
motownphil1's page

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Human Cleric with the celestial bloodline (from ua)

Human Fighter (eunuch, very large, very high voice)

Human Sorceror with 1 level or Battledancer (from dragon comp)

Gnome "Bard" gnome paragon & fey bloodline with levels of just about everything else (I convienced the powergamer to play a bard to show the rest of the party a bard was viable)

Gnome Beguiler (acquired the ability to transform into a tiny brass dragon - from dragon magazine forget the issue)

Human Paladin Hexblade with efreeti bloodline (his saves are off the chain)

Human Fighter Rogue

Human Ranger

I had put a EL limit of +1 and no SR at the start. I opened up the bloodlines and paragon classes from ua so folks could achieve what they wanted but everyone would be mostly balanced. I get frustrated with a party that carries the 1 HD 1/2 dragon or whatever until he can take a hit. It is a HUGE party and I have to send them against EL's way out of the norm for their individual level. nice mix. they have all the archtypes + some.

Take It Easy,