Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Guide

4.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Guide
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An adventurer's life can be difficult, but long journeys and heavy burdens are easier when you have company. This guide to the world of Pathfinder presents the people and organizations that can help—or hinder—heroes like you!

The Lost Omens Character Guide features new heritages and feats for existing ancestries, as well as three brand–new ancestries for unusual heroes forging a place for themselves in an uncertain age. Join five of Golarion's most influential organizations, fight alongside the rank–and–file members provided in these pages, or clash against them in pursuit of your own passions and goals!

This must-have 136-page guidebook for characters of all types introduces three new ancestries to the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—the regimented and warlike hobgoblin, the plant-like leshy, and the inquisitive lizardfolk—provides 10 new heritages for the game's core ancestries, offers nearly 100 new ancestry feats, and presents 10 new archetypes to allow characters of any class to participate in the world's most notable organizations, from the adventurous Pathfinder Society to the rabble-rousing Firebrands to the magical masters of the Magaambya!

Written by: John Compton, Sasha Lindley Hall, Amanda Hamon, Mike Kimmel, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Matt Morris, Patchen Mortimer, Andrew Mullen, Mikhail Rekun, Michael Sayre, Owen K.C. Stephens, Isabelle Thorne, Linda Zayas-Palmer

ISBN: 978-1-64078-193-1

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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4.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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A return to quality with a questionable price tag.


When the Inner Sea World Guide hit a decade ago, I was blown away. More than the elegant refinements made to the 3.5 system, it was the richly detailed and innovative setting that cemented my loyalty to Pathfinder. Over the years, that began to change. I started seeing a lot of supplemental books that had a lot of space allocated to either pitching other products (multiple sidebars that essentially said "if you want to make full use of these rules, check out these other books we make.") and consolidating materials that had already appeared in other sourcebooks. Until 2nd ed hit, I think it had been two years since I purchased a Pathfinder product. They were getting sloppy and they were getting lazy.

This book, and the Lost Omens World Guide, was like going back a decade in many respects. It's not wanting in either crunch or fluff. In addition to new options for all existing ancestries, it goes into new, previously unexplored detail on non-human ethnicities (and a few new human ones), something I've wanted to see approximately forever. The three new ancestries get a similar treatment, though they are, being new, a little heavier on the crunch side. While I'm a little bummed that we still don't have rules for playable Aasimars and Tieflings, it seems Paizo wants to forge its own path in this edition, and that includes branching out with their first non-core PC races. Lizardfolk seem cool, and with Oparak being added to the setting hobgoblins are a natural choice, though the leshy really come out of left field.

Ancestries comprise about half of the book, and the other half is organizations and factions. Though the Firebrands seem like uninspired ("we're a loosely organized and generic chaotic good faction, but we also dress fashionably so as to not be TOO generic!"), the rest are fantastic. We get expanded or new archtypes for all of them, as well as more feat support, and that's on top of histories, information on how they've evolved since 1st ed, and (very) brief writeups of major NPCs.

What impresses me most is that the book is all about ancestries and factions, but I didn't feel like it was stretched or padded. All 138 pages are worth reading.

But are all 138 pages worth paying for? If you like hardcover, it's probably just a little overpriced. If you prefer PDFs, though, it's almost insulting. At 10 bucks for its PDF, the Inner Sea World Guide was a steal. I happily would have paid twice that. And though this book's overall quality is similar to the ISWG, it's less than half the length for more than twice the price. Even if we account for inflation, this kind of increase is about 15 years ahead of schedule.

Overall, the books has great fluff and provides more options that are a bit inconsistent in their viability. Definitely add this to your wishlist, but unless you have a lot of disposable income, wait for a sale.

Update review.... 3.5 stars


Ok I was at first disappointed with this book/purchase. However after about a 3-4 days of going through it I have to change my rating from 2 stars to 3.5 stars. There is some good stuff in this book and as a player/DM I would have to say it a worth buy. However I still recommend you wait till this is on sale...

Another great Pathfinder 2E product!


This is probably my favorite of the 2E products released thus far (excluding the core rulebook of course).

