What characters make up your party?

Savage Tide Adventure Path

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Our group consists of:

Anum Militus (myself): A Druid whose family was slain by his own brother, and left to fend for himself in the wilderness, continuously tracks his brother for revenge. Animal Companion: Crocodile

Jadyn: A big ole butch Paladin, she is our meat sheild, big on strength and defense.

Eldrich: Our rogue player, don't know anything about him, he is very quiet.

Caid: Our wizard who is extremely arrogant and self serving for the most part.

Here is the deal our unity is kind of broken. Myself and the rogue hang out a lot, we collect alchohol on our voyage. We are usually in the bowel of the ship getting smammered on the Green man.

The paladin and wizard are pretty friendly with each other. Need to work on the whole unity thing.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We're going to have the following in the Eberron version of the Savage tide:
Drusilla d'Lyrandar - Half elf druid, ship captain and follower of the Greensingers sect. Likely to get involved with the Seelie Court in some way.
An as yet unnamed Elven Ninja who serves the dragons of Argonessen.
Silver Blade - A warforged fighter who worships the Silver Flame.
Tatha d'Jorasco - Halfling rogue, dinosaur rider and the party's healer.
An unnamed and unraced bard who hates undead.
A half elf ranger ecaping the city life of Sharn.
A warforged artificer who will provide some much needed magic to the group.

All are novice players except the artificer who are graduating up from the D&D board game.

Well we finally started my age of worms upon the savage tides of eberron, shackled path mega adventure on saturday.

The Final party composition was this and apart from lack of cohesion in combat they are complementing each other quite well!

Talwyn d'Lyrander - half-elf swashbuckler and future windwright captain

Bardin - dwarven artificier and ex-warforged unit leader/attendent

Anvil - warforged fighter, close friend and companion to Bardin, served in Cyre with Bardin in the war!

Zaptha Dreamsight - shifter druid and follower of the childrren of winter

Seb - shifter scout aged 15 and taken underwing by Zeptha

Gretel d'Tharashk - Half-Orc Fighter and bounty hunter, server with seb and Zeptha in the great war, under Kaarnathi forces.

All Have fled east to the Mror holds and the Lhazaar principalities beyond them!

First Session was on saturday and we all had so much fun none of us realised we had been playing from 9pm till 6am the following morning!

The player behind Gretel had work the next day, the rest of us could sleep! I think she was a little annoyed and fed up with us, by the time everyone left to go home.

I've got the 3 Musketeers. All three equipped with Rapiers and Floppy hats with flamboyant feathers. We are onto BWG now.

Terak Kellani - Male Human Paladin of Freedom 3. Worships the court of stars. Was educated in the academy and has grown to hate his family, striving from liberty and egality. Plans on multiclassing into bard once he's taken the devoted performer feat. Was funny when the party burst into the Lotus Dragons HQ and confronted Rowyn Kellani (his sister).

Joseph - Male Human Warlock 2/Swashbuckler 1. A former dockworker/fisherman from the Azure district whose Great Grandfather was a 1/2 fiend who fought for the forces of Good (à la Constantine). He only uses his powers when necessary (Such as when the party was set upon by about 6 zombies and nobody had a slashing weapon!). Down to earth guy and is useful with lots of different things (Jack of all trades). He has that very cool Gnome shield cape thing from Races of stone which he quickly brings to bear in combat with a dramatic sweep. Deep in the process of wooing Lavinia who has taken a liking to him.... ;)

Conrad - Male Human Rogue 1/Warblade 1 (third level in one of those two, can't remember which.) with a minor nymph bloodline from shadowshore. A character with a dark past. His parents came to Sasserine after their family logging business went under. Instead of finding their fortunes, they found the pointy bit of a dagger in the back. Conrad was taken and looked after by a priest of Olidamarra who operated a secret shrine in the district. Conrad is now a vigilanti type figure, a pursuer of justice who wont shirk from violence to get the job done.

Warmage 101

I don't know about you guys playin in eberron, but When i finish dming AoW, and start playing this one, I can preety much guarantee, i'll be an HAlf-elf super multiclassing character, with the windwright captain prestige class, the storm sentry prestige, and maybe dread pirate. Is there a character that is any swe

The Exchange

So, here are my eight PC's. We are starting at Lvl2.

