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kessukoofah wrote:
Anyone else doing anything special for the occasion?

Convincing my gaming group to let me run the final battle vs. Demogorgon as a one-off adventure. Ask them to advance their character to 20th, and letting the good times roll :)

I'll miss you Dungeon.
Long live Pathfinder!

Hiya all
Well, yesterday, I got my hands on issue #149. Once I got home, as I often do, I opened it up and began to browse. I always check out the Savage Tide adventure path adventure first, but then begin to read the magazine in full. I turned to the start, and began.
It didn't take me long to get to 'War of the Wielded'. when I did, however, I got out my map of Sasserine for quick reference. However, before I got to settle down and start the adventure, I got a text from my gaming group. They wanted me to run the level 5 adventure. So, I said that I would, and would come up with some ideas.
Then I actually read the adventure. Instantly, I decided to scrap making my own, and run this. It's so cool, exactly what my party would like to see. Not a huge amount of combat, a few really nice bits to roleplay (Larcos and the climatic battle at the end) and relatively short and easy to get back on track.
Of course, this is just my PoV, but high, high praise to Michael Kortes and all those who worked on putting it together.
Well done folks!

I must say, Iggwilv's got attitude. I read her speech in the car today (I wasn't driving ;)), and it had me chuckling to myself. Though I doubt I'll ever get around to running this, as the DMs in our gaming group are taking it in turns to run sessions, I think I'm gonna have to include her in one of my homebrew adventures.

Really nice work guys. She's just ace, and a really well-planned character, in stat-block terms.

I love that artwork. Let the good times roll!!!

Alas, I don't even have issue 149 yet :(. Damn you local shops in other continents...

Hiya all
just wondered, in the first encounter with a Child of Sehan (The Horrible Plant Thing), hat did everyone have the Child of Sehan do on each option in the confusion spell? Some are obvious, but others, like the 'Attack the Caster' options, are not so obvious.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
I mean conceptually the idea is kind of cool but I don't really think it was the best idea all in all. Still it is there and Rangers are so restricted but not bane weapons.

Maybe you could house rule that the Ranger's favoured enemy in this case applies to only good/evil (the opposite of the ranger's alignment). Neutral allows you to pick which.

Ace, cheers. how would you suggest I work the ending (VP-Wise)? just judge how they did in the battle itself?

The Bullywug Gambit is more tricky, but here's my suggestions for the rest:

The Sea Wyvern's Wake - When landing on the Sargasso, before the Vine Horrors attack, have whispering voices uttering "The Sea Wyvern's Wake". Dunno why, but that seems creepy...
Here There Be Monsters - Nearby a corpse somewhere, which is holding a dagger, the words are scratched roughly into a large rock.
Tides of Dread - The name of a tapestry in Lavinia's Farshore Manor
The Lightless Depths - The party's guide, that Lizardfolk (I believe it is a Lizardfolk) points the way with the words "Follow me, the Lightless Depths await!"
City of Broken Idols - Easy enough, at the Pelor camp, when they are talking, have Rissashtak (sp??) say "So, you've come here to visit the City of Broken Idols?"
Serpents of Scuttlecove - This can be used as a local name for the Seventh Coil
Into the Maw If the party encounters the friendly Mercane ship on the Abyssian Ocean, and they enquire how to reach Gaping Maw, have they say something like "Into the Maw? We can tell you how!"

Maybe place the letter in Meenlock Prison itself. Just looking through it, you could link it in that one of Vanthus' old thieve friends was sent there. While visiting (before the group took ovet the prison), he dropped the letter, and never got a chance to return for it. Alas, I don't have either issues on me atm, so can't check, but it'd need a little tweeking. Could work though...

Ladies and Gentlemen, some things are just not right... and the reason I DM :P

Christopher West wrote:
By the way, Dungeon #149 won't feature a Map of Mystery because I was too busy preparing something extra special for the final issue. Stay tuned in #150 for the conclusion of the series and my Maps of Mystery "masterpiece".

Double page spread? That's be cool!

How many pages are we looking at in the final issue? Think you said that it would be 10 pages for the index, we have the final Savage Tide battle, and the updated adventure with Bargle the Infamous, on top of this. Hopefully a final adventure also. It'll add up, surely...

That's pretty cool.

