
Big Fat DM's page

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The lack of healing shouldn't be a problem.
My group is in the middle of BG and consists of the following:

Half-Elf Bard
Human Fighter
Human Ranger
Dwarven Sorcerer

They've already decided that once they get back to Sasserine, they're going to pick up a wand of cure light wounds for the Bard to use. Your group could do something similar, with both the Paladin and Bard able to use the wand.

I'd say your biggest problem is the lack of a Rogue. The Bard and Monk could fill the scouting and other sneaky type skills, but you still need a trapfinder.

Oh dear.

We're on a break while two of the players get pizza. They haven't even reached Kraken's Cove yet and three of the PCs have gotten Savage Fever from those damn monkeys. That leaves the party member with the highest intelligence...the fighter. A truly discomforting notion.

They had so much trouble with the monkeys, I'm expecting a TPK once they reach the heavy hitters later tonight. Or I suppose it's this morning by now. Oh well. I'll probably be posting on the Obituaries thread by this afternoon.

We're a few sessions in, and it's going pretty well. We've had a few close calls, but no PC deaths yet. The PCs just roleplayed through the final banquet in "There Is No Honor", and we're starting "The Bullywug Gambit tonight.

A fairly conventional party, but a good group of roleplayers. As of the end of There Is No Honor, they are:

Marek (CG male Olman human Rgr3) A sailor born in the Azure District who fights with a cutlass and dagger. He's become the de-facto leader, for better or worse.

Ian Darkeyes (NG male half-elf Brd3) A former circus performer and a master of the fiddle from the Sheldomar Valley. The trickster and scoundrel of the group. He's usually seen with a mug of ale in one hand and a barmaid in his other arm.

Colmark "Cole" Blackaxe (N male dwarf Sor3) A good man to have on your side, though perhaps more than a little mad. He's usually seen smoking a large pipe filled with a special alchemy-treated pipeweed that stinks to high heaven. His bat familiar, Jemrik, is unusually lazy and sleeps for most of the day.

Ryan Tollocke (NG male Oerdian human Ftr3) A former soldier from the Principality of Ulek with a great deal of knowledge about siege engines. He ended up with Kersh Refton's glamered chain shirt. He's developed quite a crush on Lavinia, but has yet to act on his feelings.

PC: Ian Darkeyes (NG male half-elf Bard2)
Place of Glory: The Crucible
Summary: Amateur Crocodile Wrestling

Our heroes are trapped in the rapidly filling Crucible when a crocodile traps the Fighter in its jaws despite being under the effects of a 'ray of enfeeblement'. With their Ranger leader climbing to the observation room to deal with the thieves and the dwarven Sorcerer launching spells at the snipers, our brave fiddler casts aside his rapier and leaps upon the crocodile's back. Against all odds, he manages to pry apart its jaws, letting his friend escape. In the very next round, he draws his dagger and plunges it through the croc's eye (confirmed critical with max damage) ending the fight with the reptile.