Belkar Bitterleaf

Khay003's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I don't know about you guys playin in eberron, but When i finish dming AoW, and start playing this one, I can preety much guarantee, i'll be an HAlf-elf super multiclassing character, with the windwright captain prestige class, the storm sentry prestige, and maybe dread pirate. Is there a character that is any swe

hi There, my group plays in eberron. They're called "The Hexiles" because they're six, and because they fled diamond lake rather than left. they had a quarry with smenk after TFoE. we have a warforged who is "DAs Kleine Lokomotiv" meaning little locomotive (he is a juggernaut btw), a shifter druid, who is a "sailormoonspeaker", and a duskling barbarian with a grathammer, who we fondly named "stappler". and i'm yet to know the nick names of the others. they haven't come up with something just yet. they're a boneknight, a ninja and a arcane hierophant. all human. if you have any sugestions, please post them

Thanx Guys. really apreciate your help. I was going mad looking for info on Katashka. Whenever u guys need some help or suggestions, just ask.

By the way what do you guys say if we create a thread discussing the adventures and misadventures of our eberron player's?

thanx agai Khay

I really desperatly need u guys to tell me where Katashka is mentioned and where i can get some information about him. i've scoured every eberron sourcebook in search for info on him to no avail. please help

Takasi, wow, the story just blew my mind, is there any chance you might be able do email your notes and adptations up until now ´so I could have a look. I'd really apreciate it.
email me
XanoSilva at gmail dot com
thanks a lot

hey guys. i'd really like to know what the DM's did as an adaptation for the Ebon Triad when runnin ToE in Eberron. did You stick do Keith baker's suggestions or, didi u change anything. i'd like to get some feedback on how you guys did, because i think the adaptation made by keith baker, is rather simple. any suggestions

thanks dizzyk, your conversions are great. also... i kinda liked the ideas you gave anarch i think i may try to get some into my campaign

dizzyk wrote:

Thanks! Glad you’ve enjoyed. My hope is to wrap up the TFoE conversions in the next couple of weeks, and then I’ll move on to Blackwall Keep. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to start bouncing ideas around.

Oh, and double-checking of stats is always appreciated. It’s really easy to miss things/mess up on math when doing so many of these NPCs. Send me an email with any mistakes you note (on the ones that aren’t still “unfinished”).

I’ve just sent to Malkari, modenstein17, and Jarrod (though it sounds like Jarrod may be WAY ahead of where I’m at). Let me know if any of you don’t receive them.

guess they're really good, could u please send them to me at XanoSilva at gmai dot com


as promised i've gone through the revision of the party, so things will most likely stay as follows (they may change again, i've got that feeling):
illumian ninja/rogue/invisible blade
human cleric (still don't know the deity)
warforged fighter/artificer/juggernaut
duskling barbarian/totemist/totem rager
human monk/tatooed monk
human paladin

i'm running this in eberron so any type of advice u want to add, should probably be based on that premessis

thanx guys...but i think my group will suffer some modifications, i don't think the monk will remain, at least he won't be using exalted deeds
and i guess the cleric will leave too so, one of them will have to change probably. i don't really now. when i do i'll post it here, thanx again, keep me posted hehe

I'm getting started with the AoW campaign, in Eberron, and I would really apreciate if some of you guys that have already played the first few adventures could pffer me some advice or suggestions. my party will consist of ´

a Changeling rogue who will do the Chameleon prestige class (races of destiny)
a Human cleric of Dol Arrah, later to become a combat medic (heros of battle)
A monk with vow of poverty, who will take the apostole of peace prestige class (book of exalted deeds)
a Duskling barbarian/totemist to become a totem rager (magic of incarnum)
A human paladin... still don't know what that one will do
either a sorcerer or an artificer.

if anyone has anything to say at all, be it conversion tips, modifying chalenges, suggestions, advice, whatever, please do. thanx

thanks for the suggestion, but i'd like to know if any of you guys are envolving the blood of vol in the ebon triad or anywhere in teh campaign. I think that it'd be cool for the blood of vol to at least play some part in the AoW campaign, but i haven't seen anything talking about it. any more suggestions?

The Madwabbit wrote:
winterborn wrote:
Well as far as the cult goes in my Eberron game I use The Blood of Vol (Vecna) and their Militiristic offshoot The Emerald Claw (Hextor). They have been sent to Diamond Lake by Vol herself who once went to the Cathedral to learn Arcane Secrets and now believes that the Pool can be used to combine The Keeper, The Mockery and The Shadow into an Overgod to increase Vol's divine power. Gralluk is a member of the Dragon Below who recieved visions from Kyber and holds some secret to the Black Pool. The Faceless One took it as a sign and requested his assistance for the time being until he ceased to proove usefull.
Animus wrote:
Also, instead of mixing the three gods of the Dark Six, she just believes that the combination of Death and Shadow can create this Overgod, so she allies heself with followers of the Shadow, of which Gralluk and the Grimlocks are followers of. The Ebon Triad consists of the Emerald Claw (of whom most don't know that they're really associated with Vol), the Blood of Vol and the Shadow. Insert the Shadow for the Dragon below and Khyber and there you go.

I liked both ideas, but i think the significant changes u made would conflict with what the eberron campaign setting tells us about the organizations implicated. i'd like to know if anyone has any more ideas that could maybe, not alter the eberron reality so much. thanks guys

I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but i am about to DM teh AoW CAmpaign in Eberron. I read about the conversions some of you guys made, but i'm still not very much convinced. I liked one that turned Kyuss into an elf from house Vol. can anyone give me some more ideas about a possible conversion, without a significant alteration to the tone of the Eberron campaign setting? thanx