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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 69 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is the situation: A drow enters the space of an invisible and hidden wayang ninja without detecting him. The ninja has the option of striking the drow with an attack of opportunity but, reasoning that they'll do more damage with two weapon fighting and a full attack later, opts not to.

If the drow had continued his movement this wouldn't be a question but the drow finishes his movement in the same square as the wayang.

RAW says that you can't occupy the same square. Core p194: "Accidentally Ending Movement in an Illegal Space:
Sometimes a character ends its movement while moving through a space where it’s not allowed to stop. When that happens, put your miniature in the last legal position you occupied, or the closest legal position, if there’s a legal position that’s closer."

The wayang ninja had three options:
1) Maintain invisibility and move out of his way;
2) Maintain invisibility and block him by standing still (not an attack on his part so invisibility is unaffected);
3) Make an attack of opportunity and lose invisibility.

The wayang ninja chose to actively avoid the drow and the drow who was unaware of the wayang ninja.

The GM ruled that the wayang ninja would move to the nearest unoccupied square for free but the option of squeezing into the same square was bandied around.

How would you rule on this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Opuk0 wrote:
Recently I was in a conversation where someone described cultists sacrificing innocents as being 'boring and lazy writing' because there was no personal attachment for them.

There's nothing wrong with stereotypes, they help people to take short cuts in working out things about other people. Evil villains should kick a dog, blow up their own allies, and generally be merciless. They should twirl their moustaches and kidnap the fair maiden.

If you want to avoid stereotypes then great, give your villains some depth. First of all what is their motivation? Why do they do the things that they do?

For example: Magneto in the comic books and films is trying to make a home for his people, fellow mutants, he doesn't care about ordinary humans and views them as obstacles. Homo superior are destined to supplant homo sapiens and their wars on mutants are a threat to mutant destiny. He's a villain because he'll kill, enslave, or threaten people to achieve his goals. His goals aren't evil but his methods are.

For example: A Chaotic Evil pirate captain sees his crew as akin to a wolf pack. The strong hunt the weak and can do as they want because they are strong. He allows absolutely no weakness in his crew. If you steal from a fellow crew member or cause dissent in the crew then you're considered prey, no longer part of the crew. Life aboard ship is disciplined but he doesn't kill anyone who works for the good of all, in fact he treats them very well. He'll serve a stronger captain but will vie for position where he can supplant the other but that is expected and encouraged.

For example: I played a Chelaxian sorcerer who considered themselves to be a patriot. Those who rebelled or sought to undermine the empire had to be dealt with harshly as a lesson to other potential rebels. He didn't enjoy torture or killing but to keep society functioning it was sometimes necessary. When accused of being evil by the so called forces of good he would point out that a stable society was necessary for people to flourish and bringing down the lawfully appointed rulers was an act of chaos that would result in far more deaths and much more destruction.

For example: I played a tiefling witch in Way of the Wicked whose mother had fled her hometown with the infant and spent her life living in the woods eking out a difficult subsistence. Inquisitors from the town burned their house down in their effort to find the "demon" that she had spawned. He fled for his life but everyone he met, except for rare worshippers of Asmodeus, treated him badly. He doesn't consider himself evil but he has learned to attack first and ask questions later. The follows of Mitra are intolerant, cruel, ignorant people and do not deserve to live in his view.

It is all about motivation.

Your cultists aren't sacrificing innocents for fun, they are trying to raise a great power to correct some evil (in their mind) that is worth the sacrifice. What price is 100 souls when it saves thousands?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A Cleric with Merciful Healer Archetype takes the Versatile Channeler feat allowing them to channel negative energy as well as positive energy. They then take the Soul Warden prestige class.

A player asked about making this in a game. They had a couple of questions.

First can the cleric channel negative energy at all?

My ruling was as follows: The merciful healer archetype bars the cleric from harming undead with channel energy in exchange for some additional benefits of healing.