Aventi Barbarian 2
Human Dragon Shaman 1/ Barbarian 1 (going to mostly stick to DS)
Human Ninja 1/ (Water) Shugenja 1 (mostly Shugenja)
Aventi Monk 2
Human Rogue 1/ Swashbuckler 1 (going for Legendary Captain PrC)
Water Genasi Ranger 1
Kobold Rogue 1 / Wizard 1
Elven Thug 1/Sorceror 1 (Thug is the alternate Rogue that switches out sneak attack damage for feats)

The alternate is looking at a Goliath, in case it may matter.

All in all, a pretty tough group. The only glaring hole is cleric, but the Shugenja and Dragon Shaman both have healing. I did warn them that nobody could turn undead, so they can't blame me when the Zombies under Parrot Island really hurt.

The Dalesman wrote:

Anywhoo - here's the group I will be running (created using the Gestalt optional rule from UA):

- Half-Orc Fighter/Wereshark (going into Barbarian after savage progression is complete). Probably will have a pirate background - may take Dread Pirate later on;

- Tibbit (from Dragon Compendium) Thief/Fighter. She will be taking a custom-built Paragon Tibbit class before taking Fighter to enhance her scent ability and speed up her shapechanging;

- Halfling Wizard/Monk. She will be progressing through the Winged template before becoming a Monk (she frightens me);

- Surrian (sp?; from Mythic Races at any rate - a four-armed human basically) Cleric (Fharlanghn)/Quickling template (from Advanced Bestiary). This character's lifespan is 1/4 normal due to the template - part of our campaign will involve the rest of the party dealing with this character literally growing old before their eyes, and will (hopefully)spawn a side-adventure to prolong his life.

- Aquatic Elf (Amphibious template from Stormwrack) Druid/Beguiler. This character will be the child of an aquatic elf and a surface elf (thus the amphibious template). She will be the party leader and the "face" of the party - a diplomat between nature and civilization, the land and the seas.

Wow...what a difference a few months can make. My party roster has changed a bit from this old post - time to refresh the list a bit:

The Surrian (actually Siarran-oops) cleric left the party after the Blue Nixie event (player decided to get someone a bit more martially endowed). In his place now is a Goliath Cleric/Fighter (of Kord). Yep - the martial angle's very well covered now :P

The half-orc wereshark is going to be retired, but continue to be the captain of the Sea Wyvern (and used mainly for light roleplaying). In his place will be a Warforged Artificer/Fighter, joining at the end of an upcoming sidequest into the Dungeon of Rust and Fire outside of Sasserine.

Add the Goliath's husband, a Fighter/Monk (they're so cute together) and a Human with an ECL 1 template as the main NPC flavor, and I now have quite the eclectic band of adventurers.

And the fun continues... :)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

A fairly conventional party, but a good group of roleplayers. As of the end of There Is No Honor, they are:

Marek (CG male Olman human Rgr3) A sailor born in the Azure District who fights with a cutlass and dagger. He's become the de-facto leader, for better or worse.

Ian Darkeyes (NG male half-elf Brd3) A former circus performer and a master of the fiddle from the Sheldomar Valley. The trickster and scoundrel of the group. He's usually seen with a mug of ale in one hand and a barmaid in his other arm.

Colmark "Cole" Blackaxe (N male dwarf Sor3) A good man to have on your side, though perhaps more than a little mad. He's usually seen smoking a large pipe filled with a special alchemy-treated pipeweed that stinks to high heaven. His bat familiar, Jemrik, is unusually lazy and sleeps for most of the day.

Ryan Tollocke (NG male Oerdian human Ftr3) A former soldier from the Principality of Ulek with a great deal of knowledge about siege engines. He ended up with Kersh Refton's glamered chain shirt. He's developed quite a crush on Lavinia, but has yet to act on his feelings.

Tanilanthalas Knowlern (High Elf Duskblade): Killed by Ripclaw; See the Obits.

Captain Bukta One-Eye (Orc Fighter/Barbarian): Replaced Tanthalas; almost killed in TBG (while at -7) by the Huntress (she rolled a "1") and then almost died in SWW due to a Phantasmal Killer spell (Neiman survived and took Rowyn's place), *just* made his save; His attack bonuses, fort save, and HP have been critical to keep the party alive - I don't know how others get by without an effective meatshield

Big Mikko (Rhenne Scout): Done quite well so far; Best AC in the party combined with tumble and great speed; Focuses on archery, and is a solid combatant; I'm afraid that mediocre saves could be the death of him though.

