Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Guide

4.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Character Guide
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An adventurer's life can be difficult, but long journeys and heavy burdens are easier when you have company. This guide to the world of Pathfinder presents the people and organizations that can help—or hinder—heroes like you!

The Lost Omens Character Guide features new heritages and feats for existing ancestries, as well as three brand–new ancestries for unusual heroes forging a place for themselves in an uncertain age. Join five of Golarion's most influential organizations, fight alongside the rank–and–file members provided in these pages, or clash against them in pursuit of your own passions and goals!

This must-have 136-page guidebook for characters of all types introduces three new ancestries to the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—the regimented and warlike hobgoblin, the plant-like leshy, and the inquisitive lizardfolk—provides 10 new heritages for the game's core ancestries, offers nearly 100 new ancestry feats, and presents 10 new archetypes to allow characters of any class to participate in the world's most notable organizations, from the adventurous Pathfinder Society to the rabble-rousing Firebrands to the magical masters of the Magaambya!

Written by: John Compton, Sasha Lindley Hall, Amanda Hamon, Mike Kimmel, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Matt Morris, Patchen Mortimer, Andrew Mullen, Mikhail Rekun, Michael Sayre, Owen K.C. Stephens, Isabelle Thorne, Linda Zayas-Palmer

ISBN: 978-1-64078-193-1

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4.70/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Fun flavor


Adds great breadth of flavor


This book highlights the richness of Golarion as a setting.

The opening chapter that fleshes out the different ethnicities for each of the CRB ancestries is really cool. I also like how they highlight that even the Halflings, which are typically sort of "chameleon"ish in adapting to the culture around them, still have exceptions to the rule in the form of some unique halfling-only enclaves with their own cultures.

The chapter introducing Lizardfolk (Iruxi), Leshies, and Hobgoblins is great, as these ancestries are each interesting and you get a clear picture for how they fit into the setting.

My favorite chapter might have been the one on the organizations in the setting. I went from disliking Firebrands to respecting them, got a deeper sense for the Knights of Lastwall (whom I already liked), and went from disinterested to very interested in Hellknights after reading about them. The bit on the Pathfinder Society didn't have much new for me, but I've been playing PFS for 6 years. With that said, the Pathfinder Society archetypes and magic items are very cool and themey. I also liked the mechanics for each of the other organizations's archetypes, especially the Hellknight abilities.

Obviously PFS has built a whole campaign off of the Pathfinder Society organization. While reading I felt like each of the other organizations presented had the potential to be the centerpiece of a campaign (i.e. "your characters will be Hellknights/Firebrands/Knights of Lastwall, etc.") and there are adventure hooks for how a non-affiliated party might interact or work with each organization sprinkled throughout.

In the back there is a section on adapting stat blocks of creatures from Bestiaries or other NPC templates into NPCs from a particular organization, based on the level of the underlying NPC or creature, which looks super helpful for GMs rolling up their own campaigns or wanting to insert these organizations into pre-packaged campaigns.

Overall I found this book to be a great value-add for both players and GMs.

a must have


This book has been fantastic. The amount of character options in it have really opened up my character building in ways that weren't possible in the Core rulebook alone. I agree with the sentiment another user shared that this is "the perfect companion to the Lost Omens World Guide"

While the mechanics may be able to be found off-site, I have found the information on each organization to be invaluable. The artwork is great, and overall the book has already been worth the price. I look forward to continue getting a lot of use out of this over the years to come.

Character and World as One


A perfect companion to the Lost Omens World Guide! The loads of new heritages and organizational archetypes give players ways to tie their characters into Golarion not just through flavor, but through mechanics, making them inseparable from the world they inhabit down to how and why they roll the dice.

(edited 1/7/20)



The Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide really impressed me with the quality of character options, lore, and artwork. I'm used to some pretty great material and this really showcases why. There are several options for characters that are interesting and thematic enough to build entire characters around, and the lore detailing them is extensive enough to naturally integrate them into a campaign without feeling like these characters appeared out of nowhere. A great purchase overall, I hope this book sets the standard for the Lost Omens line of products.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am liking the pictures for the ethnicities.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Valantrix1 wrote:
For the people who have this book, what stands out for you ?Which of the three new races in your opinion has the most possibilitys ?The same question for the organizations? Just curious on what people think.