Nothing prevents the cleric from taking Versatile Channeler to channel negative energy but the archetype's restriction would still apply. They could heal undead with it, harm living creatures with it, or use it as a prerequisite for a feat like Command Undead. It seems like the cleric's church hierarchy might question them about that but there is nothing in the rules that prevent it.

The second question was whether the Soul Warden prestige class would add 1d6 to their channel energy to damage undead roll or whether they would stack their class and prestige class levels to determine the damage.

My ruling was as follows: The text is clear, they gain 1d6 Channel Damage at the first level of the prestige class or they calculate your damage dice by taking the class level in a class that channels energy and stacking it with the Soul Warden. So a cleric 5/soul warden 1 would still channel 3d6 damage against undead rather than 4d6 and a cleric 5/soul warden 1 wo channels positive energy but has the versatile channeler feat would do damage as a cleric of two levels lower, 2d6.

Specifically regarding Soul Warden and Merciful Healer, Soul Warden grants the cleric the power to harm undead which the archetype prohibits. In that case the cleric does not have the ability to channel damage against undead as a cleric and would only gain 1d6 channel damage as the prestige class. However the channel damage from Soul Warden and the channel positive energy from cleric class features would be independent unless the cleric dropped the archetype through retraining.

Do you think that my rulings are fair. If you interpret them differently, please explain your reasoning.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just made him really whiny. He complained about his feet, didn't help set up camp or cook, complained about being left behind, complained about being dragged into danger, complained about Aravashnial and Anevia slowing them down, complained about going too fast, complained about being in the company of thieves, rough types, and perverts (which did not go down well with anyone), etc, etc. He just moaned about everything.

I've played WotR three or four times and DMed it once (I'm just starting a second game of it next month) and every single time someone has slapped Horgus and threatened to leave him behind.

Also each time he has survived.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rickmeister wrote:

Little bump.

I'm trying to have an introductory adventure (since one of my four players won't be able to join until the second session) to get everyone into the feel of Kenabres.

Anyone know of a suitable level 1 "adventure" that I could use that would fit into a city like Kenabres. I'm also going for the whole "get to know your npc allies before fallling down the hole" a tinybit. Rumours and all that. :-)

I know it's probably too late but someone else might benefit from this.

I've just run the first session myself and I ran a pre game session to get the party introduced to the NPCs.

I started them out in Clydeswell Plaza to see Irabeth and several other knights being awarded medals and honours for their deeds over the last year. I had to work with each of the players in advance to work out why they were in Kenabres.

Lynn, sorcerer and animal handler, was selling a new breed of guard dog to be used in the crusades. She'd brought her prize hound and was working with Horgus Gwerm to arrange for business opportunities in the breeding and sale of them. She was attending the ceremony as Horgus guest to try to meet new contacts.

Sir Nyle, paladin and crusader, was looking for a squire to continue the tradition of knights training young warriors. He own former knight master had died recently and he was at the cathedral to honour his former mentor. Irabeth was considering Nyle for her own order but wanted to get to know him better before making a decision.

Dame Julianna, cleric and crusader, was being released from her own squireship and was at Clydewell Plaza to be formally released in a ceremony. She and Nyle are friends and he has invited her to attend as his guest.

Trap is a warforged alchemist. He is at Clydewell Plaza having been working with the ground crew to set up some fireworks for the evening's festivities. He is inspecting the fuses under the stands around the plaza.

That positions the PCs and some of the NPCs. If I'd had more time I would have created more NPCs. As it is there's an old noble woman, Terendelev, nearby and a stuffy elf, Aravashnial, is arguing with someone in the front row. As it is Irabeth and Anevia are together in the stands with two of the PCs. Horgus is with another and the fourth is nearby.

Irabeth is called to attend her ceremony and kisses her wife before walking across the plaza to a fanfare of trumpets. Once she's in the cathedral the PCs have some time for conversation with the NPCs. Anevia is awkward and self conscious without Irabeth but Horgus is a skilled conversationalist, eager to discuss business and his plans for expansion.

