Linxia Benzekri

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Our Price: $59.99

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Perfect for when the players go off the rails


The tokens look great, and the app to browse them is really well done. You can filter by various tags, and create an actor with the chosen art with a single click.

Overall highly recommend.

Our Price: $60.00

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Overall a great purchase


I have extracted images from every PDF and made my own tokens already but i still bought this because the bestiary and battle card PDF's dont have 100% of the art, and some of the art is clipped on the edges. The other reason is that making this kind of high quality tokens takes a lot of time. That is something i have the tools and knowledge how to do, but I value my time more than the $60 it takes to purchase this. Last but not least, the module just works.

Overall this is a great purchase. The tokens look phenomenal. We also finally have some art for some creatures that hasn't been included in the bestiary or battlecards previously. Highly recommend, and i hope to see more for the other rulebooks in the future.

Our Price: $9.99

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Overall, I enjoyed this special.


Overall, I enjoyed this special.

+ The story and writing were good
+ The scenarios tied into the story
+ The scenarios felt unique and interesting
+ It was fun!
+ Great reward!

- To be honest, I don't quite think it's the "best" special PACS has ever seen, but it felt like an appropriate end to PACS content-- or at least the most appropriate end we're going to get. I greatly appreciate it's development from all of those who were involved and helped make it happen.

Minor Spoilers:

I did feel like there could've been more interaction between tables, though one of the interaction moments was perfectly timed to mess up our game board -- we had 4 open locations, 3 of which had a top-decked villain or story bane. That's the sort of excitement that is fun to have captured in a special even if it is at thee cost of our PERFECT set-up.

Somewhat interesting, the Protean's "trick" ended up benefiting our table every time.

Our Price: $7.00


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.
Not only do the modules save prep time, but they also elevate the game. I really like the level of detail provided on the remade maps compared to the original maps. The tokens are well done, and the soundtracks and ambient sounds really bring the scenes to life. Journal styling is also much better than I could've hoped to do by myself.

Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. It feels like a product of love and I have no problem recommending it. I also continue to look forward to future premium content for FoundryVTT

Our Price: $7.00


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.
Not only do the modules save prep time, but they also elevate the game. I really like the level of detail provided on the remade maps compared to the original maps. The tokens are well done, and the soundtracks and ambient sounds really bring the scenes to life. Journal styling is also much better than I could've hoped to do by myself.

Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. It feels like a product of love and I have no problem recommending it. I also continue to look forward to future premium content for FoundryVTT

Our Price: $7.00


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.


Outlaws FVTT for modules 1-3 are phenomenal.
Not only do the modules save prep time, but they also elevate the game. I really like the level of detail provided on the remade maps compared to the original maps. The tokens are well done, and the soundtracks and ambient sounds really bring the scenes to life. Journal styling is also much better than I could've hoped to do by myself.

Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. It feels like a product of love and I have no problem recommending it. I also continue to look forward to future premium content for FoundryVTT

Our Price: $15.00


Overall this module is phenomenal - Highly recommend!


Things I liked:
+ The FoundryVTT implementation is true to the Beginner’s Box and is fully equipped to help new to PF2 and/or new to Foundry players/GM’s. This is done by having easy to read and visually appealing journal conversion for both the Heroes Handbook and Gamemaster’s Guide that are included in the Beginners Box.
+ The custom maps are simply stunning and combined with the pre-set up scenes with lighting/walls/etc this is a huge step up in quality from other VTT implementations of adventures and is a promising level of quality to expect to see in the future.
+ I love the high resolution artwork included. I have a ton of PF2 artwork but almost all of it is extracted from PDF’s where it was downscaled. This module has images intended to use with VTT and the quality is much higher than I have found anywhere else.
+ There is a very handy import menu when you enable the module and it lets you select what content you want to bring in. Very neat and clever idea. Loved this!
+ Ambient sound and custom sound effects to bring the scene alive. As someone who has used Syrinscape in the past, I am thrilled to see the sounds directly in Foundry where players can adjust their own volume controls to their liking. There is, of course, less customization with the sounds than if you subscribe to Syrinscape directly but this is an acceptable (and realistic) trade-off.

