A fairly conventional party, but a good group of roleplayers. As of the end of There Is No Honor, they are:
Marek (CG male Olman human Rgr3) A sailor born in the Azure District who fights with a cutlass and dagger. He's become the de-facto leader, for better or worse.
Ian Darkeyes (NG male half-elf Brd3) A former circus performer and a master of the fiddle from the Sheldomar Valley. The trickster and scoundrel of the group. He's usually seen with a mug of ale in one hand and a barmaid in his other arm.
Colmark "Cole" Blackaxe (N male dwarf Sor3) A good man to have on your side, though perhaps more than a little mad. He's usually seen smoking a large pipe filled with a special alchemy-treated pipeweed that stinks to high heaven. His bat familiar, Jemrik, is unusually lazy and sleeps for most of the day.
Ryan Tollocke (NG male Oerdian human Ftr3) A former soldier from the Principality of Ulek with a great deal of knowledge about siege engines. He ended up with Kersh Refton's glamered chain shirt. He's developed quite a crush on Lavinia, but has yet to act on his feelings.