I haven't spent copious amounts of time diving into the new races, but I know for sure that from a popularity standpoint the Leshy race is gonna be a favorite for a lot of people for one reason or another. I personally believe that the most interesting thing about the race is how far from human it is. Even Hobgoblins and Lizardfolk look humanoid to some degree. Leshy are literally just living plants, which gives them an extremely unique existence. Imagine the combinations of any of the classes outside of Druid/spellcaster. A barbarian fungus leshy, a fighter gourd leshy, an alchemist vine leshy. A rogue vine leshy. The image in and of itself is definitely going to bring joy to players, as it's just so different to plays something that isn't even close to flesh and blood. Even the elemental races are humanoid to some degree, as they are not elementals but more like humans tainted with the power of the elemental plane. Imagine literally being a ranger fire elemental, or a champion water elemental. It's just totally different.

Gameplay wise, the leshy are... interesting. They get 8 hit points and an automatic ability boost in Constitution, which means they're not frail. They get another boost in Wisdom, and a flaw in Intelligence. So, Alchemist and Wizard are not classes they would exceptionally excel in naturally. Yet, with their ability boosts, as well as some of the ancestry feats I've read, they can get some interesting combinations of what they could be. Even though they're small, there is really nothing holding them back from being a tank. They are on the same level as humans when it comes to HP and get the auto Con. boost. Nothing says they can't wear metal armor. Lore wise, they don't fit into the physical brawling catagory, but the picture of the gourd leshy kind of makes me thing of a leaf version of the Gorons from Legend of Zelda. I don't know why, not a whole lot of comparison, but they do. Small gorons.

As for the other races, I never really looked into them immediately, which is telling of the draw the leshy race has from a superficial standpoint. Hobgoblins don't bring a whole lot to the table in terms of uniqueness in physical appearance or lore. They're just taller, stronger, more militarily disciplined goblins. While this makes them different, how does it make them that different than, say, any other militarily obsessed nation? I find them interesting from the standpoint of how they create this unique bridge of discipline and monstrous culture and history. In the same way that the goblins have been demonized and ostracized, so too have the hobgoblin race. So, if you were realloy looking to play a goblin that actually could fit into the more physical, martial classes, hobgoblins your boi.

Lizardfolk drag the Dragonborn from DnD without the dragon. Though I do wonder if we will ever see genuine dragonborn in 2E. Regardless, lore wise, the Lizardfolk are seen as a more cold, calm, and wild race. They live on the fringe of society cause that's how Lizardpeople do, and so they make for another "monster" race that have been tentatively accepted into the folds of adventuring. They bring a lot of interesting creature/animal abilities to the table that make for unique experiences as certain classes. They have multiple avenues for combat abilities, like using their fangs and tails, while also being able to call upon other lizardy abilities, like using their scales to blend or sticky hands to climb.

As I stated before, I think the leshy are the most interesting, but I'm not disappointed in the lizardfolk or the hobgoblin race. It's more about the fact that the lizardfolk and hobgoblins are what you would expect from tall goblins and lizard people (though the hobgoblin military culture is a unique trait that I find enjoyable to play to or against). The leshy are just such a unique spin on things, and I find that part of them highly enjoyable when considering how they can be played in an in-game social setting, though I don't discount the hobgoblin and lizardfolk in the area. The leshy are just farther ahead. Gameplay and mechanically, all the races that have been added live up to an interesting potential, and I look forward to experimenting with them.

Liberty's Edge

13 people marked this as a favorite.

I love that there are not only male and female but also gender-neutral names for all human ethnicities. I hope this will be provided for non-human ethnicities too :-)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Wait....there's a Human Ethnicity with a Breath Weapon?!

Silver Crusade


Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Which one?

Silver Crusade


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Makes sense, what with dragons all about...


Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Ah. Feats. I see.

ShadowKni9ht97 wrote:
Valantrix1 wrote:
For the people who have this book, what stands out for you ?Which of the three new races in your opinion has the most possibilitys ?The same question for the organizations? Just curious on what people think.