I'm using Castle Teraknian as more of a tourist hotspot, to be honest - All proceeds go towards the Wormfall Fesival Fund ;)

At Game '07, I'm looking at running a Paizo adventure during a late-night gaming event. I will have three hours, so I wondered which adventure would be good. I have issues 135, 136, and 138-147. I was looking at maybe the battle against Kyuss, but that's high-level. Maybe the Tides of Dread (namely the final battle), the Mud Sorcerer's Tomb, or another part of the Savage Tide.

Name: Lord Robert Cooper.
Class/Level: Pal 1.
Area: Deck of the Blue Nixie.

The party had lured the Rhagodessa onto the deck, and Lord Robert attempted to Bull Rush it back into the hold (sort of a 'keep it down' tactic). The Bull Rush failed, Lord Robert was grappled, and killed. The party Necromancer used a homebrew metamagic feat the next round to create a paladin zombie.

Now there's an oxymoron!

I'm hoping to replace his undead minions thing (come on, it's not needed here!), and replace it with bonus HP equal to Cha modifier/2HD (or per HD, if I'm that cruel :P). That'll challenge them, hopefully...

Hi all
What's the funniest thing you've seen happen in your Savage Tide game?

For me, mine's easy, and all takes place aboard the Blue Nixie. At this point, a group including a Crusader, Paladin, Cleric, Bard, and NE Necromancer were fighting the Rhagodessa, who they're lured onto the deck. The Paladin, who had just left our game, was grappled in the maw of the Rhagodessa, and down to -8 HP. The NE Necromancer cast a new Metamagic feat - Sudden Fell Animate (I set the prerequisite to one metamagic), and aimed it at the Paladin. The paladin croacked it, and rose up as a zombie. The Rhagodessa lose the next grapple, the Zombie got free and, next chance it got, lashed out at the Rhagodessa. It crit, and dealt 16 dmg, killing the beast.
The rest of the party were stunned, myself included. The Necormancer simply renamed him Pablo...

Hiya all
Well, I tried out many options, and I must say, that I think MapTool is brilliant. Thanks for all the other suggestions.
However, the problem with MapTool is that maps like the one for the Blue Nixie are tricky, and it's hard to recreate them. Also, are there any other tokens than those like elf and hero?

Carlson wrote:
Well, to speed things up, what imaging editing software do you have available? Photoshop? Paint Shop Pro? MS Paint? And will you be editing them on a Mac or PC?

Well, my laptop only has MS Paint, and I'm working Windows, so PC. I do, however, have IrfanView, if that helps.

Just wondered if anyone knows any good ways to edit the maps from Paizo's online suppliments. Mostly, I'm talking about easy ways to add player markers from play by post gaming, and how to remove rooms from these maps, such as room V3 from the Vanderboren Vault...
Any help would be great.

Ouch. At least you're getting the idea that theIsle of Dread is nere walk in the park (or, jungle...)

Rhagodessa always seems to get slaughtered when I run it. The rogue nearly always hides behind the mast, get surprise round in and hits with sneak attack. Then, I roll 3-4 on a d20 for init, and from there the fighter attacks, taking it down to around 8.Then, the cleric and wizard go in and finish it off... (damn you Cleric with two-handed damage Maul and Str 16... 1d10+4!)

In all honestly, I'd have to go for Lavinia. I'm a more homely man myself. Though, if I were adventurous, it'd be Harliss. I'm playing to give her a wicked sense of humour in my campaign...

Though, if Kora were a few years younger and I were a few years older... ;)

savagedave22 wrote:
It's the unique traits In these gals that just drive me Insane lol. Well In my world these creatures are sexy what do you guys/or gals think?

I think you should never say that on a first date... ;)

James Jacobs wrote:
[...] AND two magazines now leaves even less time for projects like online supplements.

Shoot, you mean I have to do some word myself ;)

I'm currently playing a Druid with a Porpoise companion. Granted, he was USELESS fighting on the Blue Nixie, but hey, i'm sure he'll serve some use, somewhere.

As he lived in Sasserine for his entire life, however, I'm gonna play him so he knows little about 'real nature', only the sheltered style he gets. He ventured into the jungle at one point, but never got very far. So, the Isle of Dread will be surprising to him...

Ace! I look forward to Adventure 9... and the cover!

Let's see, which issue's that in? #147?