I have two very minor complaints
- There were some custom macros added to my macrobar during the import. My complaint is that the macros were not loaded in the order they would need to be used. Area 04 is listed 3rd on the macro bar, after Areas 12 and 15. I’ve run this adventure a few times so that’s no problem for me, but I can see this being confusing to a new GM.
- The tokens. Overall, I love the tokens, but having created a fair number of tokens myself I have found that having a single background color is hard to use for every single monster. Sure enough the dark background makes it difficult to see the Giant Spider, Shadow, and other tokens. The battle card PDF’s sold by Paizo use a red color which is a bit easier to see but even that color does not work well with some monsters (like some devils). I would suggest changing the background on occasion to really bring out the art for some of the monsters where dark backgrounds require squinting.

Overall though, those are just minor complaints and I am very much happy with this purchase. It feels like a product of love and I have no problem recommending it. I also look forward to future premium content for FoundryVTT

Our Price: $5.99

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My cleric of Zon-Kuthon enjoyed a trip back home.


This has to be one of my favorite bounties to date (as of writing, that is 9). It is well written, has lots of roleplay opportunity for a bounty, and the combat is unique and engaging.

Our Price: $8.99

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good mix of mechanics and combats. great story


From a Story and writing style perspective, I really enjoyed this scenario. I think it did a good job of exploring a new area for the Society and did so in an engaging way.

Balance wise, it did OK. I ran this twice at low-subtier with 3 PC’s+Pregen and the monsters really didn’t stand a chance against the group composition I had both times. In both games I hardly dealt any damage to the PCs the entire game which I feel made it feel more “story mode” difficulty than any actual threat. I don’t mind that, but I just hope they had fun too.

Overall though, it was a good mix of mechanics and combats. Story kept it fun and engaging and I think the tables enjoyed the experience.

Our Price: $8.99

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Great story, setting, and theme BUT....


Overall - I really liked the story, setting, and theme of this scenario. I think this scenario had an 'epic' feel to it which was great to see from the season opener. The scenario did still have issues though. The following are some thoughts after running four times and then playing once.

scenario spoilers:

-I did not think adding two subsystems led to an engaging scenario. There was a lot of skill checks and I found that a lot of players didn't particularly enjoy these in the same scenario since it ended up being a lot of skill checks for seemingly little reward. As a GM i made a slew of handouts/visual representations and did everything I could to try to make this as engaging as possible, but that can only go so far. Contrary to general opinion – I had NO issue with the research system by itself. I actually enjoyed it as a GM and PC, my issue is more that combined with the exploration piece this ended up being an extremely dice heavy scenario and it is difficult to cram that into 4 hours while leaving time to roleplay and have fun.

-The scaling was perhaps the worst I've seen in any scenario to date. The BBEG is level 3 but has enough powers/resistances/etc to make it reasonably a level 4. Adding Elite to the BBEG at such a low CP threshold was a huge mistake IMO. Of the four games I ran it, I could've reasonably TPK'ed two groups had I been playing adversarial. Even without playing adversarial I nearly TPK'ed three of the four groups (That is to say only one of my 4 GM games the group was adequately prepared, to no fault of the other groups). And in the game I played, we nearly TPK'ed that came down a lucky crit on our part to finish it off.

If I could make a suggestion: Please limit the skill checks or incorporate a way to make them more engaging. Also, can we please move away from the final encounters being a single boss at tier 1-4? And if we do have a single boss at tier 1-4 can we please be very careful about what CP threshold the elite adjustment gets added? It gets incredibly swingy when you start adding HP, AC, and dmg to creature that is already 2-3 levels above the party.

Our Price: $5.99

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Great story. Combat leaves some to be desired


Overall the story was fun and engaging. Was less than impressed with the Combat.

For 5+ PC's applying an elite adjustment to the Chupacabra is absolutely overboard. Between it's HP, AC, action economy (with quickened), and damage, this is just a TPK waiting to happen.

Our Price: $8.99

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Good, but not without flaws.


From a player perspective, i enjoyed it. The story was compelling and the combats were exciting.