Not a thick book by any means, but Paizo managed to fill ever last corner with an insane amount of valuable information that was as fun to read as it will be to implement in our 2e game. I feel like there was no wasted space in this book. New ancestries, new heritages, new archtypes, new feats, and plenty of lore to go along with it. Extremely high quality product from Paizo. Pathfinder 2e has become my TRPG of choice, and many of my gaming groups are converting over to Paizo's masterpiece from 5e, some of which are old Pathfinder purists, and others that are entirely new to Golarion. This is an exciting time to be a table top gamer!

Great book for world building and player options.


This is in the running for one of my favorite books from Paizo overall.

The new Ancestries are thematic and help flesh out the options available to players who want to play 2E in homebrew settings or on Golarion proper. The new heritages feel like they belong and are exciting to see. The Ancestry feats look fun, and this book made me excited about the concept of playing a Goblin character were I wasn't really considering it before.

Then, you get the Organizations. While we already know most of them in at least name, the options made available by way of equipment, feats, spells, and archetypes are full of flavor and power. I'll also admit that the part that stood out the most to me was the full text of the Crimson Oath and the names for some of the Pathfinder Agent feats? I laughed out loud from at least one of them.

I highly recommend this product, and I'm excited to make use of it in both my home games and eventually in Organized Play!

Lots of cool stuff


Ancestories and Archtypes abound, along with a sprinkling of magic items, and a healthy dose of lore / setting information. Loving 2E so far.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Amaranthine Witch wrote:

No, like Gorbacz's. He was always a sarcastic person, but lately he seems to have amped it up. Going into a thread that discusses what prestige classes would you like ported and how and making an inane comment about what are those is clearly a baiting post to ignite flaming.

Well, he's getting older; we all get more ornery as we get older...


Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hope this forum won't be around when I'm 70+, because I can't imagine how cranky will I get with old age :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am sure that it will be around -- but I am hoping it will be a major thread necro when you find this thread and post to it.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They've mentioned in the past that Aasimar and Tiefling would likely be heritages in 2e, similar to half-elves and half-orcs, so that they could be applied to any base ancestry.

With 100 new heritages coming for the core ancestries, is it possible that aasimar and tiefling could be amongst them? Or is that hoping too much?

Either way, like others suggested, I'd guess that the ancestries selected for this book are more based on what is happening in the Inner Sea region (new hobgoblin nation, etc.) and that a lot of the more common fantasy races will be saved for the rulebook line to make them independent from setting, rather than in the Lost Omens line.

Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.


Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.

Any particular reason for that?

Because they are revolutionary? Unfortunately not...

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?

I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?
I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.

Are you forgetting Galt's ultimate defenses against the Leshy folk, the Gray Gardeners?

*leaves the room*

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?
I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.

Are you forgetting Galt's ultimate defenses against the Leshy folk, the Gray Gardeners?

*leaves the room*

They're natural enemies, it's perfect!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

From my dictionary:

species | ˈspēsēz, ˈspēSHēz |
noun (plural same)
1 (abbreviation sp., spp.) Biology a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.

I guess, in Golarion's part of the multiverse, all intelligent creatures are in the same species. <shrug>

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tyrant's Grasp spoiler:
We did learn the shield is wooden after all. Nice play there.

Still it shows much love for those of us who like plant creatures :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:

From my dictionary:

species | ˈspēsēz, ˈspēSHēz |
noun (plural same)
1 (abbreviation sp., spp.) Biology a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.

I guess, in Golarion's part of the multiverse, all intelligent creatures are in the same species. <shrug>

Been toying around with the idea that explorers from modern Earth finally manages to make it to a fantasy world, and the boss keeps insisting that staff scientists redo the sequencing of the dragon DNA samples, because they keep showing up as Human . . . .

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?
I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.

Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Meraki wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?
I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.
Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"


Scarab Sages Organized Play Developer

22 people marked this as a favorite.
Meraki wrote:

Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Furiously scribbles notes for next Galt adventure while imagining this as a half-page art piece.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
Meraki wrote:

Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Furiously scribbles notes for next Galt adventure while imagining this as a half-page art piece.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
Meraki wrote:

Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Furiously scribbles notes for next Galt adventure while imagining this as a half-page art piece.