Lord Holrun comes out to give the blessing of the festival but as he speaks there is an explosion to the west and the frontage of the cathedral collapses on top of him. The ground opens up to allow giant demonic wasps (just use the giant wasp stats but describe them as demonic) to fly out and attack the crowd. Heroic PCs will leap forward to battle the wasps and the cultists in the crowd will strike at them from behind (1st level rogues). They should be able to fend off the attacks and even take out or or two of the wasps but then the Storm King emerges from rubble with a roar. Terendelev launches herself at the balor and they fight. More demons emerge, just dretches, nothing too powerful yet.

The point is to have the PCs fight to defend the crowd so that people can escape. The NPCs can assist here. Aravashnial's magic is particularly useful and can save a PC who is hard pressed. NPC clerics can channel energy to heal PCs who are wounded although it turns out that Julianna in my game kept bringing the other defenders back from the brink using her channel energy ability rather than the other way round. Just keep the fight going as long as you can and describe the battle against the dragon and demon lord. At some point the Storm King should attack the crowd. His whip should strike Aravashnial and blind him or another demon should tear through his defences and cut his eyes out. That was one reason why I placed him a little apart from the group so they couldn't prevent him being injured.

Keep the waves of demons coming and have slightly more powerful ones begin to emerge until the PCs are convinced that they can't hold the line. Have NPCs who they'd been talking to die (not Anevia or Horgus but others that you've created). Then have Terendelev die and the ground open up to drop the party into the undercity. It's a better beginning that just waking up in the cavern.

They'll start with few spells and few hit point. My group had one person unconscious and two on 1hp (the sorcerer was somehow still on full), the cleric had no more channel energy left and the sorcerer had only cantrips. Instead of the maggot encounter just have the room contain bodies and enough equipment to heal up with. I substituted Terendelev's scales for scales that allowed anyone within a 10 foot radius to be healed and rested as if they had a full day of rest when one was broken. That gave them a start. I also had Anevia panicking and insisting that they rush back to the surface to find Irabeth and Horgus panicking and insisting that they head to the surface and safety before demons followed them down to the tunnels. The idea was to create a sense of urgency to encourage them to get a move on rather than waste several days healing and relearning spells.

Though overwhelmed Kenabres needed them or thousands would die as the demons expanded into residential areas. They needed even the small help that the PCs could offer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've just started running Wrath of the Righteous and the party has managed to capture Millorn alive. In keeping with the redemptive arc of the game they have taken pity on the dwarf and seek to do something to help recover his sanity and bring him back to the side of good.

For that I need to flesh out his background a bit. I've decided to make him the younger brother of Staunton Vhane. I don't really like the rather vague idea that Millorn left civilisation because he was dabbling in the dark arts and want something a bit more specific to flesh him out.

This is what I have so far:

Millorn Vhane was never a warrior like the brother who he worshipped as a hero. Staunton had all the drive and the skill at arms that he lacked. Nevertheless he followed his example and joined the crusades. Though his own contribution was not nearly so worthy as Staunton's he had the respect of his peers. When Staunton turned from the side of good he revealed his secret to his brother, hoping that the pair could work together. Millorn could not bear it. His hero was revealed as a traitor by his own words. He fled in horror, never telling anyone of what he had learned. It played on his mind though and whenever he assisted a crusader in battling the demonic forces of the Worldwound he held in the back of his mind that that crusader was also a traitor. After many years he could no longer bear it and retreated to the caverns beneath Kenabres to try to put his thoughts in order. Solitude and deprivation have done nothing to help him over the years and he has slipped into insanity. After all, if even his paladin brother should fall then what hope is there for someone like him?

Quite brief but it explains Millorn's presence under Kenabres and provides a bit of foreshadowing regarding Staunton Vhane. More importantly it means that the PCs have a way to redeem him. If they can bolster Millorn's belief in himself and provide a consistent example of people uncorrupted by self interest and evil then he'll shift his hero worship onto them. Perhaps he'll even abandon hero worship entirely and becoming a hero himself.

