Rickmeister wrote:
Little bump.
I'm trying to have an introductory adventure (since one of my four players won't be able to join until the second session) to get everyone into the feel of Kenabres.
Anyone know of a suitable level 1 "adventure" that I could use that would fit into a city like Kenabres. I'm also going for the whole "get to know your npc allies before fallling down the hole" a tinybit. Rumours and all that. :-)
I know it's probably too late but someone else might benefit from this.
I've just run the first session myself and I ran a pre game session to get the party introduced to the NPCs.
I started them out in Clydeswell Plaza to see Irabeth and several other knights being awarded medals and honours for their deeds over the last year. I had to work with each of the players in advance to work out why they were in Kenabres.
Lynn, sorcerer and animal handler, was selling a new breed of guard dog to be used in the crusades. She'd brought her prize hound and was working with Horgus Gwerm to arrange for business opportunities in the breeding and sale of them. She was attending the ceremony as Horgus guest to try to meet new contacts.
Sir Nyle, paladin and crusader, was looking for a squire to continue the tradition of knights training young warriors. He own former knight master had died recently and he was at the cathedral to honour his former mentor. Irabeth was considering Nyle for her own order but wanted to get to know him better before making a decision.
Dame Julianna, cleric and crusader, was being released from her own squireship and was at Clydewell Plaza to be formally released in a ceremony. She and Nyle are friends and he has invited her to attend as his guest.
Trap is a warforged alchemist. He is at Clydewell Plaza having been working with the ground crew to set up some fireworks for the evening's festivities. He is inspecting the fuses under the stands around the plaza.
That positions the PCs and some of the NPCs. If I'd had more time I would have created more NPCs. As it is there's an old noble woman, Terendelev, nearby and a stuffy elf, Aravashnial, is arguing with someone in the front row. As it is Irabeth and Anevia are together in the stands with two of the PCs. Horgus is with another and the fourth is nearby.
Irabeth is called to attend her ceremony and kisses her wife before walking across the plaza to a fanfare of trumpets. Once she's in the cathedral the PCs have some time for conversation with the NPCs. Anevia is awkward and self conscious without Irabeth but Horgus is a skilled conversationalist, eager to discuss business and his plans for expansion.
Lord Holrun comes out to give the blessing of the festival but as he speaks there is an explosion to the west and the frontage of the cathedral collapses on top of him. The ground opens up to allow giant demonic wasps (just use the giant wasp stats but describe them as demonic) to fly out and attack the crowd. Heroic PCs will leap forward to battle the wasps and the cultists in the crowd will strike at them from behind (1st level rogues). They should be able to fend off the attacks and even take out or or two of the wasps but then the Storm King emerges from rubble with a roar. Terendelev launches herself at the balor and they fight. More demons emerge, just dretches, nothing too powerful yet.
The point is to have the PCs fight to defend the crowd so that people can escape. The NPCs can assist here. Aravashnial's magic is particularly useful and can save a PC who is hard pressed. NPC clerics can channel energy to heal PCs who are wounded although it turns out that Julianna in my game kept bringing the other defenders back from the brink using her channel energy ability rather than the other way round. Just keep the fight going as long as you can and describe the battle against the dragon and demon lord. At some point the Storm King should attack the crowd. His whip should strike Aravashnial and blind him or another demon should tear through his defences and cut his eyes out. That was one reason why I placed him a little apart from the group so they couldn't prevent him being injured.
Keep the waves of demons coming and have slightly more powerful ones begin to emerge until the PCs are convinced that they can't hold the line. Have NPCs who they'd been talking to die (not Anevia or Horgus but others that you've created). Then have Terendelev die and the ground open up to drop the party into the undercity. It's a better beginning that just waking up in the cavern.
They'll start with few spells and few hit point. My group had one person unconscious and two on 1hp (the sorcerer was somehow still on full), the cleric had no more channel energy left and the sorcerer had only cantrips. Instead of the maggot encounter just have the room contain bodies and enough equipment to heal up with. I substituted Terendelev's scales for scales that allowed anyone within a 10 foot radius to be healed and rested as if they had a full day of rest when one was broken. That gave them a start. I also had Anevia panicking and insisting that they rush back to the surface to find Irabeth and Horgus panicking and insisting that they head to the surface and safety before demons followed them down to the tunnels. The idea was to create a sense of urgency to encourage them to get a move on rather than waste several days healing and relearning spells.
Though overwhelmed Kenabres needed them or thousands would die as the demons expanded into residential areas. They needed even the small help that the PCs could offer.