I totally volunteer to write the Leshy Revolution AP volume. ;-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Meraki wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Having now read through the blog posts for the World Guide, I notice that Hobgoblins are important in the Eye of Dread post and Lizardfolk got a lot of focus in the Mwangi Expanse post. I wonder which region will feature the Leshy.
Any particular reason for that?
I want Galt to be overrun and overthrown by Leshies.
Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Literally laughing out loud! Getting strange looks from other customers in the restaurant.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wait...since the Saga Lands dropped today and there was no hint of Leshy's there compared to how they talked about Iruxi rising to prominence in the Mwangi Expanse, and Goblins in Old Cheliax, I feel like I have an idea where Leshy's might be coming from in such numbers to make them a "commoner" race, the Verduran Forest between Taldor, and Andoran.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
VerBeeker wrote:
Wait...since the Saga Lands dropped today and there was no hint of Leshy's there compared to how they talked about Iruxi rising to prominence in the Mwangi Expanse, and Goblins in Old Cheliax, I feel like I have an idea where Leshy's might be coming from in such numbers to make them a "commoner" race, the Verduran Forest between Taldor, and Andoran.

Oh and look! Galt is nearby :3

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
Meraki wrote:

Now I'm just imagining mobs of leshies in little tricornes and cockades shouting "Vive la révolution!"

Furiously scribbles notes for next Galt adventure while imagining this as a half-page art piece.

Don't you mean FIRST Galt adventure.

Shadow Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been to Galt.

It is a silly place.

Silver Crusade

TOZ wrote:

I've been to Galt.

It is a silly place.

Needs a change of scenery.

TOZ wrote:

I've been to Galt.

It is a silly place.

Do you have a link to an adventure or scenario in Galt.

Not that I have any interest in Galt.

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Freedom and eagles yo.

Also here.

TOZ wrote:

Freedom and eagles yo.

Also here.

Thank you!

Perhaps drow will be playable now?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
VerBeeker wrote:
Though...the "naked" Lizardfolk in the middle of a blizzard kind of perplexes me.

Endure Elements?

It could be they are letting third party publishers do some of them, witness this from an e-mail I got form Rising Pheonix:
That means it's Pathfinder Second Edition Day, and we can finally reveal our newest little gem.

Written by the talented Kim Frandsen, with classical artwork by Bob Greyvenstein, Heaven & Hell: Aasimar & Tiefling Ancestries presents two popular races (or ancestries), fully compatible with the second edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Heaven & Hell

Inside you'll find:

- Everything you need to create an aasimar or tiefling character.
- Aasimar and tiefling heritages, including the lawbringer archon heritage and gobmaw barghest heritage
- Ancestry feats for both ancestries, for 1st, 5th, 9th, and 13th level
- 50 random ancestry features for each ancestry
- Ancestry equipment

A new adventure has begun, choose your side.

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Third party publishers have always been allowed to do their own versions (that’s kinda how 3p publishing works), doesn’t mean Paizo won’t do their own.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Franz Lunzer wrote:
demiurge108 wrote:
do you have the red crimson assassin prestige class in this book ? HI hope yes but in think is just a matter of time when this prestige class come.
There are no prestige classes in Pathfinder 2 anymore, but the red mantis assassin archetype will be in the Lost Omens World Guide.

There we go, get the right quote!

Do we have a source or confirmation of this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
John Lynch 106 wrote:
I don’t understand how they’re choosing ancestries. The three listed ones just seem so random.

Maybe, just maybe, Paizo has data and feedback which show that lizardfolk, hobgobs and leshies are super popular with the fanbase and doing them first is a sound idea.

That, or they're just throwing darts at a board with ancestries and pick the three that get the most hits.

I guess it's throwing darts, sounds like something a serious business would do.

Wait, what?!? Hobgoblins are small now? (Boy I missed that as I skimmed the PF2e Bestiary).

Whos_That wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:
demiurge108 wrote:
do you have the red crimson assassin prestige class in this book ? HI hope yes but in think is just a matter of time when this prestige class come.
There are no prestige classes in Pathfinder 2 anymore, but the red mantis assassin archetype will be in the Lost Omens World Guide.