Personally, I'd just say:

Sea Sickness: Nausiated
Sea Legs: Slowed Movement/Single Actions/Shaken (your call)

try Stormwracked though, it may have details there...

Hiya guys
Well, I'm just as shocked as the rest of you. I've only been with Dungeon since the final installment of the Age of Worms (It looks that good, I booked up through my newsagents straight away, so I didn't miss the next one), but still I love my 100-page monthly read.
However, I have hopes that Pathfinder will fill my void. I'm not going to get involved in what I consider 'virtual uprisings', like some others ('I plan to boycott Wizards until they give me my magazine back!' It's a business, and we don't fully understand their reasons, yet. Plus, it seems unlikely that we'll get the magazine back any time soon, so you'll be waiting for a while). I'll just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks, and keep my ears and eyes open.

One thing I would suggest is printing off a lot of the maps and pictures from Google. Photos of ships, islands and cavern can all help inhance the feel (as there are a lot of cliche but fun places in the campaign).

Also, make sure you understand your main NPCs. Lavinia and the like can be tricky to fully establish (Lavinia i'm still trying to find. So far, all I have is that she smiles a lot, but I'm thinking a little bit of a drama queen...), and even though some don't last for long, they are still fun to play out to their utmost.

Finally, I'd agree with hamming it up. I didn't first session, but next I plan to give thugs grunting voices, Lavinia a cut accent, and the like.

Mostly, have fun. It's an amazing campaign, and one I'm glad we'll get to see the conclusion of...

EDIT: Forgot to thank those involved with the campaign, and also suggest that you have a copy of Lavinia's manor's floor plan handy. It can be a lifesaver :)

Ah darn those NPCs, always getting into trouble :lol:

Now why did "They'll need some rescuing" send me into hysterics?? :)

Hmm.... Ethereal Marauders, I like it!

Not I've just realised that the harder miniature to proxy is the Ixitxachitl. Any ideas at all?

As for the rest:

Pirates - Changling Rogues (x4, but that's ok, won't have them all encountered at once :P)
Vark - Cloudreaver
Rhagodessa - Spider of Lolth/Ethereal Marauder (have both, 2x Spiders, 1x Marauder for later on)
Iron Cobra - Iron Cobra (go figure!)
Ravenous Zombies - Strahd Zombies (not the meanest looking, but, hey, they'll do)
Krund - Gravetouched Ghoul (I think it suits him)
Small Monsterous Crabs - ??? (Probably just use discs)
Lotus Dragon Thieves - Changling Rogues (again)
Nemien Roblach - Devis (It'll have to do)
Crucher - Wolf (Harbinger version, it looks better)
Kersh - Tavern Brawler (best option, in my opinion)
Crocodile - Counter again, methinks
Churtle - Sort sort of Kobold
Gut-Tugger - Crested Felldrake
Bugbear Zombie - Spellstitched Hobgoblin
Rowyn - Wild Elf Warsinger

Let me know if I missed anything.

Best proxies a Rhagodessa? I'm short on miniatures, and found out I'll need to run TINH in roughly a few hours. I was thinking maybe a Spider of Lolth, and say that this is only a prozy, but, any other responces would be great! :)


She's more compitant, imho, as the campaign progresses. Really, I see her kidnapping as a way for Lavinia to at last see the PC's heroics first hand. Just try not to get her killed in the Bullywug Gambit.

And, like her or not, she's here to stay :)

I can't remember well, but are bits of Farshore on fire. If so, and if The Simpsons have taught me anything (see the one where Homer sues the church and wins it), it's that soot and smoke creates rain. If it begins to go dark, and lightly rain (thanks to the smoke from the fire), then it gets heavier and begins to thunder, Vanthus can first appear as a shilliouette (I know I've spelt that wrong!) in thunder and lightning just before he attacks.
Just before nightfall seems a good time for the battle, so the PCs at first think it's simply a red sky, and then, as they get closer, they see the fire. It's dramatic, and, well, it works in my mind. In fact, once I reach the Farshore battle (a fair way for now), I think I'll do this.

The first party of mine has been honest, pretty much all the way through, though they've only just reached the Vanderboren Vault. An issue arose with the watch and Vark's dead body, alongside those of 5 of his accomplises, floating in the bay near pier five, and the party had already gone and turned in two of the pirates, so they were involved, but Lavinia was able to help them out of it. I don't think they'd decide to manipulate her after THAT.