Flynn Teslikaria (Human Sorcerer) - Brother of Liamae of the Jade Ravens; Much more effective now that he has scorching ray; Warmages and sorcerers seem to do especially well in STAP so far; Quantity of firepower is very important.

Therin Yellef (Human Cleric/Fharlaghn, Luck & Travel): Doing OK; Saves are working out well; Freedom of Movement 1/day is saving his bacon big time. Lots of grabby things in STAP.

Churtle (Kobold Expert/Dragon Shaman): Ahh, yes, the ever lovable yoda-talking Churtle. She has poured much investment into profession/cooking; Unfortunately for the party, it was profession/cooking (for kobolds). Her talent with poisons ("Hey, whats in this fish stew?") and her new found abilities (aura/fast healing has saved *every* party member from death at least once) have been welcome additions since they saved her from TINH.

The NPCs in SWW have changed as well:

The Lady Meravanchi (human aristocrat; The party really disgusts her and she is the primary financier of the trip; She hides her true allegances) and her overly-abused servant, Pukka (Orc Expert) take over for Avner.

Sleverin Zan (Feytouched/Suloise Warlock), a man constantly grinning at a secret joke with an unknown agenda; Replaces Skald.

Sun-Li (Female Human Monk of the Fighting-Viper-Style, Favored Soul of the Perfect Mistress, Xan Yae), Waif-like with large dark eyes, she does not say much. She is much like her goddess allowing others to make their mistakes. She has no physical vices and does not eat in front of others. Replaces Lirith.

Other NPC's remain (mostly) the same.

pming wrote:


We played the first (or part of) adventure to this path last night. Not sure if we will continue it or not, but, what we have is...brace yourself for total, crazy, off the wall characters here!

Human Rogue
Human Monk
Human Paladin
Elf Wizard

Yeah, I know, TOTALLY wacked out party of such strange and unusual races and classes!

Thank you for that ! I'm with you.

Palando Cordyn, human illusionist (focused specialist, PHB2) - a street performer

Zacharias de la Rocha, human druid (shapeshift variant, PHB2; Fey heritage feats, Complete Mage) - a former sailor who was possessed by a jaguar spirit after a shipwreck, currently developing his fey skills and later joining the Greensingers.

Federico de la Garza, human bard - a somewhat decadent dandy who likes frilly shirts and his pet jaguar.

Dahar Gilman, human fighter - a street thug, Palando's friend. He has a some bullywug (or something) blood in him (aberrant feats from Lords of Madness).

Later, one yet unnamed serpentblooded human (a variant of draconic template) warblade will join the group. He's probably from Krezent in Talenta Plains and I'm still thinking how to tie his yuan-ti heritage with the certain temple in ToD. I hope future Eberron conversion notes have some grand ideas for the temple and Silver Flame.

Think of The Little Rascals. Now make them anime. Now give them swords and magic.

Desmond, M N human duskblade -- the voice of (relative) reason and constantly getting addressed as "New Kid" by the rest of the party

Pete, M CN elan psionic rogue -- thousands of years old, but looks and acts 12; thinks of everything as "an adventure"

Janus, M CN human warlock -- eventually taking levels of eldritch disciple; he is the oldest-looking member and the only one interested in girls yet

Argo, M CN goblin wu jen -- horrible ugly and hisses randomly at people; scared of everything bigger than a cockroach

Jurgen, M NG dwarf fighter -- nephew of the leader of the Dredger's Guild, he is the only person comfortable in full plate on the open sea

Thus far they have also adopted Horatio, a hell hound puppy rescued from the hold of the Blue Nixie.

Liberty's Edge

Our group Buju Zion Xeph - Fighter sword sage. Willard Skankrat Syles -gnome beguiler assassin.Skullthane -dwarf wizard. Darious -seakin dragonshaman.Mohammad el san d la vega- human monk.And an Aventi cleric of a sea god whos name i forgot. some of these pcs are now dead.also Mad roger Rackham a human swashbuckler.