I haven't spent copious amounts of time diving into the new races, but I know for sure that from a popularity standpoint the Leshy race is gonna be a favorite for a lot of people for one reason or another. I personally believe that the most interesting thing about the race is how far from human it is. Even Hobgoblins and Lizardfolk look humanoid to some degree. Leshy are literally just living plants, which gives them an extremely unique existence. Imagine the combinations of any of the classes outside of Druid/spellcaster. A barbarian fungus leshy, a fighter gourd leshy, an alchemist vine leshy. A rogue vine leshy. The image in and of itself is definitely going to bring joy to players, as it's just so different to plays something that isn't even close to flesh and blood. Even the elemental races are humanoid to some degree, as they are not elementals but more like humans tainted with the power of the elemental plane. Imagine literally being a ranger fire elemental, or a champion water elemental. It's just totally different.

Gameplay wise, the leshy are... interesting. They get 8 hit points and an automatic ability boost in Constitution, which means they're not frail. They get another boost in Wisdom, and a flaw in Intelligence. So, Alchemist and Wizard are not classes they would exceptionally excel in naturally. Yet, with their ability boosts, as well as some of the ancestry feats I've read, they can get some interesting combinations of what they could be. Even though they're small, there is really nothing holding them back from being a tank. They are on the same level as humans when it comes to HP and get the auto Con. boost. Nothing says they can't wear metal armor. Lore wise, they don't fit into the physical brawling catagory, but the picture of the gourd leshy kind...

Thank you! My last 1 e character was a Leshi, and I'm pretty excited about them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The three new ancestries are very cool but there are not many options for higher level ancestry feats. When can we expect more higher level ancestry feats? Will the APG include some?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucas VerBeek wrote:
Wait....there's a Human Ethnicity with a Breath Weapon?!

This shouldn't be too surprising, since I've met some people on Earth who had weapons-grade breath . . . .

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is the Dan fire-breathing thing depend on a Dragon-touched etc Heritage, or just Dan ethnic specific Ancestry Feats, irrespective heritage?

Silver Crusade

It’s a Dan ethnic Ancestry feat.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Actually, there's two of them. They're spell-granting feats, it's just that the feats say that the spell effect "appears to emanate from your mouth".

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm rather proud of those two feats. In my notes I have them listed as my 'Anime Hair' Feats, for reasons that should be abundantly clear.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
I'm just hoping that the Lizardfolk don't get such a massive Intelligence penalty that it can't be overcome. I've wanted to play a Lizard-Wizard for a long time.

Now that the book is out, I hope you're pleased! Iruxi do have an intelligence penalty, but nothing that can't be offset by choosing the right background. And in terms of canon (and ancestry feats), iruxi culture has a strong emphasis on reading portents in the stars, with many lizardfolk working with their human neighbors to restore the city of Jaha--an ideal origin for lizardfolk spellcasters of all kinds!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That voluntary flaw mechanic in the core rulebook makes it possible to overcome any fixed ancestry bonus or penalty, at the relatively minor cost of having fewer points overall to put into your character at the ancestry step.

That means that, of Paizo's three RPGs, only in PF1 are ancestry based penalties crippling for classes that depend on the penalized ability score.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The other ancestries pages are actually interesting because they list several ancestries that weren't playable in 1e because they were racial hd monsters.

So to list all of them, this is what these two pages mention as ancestries:


Did I miss any of them?

Anyway I find it interesting that minotaurs, centaurs, ceratioids, locathah and grindylow might return/be new ancestries in future.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Lizardfolk were 2HD in PF1, so the "are formerly unplayable ancestries available in PF2" was a YES the moment LOCG was announced.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
Lizardfolk were 2HD in PF1, so the "are formerly unplayable ancestries available in PF2" was a YES the moment LOCG was announced.

Well yeah, but I wasn't expecting large sized ancestries and anglerfish people among them :p

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

With the size no longer mattering as much, they're far easier to make into playable.

On the same tangent, this opens a way for workable thri-kr*ACHOOO*desert insectfolk.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

With the size no longer mattering as much, they're far easier to make into playable.

On the same tangent, this opens a way for workable thri-kr*ACHOOO*desert insectfolk.