The second will be more interesting - namely, the paladin and CN rogue. I can see something mayt happen there, if they survive the battle with Vark's men and the Rhagodessa, especially with their low levels of healing that remains...

Hi all.
Cheers. Maybe even suggesting coup de grace was a bad move ;) but it's a threat to the PCs...
Anyway, a quick qestion on stabilisation, while I'm here. He just stabilised, so does he no longer need to stabilise, or what? Any help would be great, and fast help would be greater ;)

Hi all.
OK, a second party I am running through the Savage Tide, and I've come into a sleight predicament. Here is what has happened so far.

It is late afternoon, and the party saw the pirates loading the animals, ready for the smuggling trip. The paladin and rogue managed to intimidate their way to Vark, and together tried to spook him into handing the ship over. This failed, and the paladin attacked before anyone else could react. The battle raged, the party split at opposite ends of the 200-foot pier. Eventually, the rogue and paladin killed off Vark, but a pirate forced the rogue back to the very edge of the pier. There, the rogue was knocked into unconciousness (-1 hp).
Now, my dilemma occurs. The pirate has a perfect opportunity to coup de grace the rogue, but would he? His captain is no longer around to boss him about, but the characters threatened his life. Would these thugs be willing to kill if not under orders?

Any insight would be great

Ah, those Zombie Pirates, god love em (or, at least, Nerull does...)

I really like the idea of a Dolgaunt Monk. Especially useful outside Eberron, as they're not a race found there. Your only issue are weapons, but it's a minor one :)

God, I have the same issue with the Rhagodessa. I had this fun way of running him - was gonna have his grab a PC, and then run out of the hold onto the deck and running around, climbing and all that. However, the PCs all hit, the Rhagodessa rolled 3 on an attack, and 4 on an AoO, and than there was a crit from a crossbow (for 19 damage), he was out before I could say 'Make an opposed strength check.'

But, them are the breaks.

I'm running Sasserine (or, in my case, Tashluta) like Venice - hey, they even have Gondolas! You can hire boats to get around, will also be the way I'm thinking of running a few encounters for the Wormfall Festival (the gnome thinks the PCs are trying to take his place in line for one the 'Wormfall Boatrides', mostly.)

Poor Rogue. But 200 feet? Talk about that sinking feeling!

Hi all.
I felt like telling you all how my PbP party managed to handle the situation on the Blue Nixie. I would also like some feedback on if they were just lucky with dice rolls, good tactically, or if I played the battle out wrong. Anyway, on which the show:

First up, the party. They are as follows (all level 1):

- Christopher Van Edefelt, Human Fighter
- Bo'Ndaga Yutu, Wild Dwarf Wilderness Rogue
- Vhalen, Wild Elf Cleric of Sheverash
- Nova Furas, Human Sorceress
- Kilmer Geraldi, Human Swashbuckler

So, here's how it went:

