Spectral Dragon

anum militus's page

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so am i not allowed to discuss the situation here on the message boards with other players. hmmm. didn't realize that this wasn't the place for that. I am not trying to fish for extra info, if I wanted it I could just go get the magazine, I bought it myself, but I haven't read anything to avoid cheating. oh yeah, it would be a lot different if I were asking about something that I haven't done yet, sort of like the trex thread like the one on the front page. just calm down yall.

Our group consists of:

Anum Militus (myself): A Druid whose family was slain by his own brother, and left to fend for himself in the wilderness, continuously tracks his brother for revenge. Animal Companion: Crocodile

Jadyn: A big ole butch Paladin, she is our meat sheild, big on strength and defense.

Eldrich: Our rogue player, don't know anything about him, he is very quiet.

Caid: Our wizard who is extremely arrogant and self serving for the most part.

Here is the deal our unity is kind of broken. Myself and the rogue hang out a lot, we collect alchohol on our voyage. We are usually in the bowel of the ship getting smammered on the Green man.

The paladin and wizard are pretty friendly with each other. Need to work on the whole unity thing.

I figured they were bad, i just thought their conditions were odd.

everything is not as it seems in this game.

they were flying a flag, but it almost seemed like they were wanting to discuss something. I know that if our paladin killed one and he wasn't evil and we attacked unprovoked then she would be in a little trouble. I asked the DM about this and he didn't say they were evil, he just said that she didn't actually attack anything, she failed her balance check on a plank to board the other ship real bad and fell in the water. I was just thinking though. This ship had no supplies, nothing at all, and was in bad shape.

Alright last night group encountered the Hydra and the run in with the pirate ship. We are headed towards the new island on the 3 month journey at sea.


Our wizard just through a fireball at the pirate ship and killed most of the crew without us getting to talk to them. After killing them and inspecting the ship, we find that they were low on supplies, and in pretty bad shape. So my idea is maybe these guys weren't bad, and maybe we should have chatted with them.

Has anyone tried this approach and not had to fight them?