You may be a Paizo nerd if…

Paizo General Discussion

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Lisa Stevens wrote:

You write weekly store blogs and while you are writing them, you think about various people on the messageboards and how they might respond. You also love to drop little inside jokes gleaned from said messageboards into your blogs. You find yourself talking about people on the messageboards over dinner with Vic, and they feel like real people, even though you have met almost none of them.


~comes running in, gasping for air~ People! The store blogs are made from people!

~grins and runs~

You cheer when you get to start a new page!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Sebastian wrote:
My wife always asks me if I won when I play. I usually tell her yes.

Same. I've given up differentiating between Roleplaying and Cards (Vampire the Eternal Struggle). We play each on alternate Friday nights and she always just asks "do you have cards tonight", even though I correct her every time and say Roleplaying. She then always asks if I won.

The Exchange

Lisa Stevens wrote:

You write weekly store blogs and while you are writing them, you think about various people on the messageboards and how they might respond. You also love to drop little inside jokes gleaned from said messageboards into your blogs. You find yourself talking about people on the messageboards over dinner with Vic, and they feel like real people, even though you have met almost none of them.


Just as long as you don't dream about us. That would be creepy. all the little ponies saying SUE SUE SUE

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

CourtFool wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
One of your players makes some comment about some computer game being a better rpg than Pathfinder and you comment on his status to tell him to roll up a new character cause he's gonna need it.
Was it Zork?

OOOOO, that would be the closest race ever! "How do I pick between my two children?"

The Exchange

flash_cxxi wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
One of your players makes some comment about some computer game being a better rpg than Pathfinder and you comment on his status to tell him to roll up a new character cause he's gonna need it.
Was it Zork?
OOOOO, that would be the closest race ever! "How do I pick between my two children?"

even/odd on a D6?

Dark Archive've checked your e-mail over eighty times today to see if you have gotten the all-important notice that the Pathfinder Society Scenario you are running next weekend has come yet.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

kikai13 wrote:'ve checked your e-mail over eighty times today to see if you have gotten the all-important notice that the Pathfinder Society Scenario you are running next weekend has come yet.

You too, huh?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

You read the 50% off Bella Sara Store Blog and think "Wowo, Sebastian must be having a Ponygasm about now!"

Dark Archive

You consider going to law school and think, hey maybe I can work with Sebastian.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Ramen...greatest food on the planet. If, you don't have to live on the stuff.
I lived on it for almost two yars, I am currently working on a book entitled 356 Ways to cook Ramen.

Dropping a scrambled egg into it as it boils to make 'egg drop soup' is always a nice way to jazz it up.

You might be a Paizo nerd if you are up on a Friday night posting Ramen noodle recipes on a message board.

The Exchange

you take your kids out horse riding this weekend and find yourself thinking about Sebastion.

Crimson Jester wrote:
you take your kids out horse riding this weekend and find yourself thinking about Sebastion.

~WEG~ Kinky! I did not know that you liked to horse around!

~grins and RUNS~ think about Seoni and you... LINK. spend 4.5 hours at work logged into Paizo's forums reading and replying to threads cuz you're out of work.

The Exchange're looking at the Cover of "Sins of the Savior" and start to wonder why the hell they put a pic of Josh on it when you were expecting one of the iconics.

Silver Crusade

Lanx wrote:
jakoov wrote:
On a daily basis, you ask your postman: "I'm expecting a big envelope or pack, any news?"
Oo ... who told you?

We are the same person. You're my alias.

You never realized?

Lisa Stevens wrote:
You find yourself talking about people on the messageboards over dinner with Vic, and they feel like real people, even though you have met almost none of them.

That's terribly cute.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

You just received your new GameMastery Superscriber tag and just can't sleep...

Isn't it shiny...


Sorry I lost my head.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

You brag on the boards about finding an original D&D white box set (6th edition) in great condition for $10 in a used bookstore and, then, are upset that none of your Paizonian 'friends' seem to be oozing with jealousy!

Good one! You finally find an excuse for bragging about paying $5 (2.50 with trade) for a brand new Dungeon Tiles I when it is going for over $100 everywhere online.

(Found a $5 Deities and Demigods yesterday, but alas, the first printing without the requisite mythoi.)

You may be a Paizo nerd if you tell everyone you know how great the new PFRG is going to be… and they have no idea what you're talking about, but you keep telling them anyway… even though they are only pretending to be listening, simply to be polite.

Dark Archive

When you need an RSS feed of your own posts just to keep track of which threads you have posted in...Despite the dots!

Shadow Lodge

You may be a paizo nerd if you have anything to do with the following:

1. Paizo
2. Paizo
3. Paizo

You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Good one! You finally find an excuse for bragging about paying $5 (2.50 with trade) for a brand new Dungeon Tiles I when it is going for over $100 everywhere online.

(Found a $5 Deities and Demigods yesterday, but alas, the first printing without the requisite mythoi.)

Who, in their right mind, would buy or sell the first set of Dungeon Tiles for $100 or more? It doesn't look like the auctions on ebay are getting much activity at that price. That's outrageous. If you managed to find them for that little, that is something to brag about.

I wish I would have picked up a copy of Deities and Demigods with Cthulhu and Elric when it was available. It never occurred to me at age 10 that they would remove those sections in the reprint.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.


Ggr-rog-nard wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.



Sacred Cow wrote:
Ggr-rog-nard wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.



Don't look at me, my PbP folded ...

Dark Archive

You turn on your laptop after having not used it for a week and the browser restores to a message in mid post.

Smokey Bogwash wrote:

Don't look at me, my PbP folded ...

Hey! You're the smurfin' smurfhead who got me smurfed to the World Serpent Smurf!

Oh and you might be a Paizo nerd if you have a dedicated smurf alias..

Dark Archive

You complete the week old message, and post it.

Traveller Smurf wrote:

Oh and you might be a Paizo nerd if you have a dedicated smurf alias..

I have no idea what you mean.

Ggr-rog-nard wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.



Dirdelle wrote:
Ggr-rog-nard wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
You may also be a paizo nerd if you have aliases that you are not using in pbps but are still active.



What? Doesn't everyone?

You might be a Paizo nerd if you free-form roleplay down in the OTD threads .

Priestess of Calistria wrote:
You might be a Paizo nerd if you free-form roleplay down in the OTD threads .

And if you ever had your own thread down there.


Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote:
Priestess of Calistria wrote:
You might be a Paizo nerd if you free-form roleplay down in the OTD threads .
And if you ever had your own thread down there.

And if your alias has evolved through several incarnations

Liberty's Edge

Or if you ever started or were the head of a cult in the OTD boards.

Cultist of Jack wrote:
Or if you ever started or were the head of a cult in the OTD boards.

Or a charter member





Dark Archive

You have ever volunteered to do the dishes, because the kitchen is where the computer is.

You guys suck.

Dark Archive

I concur.

You may be a Paizo nerd if…

You think Harsk looks like a wookie or an ewok.

Sorry, couldn't resist ; – grins and runs after Sharoth… "Wait for me!"

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

You spent more than five minutes trying to figure out how to put the word smurf in a post without your avatar becoming an smurf.




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