Any time the PCs slip or take the easier course of action Millorn will sigh in disappointment as his biased opinions are confirmed. They'll have to be extra good and brave to keep him on the right track. I'm thinking that he should probably latch onto an arcane caster. He considers himself weak compared to warriors so seeing another caster perform well will do more to strengthen his opinion of himself and his capabilities than the actions of a paladin or holy warrior.

What do you think? Does this create any real problems with the timeline or with Staunton's past?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Has anybody tried the O.R.E system of Godlike or Wild Talents?

The designers have some preview material on their site ==>

I played a game for a while and really enjoyed it although I had a few heated discussions about how magic works (or doesn't)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On the subject of gift cards I'd certainly make use of them. I've reached the age now where my children and my fellow gamers' children have started playing D&D. A gift card is a good way to let them choose the direction of their own gaming as well as a credit for future expenditure.

I should add that, as I'm in England and the dollar is weak at the moment, I may actually save myself a lot of money by stocking up on gift cards for later when the dollar is stronger.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

For overseas shipping could we have the option of receiving two or even three issues of Pathfinder in a single shipping? Grouping them up to cut costs. I tend not to start the adventure path until I've got the second part to it so it would make no difference to me and I'd always have the PDF to review.

For what it's worth I am more likely to order supplementary material if I can add it to the subscription and save money on shipping. You know, in case you need an incentive. ;)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm not going to 4e for at least two years, not with the sort of investment I've got in 3.5e. I want to get the most out of it that I can. Hell, I still play in a group that used 2nd Edition and has no plans on changing. We all enjoy 2e and it'll be around for a while yet.

Maybe I'll do the same as I'm doing with Windows Vista. Skip it and wait for the next version.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wait. There's a 4th edition?

I'm joking of course but how many gamers are there who will become aware of 4th Edition when the books first appear in the shops?

Why do we need 4th Edition? What in 3.5 is broken? Are these addressed in 4E?

My main gripe is that the 4E core rules no longer support my setting of choice (Eberron). I therefore see no reason to change.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Considering the fact that one of our games is still running in Second Edition and most of the players are resistant to changing to 3rd I don't think that we'll even look at 4th edition for while.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My current Eberron campaign is reaching an end and I've been reading the Pathfinder books with interest. They are well constructed and contain a very rich background. I don't want to abandon all the history and background that I have from my Eberron campaign when I start a new one.

I'd initially thought of placing the new campaign in Xen'drik and placing the Pathfinder world in Menechtarun.

What changes would be necessary to Pathfinder to make this possible?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Corey Young wrote:


Please shoot an email to with your old and new address, and we'll be sure to take care of you!

Thanks but they turned up yesterday.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I haven't received mine either or Dungeon for that matter. Just to make matters worse I've also recently moved and now I can't change the address for my subscriptions.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

Shipping of 149 and 358 was delayed in Europe—they've both just gone out at the end of this week (though Royal Mail strikes may make delivery take longer than usual.) 150 should be shipping soon, but 359 hasn't even shipped domestically yet.

I was starting to get worried too. I'll just be patient for a bit longer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks Kobold Lord, all great ideas. There I was thinking of sending the party off to Shavarath and having to modify the Abyss to fit it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Echidna is on a godly power level so I'd say she could spawn them herself or once impregnated by Typhon could produce new monsters from his godly seed.

You could certainly have fun with this and introduce new monsters into your campaign this way, especially if you allowed a new monster spawned here to get away and produce new young in the PCs world.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There was an earlier thread about converting the Savage Tide from the Greyhawk setting to Eberron. Is anyone running the adventure path in the Eberron campaign and how have you coped with the latest developments as the party is catapulted to the outer plains?

I'd love to see a breakdown of changes to the adventure path by Dungeon issue but that's probably just laziness on my part as well as wishful thinking.