There we go, get the right quote!

Do we have a source or confirmation of this?

Here you go:

Mention of the Red Mantis assassin archetype (The High Seas blog)

Second-last paragraph - below the merfolf picture.

As Franz Lunzer said, it'll be in the Lost Omens World Guide.

Carry on!


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Psiphyre wrote:
Whos_That wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:
demiurge108 wrote:
do you have the red crimson assassin prestige class in this book ? HI hope yes but in think is just a matter of time when this prestige class come.
There are no prestige classes in Pathfinder 2 anymore, but the red mantis assassin archetype will be in the Lost Omens World Guide.

There we go, get the right quote!

Do we have a source or confirmation of this?

Here you go:

Mention of the Red Mantis assassin archetype (The High Seas blog)

Second-last paragraph - below the merfolf picture.

As Franz Lunzer said, it'll be in the Lost Omens World Guide.

Carry on!



First character is going through Age of Ashes now, and spent two feats to learn the sawtooth sabres, it would be nice to be able to retrain sooner rather than later (assuming the archtype gives you trained in those weapons). <3

Silver Crusade

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
John Lynch 106 wrote:
I don’t understand how they’re choosing ancestries. The three listed ones just seem so random.

Maybe, just maybe, Paizo has data and feedback which show that lizardfolk, hobgobs and leshies are super popular with the fanbase and doing them first is a sound idea.

That, or they're just throwing darts at a board with ancestries and pick the three that get the most hits.

I guess it's throwing darts, sounds like something a serious business would do.

Wait, what?!? Hobgoblins are small now? (Boy I missed that as I skimmed the PF2e Bestiary).

They’re not.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On the topic of Leshys, I noticed the following in the new CRB.

The first leshys were grown by druids as minions, but over time these strange, plantlike creatures have diversified and now take many forms. Leshys have yet to organize or form nations of their own, but considering how quickly their numbers have grown and how swiftly they adapt to new regions, a leshy nation seems all but guaranteed in the near future.

This little bit of obvious foreshadowing makes the choice of Leshy for this book a little more clear.

Paizo Employee Developer

18 people marked this as a favorite.

Another reason why we chose the leshy and two others for this book is that we knew what ancestries would likely make it into the APG. While something like the planar scions or kobolds felt like obvious choices, having those in our back pocket meant we could choose more interesting ancestries for this book.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Luis Loza wrote:
Another reason why we chose the leshy and two others for this book is that we knew what ancestries would likely make it into the APG. While something like the planar scions or kobolds felt like obvious choices, having those in our back pocket meant we could choose more interesting ancestries for this book.

I’m just happy Lizardfolk made the cut! Only bummer is October is so far away to throw my money at you lol

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So, Hellknight is on the Cover... Is it here? or World Guide?

Stratagemini wrote:
So, Hellknight is on the Cover... Is it here? or World Guide?

Hellknight Armiger has been announced as one of the 10 regional archetypes to appear in the World Guide.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
I hope this forum won't be around when I'm 70+, because I can't imagine how cranky will I get with old age :)

Well, at least there won't be any posters left; you've most likely devoured all of them by that time! ;P

Liberty's Edge

Why is the PDF for this one more expensive than the PDF for the main rulebook, while the physical copy is cheaper than the physical copy of the main rulebook?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The PDFs for the Core-Core rules, the Rulebook, the World Guide, and the Gamemastery Guide are cheaper to make them more accessible.

Silver Crusade

Maybe we will get to see the drow as a playable race?

Silver Crusade

I think those are coming in the APG, but I could be misremembering.

Amaron Blackthorn wrote:
Maybe we will get to see the drow as a playable race?

As a separate ancestry? Not in this book, and not likely given their Bestiary entries.

As an elf heritage? We can't rule that out yet.

Or maybe they would have the cavern elf heritage and various uncommon or rare ancestry feats?

Did they mention drow as being in the Advanced Player's Guide? If so, then that would nix them being in the Lost Omens Character Guide.

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