I do hope that termitefolk they mentioned considering for distant shores ends up being thing :D Then again I also want second medium sized reptilian ancestry.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Huh, you know it actually makes sense that Half-Elves and Half-Orcs are technically Human Ethnicities considering they've always been truly Half-Human since I feel like an Orc and Elf would make something entirely different.

Love all the art for the different ethnicities and races, though gonna be honest a Fungus Leshy walking into a tavern is going to deeply unsettle quite a few people with teeth like that.

Also "The flower of Iruxi culture is Droon, a vast empire of dinosaur riders in southern Garund."


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Plenty of stuff I liked in here! Lizardfolk at first level can go ten times as long without food and water, and take a feat to make checks half as often. Both come with other benefits, too, so you can make a character who needs less food, water, and air without giving up much.

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

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Anyone else having problems with downloading an empty zip file?

When was it last updated? Mine was fine a week ago.

Does the Leshy's ranged unarmed strike option have a range increment? I remember that was a concern from the preview.

Silver Crusade

Until it’s clarified I would just use the Bestiary version’s range, 30ft.

Okay, could someone please convince me that the Ancient Elf heritage isn't ridiculously overpowered? Gaining access to a multiclass dedication at 1st level -- without having to expend any feat slot -- just seems much better than any other heritage ability, and it's equivalent to a 9th level human feat.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

1) not everyone wants to multiclass.

2) not everyone wants to play an elf who is ancient.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

LOVING the theme templates.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
C. Richard Davies wrote:
Okay, could someone please convince me that the Ancient Elf heritage isn't ridiculously overpowered? Gaining access to a multiclass dedication at 1st level -- without having to expend any feat slot -- just seems much better than any other heritage ability, and it's equivalent to a 9th level human feat.

It’s not the equivalent of a 9th level human feat. One big advantage there is starting another archetype without needing to finish an earlier archetype. The elf heritage is earlier, but mostly gives a second-level class feat at second level to a multiclassing character. A little better than the first level class feat like humans get, but not by much.

Rysky wrote:

1) not everyone wants to multiclass.

2) not everyone wants to play an elf who is ancient.

Not everyone wanted to be from Minata either. That didn't stop Wayang Spellhunter from being an overpowered trait.

Contrast: Versatile Heritage is considered a strong human heritage and gives you one general feat.

Ancient Elf to pick up Champion Dedication gets you the equivalent of five general feats.

Seer Elf looks bad next to Ancient too. One cantrip and a situational, highly replaceable bonus compared to two cantrips and a skill if you just pick any spellcasting dedication instead.

Gorbacz wrote:
Lizardfolk were 2HD in PF1, so the "are formerly unplayable ancestries available in PF2" was a YES the moment LOCG was announced.

Lizardfolk were in the ARG in PF1.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Champion Dedication also gets you all the Champion's restrictions. If you're going to promptly ignore them then that makes that argument fall flat on their face since what else are they ignoring/altering?

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't Eclectic Obsession (gnome feat) have some kind of action symbol?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DJ Patch wrote:
Gisher wrote:
I'm just hoping that the Lizardfolk don't get such a massive Intelligence penalty that it can't be overcome. I've wanted to play a Lizard-Wizard for a long time.
Now that the book is out, I hope you're pleased! Iruxi do have an intelligence penalty, but nothing that can't be offset by choosing the right background. And in terms of canon (and ancestry feats), iruxi culture has a strong emphasis on reading portents in the stars, with many lizardfolk working with their human neighbors to restore the city of Jaha--an ideal origin for lizardfolk spellcasters of all kinds!

Very pleased! I love the various types of Iruxi. I've been planning a magaambyan, Iruxi wizard with druid multiclass since the "You're a Lizard, Harry" blog, but now that I've got the book I'm considering wizard with Halcyon magic.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

A fair warning to anyone getting on the wrong side of the Firebrands. They got a Charming Scoundrel on page 118 so powerful he can cut through his own stat block.

Lucas VerBeek wrote:

{. . .}

Love all the art for the different ethnicities and races, though gonna be honest a Fungus Leshy walking into a tavern is going to deeply unsettle quite a few people with teeth like that.
{. . .}

I thought a Fungus Leshy walking into a tavern would give rise to some terrible punss . . . .