Given the different cosmology that Eberron has to other D&D campaign settings how have other people explained the outer plains?

If some kind soul has already done this I apologise but would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lathiira wrote:
Maybe treat it similarly to Practiced Spellcaster and permit the addition of up to 4 levels to the turning ability of the character, max turning power=HD.

Seems a bit weak. Practiced Spellcaster increases the caster level for all spells cast in a day. This is a lot more than a cleric has turning attempts.

I agree that a cleric needs to take feats to keep his or her turning ability up to a reasonable level but what else does a cleric need feats for. Combat feats are pretty much wasted. Item creation feats are useful but a wizard can do it better and an artificer just embarrasses any other class. Metamagic feats aren't much use either, especially for multi classed characters.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The idea of adding a prerequisite like Spell Focus (necromancy), or possibly limiting it to Clerics of the Undying Court or of orders that specifically oppose undead seem good. The Practiced Spellcaster route does limit it somewhat especially as Mystic Theurge has 10 levels.

Do feats really allow the ability to stack with magic items in so significant a way?

I wouldn't object to this feat being used to turn elementals or outsiders instead of undead but not in addition to.

Thanks for the ideas.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

None of the PC sub races (deep gones, dark elves, etc) get dragonmarks. I'm sure I've read this in one of the official forums or sage advice somewhere but it escapes me as to where.

I think Fatespinner is on to a good thing with his Mark of Death options although I'd probably add Enervation 2/day as an option for the Greater Mark and Ray of Exhaustion (range touch) for the Lesser Mark.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Following the Sacred Performer feat from Dragon 357 (p87) I created this feat for one of my PCs (an elven Cleric (Undying Court)\Mage). I'm thinking that it may be too powerful. Can you let me know your thoughts please.

Undying Arcana
Your knowledge of magic is transferrable to your understanding of the undead.

Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, ability to cast 1st level arcane spells
Benefits: Your cleric and arcane spellcaster levels stack for the purpose of determinining your turning check and turning damage. For example a 4th level mage\1st level cleric turns or rebukes undead as a 5th level cleric.
Your levels of Mystic Theurge count as single levels for the purpose of determining your turning check and turning damage. For example a 3rd level mage\3rd level cleric\3rd level Mystic Theurge turns or rebukes undead as a 9th level cleric.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gold Katana wrote:
IMC, one PC has one flintlock. It is a very rare item and he had to seek out a gnome specialist for the smoke powder. It has added a unique flair to his character but it has not had a huge mechanical impact to the game. I grabbed the stats from Iron Cross (I think). It basically does 1d6 damage, takes a full round to reload. I did not bother requiring any feats or skills to use it.

Essentially like a light crossbow?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Personally I wouldn't allow firearms in a game that I was running. You end up with two choices: Make them better to have than existing missile weapons; or restrict them to such an extent that no-one wants them.

Then again I much prefer the fantasy/middle ages feel of the game rather than renaissance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We're going to have the following in the Eberron version of the Savage tide:
Drusilla d'Lyrandar - Half elf druid, ship captain and follower of the Greensingers sect. Likely to get involved with the Seelie Court in some way.
An as yet unnamed Elven Ninja who serves the dragons of Argonessen.
Silver Blade - A warforged fighter who worships the Silver Flame.
Tatha d'Jorasco - Halfling rogue, dinosaur rider and the party's healer.
An unnamed and unraced bard who hates undead.
A half elf ranger ecaping the city life of Sharn.
A warforged artificer who will provide some much needed magic to the group.

All are novice players except the artificer who are graduating up from the D&D board game.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't have Spell Compendium but I do have most of the Dragon issues. A speedy search of t'Internet reveals that issue 318 is the one you want. - CHILDREN OF KA

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How about the prospect of several unexplored ruins to plunder?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Chimpman wrote:
Ok, those replies were fairly similar to some of my own thoughts as well. There is still one more question though, and it's about the Olmans. An island right off the coast of Xen'drik still seems like it should be more likely to be inhabited by elves than by humans. Humans should really be newcomers to the austral continent, so how do you reconcile this? Or will you change the Olmans to elves (and will that impact the storyline at all)?