OK, we have 2 parties here, both EL 1. We're in the Forgotten Realms, adventuring upon the Chult Peninsula:

- Christopher Van Edefelt, Human Fighter:
- Bo'Ndaga Yutu, Wild Dwarf Wilderness Rogue
- Vhalen, Wild Elf Cleric of Sheverash
- Nova Furas, Human Sorceress
- Kilmer Geraldi, Human Swashbuckler

- Lord Robert Cooper, Human Paladin
- Correlis Safiron, Human Rogue
- Alrunir von Teuben, Human Cloistered Cleric of Mystra
- Recently Dropped-Out Mage
- Aseir D'Velit, Human Duskblade

My PCs are under Parrot Island at the moment, having just fended off their first zombie attack. No deaths yet, though there's been at least one close call. At this point the party is:

Freydis, F Dwarf Fighter
Methune, M Half Elf Cleric of Rao
Piper Reed, F Human w/ Marid Bloodline Druid
Nori, Piper's dire rat animal companion
Gerno Lagrada, M Halfling Rogue (NPC)

Interested to see how this will play out without an arcane spellcaster. So far, Freydis and Nori (bumped up by the Natural Bond feat from CA) have been acting as the battle tanks, Methune as the lead investigator/diplomacy guy, Piper as backup healer/fighter and sailing expert, and Gerno's been pretty useless, next to ineffectve in combat and only partially helpful in the vault and search for Vanthus.

Starting this Sunday.

Human Warmage - intends to stay it for 20 level
Human Swashbuckler - later going wizard and eventually Eldrich Knight.
Human Fighter - unclear his long term plans.
Human Cleric - Domains Storm/Travel going Stormlord at later levels.
Shifter (Truedive) Barbarian - later going Ranger and then Reachrunner.

So our groups has just started the Sea Wyvern's Wake and is composed of the following PCs

1) Jovina the "Swift": CG Swashbuckler 5 - She's the captain of the Sea Wyvern and the party's finesse fighter. She's a feisty little one. Her attack is insane (+12)

2) Xathara: N Shifter(Dreamsight) Druid 5 of Silvanus - Will eventaully be going Moonspeaker and has an air elemental companion (Complete Mage alternative class feature). Never leaves home without her wand of cure light wounds.

3) Kentaro: LN Human Fighter 3/Wizard 2 - At the moment he's the party's heavy hitter (he fights with a greatsword). The player plans on taking the Abjurant Champion and Eldritch Knight PrC

4) Zandra: CN Changeling Rogue 4/Fighter 1 - don't exactly know where the player is going with this character. She's waiting to see if anything interesting is in complete adventurer. No one knows what she'll look like on any given day.

5) Taevin: N Human Swordsage 3/Fighter 2 - He's a shadowy monk like fighter (focused on Shadow Hand discipline). Will eventually be going Master of 9. He's a stoic character and Praxle's "muscle"

6) Praxle: CN Gnome Beguiler 5 - The party spokes person, unofficial leader and manipulater. Plans on taking the Shadowcraft Mage to increase his versatility. He's been wooing Lavinia since they first met.

So long as the party has enough coin to purchase wands that heal they should be fine.

I'm a little worried about my group. I'm afraid they won't make it.

Milo-NG M high elven rouge 1, bard 1: A noble from the Noble District who's attending the Foluchan College and will eventually have a pretty eagle.

Waldengast-N M 1/2 elven ranger 2: trapper, hunter, and general people hater who hangs out in the jungle near the Emerald River. He taught Quiqueg that the shiny coins were evil and should all be given to him, since he knows how to make the evil go away.

Quiqueg-LN M pygmy halfling druid 2: rescued from hunters by Waldengast and now is beholden to him. Wants to eat Milo's fingers. He'll eventually be a druid/rouge/headhunter/master chef who makes his own cuari poison.

Sister-N F jackal: Quiquegs animal companion and best friend

Unnamed whisper gnome rouge 1

Unnamed cleric of Olidamara 1

I really like this party and don't want to kill them. We haven't started yet, but are their any arcane caster NPCs that can be picked up later?

YeuxAndI wrote:
I'm a little worried about my group. I'm afraid they won't make it.... are their any arcane caster NPCs that can be picked up later?

My #1 rule regarding NPCs: don't put NPC arcane spellcasters in the party!

Any NPC in the party or allied with them runs the risk of stealing the show. Arcane spellcasters, in particular, make decisions that have far-ranging impact on the well-being of the group. If you put one in the party, a large part of any success (or failure) of the group is no longer theirs -- it's yours.