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So who are willing to bet that Crimson Oath is related to Arazni? :p

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
So who are willing to bet that Crimson Oath is related to Arazni? :p

I do.

Give me your money.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
So who are willing to bet that Crimson Oath is related to Arazni? :p

I do.

Give me your money.

Hey! I was betting on Arazni too :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like what I have seen so far especially in terms of some of the 1e PRCs that have been updated to 2E feat combinations.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
Rysky wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
So who are willing to bet that Crimson Oath is related to Arazni? :p

I do.

Give me your money.

Hey! I was betting on Arazni too :P

Fine we shall split the Arazni fan club slush fund.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think Ancient Elf is a really strong option - comparable to the extra class feat humans get. I say good for them! Too long have elves been left in the toy box by players scared of the CON penalty. I know for a fact at least half of the players at my table have gone half-elf instead of elf because of that CON penalty.

I'm of the opinion all ancestries should have strong and comparable level one options, and not be designed with a "get better things later!" progression in mind. Truth is, much like finance, money in hand is better than money owed to you: Players will naturally gravitate towards stronger options early rather than later. I look forward to all ancestries getting mechanically strong early options (comparable to Natural Ambition).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why is the pdf for this so much? 24.95? Why not 10 like all the other pdf

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What other PDFs?

Core Rulebook? $15
Rise of the Runelords? $14
Bestiary? $15
Age of Ashes? $17
Campaign Setting? $17
Campaign Setting? Ah, $10.50, there we go.

18 people marked this as a favorite.

Hail and well met, fellow travelers! The name is Mikhail Rekun, and I wrote the Human Ancestries section of this book.

First, credit where it's due, Eleanor and Luis did yeoman work putting this book together, and Mark did a great deal to convert my early-system musings into actual rules.

Overall, I'd say this was the most difficult project I've ever undertaken for Paizo, before or since. On the mechanical side, the PF2 system was still being finalized when I was writing all those feats, which made for some interesting times (I want to say that heritages became a thing about halfway through my writing, though my memory may be deceiving me). On the setting side, well... summarizing an entire world's worth of ethnic groups was never going to be easy. Still, I'm rather pleased with the final product.

A couple of miscellaneous notes:

  • As mentioned earlier, the Dragon Spit and Dragon Prince feats are in my notes as 'Anime Hair' feats, since they give you a perfectly reasonable, rules-legal explanation for why you are wandering around with anime protagonist coloration. Dragons! Is there anything they can't do?
  • The working title for Keeping Up Appearances was 'Stiff Upper Lip', and I still wonder if I should've named it that instead. For the record, the Taldans are my favorite ethnicity. So delightfully snooty.
  • I'm rather proud of the origin stories I have for the half-orcs. In gaming, there's a marked tendency to portray half-orcs as the children of rape, with all the unfortunate implications involved. I made a point to sidestep that, and instead give them a certain mythic background. I'll also admit to being amused at the idea of Pharasma just throwing her hands in the air and sending a bunch of souls back, even though this is a folk legend and probably did not happen.

Anyway, that's all from me for now. Hope you lot like the book!

Grand Lodge

22 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi all! My name is Sasha Laranoa Harving, but I was going by Sasha Lindley Hall while this book was in the works. I wrote the dwarf section! I'm really glad that Eleanor and Luis did such fantastic work bringing my turnover to workable fruition.

Some of my big goals for the dwarves were to detail a variety of different dwarven cultures, giving the same amount of space in the margins to common cultures and ones that are glossed over. The Five Kings Mountains dwarves were an obvious choice, and I knew that I wanted to give attention to the Mbe'ke and Taralu, and how they're distinct cultures with similarities, so that they can have their own individual stories.

I also wanted to detail the Geb dwarves (now known as Kulenett) mentioned off-handedly in Dwarves of Golarion, and figured that making up a new culture would be interesting too, hence the Vahird, who have an interesting branch of Rahadoumi philosophy.

I'm glad that the feats got refined the way I did. The fact that I didn't originally have a feat for the underground dwarves' different biological clock despite detailing it closely in the lore seems silly in hindsight. I'm also really glad that I got to put a focus on clan daggers, one of my favorite new bits of lore.

I look forward to seeing everyone's thoughts! Game well, all.

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