The original Sarlonan emigrants left the shores of that continent looking for a new home. They settled in Khorvaire and Argonnessen (Seren Barabarians) so why not in Xen'drik.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Chimpman wrote:
1) Given that Sasserine = Stormreach, then where is the IoD located?

If you look at the map in Dungeon 141 and the Xen'drik map in Player's Guide to Eberron then Point A is directly south of the A in Thunder Sea and everything else is in the same place. Therefore the Isle of Dread is south east of Stormreach on the same Longitude as the western coast of Aerenal. I realise that the distances are much greater (I think about four times) so I was planning on having some additional stop off points for supplies.

Chimpman wrote:
2) Related to #1 above: Depending on where you place the IoD, what is the purpose of establishing Farpoint colony?

Farpoint would make an excellent trading colony between Argonessen and Xen'drik and between Xen'drik and the frozen continent to the south. Also as a means of exploring the southern part of Xen'drik.

Chimpman wrote:
Farpoint may be seen as the gateway into another section of Xen'drik. It might also be seen as a possible competitor with Stormreach.

I think it is too far south to be seen as a competitor. It is already difficult to get to Stormreach and Farshore is even further. I think it would only serve to connect Stormreach to somewhere else.

Chimpman wrote:
This also puts the IoD closer to Riedran spheres of influence, so would tie in nicely with the adventure as planned (assuming that the Scarlet Brotherhood = Riedrans).

My thoughts exactly.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:
He could be Cap'n Crimson, a horrible, horrible pirate lord infamous for slaughtering everyone aboard prize ships whether or not they fought back against the pirates.

I like the Cap'n Crimson idea a lot. It makes an excellent introduction and I can write a short story about the Evil Cap'n Crimson as a player handout to start them off.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Nerak the Numb wrote:
Anyone converted the map of the Blue Nixie in Dungeon #139 to a "top down" type format? I'm going to be DMing STAP online and can't use a standard 3D type map.

Not that I know of but searching for a mpa revealed this <A HREF = "">http://wwgalle</A> which is impressive on it's own.

Maybe you could convert one of the map a week ships from Wizard of the Coast ==> <A HREF = "">http://www.wizar</A>

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JwT wrote:
Did anyone who used the "Funera; Procession" make the funeral for Lavinia's parents?

Rather than her parents perhaps Crimson was an accomplice of Vanthus Vanderboren who was left to take the fall for the murder. An undead rampage would further divert attention away from Vanthus if he became a suspect.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Right, all who requested my affiliations have been emailed with those I have completed so far. I hope you find some use for them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gaborg wrote:
the pearl works so that the initial cracking releases a cloud of 20ft radius acidic smoke for 1 min, then it blasts a 1 mile radius area with the savage tide.

Now that makes sense. I'm glad someone pointed this out before I actually ran the game. Thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Isn't the area effect quite small? 20 foot radius if memory serves. Of course there's absolutely no reason not to make it much bigger if you want and it makes the thing more dramatic. I'd go for 100 feet or even some arbitrary limit like the town walls...a bit like the effect of the mists on the Mournland. Perhaps some strange mystical connection between the Savage Tide and the Day of Mourning could be made if this were the case.

As for having Lavinia suggest evacuating the colony, I would leave it up to the PCs to suggest it. If they don't and many of them are transformed then it falls on their heads. Not that Lavinia wouldn't feel guilty.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's fantastic Lilith, I'll send what I've got tomorrow and probably add another few in a week or so. I've also registered on your site and I'll have a proper nose around when I've got a spare few minutes.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think it would be easier to post them here but I can't. Curses!