As far as solving your problem, if they can survive until 6th level, someone should take the Leadership feat and get a cohort. If they don't want to take such steps to insure success, perhaps they shouldn't succeed :/

My two cents,


Dark Archive

After reading all of these posts a few times I've thought of something. Just how boring am I as a GM. I told my guys to go streight PHB, well with the exception of the psi character. My list looks so boring compared to the others. I've got a Human-Paladin while you guys have a Half-fiend/werebear/Barbarian/Dread Pirate/Ilithids. Hrmmmmm. Ah well. Still Old school is fun though.

Have Fun!

Liberty's Edge

BigDaddyG wrote:
I told my guys to go streight PHB, well with the exception of the psi character. My list looks so boring compared to the others.

Not at all !!

at the notable exception of a human dragon shaman 2 / fighter 1, and a bugbear (3rd hit dice), I've got :

- human mage 3
- human cleric 3
- halfling rogue 2 / ranger 1
- human fighter 3

Silver Crusade

party consists of

human warlock
human druid, worshipper of Procan
human fighter, more or less Capt Jack Sparrow but not all wiggy
gnome thief
wild elf ranger


The Exchange

YeuxAndI wrote:

blah, blah, blah rouge 1, bard 1: A noble from the Noble blah, blah, blah a druid/rouge/headhunter/master chef who makes his own blah, blah, blah whisper gnome rouge 1 blah, blah, blah

ROGUE!!!! R-O-G-U-E!!!! Not ROUGE, rouge is a color or a cosmetic. Come on! It's a frickin' core class!



Fake Healer wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:

blah, blah, blah rouge 1, bard 1: A noble from the Noble blah, blah, blah a druid/rouge/headhunter/master chef who makes his own blah, blah, blah whisper gnome rouge 1 blah, blah, blah

ROGUE!!!! R-O-G-U-E!!!! Not ROUGE, rouge is a color or a cosmetic. Come on! It's a frickin' core class!


ROFL! I never get tired of this :)

And the anti-cosmetic character class campaign continues... Give 'em hell, FH.

As the party attempts to take control of the blue nixie they consist of the following:

Human fighter
Human cleric(tempus)
Human conjuror
Human warlock
Half-elf druid
and soon to be joining them race unknown as of yet 'ahem' Rogue

Well, I'm an Eberron DM and my PCs are:

Chandra, male Human Psionic Artificer 2, the techie of the group, he dreams about an airship for the party. He just joined the party, so his true skills are still unknown to his mates.

Thursk, male Half-Orc Fighter 3 with a knack for Chains (future Master of Chains PrC), he likes to disarm his foes, and he excels at it. He likes to interrogate foes by lifting them from their necks with his chain. He has such good manners with people.

Drake, male Brass Dragonblood Sorcerer 3/Human Paragon 1, "Drake, Sorcerer Supreme" as he claims, the cocky but charismatic spellcaster who tries to impress Lavinia. He is a master with Magic Missile and he often is the party's last hope when his mates are down.

Seth, male Goliath Warblade 2, this bruiser-tough-guy often argues with Drake comparing their combat skills, he also claims Lavinia will be his. He's an escaped prisoner from the Lotus Dragons. You can't believe how strong but unaccurate he is. When he hits, it hurts, a lot.

They've just arrived to Kraken's Cove and had their first clashes with the Savage Tide.

Fake Healer wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:

blah, blah, blah rouge 1, bard 1: A noble from the Noble blah, blah, blah a druid/rouge/headhunter/master chef who makes his own blah, blah, blah whisper gnome rouge 1 blah, blah, blah

ROGUE!!!! R-O-G-U-E!!!! Not ROUGE, rouge is a color or a cosmetic. Come on! It's a frickin' core class!


I'm sorry my dyslexia offends you. O__O

I had to call one player to make sure I spelled his name right. Ah well. Such is life.

p.s. I hadn't thought of that with an NPC spellcaster. We'll see what happens.

At 1st level we have
Human Cleric
Human Fighter
Human Warmage
Human Swashbuckler
Truedive Shifter Barbarian

We started our campaign on the 20th January. After giving the players free reign over their character creation; allowing them to use any race or class from any WotC book. After much deliberation, the party is made up of the following, er people:

Jacob Gold - Male Human Swashbuckler
Xail - Female Drow Priestess of Lolth
Saerk - Male Lizardfolk Druid
Warwick the Wicked - Male Dwarf Monk
Zalast Gannin - Male Human Hexblade (his curses are a voodoo bent)
Sela Windsprite - Female Elf Rogue

My game is similar to the Downer comic; Sasserine is very much a multicultural city. The elves hate each other. Jacob Gold wants to make Saerk's Crocodile Animal Companion into a 'nice pair of boots'. The Dwarf and the Voodoo Hexblade have started a bar fight in a different tavern every single night of the game. Sela Windsprite is eyeing off the Kolter Clockworks Factory (Freeport Firearms rules!) for a prototype pistol...the list goes on.

