China Lands Robot on Moon (and Claims it is as their Own?)

Off-Topic Discussions

Can America even do anything to stop China from taking
over the moon and building a military moon-base? It seems they could
casually throw stones down upon us at ease.

Or, are we destined for a Firefly universe; and we will have to learn how to
swear in chinese, 笨天生的一堆肉。


Dark Archive

I thought you got the note... the U.S. and China sekretly ratified the Treaty of Tordesillas II: Electric Wizardloo, effectively splitting the world and moon into two equal hemispheres of influence (aka exploitation). As you are neither American nor Chinese, you don't get a say.


Dark Archive

That's not going to stop us from spying on you. Life isn't fair; the majority decided and you lost... just accept it. Now take your Soma and go back to spending & consuming like a good capitalist.

The Exchange

So much for the space commonwealth. Get off ur moon!

Let's say 10-15 years before we see Robot on Robot war action on the moon.

Did you see the tv show > Robot Combat <? How can you make this work on the moon?

You will need to learn math or something? 炸式的拉肚!!


"You son of a motherless goat!"

Shadow Lodge

I say we send Electric Wizard and yellowdingo to the moon permanently to defend it and ensure that no one country lays claim to it.

Well there is the Outer Space Treaty.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Electric Wizard wrote:

Well that would be pretty uncomfortable in a space suit.

Also 炸式 is a really weird way to say explosive. It literally means "explosion style", except that I'm pretty sure it isn't a word.

Though it would make for one good J-pop band name.

Or new dance for Psy.

lordzack wrote:
Well there is the Outer Space Treaty.


The treaty was opened for signature in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union on 27 January 1967, and entered into force on 10 October 1967. As of May 2013, 102 countries are states parties to the treaty, while another 27 have signed the treaty but have not completed ratification.

Apparently, it is unenforceable. Nobody ever thought China would claim
the moon as a military base in our lifetime.


The Exchange

lordzack wrote:
Well there is the Outer Space Treaty.

Toilet paper...

Sissyl wrote:
Though it would make for one good J-pop band name.

Isn't J-pop the wrong culture?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Electric Wizard wrote:

Can America even do anything to stop China from taking

over the moon and building a military moon-base? It seems they could
casually throw stones down upon us at ease.

Or, are we destined for a Firefly universe; and we will have to learn how to
swear in chinese, 笨天生的一堆肉。


The 1950's called. They want their paranoia back.

The touchdown of a small robotic lander is hardly the reason for a mental meltdown. Not that that would stop xenophobic Americans any.

LazarX, is this your first Tensor thread?

I thought Lord British already owned the moon? :-)

From wikipedia:
Lunokhod 2 continues to be detected by lunar laser ranging experiments and its position is known to sub-meter accuracy. Ownership of Lunokhod 2 and the Luna 21 lander was sold by the Lavochkin Association for US$68,500 in December 1993 at a Sotheby's auction in New York[19] (although the catalog incorrectly lists lot 68A as Luna 17/Lunokhod 1).[20] The buyer was computer gaming entrepreneur and astronaut's son Richard Garriott (also known by his gaming character Lord British), who stated in a 2001 interview: "I purchased Lunakod 21 [sic] from the Russians. I am now the world's only private owner of an object on a foreign celestial body. Though there are international treaties that say no government shall lay claim to geography off planet earth, I am not a government. Summarily, I claim the moon in the name of Lord British!"[21] In 2007, Garriott said he is the owner of Lunokhod 2.[22][23]

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
LazarX, is this your first Tensor thread?

The mage who dresses in purple?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Legendarius wrote:

I thought Lord British already owned the moon? :-)

From wikipedia:
Lunokhod 2 continues to be detected by lunar laser ranging experiments and its position is known to sub-meter accuracy. Ownership of Lunokhod 2 and the Luna 21 lander was sold by the Lavochkin Association for US$68,500 in December 1993 at a Sotheby's auction in New York[19] (although the catalog incorrectly lists lot 68A as Luna 17/Lunokhod 1).[20] The buyer was computer gaming entrepreneur and astronaut's son Richard Garriott (also known by his gaming character Lord British), who stated in a 2001 interview: "I purchased Lunakod 21 [sic] from the Russians. I am now the world's only private owner of an object on a foreign celestial body. Though there are international treaties that say no government shall lay claim to geography off planet earth, I am not a government. Summarily, I claim the moon in the name of Lord British!"[21] In 2007, Garriott said he is the owner of Lunokhod 2.[22][23]

Garriott is also the owner of a spare Sputnick shell. It's essentially the duplicate of Sputnick 1, without any of the electronics. As to Lunokhod, although it's long dead, it's a fairly easy target to reflect off with a laser since it's last position is known. I suspect that the sale of Lunokhod came with the rider. "Buyer is responsible for delivery." :)

Electric Wizard wrote:

Can America even do anything to stop China from taking

over the moon and building a military moon-base? It seems they could
casually throw stones down upon us at ease.

Or, are we destined for a Firefly universe; and we will have to learn how to
swear in chinese, 笨天生的

China becomes second nation to plant flag on the Moon

link thingy


1 person marked this as a favorite.
high G wrote:
China becomes second nation to plant flag on the Moon

Well, that's a lot of effort to fail. What were you thinking, China? You can't just plant a flag and think you're done. You've got to water it and tend to it. Did you even amend the moon soil first? How are you going to stop space bugs from eating it? You planted your flag on the dark side, for heaven's sake! It's not a mushroom, how is it going to grow in the dark?! Sheesh.

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