As the party approached the harbour of the pier, Bo'Ndaga had decided he did not wish to kill the pirates, and went for some late-night shopping at the Harbour Market (established as an almost late-night bazaar in my version), buying himself some rope, a camoflauge kit and a sap. Then, he returned to the party. They all got a good look at the ship from behind some crates, seeing them loading a spider-like beast into the hold (the Rhagodessa), and then three pirates setting up for watch. They also noticed the ropes. Originally, they had two plans, either Nova would walk over and try to destract the pirates, so that they could all board the boat and take it by surprise, or Bo'Ndaga would schase Nova down the pier, hoping to destract the pirates, so the rest could, again, board with surprise. However, both of these plans were soon deemed too risky to Nova, especially if the pirates did not take the bait, and instead they would all board the ship from the water, then ambush the pirates from all angles. Dropping into the cold water below Pier Five, they made their way to their positions.
Kilmer, Nova and Bo'Ndaga swam around the ship to the Forecastle Deck, on the side opposite to the pier (believe it's Port-side, but can't be sure, but I disgress...), while Christopher stays next to the pier and the Quarterdeck, and Vhalen planned to ship to the opposite side of the Quarterdeck to Christopher. However, as the elf was doing so, the pirate on the Quarterdeck spotted him and quickly took aim with his crossbow, freezing the elf in his tracks. Threatening the Elf with a bolt through the head, he told Vhalen to return to the pier. Christopher readied an Alchemist's Fire, which he planned to throw onto the pier when if things turned nasty, and, unaware of the situation, the other three continued to climb up towards the Forecastle.
Vhalen, however, remained calm and collected. As the other two pirates came up to the Quarterdeck, he complained that he had a bet with a dwarf for free drinks that he could swim up and touch the boat without being spotted. He returned to the pier, and Christopher began to climb again, planning to wait until the pirates had moves way before he boarded.
As the pirates turned away, Bo'Ndaga, ova and Kilmer were already aboard, the dwarf and sorceress hiding behind the mast, and Kilmer trying his best to move quietly down to the deck. However, he was easily spotted, but gave the dwarf and sorceress enough time to act. Nova fired off a magical missile, striking the closest pirate, and Bo'Ndaga fires an arrow from his shortbow, deciding he had little choice but to now fight to the death - their's, or his. The arrow, however, had too much distance to cover, and it was too dark to take a good aim, and it consequently missed. The battle kicked in, two of the pirates swiftly falling to the magical missiles of Nova and Vhalen, who was not shooting arrows from the pier, in an attempt to either destract or kill the pirates (he wasn't fussed!). When it was down to the final pirate's turn to act, he swiftly yelled for backup. Kilmer took his position by the staircase leading down into the depths below the Forecastle, and waited for anyone to appear through it. Bo'Ndaga also readied himself to shoot at anyone that emerged. As the swarm of pirates came to the deck, one emerged from the staircase guarded by Kilmer, and was swiftly both cut and shot down. Another emerged from the hold, almost animalistic, snarling and prandishing a blood-stained rapier. Then, Vark, Ketrana and another came from the gallery and captain's quarters. As the pirate on the Quarterdeck moved into a better position for his crossbow, Christopher lept over the side of the ship and striked out at him. He hit, but not with enough force to kill him.
As the next round of combat began, Christopher managed to stick through the pirate, and advance on Vark. Vhalen, seeing he had no more targets, and had to get aboard quickly, lept towards the ropes Christopher had climbs, jumping off the pier and hitting the side of the boat with a thud, gripping the ropes, and began to climb. The animalistic pirate moved with speed towards Kilmer, the target Vark had indicated as he came from his quarters, leaping the corner of the rowboat and striking Kilmer successfully. It was then a scream went up from the Forecastle Deck. With a look up, the battle seemed to freeze as Nova lept, arms flailing from the Forcastle, calling for her daddy. Kilmer was just able to turn himself to avoid the running sorceress, and the pirate who'd jump moved stuck his rapier in her side, causing her to wince in pain, but continue none the less. She ran straight for Vark and his two pirate companions, stopping directly ahead of them. In the confusion, Vark ordered the woman to deal with the girl, while he and the male took out Christopher. Bo'Ndaga, seeing Nova leap off the Forecastle, moved to do the same, rolling as he hit the floor. However, seeing he would never reach her in time, and that she had Christopher to help her, he turned himself to fire an arrow at the animalistic pirate, hitting it and making a deeop wound, but not enough to kill it.
As the battle between the three pirates, the fighter and the sorceress continued, Christopher hit Vark with his weapon, though not leaving as deep a would as he would like. The male pirate struck out at him, dropping the crossbow he was wielding and switching to his rapier, drawing and striking the fighter in one move. Ketrana did the same, yet Nova was too quick, dodging the attack. Before Vark could act, Nova stepped around the corner of the staircase, Ketrana missing with her attack of opportunity. The girl threw some multi-coloured sand into the air, uttering some mystic arcane wording, and a green aura glowed around her. The last thing the pirates remembered was colour spraying from the girls fingertips as they slipped into unconciousness. Seeing the battle was lost, the animalistic pirate gave the call to burn the animals, and then attempted to jump ship. However, Kilmer was to quick, and the pirate was sent screaming to his death.
As Vhalen boarding the ship just in time to see this, it seemed that the fight was won. Then, a woman's scream erupted from the hold, followed by a sucking, stabbing sound and a clicking, alongside hollering of exotic beasts. Without a seconds thought, Kilmer was off below the Forecastle. Bo'Ndaga began to bind the unconcious pirates, and Christopher, after Vhalen had healed Nova's wound, accompanied the cleric in persuit of Kilmer.
As the dwarf and sorceress searched the bodies of the tied captives, they began to awaken, at which point the dwarf easily forced them into uncnociousness one more with his sap. Then, sounds of battle erupted from the hold, included hollowering and that incecent clicking. However, once Vark woke, Bo'Ndaga was unable to force him back into unconciousnes before he broke free of his bonds and prepared to attack.
Nova was quick. With no weapon drawn, Vark could only watch as yet more colour sprays from her hands and forced him into unconciousness once more, with a trailed off curse.
Christopher, Vhalen and Kilmer had already come face to face with a spider-like creature with a large, vicious jaw. This was the Rhagodessa, and it had broken free of its cage, killing a female pirate holding a box of matches, and begun to devour the exotic apes, cats and birds, some of which still cowarded in their cages, pressed against the wall. The three had found the beast eating a small monkey, but not it turned its attention to the PCs. Vhalen acted first, firing a pair of arrows towards the Rhagodessa. Clicking in pain as one suck into its leg, the beast stomped the wounded leg, shaking the arrow free. Kilmer readied himself to strike out at the beast one if came in range, and the Rhagodessa made its move. Scuttling sideways, like a crab, its back legs climbed the wall, and, as it get nearer the group, it used its legs to push from the wall, springing into the middle of the group, which were stood in an L-shape. Kilmer struck hard, cutting deep into another leg. Wincing in pain, the beast struck out with a pedipalp towards the Elf. Vhalen was just able to roll free of the strike, which would otherwise have surely been difficult to escape from. Christopher, who had his crossbow drawn,pulled the trigger. The Rhagodessa tried for another pedipalp attack, yet the fighter was ready, and the slowed attack parents of the Rhagodessa worked against it, letting Christopher duck free with ease. Then, the bolt fired deep into the skull of the vermin, causing it to click in pain as bone crunched. Hitting the hold floor with a thud, the beast lay still, dead.
almost as soon as Nova and Bo'Ndaga had dealt with Vark, the battle below was won, and so was the Nixie.