Oh the fun!

Well since I haven't updated our characters in a while, and since all the originals are long gone...here's what we're now working with:

Winterborn- Illumian Archivist 9
Hahh- Buomman Monk 5/Cleric 1/Sacred Fist 3
Osket- Dwarven Barbarian 7/Fighter 2
Leandra- Olman Dread Necromancer 9
Botani-Ick - Phanaton Rogue 9

We have had a ridiculous amount of deaths and I smell a TPK just around the corner since we are on our way to the tarpits...

office_ninja wrote:

Pete, M CN elan psionic rogue -- thousands of years old, but looks and acts 12; thinks of everything as "an adventure"

Never mind Pete, Its Elan from Order of the Stick!

See here:

If you don't read Order of the Stick already, then you must! It is brilliant!

Warmage 101

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

We're finally beginning the STAP this Friday, with me as DM. Everyone is stoked. Here's the party:

- Human Swashbuckler
- Half-Aquatic Elf Sorcerer
- Human Cleric of Pelor
- Hobgoblin Fighter

Human Cleric with the celestial bloodline (from ua)

Human Fighter (eunuch, very large, very high voice)

Human Sorceror with 1 level or Battledancer (from dragon comp)

Gnome "Bard" gnome paragon & fey bloodline with levels of just about everything else (I convienced the powergamer to play a bard to show the rest of the party a bard was viable)

Gnome Beguiler (acquired the ability to transform into a tiny brass dragon - from dragon magazine forget the issue)

Human Paladin Hexblade with efreeti bloodline (his saves are off the chain)

Human Fighter Rogue

Human Ranger

I had put a EL limit of +1 and no SR at the start. I opened up the bloodlines and paragon classes from ua so folks could achieve what they wanted but everyone would be mostly balanced. I get frustrated with a party that carries the 1 HD 1/2 dragon or whatever until he can take a hit. It is a HUGE party and I have to send them against EL's way out of the norm for their individual level. nice mix. they have all the archtypes + some.

Take It Easy,

BigDaddyG wrote:

...I told my guys to go streight PHB, ... My list looks so boring compared to the others. I've got a Human-Paladin while you guys have a Half-fiend/werebear/Barbarian/Dread Pirate/Ilithids. Hrmmmmm. Ah well. Still Old school is fun though.

Have Fun!

Old school is fun! I too limited it to PH though I added bullywog, phanaton, and aventi races. Several NPCs have 'complete' classes, so I added swashbuckler, favored soul, scout, and warmage as choices. My group is too crunch and munchkin imo. I should see what they created later this week....

Liberty's Edge

My PCs just got back from Kraken's cove (and met the drunk gnome & the crazy chariot, but not the stiltwalkers) and they are 4th level :

- human mage 4
- human cleric 4
- human fighter 4
- human fighter 1 / dragon shaman 3
- halfling ranger 1 / rogue 3
- bugbear 3 hit dice

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just started "There is No Honor" last night. Playing with 6 PCs:

Human Sorceror
Human Druid
Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert
Human Cleric of Fharlanghn
Human Rogue
Hadozee Fighter

They're trying to figure out the best way to get onto the Blue Nixie.

Tatterdemalion wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:
I'm a little worried about my group. I'm afraid they won't make it.... are their any arcane caster NPCs that can be picked up later?

My #1 rule regarding NPCs: don't put NPC arcane spellcasters in the party!

Any NPC in the party or allied with them runs the risk of stealing the show. Arcane spellcasters, in particular, make decisions that have far-ranging impact on the well-being of the group. If you put one in the party, a large part of any success (or failure) of the group is no longer theirs -- it's yours.

As far as solving your problem, if they can survive until 6th level, someone should take the Leadership feat and get a cohort. If they don't want to take such steps to insure success, perhaps they shouldn't succeed :/

My two cents,


Your spot on in your analysis.

Having an Arcane Caster before 6th is not critical - helpful sure but not a dealbreaker. Later on of course one will almost certianly be needed. Picking one or more up as Cohorts is an excellent idea.

