snd Sith Lords for the win.
*piddles on Sith Lords' feet*
*is unbearably adorable*
Eat the Ordinary Rabbit for the win.
Out of the way Serpent; that rabbit is tots adorbs
You: failing.
Me: winning and rubbing it in, pumping chubby fists in the air in true gnomish fashion, while stepping on a dog food plate etched with the name "Gworl Littersnot".
What time is it?
Winning time!
And then...
It's winning time for me ya loser!
Demolishes the competition for the win
Only you are delusional in thinking you have won. When really I have always been the winner from the beginning.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Your first delusion was on Feb 15, 2011. I was a winner on Feb 4.
As I am now.
This win is ninja-adverse.
Embrace the true gnomish win !
Punts Gnome for a 2-point conversion
I win.
*Back kick with both back legs*
That'll do it
Nom the horse for the win.
Eat the serpent again for the win.
Slaying the Midgard Serpent.
Victory is mine!
I already ate the serpent you can't slay him now. So I am still te victor.
I paralyzed the I win!
I have the blood of gold dragons in my veins, so I win.
I steal the gold in your blood, with my special gnomish skills, leaving all weakened, and unfit for the win.
So: I WIN !
And then?
And then?
And then?
And then?
And then?
And then?
And then... you lose !
And I win ! Hoooo yeaaaaaaahhhhh !
punts gnome for a 2 point conversion
I win!
And then...
Misses gnome punt, and does Charlie Brown flip, to land head down on the ground.
Announcer: "And then, the win goes to the great and awesome Waterhammer!"
Yay! We love footsball! Go team Chaos!!!
Do not touch my win, you bag of awfulness !
It's miiiine ! My preciouuuuus !
Yay! He thinks we're precious!!
I think the lot of you combined wouldn't even make a decent Cobb Slaad.
but is would be enough to make a decent win. for me.
No eating the slaadlings. They aren't ready yet.
punts waterhammer for the win and succeeds
I un-punt you !
No ! I punt you !
Whatever ! I gouge your squinty eyes with great glee and then I win !
Snickers and flinches off the indignity for the win
You ! can not ! stay in this court !
The Constitution must be protected !
And I move to win !
*I only obey the Law of Nature. Nature says I win!
Nature's an excuse for hairy dudes to get dates. I win.
It also means you need to shave like the u.s. military , thus I win.
You should be very afraid of me.
Let me think about
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
Clever wordplay won't obfuscate the harsh but rightful reality: I win !
Sorry, I was counting to 10 to keep from blowing my stack over people constantly saying they have my win.
You mean like this?
Your win, I haz it!
Licks win so no one else will want it.
Uh...That's not the win your licking
I'll allow it, so long as he is clinging tenaciously to my buttocks.