However there is an Eberron Yahoo group that will accept files. I shall post what I've done on Tuesday when I'm back in the office with a speedy connection. There's only about 8Mb left so I'll probably convert them to pdf format.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I will do. I want to neaten them up a little first so I'll email them to you on Monday along with any more that I get done between now and then.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there a chance that the characters would get caught in the effect if you did this? Bear in mind that one bad save could wipe out a PC unless the rest of the party have access to Greater Restoration or Wish. Possibly not a bad thing.

Presumably Farshore would not be totally wiped out as some people would make their saves (DC 15) leaving the party to save them from those who were not so lucky and rebuild. It would certainly put the colony back a few years.

This is assuming that the pearl is activated in a crowd. I know that Vanthus would certainly try to maximize the effect. In fact you could continue this for several sessions as families or friends trying to protect people infected with the plague by being injured.

The PCs would then have a kill or cure approach to the infected. These sort of hard choices make role playing a lot of fun. Well, at least until the party get a 13th level cleric and even then are they going to spend 500 xp for some 1st level commoner?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This entire discussion is very interesting but instead of following Keith Baker's advice and depositing Sasserine in the Lhazaar Principalities I've converted the city to Stormreach in Xen'drik.

It requires a few more changes and I've cut back on the plantations a bit but I've been able to incorporate a lot of old favourites from the previous campaign into the game. i.e. the Wayfinder Foundation has a Stormreach outpost and considerable influence in the city and a few of the dragonmarked houses have established enclaves there, especially the House Lyrandar.

Thanks to Mactaka for suggesting replacing the Scarlet Brotherhood with the Inspired. I was going to use the Emerald Claw but the Inspired is much neater. I can still use Emerald Claw agents in a few places but they featured so heavily in the previous campaign that I didn't want to overdo it.

Has anyone created or converted PHII affiliations for major organisations or are people using the ones listed in Dragon magazine all those months ago? I ask because I've prepared a Wayfinder Foundation, Greensingers, Church of the Silver Flame and Emerald Claw affiliation based on the Dragon mag article if anyone wants to see them. They're currently in Word format but I can convert them to PDF if there's enough interest.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The letter of the rules allows this but now the spirit. I would rule that the subject is enlarged only while they are humanoid and not animal. After all a magical effect (Enlarge Person) is in operation that does not effect the subject's natural form and therefore is simply placed 'in status' until the subject's form changes.<P>Think of this if you allow it though. A dragon polymorphs into a human, casts permanent enlarge person on herself and then changed back to a dragon. Eek

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was looking for just this. Here is mine. It's updated rarely but might provide an interesting read for someone.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I knew I was being as blind as a bat. Thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks Vic, how long should it take because issue 136 yesterday but not 133?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've just reported a missing issue on another thread and it occurred to me that this sort of thing would probably be better as an email.

It may be that I just can't see it but contact information or an email page would be a useful addition to your site.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Could you also add me to the list. I was hoping it would arrive on its own but I'm two issues ahead now.

Thanks in advance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Printed renewals. I'll just chuck it in the bin then if its a bug. Thanks for replying.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I received mine this morning but I still have 11 issues remaining. Can you let me know what's going on please?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There is an errata that states that the feats cannot be taken multiple times so an item probably should not stack with the feat. However (there is always a however), are there any rules on more than one person creating a magic item.

I am thinking of something similar to Aid Another but for magic item creation rather than combat. Forgive me if this is covered in 3.5 PHB but I am in the process of upgrading my books and haven't got the PHB yet.

How would the costs be divided out?

I am specifically thinking of the use of magewrights and artificers in the Eberron campaign setting that effectively mass produce magic items and generally work for large organisations (the Dragonmarked Houses).

I can't think of any reason why two or more people can't collaborate on magic item creation and share the XP, GP and time costs. Not even games balance

My party has an Artificer and a warforged fighter with ranks in Craft: Weaponsmith who wants to create a magic axe as soon as the Artificer gets to the right level. My question is: Why can't he help and if he can then can he benefit from the Tools of the Artisan given above?

A house rule at the very least.

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