Sben wrote:

  • Harg, half-orc ranger (planning to take the archery track), a perpetual outsider who wants a place to fit in
  • Tholnak, dwarf rogue (planning to multiclass to become primarily a fighter), running from pirates after jumping ship, searching for a way to prove himself and convince his homeland to lift the exile on his family
  • Xianta, human sorceress, blessed (or cursed) with glimpses of what her home island calls the Prophecy
  • Egric, human cleric (perhaps of Osprem?), charged to guard Xinthia and the Prophecy, whatever the cost

With Tholnak's death, the party has now gained Gareth Garethson, a human fighter who escaped from a pirate ship during the chaos in Kraken's Cove. He specializes in the spiked chain.

(Xianta is now debating between aiming for sorceress/archmage, or sorceress/fighter/eldritch knight/archmage; Egric is aiming for cleric/wizard/mystic theurge.)

Our group stumbled a bit, and so I have started with a new group (two returning players, so I am reworking the first couple months of adventures). This new group is:

Half-Orc Barbarian with the Berserker Strength replacement. He claims he is a paladin, and will cry "SMITE EVIL!!!" whenever he swings at something.

Elven Rogue with crafting skills. We call her our Antiques Roadshow. She is working on modding up the goods the group finds so she can sell them for more than their actual worth.

Human Monk with the Scared Vow/Vow of Poverty feats. Otherwise know as our beggar. He is trying to play him like Caine from the Kung Fu series.

Dwarven cleric. He is really working towards becoming a war priest.

Human Wizard and Larry the Lemur (his familiar). He is a human, although a midget, so is constantly mistake for a dwarf. (He is 4'10" tall, and pretty rotund.) He is an alteration specialist, and has a love of zoology/biology, so takes apart any animal the party kills. I can't wait until Kraken's Cove with this one... ;)

The Exchange

Melissa - 1/2 Elf Wizard 1, Rogue 1 (with a mind towards Arcane Trickster)
Mika - 1/2 Olman Ranger 2
Zahn - Olman Druid 1, Monk 1

I've never had a Monk/Druid mix in a game before, so it should be interesting to see how that character develops (or if he takes a quick dirt-nap).

My group is going to start STAP next week, as long as the PCs are all finished. I'll be DMing half the campaign, with someone else DMing the other half. When one is DMing, the other will play.

Currently, we definitely have:
PC aiming towards abjurant champion/eldritch knight (player undecided whether to start as a wizard, sorcerer, or battle sorcerer).
Dragon Shaman
Last slot: Either Druid or Barbarian

Alternating PCs (who will be present when the other DM is running):
PC aiming towards Pal2/binder rest of game
Cleric (however, if the future eldritch knight goes sorcerer route, this PC will be a wizard)

Should the last slot be a druid or barbarian? (Note that none of the players are really interested in rogues, so please don't advise that.)

My group will be starting the campaign in about a month. It looks like we'll have the following PCs/ NPCs:

duskblade/ swordsage/ jade pheonix mage
crusader/ sorcerer/ jade pheonix mage
wizard/ war weaver/ ?????
rogue/ ????
NPC cleric/ divne oracle, sacred exorcist, or windwalker (havent decided yet)

I am a little concerned about their ability to take damage. I know they will be able to dish it out but they are depending on hit and run tactics for the most part. Hopefuly it will go well.

Dark Archive

It's time to update my party composition as the only remaining original character from my group is their Druid. So at present I have..

Seran - Elan Male Erudite 12
This character is the most recent character for my player who played Joss the Warblade. He has a gaggle of interesting Psionic powers, and is probably one of the most effective characters I have ever seen. On a side note, Schism is broken like crazy. It really needs an update along the lines of what Haste got.

Shasta - Human Female Rogue 1/Warmage 6/Spellwarp Sniper 5
She is the parties designated blaster. Combining the Warmage edge with the "sneak attack" style damage from rogue and spellwarp sniper lets her deal unreal amounts of damage.

Deuroo - Male Human Druid 12
Deuroo is the only original character that started the campaign that is still alive. He has lost 3 animal companions to various monsters and has himself been killed once, but brought back to life by a single use resurrection item I put in the campaign for the party.

Regnar - Male Dwarf Fighter 7/Dwarven Defender 5
Regnar is the very definition of a brick wall. Every ounce of his feats, items, and focus is on high HP and AC. When he goes "total defense" in his defensive stance and drops all his base attack into AC with the Improved Combat Expertise feat, he can get his HP up to 226, and his AC up to 53. His hitting power isn't that great but he is virtually impossible to kill without resorting to instant kill spells and the like.