Overall though, some issues with this which are largely discussed in other reviews but to expand:

Potential spoilers:
- high potential of TPK
- Pregen's are not optimized for this, and this is compounded by you're not recommended which pre-gens to use
-It is entirely possible to go from full to dying 3 in one round which I think is a design flaw for that encounter.

Apart from that, this scenario I think adequately highlighted differences between PF1 and PF2. In my session we learned that assurance isn't very good for at-level DC's. We learned that crit fails on a non nat1 can happen. We learned the importance of learning about your enemy before charging into battle. Stuff like that.

So yeah, it has some flaws, but at a minimum provides a learning opportunity. If looking to run this scenario I strongly suggest steering PC's towards a pre-gen party composition that will succeed.

Our Price: $49.99

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Our Price: $59.99



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overall I recommend this book


Overall I recommend this book. I want to be clear, because I have seen it asked in various discussions/forums, that the "And Magic" part of this book does include spells and magical items; however, there should not be the expectation that those spells and magical items take up half the book. Those options are there, and they are good, but this book is largely a lore book on the various deities and then includes a chapter on the spells/items/feats/new domains (~22 pages).

Getting that out of the way, the lore itself is well written and I have enjoyed reading the aphorisms for the deities. I really like that this book provides more options for deities for characters to worship, or for world/campaign building.

As far as character options go, there are tons of new deities that can now be worshiped and 18 new domains which opens up a lot of customization that I look forward to utilizing in the future when building PCs (I'm largely a player since I'm still fairly new to TTRPG but look forward to GM'ing someday). One focus spell i really enjoyed was one that lets you summon a bunch of tiny, incorporeal dragons. Fun!

Overall I recommend this book, especially if you're looking to incorporate Golorian deities into a campaign or build a PC that worships a deity and want more options than what is found in the CRB.

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a must have


This book has been fantastic. The amount of character options in it have really opened up my character building in ways that weren't possible in the Core rulebook alone. I agree with the sentiment another user shared that this is "the perfect companion to the Lost Omens World Guide"

While the mechanics may be able to be found off-site, I have found the information on each organization to be invaluable. The artwork is great, and overall the book has already been worth the price. I look forward to continue getting a lot of use out of this over the years to come.

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A must have


I continue to get a lot of use out of this book. As someone who only got into pathfinder at the tail end of PF1, I have found this book to be incredibly useful in learning the differences between Golorian when the Inner Sea Region Guide was published and now that PF2 has come out with time shifting forward between the editions.

The book is not as in-depth as the Inner Sea Guide, though it never claimed to be Inner Sea Guide 2.0. As far as price is concerned, I think the content for the price is fair. I've used this book almost daily since it came out months ago. It has really helped me ground my PC's into their settings which is not something that looking at the free mechanics off-site can really help with.

I have enjoyed the artwork. Additionally, the infographs for each region are really helpful, as is the individualized timelines for each region.

Overall, I recommend this book.

List Price: $34.98

Our Price: $31.48

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great except the worthless matching set


Okay, so I tried typing a review and i lost it when submitting. so I'm not counting all 92 dice again.

I got a fairly balanced mix of dice, something like this (APPROX)
8 d4
17 d6 (9 pips, 8 numbered)
15 d8
20 d10
4 d%
21 d20

The matching set I had was complete garbage though. I opened it and it was pink speckled. Cool i thought, I'd use it even though it was pink. Then i realized the text was gold and you can't read the results. Worthless.

Most of my dice (about 2/3) were speckled and the majority of them were darker colors with minor complimentary colors so they are nice to look at and easy to read.

I ended up getting quite a few of matching dice within a certain type. I.e. I had 3 matching d4, a few matching d6, and so on. They weren't necessarily matching each other between dice types, but at least there's some consistency with how my d12's look and then my d4's have consistency too (albeit different than the d12s). So still no full matching set but at least I was able to pick up about 5 dice of each type to bring to my second PACG event. I'm pretty excited. I'm happy with the results though I am pretty bummed about that matching set with gold text...i don't know who thought that would be a good idea to design.