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![]() IMHO the real problem is "death by action economy". The PCs will always overwhelm single opponents. If you want to give the monster more actions, give it more actions or give it more time to act (=increase its HP). (The third way is to negate PCs actions with immunities and counters but that usually feels cheap.) I think many of the 3.5 D&D's problems were somewhat fixed by introducing the elite and the solo monster categories in 4e. You could look at e.g. Monster Vault or MM3 to see the design philosophy even if they're mechanically different. In my own 3.5/PF campaign I had a couple of dirty tricks I used on the fly:
I didn't usually add actions to creatures unless they had parts/limbs that could be reasonably thought to act independently. Having the monsters make a full attack and move seems ok, though. ![]()
![]() We're currently playing a low-fantasy sword & blackpowder version of RotR with Savage Worlds. I've already been thinking about the next campaign, and Jade Regent with Ameiko as a PC was one of the first things on my mind. She's going to marry one the characters in our campaign. I haven't read through JR yet but are there any real reasons within the story why this wouldn't work or you would have to change large portions of it? ![]()
![]() Goldenfrog wrote:
You need Fast, Furious, Fun!? Try Savage Worlds since you are pretty much describing it. Minimal bookkeeping, fast, fun, easy to improvise, takes very little mental space allowing you to concentrate on roleplay etc.![]()
![]() Mikaze wrote: No I'm not trying to justify ghoul-love! No need, don't be squeamish. Undead women, plain old corpses, aliens, semi-animate floral women - it's all good after you read a couple of Clark Ashton Smith stories. Morthylla - One can only be satisfied by undead women.
![]() In all adventures I optimized the npcs in combat encounters, usually by changing stats or giving a bit more hitpoints. Otherwise my experienced players would've had it too easy. I also used the taint mechanics from Heroes of Horror. Most of the characters got depravity and corruption from Kraken's Cove as it is a severely tainted location (Will/Fort DC 25, 1d3 depravity/corruption). Getting infected by the savage fever also gave 1 point of corruption. The foggy jungle around Demogorgon's temple was also a tainted location giving corruption and failing to resist the wisdom-damaging dreams gave depravity. The Scarlet Brotherhood became a Riedran organisation and I tried to draw some lines to Sarlona. E.g. one of the characters is from Krezent in Talenta Plains, a serpentblooded human offspring of the feathered yuan-ti who fled from Sarlona (EBCS and Secrets of Xen'drik p.68) and he joined the party to research the history of his people in the Isle of Dread. (Oh yeah, I run STAP in Eberron.) There Is No Honor As it is suggested in STAP conversion notes, I turned the cult of Vecna in historians' guild into a cult devoted to Sul Khatesh (one of the imprisoned rajah overlords of Lords of the Dust in Eberron, Dragon 337) and used the One and the Five affiliation from PHB2 (p.176) as a base for it. My CN Illusionist doesn't know what he's dealing with and instead of giving him the normal 'Of the mind' benefit of getting more spells, I gave him a fiendish familiar (from Fiend Folio) that looks like white tiger fur attached to his back. The cult also works as a great background plot, as Sul Khatesh wants to know more about Demogorgon's plans and learn more about the pearl. This gives the character motivation to seek more information as his quests. So far he only knows that the cult has some religious aspect but doesn't care about it and it is knows as the Keepers of Secrets. Maybe later the truth will come out and he'll have to choose if he wants to be a puppet for the Lords of the Dust and gain more power or try to fight back. So far he seems to be slowly sliding to the dark side. I don't know how this all will play out in the big plot but I hope to get some drama out of it. At least my player is greatly enjoying the cult missions and his mysterious (evil) divination and illusion spells that grant him depravity (although he doesn't know this). I didn't change much but I should've changed the Lotus Dragon hideout as it was a classic and really boring dungeon. The Bullywug Gambit
Sea Wyvern’s Wake
Changed the animated tower shield (SIGH!) into a large firebrass shield with spearblock ability. (Secrets of Xen'drik and Complete Warrior) Added the notched spear legacy weapon beside the shield. Changed the notched spear's monstrous humanoid bane ability to sacred so it'll be more useful in the later adventures. Here There Be Monsters
I optimized Olangaru with some feats and gave him more interesting magic items. Also, the demonic jungle had a corrupting effect as explained before ^. Tides of Dread Not many changes here, but I turned the Olman zombiemasters into potent magical herb-brewing dread necromancers. Devilweed (Book of Vile Darkness p.42) worked as loco weed and I used all the drugs I could find from BoV and Lords of Darkness. The corrupted illusionist is now smoking loco weed all the time and drank juju juice (Terran Brandy p.43, gives +2 CL) in the main battle against Crimson Fleet ships. Vanthus would've been a pushover for my players so I optimized him to rogue3/fighter4/tempest5. Now they had to flee him and reorganize and attack him again. The yuan-ti sorcerer's flesh golems were dm-polymorphed into serpentflesh golems (Serpent Kingdoms). Changed the regeneration of fire bats to fast healing as my characters didn't have cold magic. Changed the mithral breastplate into a serpentskin armor to make it more cool and also allow the druid a possibility to use it. The Lightless Depths We haven't played this yet and apart from optimizing the kopru priest of Demogorgon I think I'll only change the elder black pudding into some other, more humane man-eating ooze, like corrupture (ooze) from MM4 or arcane ooze or some other bizarre polyp from Nth dimension. ---
![]() For a sneaky wizard use e.g. this build: Rogue1/Wizard5/Unseen Seer1/Arcane Trickster8/Abjurant Champion5 Alignment: nonlawful (for Arcane Trickster) necessary feats:
x) Combat casting (for Abjurant champion) At level 20 you'll have CL 19 (20 with Practiced Spellcaster feat) and spells as Wiz19, BAB +11 and sneak attack +6d6. ----
Also, you can drop the Abjurant Champion levels and take more Arcane Trickster (10) and Unseen Seer (4) for more sneak attack damage. The change: sneak attack +8d6, BAB +10. Less hitpoints. With that much sneak attack damage, even the low level ray spells can be useful sometimes. ![]()
![]() I was thinking about changing Urol to Archivist1/ExpertN (the archivist base class in from Heroes of Horror). IMO, it suits his academic interests perfectly. Druid, not so much, and my group already has a shapeshift variant druid. There's a feat called Archivist of Nature (or something similar) that allows an archivist to extend his dark knowledge ability to giants and fey but I'd houserule that it extends to animals too so Urol could contribute to combat in IoD a bit. We're playing STAP in Eberron so I don't want to make the dwarf from Jade Ravens a cleric as I feel it'd make him too special in that setting. Maybe I'll turn him into a Ranger4 so he could have the same animal companion. PJP ![]()
![]() Palando Cordyn, human illusionist (focused specialist, PHB2) - a street performer Zacharias de la Rocha, human druid (shapeshift variant, PHB2; Fey heritage feats, Complete Mage) - a former sailor who was possessed by a jaguar spirit after a shipwreck, currently developing his fey skills and later joining the Greensingers. Federico de la Garza, human bard - a somewhat decadent dandy who likes frilly shirts and his pet jaguar. Dahar Gilman, human fighter - a street thug, Palando's friend. He has a some bullywug (or something) blood in him (aberrant feats from Lords of Madness). Later, one yet unnamed serpentblooded human (a variant of draconic template) warblade will join the group. He's probably from Krezent in Talenta Plains and I'm still thinking how to tie his yuan-ti heritage with the certain temple in ToD. I hope future Eberron conversion notes have some grand ideas for the temple and Silver Flame. |