We had one player drop out, so I am down to four now. They have done a lot of side questing on the Isle of Dread, having killed a total of 4 of the legendary 7 monsters to this point and they still haven't faced down the crimson fleat and Vanthus. They still have a little over a month in-game before Vanthus is going to arrive, so it is entirely possible that they are going to get another level even before fighting Vanthus and the Crimson fleat.

This has been one awesome AP.

Our original party looked like this (in Eberron):

Elf evoker (me)
Human beguiler
Kalashtar cleric/psion
Xeph soulknife
Gnome spellthief
Human binder
Warforged fighter

The xeph soulknife betrayed the party and my mage killed him when he tried to attack me with psionic weapon. I can't claim all the credit however, one of my undead minions used a readied action to whack him, an attack of opportunity to knock him out, and my character used coup de grace to seal the deal.

The xeph soulknife has been replaced by a kalashtar psion.

I'm in dmaple's group this is our current party:-
Fighter lev 5 (played by me)
Warmage lev 5
Swashbuckler 2/wiz 3
Cleric lev 5 of the sea gods
Sea elf ranger 2/rogue 3 newest party member
Can I just say my character rocks. Greatsword +1/keen with powerattack and cleave with of course weapon focus and specialisation. Next level I'm taking leap attack and I can't wait. We're also using action points and you can spend an action point to increase damage from a power attack so technically will be able to do 15 points damage from a -5 power attack, and if I crit it rocks.

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Tom Qadim wrote:

We're finally beginning the STAP this Friday, with me as DM. Everyone is stoked. Here's the party:

- Human Swashbuckler
- Half-Aquatic Elf Sorcerer
- Human Cleric of Pelor
- Hobgoblin Fighter

So far, with only 2 sessions under our belt, the PCs are doing quite well. They just escaped Parrot Island, and are fuming mad at Vanthus. They have also taken to the role of Lavinia's personal troubleshooters with much enthusiasm. The party has undergone a few changes, as follows:

Eol Camthion Nenharma - Half-Drow Ranger 2
Jackson Roberts - Human Swashbuckler 3
Searos - Human Druid 1 / Scout 1
Rethgryn Duskwalker - Human Cleric 3 (of Pelor)
Titus Direfallow - Hobgoblin Fighter 2

The party is now mid-way through Here There Be Monsters, and there have been some changes since the first adventure. They've been really rough on the clerics; they're now on their fourth.

Arianna - Elven Ranger 7/Beastmaster 1. One of two remaining original PCs. The frontline fighter. The player runs her conservatively, but she still is one of the most effective characters, especially when her Elven Wolfhound Cooshie is taken into consideration. At the moment, however, Cooshie is suffering from Mummy Rot.

Willaby Sparkowitz - Gnome Warmage 6/Elemental Savant 2 (electricity - what a surprise). The other remaining original PC. There's a bit of a rivalry over which one of them will die first. Again, played somewhat conservatively but still packing a powerful punch. He seems to have a little crush on Jenna (the rogue), but being Lawful, he doesn't really trust her.

Deegan - Half-Elf Monk 6/Drunken Master 2. Has the Vow of Poverty feat. Has been knocked into the negatives twice since joining the group, only to be pulled out of danger by the rogue. He made "friends" with Avner to get access to the noble's liquor. His favored weapon is an empty bottle of beer.

Jenna Goodtree - Halfling Rogue 6/Fighter 2 (calls herself the Master Feinter). Jenna is especially effective now that she's picked up the Bow Feint feat, which means she doesn't always have to get in the middle of the things, suiting her just fine. She currently has the bat idol, having snuck it into her haversack without anyone else seeing it.

Din Goodtree - Halfling Cleric of Olidammara 8. Jenna's cousin, though she denies it heartily. He's so much of a scoundrel that he sometimes forgets he's a cleric, but he's always ready to help the party out when it comes to healing. Because of a good Bluff check, Deegan gladly hands over his share of the loot to Din, making for one happy cleric.

Well, I'll be starting the STAP again this monday after a move halfway across the U.S. Characters are being created now; I'll post when they're finalized.

El Skootro

Relee'shan - Female Elven Druid
Ivan - Human Male Sorcerer
Morshan - Human Male Barbarian

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