OK, we have 2 parties here, both EL 1. We're in the Forgotten Realms, adventuring upon the Chult Peninsula:

- Christopher Van Edefelt, Human Fighter:
- Bo'Ndaga Yutu, Wild Dwarf Wilderness Rogue
- Vhalen, Wild Elf Cleric of Sheverash
- Nova Furas, Human Sorceress
- Kilmer Geraldi, Human Swashbuckler

- Lord Robert Cooper, Human Paladin
- Correlis Safiron, Human Rogue
- Alrunir von Teuben, Human Cloistered Cleric of Mystra
- Recently Dropped-Out Mage
- Aseir D'Velit, Human Duskblade

I'd, personally, suggest it as an internet download thing, but, hey, what do I know? ;) :D

Alternatively, it could be a good way to slip in some minis spoilers for future sets, say, Unhallowed...

I can't wait til I reach these NPCs - Especially Urol and Avner. I'm tempted to play them both annoying, but Avner more annoying-annoying, and Urol likable-annoying/foolish (stuff like talking to himself a lot, falling over, etc. More slapstick comedy than anything else.)

The Complete series is extremely useful, especially for the Swashbuckler (Complete Warrior) class, for the feel for the campaign. Also, I'd agree on Scout, though I just think that the Complete Series is generally great :)


Running a pair of parties through on the internet, one group has just left Lavinia's, and the others are just about to board the Nixie, once I have all their climb/swim/move silently checks.
The first party, the one just leaving Lavinia's, had some issues with a player, their mage. He's disappeared, so they're plodding on reguardless, and I'll introduce a new 'un during the battle for the Nixie.
The second party spend a lot of time planning. They have a 14 year old sorceress in the party, and were planning on using her at a distraction while the rest boarded, or having their dwarven rogue chase her down the pier to get the surprise on em. However, in the end they decided against it, after a long time planning. Funny, but their rogue is refusing to kill the pirates, so he got a sap. I just think it's funny.

Ah, excellent. Cheers.

Hi all
Which district is most likely to house a shrine to Mystra, in the Forgotten Realms version of Sasserine. I'm thinking either Sunrise or Champions, but any other suggestions would be great.

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